2017 - NoSQL Vorlesung Mosbach

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 2017 - NoSQL Vorlesung Mosbach




“Drum prüfe,

wer sich ewig bindet.” Friedrich Schiller

› SET note1:title "Mittag"

› SET note1:message "nicht vergessen"

› KEYS note1:*

› GET note1:title

› DEL note1:title note1:message






using (var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore{ RunInMemory = true}.Initialize()) { using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession()) { // Run complex test scenarious } }



Ayende Rahien on the HTTP API - http://ravendb.net/documentation/docs-http-api-restful


C:\>curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/docs/Categories/1 -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 ETag: 00000000-0000-0200-0000-000000000004 { "Name" : "Normal Importance", "Color" : "green" }


Codd publishes relational model paper

in 1970

1966 1969 1970 1985 2000 2004 2007

Agile becoming more popular

1990’s 2009

CODASYL model published

Term “object-oriented database” appears

Brewer’s CAP born

Google BigTable

Amazon Dynamo

Apache Cassandra initial release


MongoDB initial release

1973 1974


SQL invented


Oracle founded

10gen founded

NoSQL Movement


› use WebNote

› db.Notes.save( { Title: 'Mittag', Message: 'nicht vergessen‘ } );

› db.Notes.save

for(i=0; i<1000; i++) {

['quiz', 'essay', 'exam'].forEach(function(name) {

var score = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 50;

db.scores.save({student: i, name: name, score: score});




› db.Notes.find();

› db.Notes.find({ Title: /Test/i });

› db.Notes.find( { "Categories.Color": "red"}).limit(1);

› db.Notes.update({Title: 'Test'}, {'$set': {Categories: []}});

› db.Notes.update({Title: 'Test'}, {'$push': {

Categories: {Color: 'Red'} }


› db.dropDatabase();

› db.Notes.drop();

› db.Notes.remove();

use digg


› use digg;

› db.people.update({name: 'Smith'},

{'$set': {interests: []}});

› db.people.update({name: 'Smith'}, {'$push': {interests: ['chess']}});

var map = function() {

emit(this.user.name, {diggs: this.diggs, posts: 0});


var reduce = function(key, values) {

var diggs = 0;

var posts = 0;

values.forEach(function(doc) {

diggs += doc.diggs;

posts += 1;


return {diggs: diggs, posts: posts};


db.stories.mapReduce(map, reduce, {out: 'digg_users'});



> db.shapes.find()

› { _id: "1", type: "c", area: 3.14, radius: 1}

› { _id: "2", type: "s", area: 4, length: 2}

› { _id: "3", type: "r", area: 10, length: 5, width: 2}

// Shapes mit radius > 0 finden

> db.shapes.find( { radius: { $gt: 0 } } )

blogs: { author : “Johannes", date : ISODate("2011-09-18T09:56:06.298Z"), comments : [ { author : “Klaus", date : ISODate("2011-09-19T09:56:06.298Z"), text : “toller Artikel" } ] }

blogs: { _id: 1000, author: “Johannes", date: ISODate("2011-09-18"), comments: [ {comment : 1)} ]}

comments : { _id : 1, blog: 1000, author : “Klaus", date : ISODate("2011-09-19")} > blog = db.blogs.find({ text: "Destination Moon" }); > db.comments.find( { blog: blog._id } );

// Jedes Produkt verlinkt die IDs der Kategorien

products: { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon", category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }

// Jedes Produkt verlinkt die IDs der Kategorien

products: { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon", category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }

// Jede Kategorie verlinkt die IDs der Produkte


{ _id: 20, name: "adventure",

product_ids: [ 10, 11, 12 ] }


{ _id: 21, name: "movie",

product_ids: [ 10 ] }

// Jedes Produkt verlinkt die IDs der Kategorien

products: { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon", category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }

// Jede Kategorie verlinkt die IDs der Produkte


{ _id: 20, name: "adventure",

product_ids: [ 10, 11, 12 ] }


{ _id: 21, name: "movie",

product_ids: [ 10 ] }

// Alle Kategorien für ein Produkt

> db.categories.find( { product_ids: 10 } )

// Jedes Produkt verlinkt die IDs der Kategorien

products: { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon", category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }

// Kategorien beinhalten keine Assoziationen


{ _id: 20,

name: "adventure"}

// Jedes Produkt verlinkt die IDs der Kategorien

products: { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon", category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }

// Kategorien beinhalten keine Assoziationen


{ _id: 20,

name: "adventure"}

// Alle Produkte für eine Kategorie

> db.products.find( { category_ids: 20 } )

// Jedes Produkt verlinkt die IDs der Kategorien

products: { _id: 10, name: "Destination Moon", category_ids: [ 20, 30 ] }

// Kategorien beinhalten keine Assoziationen


{ _id: 20,

name: "adventure"}

// Alle Produkte für eine Kategorie

> db.products.find( { category_ids: 20 } )

// Alle Kategorien für ein Produkt product

> product = db.products.find( { _id: some_id } )

> db.categories.find({_id: {$in : product.category_ids}})

“ ”J.B. Rainsberger

using (var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore{ RunInMemory = true}.Initialize()) { using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession()) { // Run complex test scenarious } }