Heat induced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans ... · the nuclear lamina whereas...

Heatinduced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans: hsp16 promoter drives transcriptiondependent nuclear pore association Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doktors der Philosophie vorgelegt der Philosophisch‐Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel von Sabine Rohner aus Rebstein SG Basel, 2013

Transcript of Heat induced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans ... · the nuclear lamina whereas...

Page 1: Heat induced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans ... · the nuclear lamina whereas euchromatin is found in the vicinity of nuclear pores. Interestingly, in budding yeast,











Page 2: Heat induced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans ... · the nuclear lamina whereas euchromatin is found in the vicinity of nuclear pores. Interestingly, in budding yeast,

GenehmigtvonderPhilosophisch‐NaturwissenschaftlichenFakultätaufAntragvon Prof.Dr.SusanM.Gasser Dr.JulieAhringer


Prof.Dr.JörgSchibler Dekan

Page 3: Heat induced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans ... · the nuclear lamina whereas euchromatin is found in the vicinity of nuclear pores. Interestingly, in budding yeast,

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Abstract…………………….………………………………………………………………. 1

Chapter1:Introduction…………………………………………………………….. 3

Heritableinformationineukaryotesissequesteredinthenucleus…….. 3








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TheDNAofeukaryotic cells ispackaged into transcriptionallyactiveeuchromatinandrepressedheterochromatin. These two chromatin types are non‐randomlydistributedwithinthenucleus.Indeed,atthenuclearperiphery,heterochromatinisenrichednearthe nuclear lamina whereas euchromatin is found in the vicinity of nuclear pores.Interestingly, in budding yeast, several stress inducible genes interact with nuclearpores upon activation, although the relevance of this in higher eukaryotes has beenunclear. In this thesis I characterise the spatial distribution of a heat shock gene(hsp16.2)inembryosofthenematodewormCaenorhabditiselegans.Ifindthathsp‐16.2ispreferenciallyfoundatthenuclearperiphery,whereitinteractswiththenuclearporecomplex. Using two different types of ectopically integrated hsp‐16.2 promoters, Iinvestigated the molecular mechanism of the pore‐gene interaction. I find that bothtypes of transgenes show the same distribution, even though to a lesser extent. Theresultspresentedhereshed lighton thepromoterelementsandproteinsessential fortheperinucleargenelocalisationandsuggestconservationofgene‐poreinteractionsinyeast,wormandfly.


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Intheprocessofevolution,organismswithtraitsthatcontributeto improvedsurvivalareselected for,becoming thedominantpopulationofagivenspecies.Thisallows forthe transmission of favourable heritable information to the next generation. Theheritable information that is subject to this selection process, is encoded withinpolymers of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contain protein coding sequencescalledgenes.Genescanbetranscribedintoaribonucleicacid(RNA)polymer,whichinturncanbetranslatedintochainsofaminoacidsandfoldedintoproteins.OtherRNAs,also transcribed from DNA, serve as structural elements in ribosomes and othermacromolecular machines. RNA and proteins provide the functional machinery thatensures the synthesis and maintenance of most of the structural and metaboliccomponentsofanorganism.

Heritable information in eukaryotes is sequestered in the nucleus 

One of the major changes that occurred during evolution from prokaryotes toeukaryotes is the compartmentalisation of the cell, andmost notably sequestration ofthegenomeawayfromotherelementsofthecell.Formostoftheeukaryoticcellcycle,chromosomes are clustered into the nucleus, which is separated from the cellularcytoplasmbyadoublemembranewithalumen,calledthenuclearenvelope.Anumberof proteins line the inner face of the nuclear envelope, attached to themembrane bymembranespanningdomains.Ineukaryoteswithanopenmitosis,thenuclearenvelopebreaksdownduringmitosis,andthenucleusreformsinearlyG1phase. Ineukaryoteswithaclosedmitosis,thenuclearenveloperemainsintactthroughmitoticdivision.


Tomaintaintransportofmacromolecules,high‐energyintermediatesofmetabolismandothersignallingmoleculesbetweenthenucleusandthecytoplasm,thenuclearenvelopeisinterspersedbylargeproteinaceousporeswhichfunctionasgateways(GrunwaldandSinger,2012).Asingleporeisbuiltfromabout30differentproteinsthatformtogetherthe nuclear pore complex (NPC)with amolecularweight of 90 – 120MDa. The poreassumestheshapeofacylinderwithoctagonalsymmetry(GrunwaldandSinger,2012;LimandFahrenkrog,2006;vanSteensel,2011).

Electron‐microscopy has revealed three structural parts of the vertebrate NPC(Fahrenkrog et al., 2004). A central framework is positioned within the nuclearenvelope, piercing the nuclear envelope, while on the cytoplasmic side filamentsprotrudeandonthenuclearsideabasketlikestructureisattached.Thisarchitecture–aswellastheproteincomponents–isconservedfromyeasttovertebrates (Fahrenkroget al., 2004). The overall diameter of anNPC is about 120 nm and the channel has a


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diameterofabout50nmwitha lengthofabout90nm(Becketal.,2004;Huveetal.,2008;Stoffleretal.,2003).

Ionsandsmallmoleculesuptoasizeof40to60kDacandiffusepassivelythroughtheNPC. Larger cargo is transportedwith thehelpof transport factors termed importins,exportins and karyopherins and depend on the presence of a nuclear localisationsequence (NLS) or a nuclear export sequence (NES). The translocation per se is notenergydependent,butgradientsofspecificmetabolicenergyaremaintainedacrossthenuclearmembrane(GrunwaldandSinger,2012).Forimportcomplexesthedwelltimewasbetween1and100mswhereasforβ‐actinmRNAitwasbetween180msandmorethan2s,whichstillisconsiderablyshort(Dangeetal.,2008;GrunwaldandSinger,2010;Kubitschecketal.,2005;Sunetal.,2008).TheexportofmRNAs,wellstudiedforβ‐actinmRNAinmammaliancells,canbesplitintothreesteps:docking(80ms),transport(5to20 ms) and release (80 ms) (Grunwald and Singer, 2010). Transport rates throughindividualnuclearporesareamazinglyhighwithabout1000transportcomplexeswithcargotraversingtheporeeverysecond(GrunwaldandSinger,2012).

Interesting also is lifetime of nucloporins before they get renewed. While scaffoldproteinsarequitestablyassociatedandareexchangedaboutevery10hoursto3days,peripheralnucleoporinsarerenewedwithinsecondsuptoabout10minutes(Rabutetal.,2004).

Inaddition to their essential role in transportandcommunication,nuclearporesplayalso a role in the organisation of the nuclear architecture and in fine tuning geneexpression(Capelsonetal.,2010).However,manyofthenucleoporinsplayingaroleingeneexpressionwereshowntobe foundaswell in thenucleoplasminasolublestateandbeingnot onlypart of thenuclearpore complex. For exampleonly about50%ofNup153arefoundinthenuclearporebasketandtherestisfoundinthenuclearlumen(Capelsonetal.,2010;KalverdaandFornerod,2010)). 


Together with the inner nuclear membrane, the nuclear lamina, a filamentousmeshworkof intermediatefilamentproteins, is involvedintheorganisationofnuclearstructureand function. It isgenerally found inall somaticcellsofmetazoansasa thinfilamentous layer between the nuclear membrane and the peripheral chromatin(Prokocimeretal.,2009).Thereithasascaffoldfunctiontokeepthenuclearshapeandtocorrectlyspacenuclearpores,butitservesalsoasabindingplatformforchromatinandnumerous proteins involved in chromatin organisation and other various nuclearfunctions(forreviewsee(Dechatetal.,2010)).Insingle‐celledeukaryoteswithclosedmitosis, the nuclear pores function in the absence of the nuclear lamina, leadingresearcherstoproposethattheessentialroleofthelaminaistomediatethereformationof thenucleus aftermitosis and to enable terminaldifferentiation,duringwhich largeamounts of the genome generally become associated in a repressed state with thenuclearlamina(forreviewsee(Dechatetal.,2010)).


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Themajor proteins of the nuclear lamina are called lamins and are one of the mostancientmembers of the intermediate filament family. They have the typical tripartitestructure of intermediate filament proteinswith an α‐helical rich central rod domainflanked by a short globular amino‐terminal head and a longer carboxy‐terminal taildomain. Head‐to‐tail associations between lamin monomers form 10 – 200 nm thicklaminfilaments,astructuralorganisationthatisevolutionarilyconserved.Allmetazoancellsencodelamins;whilevertebratesencodemainlyfourtypesoflamin,invertebratesusually encode only one, except Drosophila, which encodes two (Prokocimer et al.,2009). Since the experimental part of this thesis focuses on the role of active genesinteractingwithnuclearporesatthenuclearperiphery,Idonotgointofurtherdetailsaboutthenuclearlamina.


Within thenucleuswe finda largeamountofDNA; inhumancellswithadiameterofabout 6 µm for example 2 meters. In order to fit into the nucleus, genomic DNA isassociated with multiple proteins to form chromatin. The basic repeating unit ofchromatin is the nucleosome, where 147 bp of DNA is wrapped around a histoneoctamer(twocopieseachofH2A,H2B,H3andH4)(Lugeretal.,1997).Toallowforthenecessary compaction to fit the linear DNA molecule within the nucleus, arrays ofnucleosomesarefurthercompactedandstabilisedbyadditionalDNAbindingproteins,such as the linker histoneH1. Compaction of the nucleosomal fiber into higher‐orderstructures generally inhibits the binding of other DNA binding factors such astranscriptionfactors,providingafurtherlayeroftranscriptionalcontrol.


Indeed, regulated DNA accessibility affects all DNA based cellular activities such astranscription, replication and repair. In order to make use of the additional layer ofregulation, accessibility needs to be regulated. To do this cells contain at least threedifferentmeanstomodulateDNAaccessibilityaccordingtotheimmediateneed.Afirstpossibility is to remodel chromatin in an ATP‐dependent manner by chromatinremodelers. Another possibility is to alter the biochemical composition of histoneswithinnucleosomes,whilethethirdistocovalentlymodifyhistonestogenerate,directlyorindirectlyimprovedaccesstotheDNA(ZlatanovaandThakar,2008).InthefollowingparagraphsIwouldliketodescribethesepossibilitiesmoreindetail.

Chromatin remodelers can increase the accessibility of DNA by disrupting chromatin,but they are also very important to organise the genome by assembling and spacingnucleosomes. There aremany chromatin remodelling enzymes in eukaryotes, all useATP hydrolysis to change DNA – nucleosome interactions, but yet they have specificcellular roles (Clapier and Cairns, 2009). The SWI/SNF (switching defective/sucrosenon‐fermenting) complex isnot involved in chromatin assemblybut rather slides andejectsnucleosomesforvariousprocesses(MohrmannandVerrijzer,2005),whereastheISWI (imitation switch) enzymes regulate nucleosome spacing either for chromatin


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assemblyor for transcriptional repression (Florescuet al., 2012).The INO80 (inositolrequiring80)complex,incontrast,isespeciallyimportantforpromotingDNArepairandreplicationforkrestart(ChambersandDowns,2012).

Bychangingthecompositionofnucleosomes,accessibilityofDNAcanbechangedinadirect or indirect manner. Interestingly, although histones are some of the mostconservedproteinsknown,variant formsexistofhistonesH2AandH3.Thesehistonevariantscanimpartnewpropertiesontothenucleosomeandhavecritically importantfunctions within the cell. For example, the conserved H3 variant CENP‐A in humans(Cse4 in S. cerevisiae and CID in Drosophila), plays an important role in centromerefunctionandchromosomesegregation(forreviewsee(TalbertandHenikoff,2010)and(RandoandWinston,2012)).Anotherexample is theexchangeofhistoneH2A for thehistone variant H2A.Z. This histone variant is also conserved in evolution and isessential for viability inmany organisms (Zlatanova and Thakar, 2008). Interestingly,H2A.Z is incorporated into chromatin by the ATP‐dependent chromatin remodellingcomplexcalledSWR1inyeast,orSRCAPinmammals(Koboretal.,2004;Kroganetal.,2003; Mizuguchi et al., 2004). In yeast, H2A.Z is often incorporated in the ‐1 and +1nucleosome next to a nucleosome‐free region, which corresponds to the promoterregionofmanygenes.Nucleosome‐freeregionsareapproximately150bpinlength,arelocated about 200 bp upstream of transcription start sites and include transcriptionfactorbindingsitesaswellaspoly(A)andpoly(T)richsequences(Yuanetal.,2005).Inhousekeeping genes the two flanking nucleosomes are well positioned, whereas instressgenes,generallycontainingaTATAbox,theyarelesswellpositioned(RandoandWinston, 2012). In yeast it has been shown that in some promoters H2A.Z plays animportant role in theproper recruitmentofRNApolymerase II aswell asTBP (TATABindingProtein),twofactorsthatarecrucialfortranscription(Adametal.,2001).

Last but not least, histones can be modified by a large number of different post‐translationalmodificationsofaminoacidresidues,whichoftenoccurwithinthehistonetail domains. They thus can either bind proteins or regulate the compaction of thenucleosomalfiber,andthroughbothmechanismstheyinfluencetheaccessibilityoftheunderlying DNA sequence. Of these modifications, lysine acetylation and lysinemethylationareperhapsthetwobestunderstood,andbothhavebeenshowntoaffectchromatin structure and accessibility. The acetylation of lysines reduces the positivechargeofthelysineresidue,andresultsinchromatinwithalesscompactstructure.Thisgenerally facilitates access to different macromolecular machineries (Bannister andKouzarides,2011).Asaresult,multipletypesofhistoneacetylationareenrichedatgenepromoters, where they facilitate the access of transcription factors and recruitchromatin remodelers (Wang et al., 2008). Acetyl marks are set by histone acetyltransferases (HAT) and removed by histone deacetylases (HDAC) (Bannister andKouzarides,2011).Methylationofhistonesisnotthoughttodirectlyimpactthefoldingofthenucleosomalarray,butratherprovidesabindingplatformforvariousfactorsthatrecognize mono‐, di‐ or tri‐methylated states of specific lysines. There are a largenumber ofmethyl bindingmotifs, themost famous ofwhich are the chromodomains,


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Tudordomains,orPhDfingers,whicharefoundinproteinsknownas“readers”ofthemethylationmarks.Asanexample,tri‐methylationoflysine9inH3(H3K9me3)recruitsHP1, a chromodomain protein, the binding ofwhich results in chromatin compactionand facilitation of heterochromatin formation (Bannister et al., 2001; Lachner et al.,2001).

Different types of chromatin are non‐homogeneously distributed in thenucleus

Thedifferenthistonemodifications, the ligandstheyattract,aswellasthepresenceofhistonevariants createchromatin that is compacted todifferentdegrees.Veryearly itwas observed bymicroscopic techniques that chromosomal domains having differentdegreesofcompactionwerenon‐homogenouslydistributedwithinthenucleus.Uranylacetate staining coupledwith electronmicroscopy, revealed the presence of high andlowdensitychromatin regions. Interestingly, thesehighand lowdensity regionswerefound in some cases to identify distinct regions of the nucleus, such as the nuclearenvelope or perinucleolar sites (Belmont and Bruce, 1994; Dehghani et al., 2005;MonneronandBernhard,1969;OlinsandOlins,1974).Thedensestainingregionswereclassically called hetereochromatin, whereas lighter staining parts contained lesscompactedchromatinandwas calledeuchromatin.Thesedescriptionshave longbeenthought to be functionally relevant as heterochromatin is typically transcriptionallysilent and euchromatin transcriptionally active (Rouquette et al., 2009; Visser et al.,2000).

Recent studies argue that thismodel of two different types of chromatinmay be toosimplistic. Studies in Drosophila and human cells that analysed combinations ofchromatin binding proteins as well as histone modifications defined at least 2‐3subclassesofeuchromatinandofheterochromatin(Filionetal.,2010;Kharchenkoetal.,2008;Rametal.,2011).Theyaredifferentiatedbydistinctsetsofproteinligands,suchas polycomb group proteins, histone acetylases or histone H1 in combination withdifferenthistonemodificationssuchasH3K4me2orH3K9me2(Filionetal.,2010).Thissuggests a more subtle role of chromatin compaction in the definition of chromatintypes,andeventhecontributionofchromatincompactiontorepressionremainsatopicofdebate(Belletal.,2011;vanSteensel,2011).

InsummarywecansaythateventhoughDNAishighlycompactedwithinthenucleus,itiswellorganisedandaccessibilityisguaranteedbymolecularmachineslikechromatinremodelers. In Drosophila the combination of post‐translational modifications andspecificsetsofDNA‐bindingproteins,ledtoarobustidentificationoffivedifferenttypesofchromatin.




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inactive genome segments clustered into functional domains, where heterochromaticdomains often cluster along the nuclear envelope, except immediately under nuclearpores(AkhtarandGasser,2007).Evidenceforthisphenomenonwasshownindifferentorganisms such asDrosophila, C. elegans and human, but significant differenceswereobserved amongdifferent cell typeswithinone species. Croft and colleagues revealedthat the gene‐poor, rather heterochromatic, chromosome 18wasmainly found at theperiphery and at the edgeof thenucleolus inhuman lymphocytes,whereas the gene‐rich,euchromaticchromosome19waslocalizedinthenucleoplasm(Croftetal.,1999).Also inrodents, cattleandbirds,gene‐poorchromosomesareoften foundclose to thenuclear periphery whereas gene‐rich ones tend to locate in the nuclear interior (forreviewsee(CremerandCremer,2010)).

UsingafusionoflaminwiththeE.coliDNAadeninemethyltransferase(Dam)toidentifytransientandstableDNA‐lamin interactionsviaDNAmethylation(DamID) invivo, thegroupofBasvanSteenselidentifiedabout500genesintheDrosophilamelanogasterKccelllinethatinteractwiththenuclearlamina(Pickersgilletal.,2006).Applyingthesametechniqueinculturedhumanlungfibroblasts,thesamegrouppublishedtwoyearslateranotherstudy,wheretheyidentifiedlamina‐associateddomains(LADs).ThemeangenedensitywithintheseLADsisabouthalf thedensityoutsidetheLADsandgeneswithinLADsaregenerally5‐to10‐foldlessactivecomparedtogenesoutsideLADs(Guelenetal., 2008). More recently using Chromatin Immuno‐Precipitation (ChIP) followed byanalysis on microarrays, it could be shown in C. elegans, that chromosome regionsinteracting with LEM‐2 (LAP2, Emerin, Man‐1), a transmembrane protein, have arelatively poor content of genes (Ikegami et al., 2010). Taken together these studiessupportthehypothesisthatgenecontentandtranscriptionalactivityarequitelowcloseto the nuclear lamina and that the nuclear lamina could be important for the nuclearorganisationbytetheringpartsofthechromatintothenuclearenvelope.


Inagreementwith theobservation that inactive, silent lociare found in thevicinityofthe nuclear envelope, several studies targeted a locus to the nuclear lamina andinvestigated the effect. In yeast, the mating type locusHMR, deprived of an effectivesilencer, was targeted to the periphery, which resulted in silencing (Andrulis et al.,1998).Thiswas latershown tobedue to the tethered locusbeingclose toclustersoftelomeres,whichareboundtothenuclearenvelopeandsequesterthesilencingfactors(Taddei etal., 2009). Inmouse fibroblasts the recruitmentof somegenes to the innernuclear membrane can result in their transcriptional down‐regulation (Reddy et al.,2008). Similarly, artificial tethering of human chromosomes to the nuclear lamina ofculturedcellsresultedintherepressionofsomebutnotallgenes(Finlanetal.,2008).Astudyperformed inmammaliancellsshowedasimilar transcriptionactivityofa locusindependentofwhetherornotitwastargetedtothenuclearperiphery(KumaranandSpector,2008). Insummary, this indicates thatassociationwith thenuclearperipherycauses repression of some but not all genetic loci, with the variability most likelydependingonthenatureofthepromoter.


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Developmenally regulated genes relocate to the nuclear lumen or getsequesteredatthenuclearlaminadependingontheirexpressionstatus

In contrast to thenuclear periphery,whereprimarily inactive genes are localized,weoftenfindactivegenesinthelumenofthenucleus,particularlyindifferentiatedcells.Inastudyperformedinhuman,mouseandrabbitlymphocytestheinactiveβ‐globingenewas localised at the nuclear periphery, whereas the ubiquitously expressed and thusactiveα‐globinlocalisedinthenuclearlumen(Brownetal.,2001).Inseveralorganismsdevelopmentally regulated genes move from the nuclear periphery, where they arelocatedintheirinactivestate,towardsthenuclearinteriorwhentheygetactivated.Thiswas observed in human lymphocytes using Fluorescence In SituHybridisation (FISH)where immunoglobulin loci are preferentially localised at the nuclear periphery inhematopoieticprogenitorsandpro‐Tcells inwhich thegenesaresilent,whereas theyareoftenlocatedinthenuclearcentreinpro‐Bnucleiwherethegenesareactive(Kosaketal.,2002).Inmiceseverallocishifttowardsthenuclearinterioruponactivation:theGFAP(glial fibrillaryacidicprotein)geneduringastrocytedifferentiation, theβ‐globinlocus during erythroid development, the C‐maf (MusculoAponeurotic Fibrosarcomaoncogene homolog) locus during T‐cell development, the MyoD (MyogenicDifferentiation)locusduringmyoblastdevelopmentandtheMash1locusduringneuraldevelopment. In humans, the CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane ConductanceRegulator)locusmovesinwardsincellswhereitisexpressed(forreviewsee(EgeciogluandBrickner,2011)).

Two studies in C. elegans showed that for developmentally regulated genes arerandomlydistributedinembryoniccellsthatareundifferentiatedanduncommitted.Indifferentiated cells, localisation of muscle‐ and gut‐specific transgenes within thenucleusisdependentontheiractivity:intheirinactivestatethelociaresequesteredtothenuclearlamina,whereastheyareenrichedinthenuclearlumenintheiractivestate(Meisteretal.,2010;Towbinetal.,2010).

Interestinglyitwasshownthattheinnernuclearenvelopeneedstobeintactforefficientgenesilencing. InsomaticcellsofDrosophila,ablationofLamDm0resultednotonly indetachment of testes‐specific clusters from the nuclear envelope but also to theirselectivetranscriptionalup‐regulation(Shevelyovetal.,2009).Alsoinanimalsdepletedfor the C. elegans lamin homologue LMN‐1 or associated proteins, transcription ofpromoters on transgenic, heterochromatic arrays is strongly up‐regulated (Towbin etal., 2010). Similarly in mammalian cells lacking lamins or other nuclear laminacomponents genes expression wasmiss‐regulated. (Frock et al., 2006; Vergnes et al.,2004).

Inagenomewidestudyperformed in threeconsecutivedevelopmentstagesofmousecells – pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESC), multipotent neuronal precursor cells(NPC) and terminally differentiated astrocytes (AC) – Peric‐Hupkes and colleaguesanalysed the interaction of loci with the nuclear lamina by applying DAM‐ID. Inagreementwith thestudiesmentionedabove,genes thatwereactivated fromonecell


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type to the other moved away from the nuclear lamina. The group made two otherobservations: if a gene is inactivated from one cell type to the next, the locus issequestered to the nuclear lamina, similar towhat was found in C. elegans upon celldifferentiation.Theotherinterestingfindingwas,thatgenesexpressedinACcells,willalready move away from the nuclear periphery in NPC cells without increasedtranscription, most probably in order to be already prepared for activation (Peric‐Hupkesetal.,2010).

This shows in summary that genetic loci are spatially differently organised in theirinactivecomparedtotheiractivestateandthatamovementfromthenuclearlaminatothenuclearlumenandviceversaoccursinseveralspecies.


Adirectpredictionfromthisobservationisthatsomegenesmust,uponactivation,getrelocatedfromonepositiontoanother.Chromatinis indeedhighlydynamicinsidethenucleus,althoughusuallywithinarestrictedvolume,thatrangesfrom30%tolessthan1%ofthenuclearvolume,dependingonthespeciesanalysed.Centromericchromatininyeast is constantlymoving in a near‐randomwalkwith a specific chromosome beingconfinedtoaverysmallnuclearsubregion(Marshalletal.,1997).Itwassuggestedthatmicrotubulesplayanimportantroleintheconfinementofcentromerestositesnearthespindle pole body in yeast, since depolymerisation of microtubules by the chemicalcompoundnocodazole increasedmovementanddisplaced taggedcentromere towardsthenuclearcenter(Marshalletal.,1997)(Bystrickyetal.,2004;Heunetal.,2001).Thetetheringbymicrotubules is true for yeast centromeres, butnot for tagged loci foundalong the chromosomal arms. Non‐centromeric chromatin in yeast also moves in asubdiffusivemannerthatishighlymobile,withinaradiusofconstraintrangingfrom0.4to0.6 m.Themovementismicrotubuleindependentandmovesonaverageabout0.2µm in a 10 second interval with occasional larger displacements bigger than 0.5 µm(Heunetal.,2001).Bothtelomericandcentromericchromatinismuchmorerestrainedthan internal chromosomal regions due to their attachment to the nuclear envelope(Heunetal.,2001).

Splicing speckles are a binding platform for active genes inmammaliancells

Mammalian cells have additional subnuclear domains, called nuclear speckles. Someactive genes cluster to these dynamic sub‐compartments of the nucleus that areenriched in pre‐mRNA splicing factors. Using immunofluorescencemicroscopy, 20‐50irregularlyshapedstructuresthatvaryinsizearevisible(SpectorandLamond,2011).Basedonthefactthatgene‐richstretchesofchromatinaremoreoftenfoundatnuclearspeckles thangene‐poorones,Shoplandandcolleguessuggested that theperipheryofthespecklesmightcreateaeuchromaticenvironment(Shoplandetal.,2003).Recentlyithas been shown that inmammalian cells a transgene containing theHsp70 promoter


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was preferentially associated with nuclear speckles upon heat induction (Hu et al.,2010).


In flies and both fission and budding yeasts, several stress‐inducible genes wereobserved to interactwith thenuclearperiphery,where they interactwith thenuclearporecomplex.Thisphenomenonisunderstoodbestinbuddingyeast,wheresystematicstudies showed hundreds of active genes interacting with the nuclear pore complex(Casolarietal.,2005;Casolarietal.,2004). In studies investigatingspecificgenes thatare active at the nuclear pore complex, different genes in yeast were found that areactivatedbygrowthinlowsugarmediaoruponheatshock(BricknerandWalter,2004;Cabaletal.,2006;Casolarietal.,2005;Dieppoisetal.,2006;Schmidetal.,2006;Taddeietal.,2006).

Someofthestudiesmentionedabovetestedthenecessityofdifferentpartsofageneforperipheral localisationandactivetranscription.FortheyeastsubtelomericgeneHXK1,the 3’UTR is necessary,whereas for the internal geneGAL2, the 3’UTR is dispensable(Dieppois et al., 2006; Taddei et al., 2006). Also the coding sequence of GAL2 is notrequiredforporeassociation,butthepromoteris.ThiswasalsoshownforGAL4wherethepromoterwithanintactTATAboxisrequiredforinteractionwiththenuclearporecomplex(Schmidetal.,2006).ForINO1,thegroupofJasonBrickneridentifiedtwogenerecruitmentsequences(GRSIandGRSII)thatarerequiredfortargetingtothenuclearperipheryandsuggestthattheyfunctionasa“DNAzipcode”.Actingredundantly,onlythelossofbothGRSIandGRSIIblocksthetargetingofINO1tothenuclearperiphery,butnotonealone.

The multi‐protein complex SAGA is crucial for stress‐induced geneactivation

Asmentionedabove,manystress‐induciblegeneshavebeenshowntointeractwiththenuclear pore complex. About 10% of yeast genes belong to this category and theiractivation is largely dependent on the transcriptional coactivator SAGA (Spt‐Ada‐Gcn‐Acetyltransferase).Thismulti‐proteincomplexiscomposedof21differentproteinsandhasasizeofabout1.8MDa(SamaraandWolberger,2011).Ithastwocatalyticactivities,the histone acetyltransferase activity (HAT) and the histone deubiquitination activity(DanielandGrant,2007;Danieletal.,2004;Garcia‐Oliveretal.,2011;Grantetal.,1997;Sterneretal.,1999).Bothprovokeashiftfromcompactandinactivechromatintoopenand active chromatin. SAGA has four different modules: the deubiquination module(DUBm), the histone acetyl transferase (HAT/core) module, the TAF (TATA‐bindingprotein associated factors) module and the SPT (suppressor of Ty) module (Garcia‐Oliveretal.,2011).WhiletheHATrecognisesmethylatedH3K4,whereSAGAwillbind,theTAFmodulehelpstorecruitthebasaltranscriptionmachineryandtheSPTmodulehelps in the assembly of the pre‐initiation complex (Garcia‐Oliver et al., 2011). Bydeubiquiting monoubiquinated histone H2B the Ctk1 kinase is recruited, which


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phosphorylates the C‐terminal domain of RNA Pol II resulting in transcriptionalelongation(Wyceetal.,2007).AlltheseactivitiesoriginallydescribedfortheyeastSAGAcomplexarelargelyconservedintheDrosophilaandhumanSAGA(Garcia‐Oliveretal.,2011).


Locatedattheinnerfaceofthenuclearporecomplexisanothermulti‐proteincomplexcalledTREX‐2inyeastandplants(whichstandsforTRanscriptionandExport)orAMEXinDrosophilaandmammals,whichfunctionallylinkstranscriptionandmRNAexport.Inyeast it is thought that the interaction between SAGA and TREX‐2 mediates generecruitmenttothenuclearporecomplex.InDrosophilaitwasdescribedtopromotetheassociationoftheTREX/THOcomplexwithnascentRNAandinhumanAMEXfacilitatesthemRNAmovementfromtranscriptionalfocitothenuclearperiphery(Garcia‐Oliveretal.,2011).

Sus1, a protein present in the SAGA andTREX complex, serves as linkerbetweenactivegenesandthenuclearporecomplex

Onamolecularlevel,Sus1,aproteinpresentbothinSAGAandtheTREX‐2complexwasdescribedtobeimplicatedinporeassociationand/ortranscriptionalactivity.Differentgroupsdescribed thedependency of yeastGAL gene induction on Sus1, namelyGAL1,GAL7 and GAL10 (Cabal et al., 2006; Dieppois et al., 2006; Rodriguez‐Navarro et al.,2004).Alsoinyeast,BricknerandWalterfoundthatthetranscriptionalactivityofINO1,anothergeneshowntoshifttonuclearporesuponinduction,isdependentonSus1.Inasimilar manner, the peripheral anchoring of Hsp70 in Drosophila S2 cells requiresE(y)2/ENY‐2, thehomologueofSus1,which colocalisesweaklywithnucleoporinsandXmas2,thehomologueoftheTREX‐2subunitSac3(Kurshakovaetal.,2007).Sus1bindsdirectly thenuclearporeproteinNup1andanchorsTREX‐2totheNPC.Thismediatesgene recruitment upon transcriptional activation and appears to facilitate mRNAprocessing (Garcia‐Oliver et al., 2011). This suggests, but does not prove that poreassociationislinkedtomRNAprocessingand/orexport.ItisunclearwhichofthemanystepsinmRNAmaturationmightberegulatedbytheNPCduringgeneinduction.

Interactionwithpores isessential for full transcriptionalactivityofsomegenes

Therecruitmenttotheperipheryofstress‐induciblegenesraisesthequestionaboutthefunctionalsignificanceofthisbehaviour.Thishasbeeninvestigatedinyeastbutremainscontroversial.BytetheringINO1 tothenuclearperiphery,transcriptionispromotedinthe absenceof its antagonizer (Brickner andWalter, 2004).Also forHXK1 interactionwith the nuclear pore is essential for maximal transcriptional activity (Taddei et al.,2006).Incontrast,intwootherstudiesitwasobservedthatforGALgenesaswellasforHSP104,transcriptionoccursawayfromthenuclearporecomplexasefficientlyaswhenthegenes interactwithpores (Cabaletal.,2006;Dieppoisetal.,2006). Inmostcases,


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total mRNA levels are quanitified, thus it is not elongation efficiency but totalaccumulation of mRNA that was scored. The discrepancies among these studies mayreflect true differences in transcriptional control, but may also reflect the differentexperimental tools used to release the genes from the pore. It is likely that specificaspectsoftranscriptionalregulation,includingprocessing,packagingandexportratesofthemRNA,might influence thedifferent impactofporeassociationorpore release,ofthe abovementionedgenes. In a study of the yeastArp6protein, a component of theSWR1remodeler, itwasshownthatSWR1controlledgenesassociatewiththenuclearporeinanArp6‐dependentmanner.Inthecaseofribosomalproteingenes,mostgenesactuallyshowedhigherratesoftranscriptionwhentheywerenotheldnearthenuclearpore(Yoshidaetal.,2010). Inmetazoansfunctionalsignificanceofporeassociationispoorly understood, even though the well‐studied Hsp70 locus in flies also shows areductioninmRNAleveluponreleasefromporesusingRNAi(Kurshakovaetal.,2007).

Threehypothesestrytoexplainthe functionalrelevanceofporeproximalactivationofstress‐induciblegenes

Even though therearemanydifferentexplanations forwhygenesmight interactwiththenuclearporecomplexuponactivation,therearethreehypothesesthatIwouldliketoaddress.

Alreadyin1985,GüntherBlobelhypothesizedthattheproximitytonuclearporeswouldspatiallyfacilitatemRNAexport ingeneral,butalso itsdeliverytodistinctcytoplasmicdomains in asymmetric cells (Blobel, 1985). Another explanation that arose morerecentlyistheideathattheproximityofgenestonuclearporesestablishesanepigeneticstate, which confers to transcriptional memory, facilitating reactivation of stress‐inducible genes. In yeast itwas shown that after a first recruitment to the peripheryuponchangeofmedium,INO1andGAL1remainthereforseveralgenerationsandcanbereactivatedmuchmorerapidlythanlongtermrepressedformsofthesegeneslocalisedinthenuclearcentre(Brickneretal.,2007).SimilarlyTan‐Wongandcolleagues foundthatHXK1formsasocalled“memorygeneloop”betweenthepromoterandits3’end.Inthispaper itwaspredictedthatwithinthis looptranscriptionfactorsareretainedandhelpafasterrecruitmentofPolIItorestarttranscription(Tan‐Wongetal.,2009).

A third hypothesis for peripheral localisation of heat‐inducible genes is the fact thatsomecomponentsoftheRNAimachineryarealsopreferentiallylocalisedatpores.InS.pombeandhuman,Dicerinteractswithnuclearpores(Andoetal.,2011;Emmerthetal.,2010) and in addition the loss of Dicer caused an increase in expression levels ofdifferentheat shockgenes inanon‐heat shockcondition inS.pombe (Woolcocketal.,2012). This indicates that Dicer is important to keep the transcription rate of heat‐inducible genes at an appropriate level. Similarly, in Drosophila Cernilogar andcolleagues found that a depletion of DCR2 and AGO2, both components of the RNAimachinery as well, resulted in an increased expression prior to but not during heatstressattheHsp70andHsp68(Cernilogaretal.,2011).Takentogetherthisimpliesthatstress‐induciblegenesmightlocalisetonuclearporesbecausecomponentsoftheRNAi


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Environmentalinsultshaveastrongimpactonallkindsofcreatures.Selectivepressuredrivestheretentionofgenesthatensuresurvivalunderextremeconditions,andthesearetransmittedfromonegenerationtothenext.Theclassofgenesresponsible foranadequatereactionofcellstoenvironmentalchangeswastermedstress‐induciblegenes.Anexampleforthesegenesisthegroupofevolutionaryancientandwellconservedheatshock genes (Robert, 2003). Not only exposure to elevated temperatures but also todifferent kinds of stress such as hypoxia, heavymetals, radiation, calcium increase orglucose deprivation cause the activation of heat shock genes (Anckar and Sistonen,2011). In higher eukaryotes even microbial infections and cancer can cause theiractivation (Robert, 2003). In general, heat shock proteins (HSP) protect cells andorganisms from severe damage by preventing protein aggregates and thus lead to ahigherthermotolerance(Robert,2003;Schoffletal.,1998).

Based on structural homologies, the well conserved Hsps are grouped in 3 classes:Hsp83,Hsp70/Hsp68andseveralsmallHsps(Robert,2003).Heatshockproteinswerediscoveredasearlyasin1962,whenFerruccioRitossaworkedwithsalivaryglandsofDrosophila bushii (Ritossa, 1996). Salivary glands of many dipteran flies containpolytenechromosomes,builtbyseveralroundsofDNAreplicationwithoutcelldivision.Polytene chromosomes show a light and dark banding pattern specific to differentchromosomes.Bytheformationofsocalledpuffs,regionsthatareswollenandappearto have a looser structure, it is possible to see current transcription. When Ritossalookedatsalivaryglandsthathadbeenexposedtoanelevatedtemperatureforabout30minutes, heobserveda changedpattern in thepolytene chromosomes that correlatedwithahighlevelofRNAsynthesisasshownbyRNasetreatment.Afteraboutanhouratnormaltemperature(25°C)thepuffsrecede(Ritossa,1996).


Changesintheenvironmentordifferentkindsofinsultsforceanorganismtoreactandactivate genes that help to survive. A short reaction time is often crucial for survival,thusgenesrespondingtoanenvironmentalinsultneedtobereadyfortranscriptioninashorttime.

Aprerequisiteforfastgeneactivationisthepresenceofthetranscriptionmachinery.Onmany stress‐inducible genes, RNA Pol II is bound to the promoter region in a poisedstate.Asearlyasin1985,thepresenceofasocalledpausedRNAPolIIwasdetectedinthepromoterregionoftheuninducedDrosophilaHsp70heatshocklocus(GilmourandLis,1985).Inadditiontofastinduction,thepresenceofpausedPolIIhelpstokeepthegeneinamoreaccessiblestate,sothatfurtherPolIIcomplexescanbindeasier(Gilchrist


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et al., 2010). Another advantage for efficient transcription might be that the Pol IIcomplexesreassociatewiththesamepromoterinsteadofbeingreleased,aswasshownbyobservingtaggedPolIIcomplexes(Yaoetal.,2007).

Morerecentlystudies inDrosophilaembryos,mammalianembryonicstemcellsand inlungfibroblastsrevealedthatpausedPolIIisnotonlypresentatstress‐induciblegenes,but is also present at promoters of developmentally regulated genes. It has beensuggested that paused Pol II allows a rapid and efficient activation at a very precisedevelopmentstage(forreviewsee(Levine,2011)).

The transcription factorHSF1 is essential for activationofheat induciblegenes

Another highly conserved key player in the heat shock response is the wellcharacterized heat shock factor 1 (HSF1). This transcription factor is constitutivelyexpressedinmosttissuesandcelltypes(AnckarandSistonen,2011).

Theproteiniscomposedoffourdifferenttypesofdomains(AnckarandSistonen,2011).AttheN‐terminuswefindtheDNA‐bindingdomainthatconsistsofaloopedhelix‐turn‐helixmotive.Unlikeother,similardomains, itdoesnot interactdirectlywithDNA,butstabilizes the connection between DNA and HSF‐1 by protein‐protein interactions(Littlefield and Nelson, 1999; Vuister et al., 1994). Next to the DNA‐binding domainthereisanoligomerizationdomainthatisprotectedbyanotherdomainclosertotheC‐terminus of the protein (Peteranderl andNelson, 1992; Peteranderl et al., 1999). Thetrans‐activating domain is localised in the centre of the protein and is important fortranscriptionalactivation(Pattaramanonetal.,2007).AttheC‐terminusisaregulatorydomain that interacts with the trans‐activating domain in the monomeric form topreventactivation(AnckarandSistonen,2011;Greenetal.,1995).

Innon‐heat shock conditions theprotein ispresent in amonomeric, inert form.Uponheat induction it trimerizesandbinds inacooperativemannertoHeatShockElement(HSE) sites on thepromoter (Xiao et al., 1991).The sequenceof theHSE sites iswellconservedfromyeasttohumanandisoftenfoundinpromoterregionsofheat‐induciblegenes(Fernandesetal.,1994;GuertinandLis,2010;Trinkleinetal.,2004).InC.elegansanadditionalbindingsite,termedtheHeatShockAssociatedSite(HSAS)wasfoundinabioinformaticalscreen.LookingatGFPexpressionfromapromoter‐GFPfusionindicatedthat not only HSE but also HSAS plays an important role in heat induction(GuhaThakurtaetal.,2002).


The promoter‐associated changes that correlate with Hsp70 activation are very wellcharacterized,particularlyinDrosophila.Asmentionedabove,PolIIisalreadypresentinthe uninduced state (Nechaev and Adelman, 2011). In this paused state Pol II isstabilized by DRB (Dichloro‐1‐β‐D‐ribofuranosylbenzimidazole) sensitivity inducingfactor(DSIF)andthenegativeelongationfactor(NELF)(Levine,2011).Bothbindtothe


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shortRNAofabout25nucleotidesproducedbythepausedpolymerase(Levine,2011;RougvieandLis,1988).InitspausedstatePolIIisphosphorylatedatserine5oftheC‐terminal domain (Nechaev and Adelman, 2011). Upon activation, the transcriptionfactorHSF1trimerizesandbindsinacooperativemannertoHSEsites.Thisleadstotherecruitment of the P‐TEFb (Positive Elongating Factor b), a serine/threonine kinase,whichphosphorylatesserine2intheC‐terminaldomainofthelargestsubunitofPolIIaswellasDSIFandNELF.ThiscausesthereleaseofDSIFandNELFandallowsPolIItoproductivelytranscribethegene(Fudaetal.,2009).Activationleadstoarapidevictionofnucleosomesafterabout30s inatranscription‐dependentmanner(PeteschandLis,2008).ItisthoughtthattheactivationofPARP(poly(ADP‐)ribosepolymerase)anditsproductionofPARmoleculesresultinadecondensationofDNA,whichmightfacilitatethemovingofPolIIthroughnucleosomes(Guertinetal.,2010).

Sincesurvivalofenvironmentalinsults,inthiscaseelevatedtemperatures,iscrucialforanorganism,theresponsetoitiswellorganised,wellorchestratedandalsoquitewellconserved. Many research groups have investigated different aspects of heat shockresponseandwetriedtoaddresstheseaspectsinC.elegans,anorganisminwhichitwasnotyetwellexplored,andalsotriedtoshedlightonnewaspects.


Thisthesiscomprisestwopartswithexperimentaldata.InChapter2,Icharacterisethesmallheat shockgenehsp‐16.2 of thenematodeC.elegans. Lookingat embryos, I findthatthelocushasapreferenceforperipherallocalisationinitsuniducedaswellasinitsinducedstate.Thisisnotonlytruefortheendogenouslocus,butalsofortwodifferentkinds of promoter‐transcripts integrated ectopically in the genome. Using highresolutionmicroscopyandChromatinImmuno‐Precipitation(ChIP)wefindthatattheperiphery, the hsp‐16.2 promoter is preferentially interacting with the nuclear porecomplex.

Onamolecularlevel,wefindthattwospecificsequencesinthepromoter,theHSEsitesandtheHSASsitearerelevantforperipherallocalisation.AlsoPolIIplaysanimportantroleinthetetheringattheperipherysincewefindthatinPolIItemperaturesensitivemutants the interaction with the nuclear periphery is abandoned and hsp‐16.2 israndomlydistributedwithinthenucleus.

TestingENY‐2,thehomologueofyeastSus1,revealedthatitisimportantforperipherallocalisation also in C. elegans embryos. This protein is present in the SAGA histoneacetylation complex as well as in TREX, a complex linking transcription and mRNAexportandisknowntointeractwiththenuclearporecomplex.

In Chapter 3, I show preliminary data that indicate a possible dependency of theperipherallocalisationofhsp‐16.2oncomponentsoftheRNAimachineryaswellasonRSY‐1,afactorthatmightbeinvolvedinsplicing.Theseresultsindicatethatdisruptionof different components of the RNAi machinery results in the loss of peripheral


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Taken together, this thesis sheds light on the mechanisms of gene activation at thenuclearperipheryandreveals thatnotonly inyeastand flies,butalso in thewormC.elegansnuclearporesbuildaplatformforactivetranscription.


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The work presented in this experimental section is published in the Journal of CellBiology (JCB) with the title Promoter‐andRNApolymerase II‐dependenthsp‐16geneassociationwith nuclear pores in Caenorhabditis elegans. Sabine Rohner, VéroniqueKalck,XuefeiWang,KohtaIkegami,JasonD.Lieb,SusanM.Gasser,PeterMeister.

Authorcontributions:SR, SMG and PM designed the experiments and interpreted theresults except for the ChIP data (Figure 4), that were designed, performed andinterpretedbyXW,KIandJDL.SR,VKandPMperformedalltheotherexperiments.SR,SMGandPMwrotethemanuscript,PMandSMGsupervisedthework.


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JCB: Article

The Rockefeller University Press $30.00J. Cell Biol. Vol. 200 No. 5 589–604www.jcb.org/cgi/doi/10.1083/jcb.201207024 JCB 589

Correspondence to Susan M. Gasser: [email protected]. Meister’s present address is Institute of Cell Biology, University of Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland.Abbreviations used in this paper: ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; chr, chromosome; DSIF, DRB sensitivity–inducing factor; HS, heat shock; HSAS, HS-associated site; HSE, HS element; HSF-1, HS transcription factor 1; NE, nuclear envelope; NPC, nuclear pore complex; pol, polymerase; qPCR, quantitative PCR; rDNA, ribosomal DNA; SAGA, Spt-Ada-Gcn-Acetyltransferase; SR-SIM, super-resolution structured illumination microscopy; tel, telomere; TSS, transcrip-tion start site; WT, wild type.

IntroductionIncreasing evidence argues that the organization of the genome within the nucleus depends on sites of chromosomal anchorage at the inner face of the nuclear envelope (NE; Akhtar and Gasser, 2007; Kind and van Steensel, 2010). This occurs through hetero­chromatin binding to the stabilizing meshwork of nuclear lamin and associated proteins, or in some cases, such as stress­induced genes in yeast, with nuclear pores (for reviews see Dieppois and Stutz, 2010; Taddei et al., 2010; Egecioglu and Brickner, 2011). Indeed, the visualization of chromatin within the nucleus by elec­tron microscopy has revealed a nonhomogeneous distribution of chromatin (Heitz, 1928). Generally, dark staining hetero­chromatin that fails to incorporate labeled UTP clusters at the

NE, whereas light­staining, transcriptionally competent chro­matin is internal (Visser et al., 2000; Rouquette et al., 2009). Closer observation showed, however, that the silent heterochro­matic domains are excluded from nuclear pores, which suggests that active chromatin might bind the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Consistently, screens for yeast genes recovered with inner nu­clear pore basket components detected both stress­induced genes and ribosomal protein genes (Brickner and Walter, 2004; Casolari et al., 2004; Cabal et al., 2006; Dieppois et al., 2006; Taddei et al., 2006; Yoshida et al., 2010). Furthermore, in both budding yeast and Drosophila melanogaster, the boundary or insulator elements that separate active from inactive chromatin were associated with NPC proteins (Ishii et al., 2002; Kalverda and Fornerod, 2010).

The pore association of activated yeast genes contrasts with the positioning of developmentally regulated genes in worms, flies, and human cells. The latter shift to internal sites upon

Some inducible yeast genes relocate to nuclear pores upon activation, but the general relevance of this phenomenon has remained largely unex-

plored. Here we show that the bidirectional hsp-16.2/41 promoter interacts with the nuclear pore complex upon activation by heat shock in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Direct pore association was confirmed by both super-resolution microscopy and chromatin immunopre-cipitation. The hsp-16.2 promoter was sufficient to medi-ate perinuclear positioning under basal level conditions of expression, both in integrated transgenes carrying from 1

to 74 copies of the promoter and in a single-copy genomic insertion. Perinuclear localization of the uninduced gene depended on promoter elements essential for induction and required the heat-shock transcription factor HSF-1, RNA polymerase II, and ENY-2, a factor that binds both SAGA and the THO/TREX mRNA export complex. After induction, colocalization with nuclear pores increased significantly at the promoter and along the coding se-quence, dependent on the same promoter-associated fac-tors, including active RNA polymerase II, and correlated with nascent transcripts.

Promoter- and RNA polymerase II–dependent hsp-16 gene association with nuclear pores in Caenorhabditis elegans

Sabine Rohner,1,2 Veronique Kalck,1 Xuefei Wang,3 Kohta Ikegami,3 Jason D. Lieb,3 Susan M. Gasser,1,2 and Peter Meister1

1Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland2Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Basel, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland3Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

© 2013 Rohner et al. This article is distributed under the terms of an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike–No Mirror Sites license for the first six months after the pub-lication date (see http://www.rupress.org/terms). After six months it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, as described at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/).













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transcription elongation factor b (P­TEFb), a serine/threonine kinase that phosphorylates the carboxy­terminal domain of the pol II catalytic subunit. This phosphorylation releases paused pol II, which then productively transcribes the gene (Guertin et al., 2010). Activation leads to a rapid eviction of nucleo­somes after 30 s in a transcription­independent manner, an event proceeded by dTip60­mediated histone H2A acetylation (Petesch and Lis, 2012).

Spatial organization analysis shows that the endogenous hsp-16.2 locus in C. elegans, like transgenes that carry only the hsp-16.2 promoter, are at or near the NE. Super­resolution microscopy shows that upon activation, transgenes bearing the hsp-16.2 promoter colocalize efficiently with the NPC. Thus, peripheral positioning requires both HSE and HSAS elements before induction, but either is sufficient after HS. Importantly, both HSF­1 and active pol II are essential for perinuclear an­choring both before and after induction. We propose that this stress­activated promoter autonomously directs chromatin to the nuclear pore, where continued association correlates with the abundance of engaged RNA polymerases.

ResultsRepetitive hsp-16.2 promoter arrays are peripherally retained upon transcriptional inductionBy studying arrays bearing developmentally regulated promot­ers in C. elegans, we have shown that the activation of tissue­ specific promoters leads to their relocation toward the nuclear in­terior (Meister et al., 2010b). We asked whether a stress­induced promoter does the same, using a worm strain homozygous for a large integrated gene array that expresses cytoplasmic GFP under control of the hsp-16.2 promoter (Link et al., 1999). The strain of interest carries a second large gene array expressing GFP­lacI from the constitutive baf-1 promoter (Meister et al., 2010b). GFP­lacI binds to lacO sites on both integrated constructs, allowing live imaging of array position. Given that baf-1::gfp-lacI expres­sion is insensitive to temperature shift (Fig. S1), it serves as an internal control for quantitation.

Before HS (10 min at 34°C), the four integrated gene arrays were localized at the NE (Meister et al., 2010b; Towbin et al., 2010; Fig. 1, B and E, before HS). The hsp-16.2 array, which is slightly larger than the control array in the absence of HS (1.8­fold volume; Fig. 1, E and F), expanded visibly and immediately upon temperature shift to occupy 2.6­fold of the control array volume (Fig. 1, C, E, and F). We confirmed that the expanded array contained the hsp-16.2 promoter by repeating this in worms in which only the hsp-16.2 promoter array carries lacO sites (Fig. S1 A). The observed array unfold­ing resembles that reported during induced expression of array­ borne genes in cultured mammalian cells (Tumbar et al., 1999; Hu et al., 2009). However, we note that the expanded HS­ induced array did not shift inwards, but rather unfolded along the inner NE (Fig. 1 D). Gene induction and array deconden­sation were correlated, as both were ablated in a temperature­sensitive hsf-1 mutant (hsf-1(sy441); Hajdu­Cronin et al., 2004; Figs. 1 F and S1 B).

induction or shift to the nuclear lamina upon tissue­specific repression (for review see Meister et al., 2011). In mammalian cultured cells, the heat shock (HS) gene Hsp70 localized prefer­entially to internal nuclear speckles upon activation (Hu et al., 2010), whereas the Hsp70 gene in cultured Drosophila Sch­neider 2 (S2) cells was perinuclear (Kurshakova et al., 2007). Similarly, the up­regulated X chromosome in male flies is pore associated (for review see Akhtar and Gasser, 2007). Given the diversity of these results, it has remained unclear whether mechanisms that tether expressed genes at nuclear pores are conserved.

One common feature of NPC­bound genes in yeast is their response to stressful conditions (Brickner and Walter, 2004; Casolari et al., 2004; Cabal et al., 2006; Dieppois et al., 2006; Taddei et al., 2006). On a molecular level, it appears that Sus1, a protein present both in the histone acetylation and de­ubiquitination complex called SAGA (Spt­Ada­Gcn­Acetyl­transferase) and in the TREX­2 (transcription and mRNA export linking) complex, is implicated in pore association (García­Oliver et al., 2012). Sus1 binds directly the nuclear pore pro­tein Nup1 and anchors TREX­2 to the NPC. This mediates gene recruitment upon transcriptional activation and facilitates mRNA processing (García­Oliver et al., 2012). The peripheral anchoring of Hsp70 in Drosophila S2 cells also requires E(y)2/ENY­2, the Sus1 homologue, which colocalizes weakly with nucleoporins, and Xmas2, the homologue of TREX­2 subunit Sac3 (Kurshakova et al., 2007). This suggested, but did not prove, that pore association is linked to mRNA processing or export. Whether the NPC regulates either mRNA synthesis or matura­tion remained unclear.

Here we explore the link between stress­induced gene activation and subnuclear gene positioning in an intact organ­ism by tracking the essential heat­responsive locus hsp-16.2 in Caenorhabditis elegans. The hsp-16.2 gene is one of four related HS genes found in two clusters of two and four genes on chromosome V (chr V). The smaller cluster contains diver­gently transcribed hsp-16.41 and hsp-16.2, whose expression level is 14­fold that of the homologous gene in the larger clus­ter (Stringham et al., 1992). The common promoter region of 394 bp contains two HS elements (HSEs; Fernandes et al., 1994; Trinklein et al., 2004; Guertin and Lis, 2010), which bind the conserved HS transcription factor 1 (HSF­1). HSF­1 is essential for hsp-16.2 activation (Hajdu­Cronin et al., 2004). The hsp-16.2 promoter contains a second HS­associated site (HSAS), with no known ligand, which improves expression in transgenic arrays if the distal HSE is absent (GuhaThakurta et al., 2002).

The promoter­associated changes that correlate with Hsp70 activation are well characterized, particularly in Drosophila. Upon HS, HSF­1 trimerizes and binds in a cooperative manner to HSEs in the promoter (Xiao et al., 1991). Binding of HSF­1 affects the chromatin structure and composition by recruiting coactivators, elongation factors, histone modifying enzymes, and chaperones (for review see Guertin et al., 2010). Even without induction, the promoter is held in an open state and harbors a paused RNA polymerase II (pol II), which produces a short RNA of 25 nucleotides (Rougvie and Lis, 1988). Gene activation coincides with the recruitment of positive


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both showed an enrichment of the terminal 4–5 Mb of chr V at the nuclear lamina. To determine the subnuclear position of the hsp-16.2 locus more precisely, we turned to quantitative 3D microscopy.

We scored the position of the endogenous hsp-16.2 locus before and after HS (10 min at 34°C), relative to the edge of the DAPI­stained nucleus, in embryos of 50–150 cells. Within 3D confocal stacks of images, we located optical sections with the strongest hsp-16.2 FISH signals, divided each focal plane into three zones of equal surface, and scored the FISH signals rela­tive to these zones (Fig. 2 B; Meister et al., 2010a). Even before HS, the hsp-16.2 locus showed a significant enrichment in out­ermost zone 1 (Fig. 2 C). After induction, the hsp-16.2 locus became more peripheral: zone 1 values increased from 44% to

The endogenous hsp-16.2 locus is efficiently recruited to the NE upon activationThe fact that HS­responsive arrays remain peripheral after induction could mean either that activation enhances the asso­ciation or that hsp-16.2 induction cannot overcome heterochro­matin tethering (Meister et al., 2010b; Towbin et al., 2012). We therefore analyzed the positioning of the endogenous hsp-16.2 locus in wild­type (WT) C. elegans embryos before and after HS by FISH. The endogenous hsp-16.2 gene is found next to hsp-16.41 on the left arm of chr V, 1.8 Mb from the left telomere. Genome­wide lamin­DAM­ID (Towbin et al., 2012; Fig. 2 A) and LEM­2 chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis (Gerstein et al., 2010; Ikegami et al., 2010)

Figure 1. HS-induced transcription leads to peripheral decondensation of large, HS-inducible arrays. (A) Plasmids used to create large arrays by gonadal injection, bearing either baf-1::GFP-lacI with a muscle-specific marker (gwIs4) or the hsp-16.2 promoter driving GFP (gpIs1), and a single lacO site per plas-mid. Arrays contain 250–500 plasmid copies. (B) Fluorescence from an embryo of a strain carrying both gwIs4 and gpIs1 is shown, before HS induction. Four spots reflecting the large integrated gene arrays are located at the nuclear periphery (Meister et al., 2010b; Towbin et al., 2012). Boxed nuclei are enlarged in E. See Fig. S1. Bar, 5 µm. (C) Fluorescence from the same embryo in B after 10 min at 34°C. Boxed nuclei, enlarged in E, show decondensa-tion of two of the arrays. Blue encircled nuclei do not respond to HS. (D) Pervasive cytoplasmic fluorescence from the same embryo in B and C captured 84 min after HS, showing hsp-16.2::gfp induction from the gpIs1 array. Entire embryos are encircled by broken lines. (E) Enlarged nuclei from the embryo in B and C, with two 90° rotations for C. Array volume rendering shows no shift in subnuclear localization of gwIs4 (green) or gpIs1 (red), decondensed at 0 min after HS. Bar, 2 µm. (F) Array volume was quantified using the GFP-lacI signals in WT and hsf-1 mutant worms, presented as the ratio of gwIs4 and HS-activated gpIs1 before and 0 min after HS (WT; n = 100, 11; hsf-1 mutant; n = 3, 6). Error bars indicate mean ± SEM.


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Figure 2. The hsp-16.2 promoter is sufficient to anchor chromatin at the nuclear periphery. (A) Sketch shows the hsp-16.2/41 locus on chr V left arm (red triangle), 1.8 Mb from the telomere, and the MosSCI-inserted lacO repeat (tel V; black triangle), at ttTi9115, 170 kb from TG repeats (Towbin et al., 2012). Below is LMN-1-Dm-ID data showing terminal 4–5 Mb enriched for lamin association (Towbin et al., 2012). An expanded view of coding sequences shows the divergent hsp-16.2 and hsp-16.41 genes. (B) Quantitation of radial positioning of endogenous loci and GFP-lacI–tagged transgenes, as described in Materials and methods. Random localization = 33% in each zone. (C) The endogenous hsp-16.2/41 locus is enriched in zone 1 in early embryos and becomes more enriched after HS. FISH signal positions were quantified for the hsp-16.2 locus as in B. Only zone 1 values are shown (n = 229, 293, 281; P < 0.01 vs. random distribution for all). Red broken lines indicate a 33% or random distribution of the foci against which all values are compared. Asterisks indicate distributions significantly different from random, or different between indicated conditions. (D) Plasmids used to create small bombarded transgenes (tg). mCherry is driven by either the hsp-16.2 or the muscle-specific myo-3 promoter, co-bombarded with an array of 256 lacO sites and the unc-119+ marker. The copy number of the hsp-16.2 promoter is 1 (tg #1) or 74 (tg #2; Fig. S2). (E) Maximal Z projection of a partial 3D reconstruction of a 200-cell-stage embryo (GW421, expressing GFP-lacI) carrying a lacO-tagged transgene gwIs28[hsp-16.2::mCherry; 256xlacO; unc-119+]. The embryo is stained for GFP (anti-GFP, green), nuclear lamina (anti–LMN-1, red), and DNA (Hoechst, blue). Bar, 1 µm. (F) Quantitation of the GFP-lacI signal position for either the myo-3 transgene, or the two hsp-16.2 promoter–containing transgenes, as in B. Zone 1 values and asterisks are defined as in C. Hatched bars, after HS. Loci scored were (left to right) n = 275, 183, 503, 188, 226, and 200; p-values versus random = 0.47, 0.6 for myo-3; and P < 1010 for hsp-16.2–containing transgenes. A Fisher’s exact test for significance before versus after HS for hsp-16.2 transgenes yielded P = 7.2 × 106, 7.5 × 103). (G) Sketch of DNA used for MosSCI insertion at ttTi5605 in mid–chr II: lacO sites and unc-119+ were integrated with or without the hsp-16.2 promoter driving mCherry. (H) Quantitation of the GFP-lacI signal for lacO only insertion, the ectopic hsp-16.2::mCherry construct at ttTi5605, and the MosSCI lacO insertion at tel V (see A). Method, bars, and asterisks are defined as in B and C. Numbers scored were (left to right) n = 117, 95, 309, 346, 213, and 204; p-values versus random = 0.17, 0.31, 0.02, 3 × 105, 3 × 1012, and 2 × 1010, respectively.


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conditions. Importantly, the hsp-16.2 promoter alone is signifi­cantly peripheral when integrated randomly as a transgene, or as a targeted single­copy integration in the middle of chr II (ttTi5605). This argues that the promoter sequence itself drives peripheral localization, even when transcription levels are low. Promoter induction significantly increased enrichment at the nuclear rim at the endogenous locus and in the case of small transgenes (P < 0.7 × 105). Chromosomal context could well influence the efficiency of perinuclear localization: the endoge­nous hsp-16.2 locus is on a distal chromosome arm that is more likely to contact the NE than the mid­chromosomal ttTi5605 MosSCI insert. We note, however, that the hsp-16.2 promoter drives a single transcript at the MosSCI insert, whereas at the endogenous locus there are two divergent transcripts.

Super-resolution microscopy shows colocalization of induced hsp-16.2 transgene with NPCIn yeast, inactive genes at telomeres and silent HM loci con­tact nonpore sites at the NE, whereas stress­induced genes are enriched at NPCs (Taddei et al., 2010). To examine which NE structure binds the hsp-16.2 promoter either before or after HS in worms, we exploited super­resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR­SIM). With its 100­nm resolving power, we could distinguish individual fluorescently tagged nuclear pores and differentiate them from the lamina (Fig. 3 A and Video 1). We scored the positioning of the GFP­lacI–bound hsp-16.2 promoter tg #1 relative to pore and lamina staining. SR­SIM measurements yielded a mean diameter of 190 nm for an immunostained NPC, which agrees perfectly with measure­ments derived from structural studies, given a 15 nm size for the 1° and 2° antibodies (Strambio­De­Castillia et al., 2010). Mean NPC density was 3 per µm2 or 115 per embryonic nucleus, with a GFP­LacI spot diameter of 300 nm, providing sufficient resolution to accurately map locus position relative to pores and lamina.

We classified the position of the peripheral hsp-16.2 transgenes as NPC colocalizing (<50 nm between the centers of mass of nearest pore and GFP­lacI spot), touching NPC (>50 nm between centers of mass), or away from NPC and adjacent to lamina (Fig. 3, B–D). The MosSCI lacO insertion at the chr V telomere (Fig. 2 A, tel V) served as a control.

Before HS, 35% of all hsp-16.2 foci were touching the NPC, while a minority were either colocalized with pores (5%) or adjacent to the lamina (18%; Fig. 3 E). After HS, 74% of hsp-16.2 transgene foci were peripheral, of which 53% were colocal­ized with the NPC and 12% were touching the NPC, whereas a small fraction remained adjacent to lamins (Fig. 3 E, after HS). In contrast, the tel V control locus, despite being strongly perinu­clear, showed no favored distribution either before or after HS (Fig. 3 E). Thus, induced hsp-16.2 promoter within the trans­gene is preferentially associated with nuclear pores.

ChIP confirms preferential hsp-16.2 promoter association with nuclear poresTo confirm that the endogenous hsp-16.2 locus and the MosSCI hsp-16.2 promoter insertion also prefer a pore over the nuclear

65% immediately after HS, and to 84% by 40 min (Fig. 2 C). Thus, the endogenous hsp-16.2 gene was enriched at the nuclear rim before exposure to HS, and peripheral positioning was sig­nificantly enhanced by HS induction at 34°C.

Promoter sequences are sufficient to mediate perinuclear positioningTo distinguish the relative contributions of chromosomal con­text, coding, and promoter sequences to gene localization, we generated small transgene arrays by microparticle bombardment that contained only the 394­bp hsp-16.2 promoter driving the mCherry coding sequence, and lacO repeats. The mCherry gene contains two synthetic introns and was flanked by the unc-54 3 UTR, allowing us to quantify nascent and processed transcripts, and to monitor induction by mCherry fluorescence (Fig. 2 D). We obtained two independent transgenic inserts that contained either 1 (GW421, tg #1) or 74 (GW391, tg #2) copies of the pro­moter, integrated among 24–88 copies of plasmid, respectively (Fig. S2). Similar small transgenes, e.g., one containing the myo-3 promoter, were shown previously to be randomly positioned in embryonic nuclei, independent of their transcriptional status (Meister et al., 2010b). For embryos with the hsp-16.2 promoter transgenes, we observed a significant enrichment of the array at the NE during growth at normal temperatures (Fig. 2, E and F; hsp-16.2 tg #1 zone 1 = 50% and hsp-16.2 tg #2 zone 1 = 69%), unlike the randomly distributed myo­3 promoter transgene (Fig. 2, E and F). Peripheral enrichment correlated with the pro­moter copy number, as higher values were scored for tg #2.

After HS, the lacO-tagged hsp-16.2 promoter transgenes were even more peripheral (Fig. 2 F; tg #1 = 69% and #2 = 81%; P vs. non­HS = 7 × 106 and 0.008, respectively), whereas the myo-3 transgene retained its random distribution (Fig. 2 F), which is consistent with earlier results (Meister et al., 2010b). Indeed, among all transgenes tested, only ones containing the hsp-16.2 promoter were peripherally enriched in early embryos, and this was the case both before and after HS.

Because it is not possible to control copy number or inser­tion site of such transgenes, we next used the MosSCI insertion system to integrate desired sequences at a specific target site by homologous recombination, namely at the ttTi5605 locus on chr II (Fig. 2 G; Materials and methods; Frøkjaer­Jensen et al., 2008). This target site (ttTi5605) is randomly localized in embryonic nuclei when tagged with lacO sites only (Fig. 2 H, lacO). To test the effect of a single hsp-16.2 promoter on localization, we integrated a single copy of the hsp-16.2 promoter driving mCherry, along with the lacO repeats. The hsp-16.2::mCherry construct was now significantly enriched at the nuclear rim (39%, P = 0.02 vs. 27%, P = 0.17 for lacO only). After 10 min at 34°C, the proportion of hsp-16.2–containing loci at the nuclear periphery was 44% (before vs. after HS, P = 0.27), whereas the lacO alone single­site insertion remained randomly distributed (28% in zone 1). A MosSCI insertion of lacO repeats into a subtelomeric region on chr V (tel V, Fig. 2 A; Towbin et al., 2012) showed strong association with the nuclear periphery that was unchanged upon HS (Fig. 2 H).

In summary, the endogenous hsp-16.2 locus is distributed nonrandomly with respect to the NE, even under noninducing


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Figure 3. hsp-16.2 transgenes colocalize with pores after HS, and are near pores before. (A) SR-SIM of WT worm embryo immunostained with rabbit anti–LMN-1 (Ce lamin; red) and anti-nucleoporin FG repeat (mAb414; green). See Video 1 for 3D imaging. Below are higher magnifications of an apical and a mid-nuclear view with separated channels. (B–D) Single mid-nucleus focal planes from SR-SIM, showing hsp-16.2 tg1 localization by GFP-lacI signal


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return to 22°C. Unspliced (pre­mRNA) was monitored by real­time PCR, using primers that generate a unique intron–exon junction­spanning product. Values are plotted relative to its-1, a transcribed spacer in ribosomal DNA (rDNA), which does not fluctuate upon HS. Both unspliced hsp-16.2 and mCherry tran­scripts (hsp-16.2 promoter­driven) showed an immediate and proportionate increase after HS (Fig. 5 A). Nascent transcripts peaked 1 min after return to 22°C, which suggested induced rapid transcriptional shutoff. Yet significant amounts of unpro­cessed transcript persisted for 20–40 min after induction, which is consistent with the persistent NPC anchorage observed at both endogenous and transgenic loci after HS (Figs. 2 and 3).

The appearance and accumulation of spliced mRNA occurred 10–20 min after HS for both loci, with a slight delay for the mCherry mRNA, which has two introns instead of one. Spliced products continue to accumulate for 40 min after HS­induced transcription for both transcripts. We conclude that induction kinetics and processing are very similar for the en­dogenous gene and the MosSCI insertion (Fig. 5 A), and that NPC association correlates with the timing of transcript elonga­tion and processing.

Two different pathways recruit the hsp-16.2 promoter at the nuclear peripheryHaving shown that the hsp-16.2 promoter is sufficient for both rapid induction and relocation of the locus to the NPC, we checked whether both are controlled by the same promoter ele­ments. The bidirectional endogenous hsp-16.2 promoter drives transcription of both hsp-16.2 and hsp-16.41. The promoter contains two HSEs, flanking the HSAS, which has no known ligand (Fig. 5 B). Deletion analysis and induction of high copy number ectopic arrays indicated that the proximal HSE site was most important for transcription, whereas loss of both HSE sites abolished transcription (GuhaThakurta et al., 2002). In addition, mutation of HSAS decreased reporter gene transcription sup­ported by the distal HSE site.

We asked whether mutation of the HSE or HSAS sites would influence hsp-16.2 promoter­driven subnuclear localiza­tion. lacO­tagged single­copy reporters with modified hsp-16.2 promoters were introduced into an otherwise identical chromatin environment by MosSCI­mediated recombination at the ttTi5605 locus. Confirming the observations in Figs. 2–4, the MosSCI hsp-16.2 promoter shifted the ttTi5605 locus to the nuclear pe­riphery in 40% of the cells before HS (Fig. 5 C). After HS, NE association increased to 44%. Mutation of either HSAS or HSE elements (Fig. 5, B and C), or both, led to a random distribution before HS (Fig. 5 C; zone 1 = 33% for HSASmt, 32% for HSE1/2mt, and 31% for HSASmt HSE1/2mt). Intriguingly, when the same constructs were monitored 20 min after HS, the locus was sig­nificantly peripheral despite loss of HSAS or HSE consensuses (Fig. 5 C; zone 1 = 45% for HSASmt and 46% for HSE1/2mt).

lamina, we performed ChIP with antibodies against NPP­13, a pore protein located in the intramembrane domain of the NPC (Nic96 in yeast, Nup93 in mammals), and LEM­2, a lamin­ associated protein (Ikegami et al., 2010). Quantitative PCR (qPCR) confirms the association of these proteins with the en­dogenous hsp-16.2 locus (Fig. 4 A, en), as well as the single­copy hsp-16.2 promoter insertion at ttTi5605 (Fig. 2 A, ec; Fig. 2 G and Fig. 4 A). Unrelated loci were used to normalize PCR values among the biological ChIP replicates (ctrl1) and to provide a non–HS­responsive control (ctrl2). These two loci were previously characterized as not interacting with the NPC (unpublished data; Fig. 4 C).

We note that the probes nearest the transcription start sites (TSSs) at the ectopic MosSCI locus (ec1), the endogenous hsp-16.2 (en1), or the hsp-16.41 promoter (en2) failed to cross­link efficiently to NPP­13, either before or after HS. This may be caused by interference in DNA–pore contact by holo–pol II binding. However, the promoter probe further upstream (ec2) yielded a strong enrichment for NPP­13 after HS within the hsp-16.2 MosSCI insertion (Fig. 4 B, compare ec1 with ec2). At the endogenous locus, the association of both en1 and en2 with LEM­2 dropped after HS (Fig. 4 B), which is consistent with the SR­SIM localization data presented in Fig. 3.

Given the poor ChIP efficiency for NPP­13 with the promoter probes used in Fig. 4 A, we extended ChIP analy­sis along the coding sequence, and to additional sites in the promoters of both the endogenous locus and the hsp-16.2::mCherry MosSCI insertion. In Fig. 4 C, we compared NPP­13 recovery before HS (open diamond) and 10 min after HS (closed squares) and normalized enrichment to the ctrl1 sequence. At both sites we observed a small but significant enrichment for NPP­13 after HS, and the association spread along the coding sequence (Fig. 4 C). The hsp-16.2 MosSCI insertion has particularly strong NPP­13 binding at the distal end of the pro­moter after HS, confirming the results shown in the preceding paragraph, whereas NPP­13 enrichment was low at the TSS of all constructs analyzed. The presence of NPP­13 along the gene body after HS suggests that the transcribing gene perhaps becomes exposed to contact the NPC. In summary, SR­SIM and ChIP results indicate that before HS, the hsp-16.2 pro­moter is near, but does not colocalize with the NPC, whereas after HS, the promoter directly interacts with the NPC, as does the 3 end of each transcribed gene.

Endogenous hsp-16.2 and the MosSCI hsp-16.2 insertion show similar induction kineticsTo validate the use of the MosSCI­integrated hsp-16.2 promoter, we analyzed its kinetics of induction alongside those of the endogenous locus by analyzing levels of either nascent (pre­mRNA) or spliced transcripts during HS and for 40 min after

(white) relative to LMN-1 (red) or NPC (green). Bar, 1 µm. (E) Scoring of hsp-16.2 tg #1 and MosSCI insertion tel V before and after HS (hatched), as in B–D. White, colocalizing with NPC (pore); orange, touching NPC; red, adjacent to lamina. Non-peripheral transgenes are not indicated. The number of hsp-16.2 tg counted, n colocalizing with NPC, n touching NPC, and n adjacent to LMN-1 were as follows. no HS, n = 197, 10, 68, and 35; and after HS, n = 199, 106, 23, and 18. For tel V, numbers were as follows. no HS, n = 215, 45, 46, 44; and after HS (n = 184, 33, 44, 42. The red line is defined as in Fig. 2. Bars: (A, top) 10 µm; (A, bottom) 3 µm; (B–D) 1 µm.


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Loss of all three sites, however, ablated NE association (Fig. 5 E; 32% for HSASmt HSE1/2mt). In conclusion, before HS, both HSAS and HSE sites are used to position the hsp-16.2 promoter near the periphery, whereas after HS either the HSAS or HSE sequence suffices.

To test whether relocation correlates with expression ef­ficiency, we performed real­time PCR on reverse­transcribed RNA, extracted from the strains bearing mutant and WT hsp-16.2 promoters, before and after HS. Real­time PCR values are ex­pressed relative to those of its-1 (Fig. 5 D; for an agarose gel of amplicons, see Fig. S3). HS robustly induces the WT pro­moter­driven mCherry, with the same kinetics as the endog­enous hsp-16.2 mRNA (Fig. 5 A), although mCherry protein is only visible 80 min after HS (Fig. S4). Mutation of the HSE sites compromises mCherry expression (Fig. 5 D), whether or not the HSAS is intact. There is, nonetheless, a very low level of nascent and spliced transcript detectable in the HSE mutant (Figs. S3 and S4 A), even though induction is compromised and mCherry fluorescence is not detected.

When the HSAS site alone is mutated, leaving functional HSE sites, the expression level of mCherry is reduced 10­fold (Fig. 5 D), yet spliced transcript could be detected after 40 min (Fig. S3) and mCherry fluorescence could be detected by 120 min (Fig. S4 A). This argues that HSAS contributes to full activation of hsp-16.2, even in the presence of HSE se­quences. Given that HSAS is needed for peripheral positioning before induction, NE positioning before HS correlates with maximal activation.

After HS, the NPC localization of the hsp-16.2 promoter does not require induced RNA levels because promoters that lack the HSE sites (no increased mRNA) or the HSAS site (in­creased mRNA) support similar recruitment to the NE upon HS (Fig. 5, C and D). The HSAS element may contribute to NPC binding through a factor that contributes to activation, but which is insufficient for induced gene expression. In contrast, HSE elements support both HS­induced transcription and relo­cation in the absence of HSAS, most probably through HSF­1 and pol II recruitment.

Peripheral anchoring of the hsp-16.2 promoter depends on HSF-1We next tested whether HSF­1 is needed for peripheral po­sitioning (Figs. 1 and 5 E). We used hsf-1(RNAi) on worms bearing the lacO-tagged hsp-16.2 transgene. Upon depletion of HSF­1 in embryos of RNAi­treated worms, both before and

Figure 4. NPC interaction at endogenous hsp-16.2 and at the MosSCI–hsp-16.2 promoter insert increases after HS. (A) Sketch of the endogenous hsp-16.2 locus (top, chr V) and the ectopic MosSCI insert (bottom, chr II) of

hsp-16.2::mCherry at ttTi5605, showing probes used for qPCR (en1 and -2, endogenous; ec1 and -2, MosSCI insert). Probes en1, en2, and ec1 are near TSS; control loci ctrl1 and ctrl2 do not to interact with NPC or LMN-1. crtl1 is used for normalization and ctrl2 is not HS-inducible. All ChIP was performed in triplicate on a single strain; see Materials and methods for quantitation. (B) NPP-13 (top) and LEM-2 (bottom) ChIP enrichment of the probes in A, normalized to ctrl1. Values are shown before (unhatched) and 10 min after (hatched) HS. Asterisks indicate statistically significant change. (C) Additional qPCR probes were used to monitor ChIP enrichment at the endogenous hsp-16.2 and MosSCI hsp-16.2 promoter integration, before () and after HS (). Loci are aligned (gray column). ctrl2 normal-ized to ctrl1 reflects no HS response. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM.


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Figure 5. HSE and HSAS sequences are necessary to anchor hsp-16.2 at the nuclear rim. (A) Nascent (left) and spliced (right) RNA levels of hsp-16.2 (◇) and mCherry () before and at six time points after HS for the indicated loci. Values are normalized to its-1, a transcribed rDNA spacer. (B) Scheme of the hsp-16.2/41 promoter, containing two HSF-1 binding sites, HSE1 and HSE2, on either side of the HSAS sequence, with hsp-16.2 or mCherry transcription driven toward the right. Changes in mutated versions of HSE1, HSAS, or HSE2 are shown below the sketch. (C) Quantitation of subnuclear positions of the GFP-lacI signal for the MosSCI insertion of WT or mutated hsp-16.2 promoters; color-coded as in B. Zone 1 values, bar labels, and asterisks are defined as in Fig. 2 (B and C). Cell numbers were (left to right) n = 117, 309, 367, 339, 306, 95, 346, 329, 347, and 249. P-values versus random = 0.17, 0.02, 0.80, 0.73, 0.33, 0.31, 3 × 105, 1 × 106, 1 × 106, and 0.59, respectively. (D) Nascent and spliced RNA levels of mCherry driven from WT or mutated hsp-16.2 promoters at MosSCI insertion, normalized to its-1. Values are shown for HSE1/2mt, HSASmt, and WT, color-coded as in B. (E) HSF-1 is essential for peripheral targeting of the hsp-16.2 tg #1 both before and after HS. Quantification of positions of the GFP-lacI signal for progeny from control RNAi or hsf-1 RNAi fed adult progeny as in Fig. 2 B. Zone 1 scoring, asterisks, and hatching are defined the same as in Fig. 2 (B and C). Numbers counted were (left to right) n = 681, 704, 281, and 244. P-values versus random = 3 × 104, 3 × 107, 0.16, and 0.07, respectively. (F) Quantitation of GFP-lacI focus position for WT or mutated hsp-16.2 promoter MosSCI inserts (coded as in B) and the lacO-tagged insert tel V in progeny of hsf-1 RNAi fed adults. Scoring, asterisks, and hatching are as in Fig. 2 (B and C). Loci counted were (left to right) n = 309, 209, 367, 209, 339, 227, 95, 198, 346, 210, 329, 242, 347, 204, 91, and 209. P-values versus random = 0.02, 0.16, 0.80, 0.54, 0.73, 0.92, <0.01, <0.01, 3 × 105, 0.56, 1 × 106, 0.88, 1 × 106, 0.86, <0.01, and <0.01, respectively.


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to peripheral anchoring, we added a second mCherry gene be­tween the promoter and the lacO sites at the MosSCI ttTi5605 locus (Fig. 6 A). Peripheral localization increased significantly both before and after HS due to insertion of a second ORF (39% vs. 49% before HS and 44% vs. 53% after HS; Fig. 6 B). Thus, by doubling the amount of pol II bound (or the number of tran­scripts possible), we increased peripheral anchoring, both be­fore and after HS.

To see if pol II itself was involved in the anchorage, we used two previously characterized thermo­sensitive al­leles of the pol II large subunit, ama-1(m118m238) and ama-1(m118m251). These mutations are in the catalytic subunit and appear to trigger pol II dissociation either because of loss of template binding (m118m238 [C777Y, G1406R]) or to the disruption of contacts between AMA­1 and RPB­2, two core subunits of pol II (m118m251 [C777Y, A364V]; Bowman et al., 2011). Animals homozygous for either mutation develop normally at 15–20°C, but arrest early in development at 25°C. At permissive temperature, ama-1 mutants containing the hsp-16.2 tg #1 support NE association, as in WT animals (Fig. 6 C, ama-1ts). However, after 10 min at 34°C, the hsp-16.2 transgene

after HS, the hsp-16.2 transgene was released from the nuclear rim (Fig. 5 E; 35% and 32% for hsf-1 RNAi, vs. 50% and 55% control RNAi; n and p­values are given in the figure legend). A myo-3 transgene showed no effect of hsf-1 RNAi (unpub­lished data). We extended the analysis of hsf-1(RNAi) effects to the MosSCI­integrated hsp-16.2::mCherry construct. For the MosSCI insert with the hsp-16.2 promoter intact or lacking ei­ther HSAS or HSE sites, HSF­1 was necessary for the peripheral enrichment scored either before or after HS (Fig. 5 F). As ex­pected, hsf-1(RNAi) had no effect on the tagged tel V locus (Fig. 5 F). We conclude that HSF­1 binding to the hsp-16.2 pro­moter is necessary for perinuclear localization, both before and after HS. This argues that NPC anchoring through the HSAS site after HS also depends on HSF­1, even though HSF­1 does not bind HSAS directly.

RNA pol II is essential for peripheral anchoring by the hsp-16.2 promoterGiven that HSF­1 is necessary for pol II–dependent elongation, we next tested the role of pol II itself in NPC anchoring of the hsp-16.2 promoter. To see if bidirectional transcription contributes

Figure 6. Active RNA pol II is necessary for peripheral anchoring of the hsp-16.2 promoter. (A) MosSCI insertion at ttTi5605 of the hsp-16.2 promoter driving either one or two mCherry genes as indicated. The top shows control lacking the hsp-16.2 promoter. (B) Quantitation of the GFP-lacI position for lacO-only control and uni- or bidirectional hsp-16.2 promoter constructs (A). Scoring, zone 1 plotting, asterisks, and hatching are the same as in Fig. 2 (B and C). Loci counted were (left to right) n = 117, 95, 309, 346, 232, and 246. P-values versus random = 0.17, 0.31, 0.02, 3 × 105, 7 × 107, and 3 × 1011, respectively; for 1× versus 2× genes, both with and without HS, P < 0.05. (C) A thermosensitive (ts) mutation in RNA pol II AMA-1 impairs anchoring of the hsp-16.2 tg #1. GFP-lacI signal positions in WT or ama-1(m218m251) embryos were scored and zone 1 values were plotted before and 20 min after HS (hatched), as in Fig. 2 (B and C). The lacO-tagged tel V insert in the same ama-1ts background shows the opposite effect upon AMA-1 inactivation (HS). Loci counted were (left to right) n = 309, 346, 179, 96, 155, and 155. P-values versus random = 0.02, 3 × 105, 6 × 105, 0.39, 2 × 109, and <1010, respectively. (D) Scheme of HS kinetics (red indicates samples in B and C) showing gradual temperature increase (E) testing ama-1ts mutants for the hsp-16.2 tg1 position. At × and , images were taken and quantified. (E) Progressive temperature increase in the indicated ama-1 mutants releases hsp-16.2 tg #1 without HS. Locus scoring, zone 1, and asterisks are the same as in Fig. 2 (B and C). Loci counted were (left to right) n = 186, 217, 208, 167, 199, 210, 256, 274, 85, 123, 76, and 39. P-values versus random = 6 × 106, 1 × 108, 0.02, 0.70, 4 × 106, 3 × 107, 0.01, 0.93, 2 × 105, 1 × 1012, 3 × 108, and 2 × 104, respectively.


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peripherally located tel V insert was unaffected by temperature shift (Fig. 6 E). We conclude that enzymatically active pol II, either paused or actively transcribing, is necessary to anchor noninduced or induced hsp-16.2 promoters to the NPC.

THO/TREX and anchoring and mRNA export complex factor ENY-2 bridges hsp16.2 to NPCSeveral complexes that stimulate both elongation and mRNA packaging and export are associated with engaged pol II. One such is the THO/TREX complex (García­Oliver et al., 2012; Fig. 7 A), which is implicated in the NPC anchoring of several yeast inducible genes and the Drosophila Hsp70 cluster. An­choring requires the S. cerevisiae Sus1 or Drosophila E(y)2/ENY2 subunit (Rodríguez­Navarro et al., 2004; Kurshakova et al., 2007; Kopytova et al., 2010), which has affinity for proteins of the inner nuclear pore basket (Kurshakova et al., 2007).

We examined the peripheral localization of the hsp-16.2 transgenes before and after HS after eny-2(RNAi). Indeed, hsp-16.2

became randomly distributed within the nucleus of mutant em­bryos (Fig. 6 C, WT vs. ama-1ts). This was not caused by a general release of chromatin from the NE, as the control tel V locus remains enriched in zone 1 upon pol II inactivation (Fig. 6 C, tel V). Engaged and active pol II is specifically in­volved in hsp-16.2 transgene anchoring. Strikingly, even tran­sient inactivation of pol II leads to release from the NPC.

Given that there is basal transcription of hsp-16.2 under noninducing conditions (Fig. S3) and that the transgenes are pe­ripherally enriched before HS induction, we examined whether progressive inactivation of pol II (AMA­1) by a step­wise temperature increase would ablate hsp-16.2 transgene association with the NE. To test this, we took embryos from two ama-1ts mutant strains at a permissive temperature and increased the temp­erature while imaging (Fig. 6 D). Results are similar for both mutants: whereas hsp-16.2 transgenes are enriched at the NE at a permissive temperature (15° or 20°C; Fig. 6 E), transgenes pro­gressively lose their peripheral attachment after 10 min at 25°C, and are randomly distributed by 60 min (Fig. 6 E). In contrast, the

Figure 7. The SAGA and THO/TREX component ENY-2 is required for peripheral positioning of hsp-16.2 promoter. (A) Sketch of budding yeast SAGA and THO/TREX complexes with yeast names (García-Oliver et al., 2012). The yeast subunit Sus1 (ENY-2, formerly e(y)2 in flies and T01C3.2 in worms) is pres-ent in both complexes (blue circle) and binds the nuclear basket. Other equivalents are Xmas-2 (ScSac3) and DSS1 (ScSem1). (B) Quantitation of hsp-16.2 transgene 1 position in progeny from control RNAi or eny-2(RNAi) fed adults, scored before and after HS. Scoring, zone 1, asterisks, and hatched bars are as in Fig. 2 (B and C). Loci counted were (left to right) n = 681, 704, 157, and 157. P-values versus random = 3 × 104, 3 × 107, 0.65, and 0.55, respectively. (C) Peripheral position of hsp-16.2 promoter tg #1 is unaffected by sams-3 RNAi, unlike the heterochromatic myo-3 array, GW76. GFP-lacI signals were scored in progeny of control RNAi or sams-3 RNAi fed worms. Scoring, zone 1 plotting, and hatching are as in Fig. 2 (B and C). Loci counted were (left to right) n = 681, 704, 298, and 270. P-values versus random = 3 × 104, 3 × 107, 2 × 108, and 2 × 1013, respectively.


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see Akhtar and Gasser, 2007), whereas the Drosophila HSP70 locus was found near the NE both before and after HS in cul­tured S2 cells (Kurshakova et al., 2007). The down­regulation of E(y)2/ENY2 led to the release of HSP70 from the NE of S2 cells, and reduced mRNA by 50% (Kurshakova et al., 2007), although in fly imaginal discs the same locus was not uniformly peripheral (Yao et al., 2007). These results suggest, but do not prove, that NPC association correlates with control over mature mRNA levels in metazoan cells.

Intriguingly, transcription of yeast INO1 and GAL1 was not required either for the establishment or maintenance of their perinuclear positioning (Schmid et al., 2006; Brickner et al., 2007). Analogously, the induced ectopic C. elegans hsp-16.2 pro­moter was strongly enriched at the NE in the absence of HSF­1 binding sites, although the production of full­length mRNA was significantly impaired (Fig. 5, C and D). The perinuclear posi­tioning of the hsp-16.2 promoter is nonetheless sensitive to the loss of functional pol II both before and after HS. Reconciling these results, we propose that either a paused polymerase, or short pol II–dependent transcripts, drive association of C. elegans genes with the NPC.

The hsp-16.2 promoter autonomously determines perinuclear localizationBy inserting a 394­bp hsp-16.2 promoter, either as a low­copy number array or as a single­copy MosSCI insert, we found that perinuclear positioning is intrinsic to the promoter sequence. No sequence was shown to drive positioning of the Drosophila Hsp70 locus (Kurshakova et al., 2007), whereas in yeast, a short “DNA zip code” called gene recruitment sequence I (GRS­I) led to NPC association when inserted ectopically (Ahmed et al., 2010). Intriguingly, at the endogenous yeast INO1 locus, pore targeting required an inositol­dependent event, which suggests that a change in either transcription factor affinity or in sur­rounding sequences can alter the positioning of the uninduced locus (Ahmed et al., 2010).

In our case, HSF­1 down­regulation, as well as condi­tional mutations that trigger pol II release from the template, impaired NE localization both before and after HS (Figs. 5 and 6). We propose that the recruitment of additional factors upon HS allows a HSE­deficient promoter to confer perinuclear local­ization but not to support induced gene expression. A similar situation may occur in budding yeast, where relocalization of GRS­I–containing promoters required transcriptional induction and binding of Put3, an activating transcription factor (Ahmed et al., 2010; Brickner et al., 2012). At hsp.16.2, the relevant factor is likely to be the NPC­binding Sus1 homologue, ENY­2, part of SAGA and THO/TREX (Fig. 8).

Our ability to exploit well­characterized ts mutants of the large pol II RPB1 subunit (AMA­1 in worms) allowed us to show that functional pol II is essential for NE positioning of hsp-16.2. Loss of template binding (m118m238 [C777Y, G1406R]) or loss of interaction between the two core subunits AMA­1 and RPB­2 (m118m251 [C777Y, A364V]; Bowman et al., 2011) compromise the perinuclear enrichment of the hsp-16.2 pro­moter both before and after HS. Consistent with the notion that pol II is engaged at an uninduced hsp-16.2 promoter,

transgene enrichment in zone 1 was lost without ENY­2 (Fig. 7 B, before HS, 35% vs. 44% for control RNAi), and HS treatment did not restore or improve NPC association (26% in zone 1 for eny-2(RNAi) vs. 56% for control RNAi; Fig. 7 B). In contrast, eny-2(RNAi) had no significant effect on myo-3 transgene local­ization (unpublished data). Furthermore, eny-2(RNAi) delayed the appearance of mCherry fluorescence from 80 to 120 min after HS (Fig. S4), which is consistent with a profound effect on HS gene induction, processing, or export. We conclude that ENY­2 is essential both for anchoring the hsp-16.2 transgene to NPCs and for maximum induction from the hsp-16.2 promoter.

The hsp-16.2–NPC anchoring is distinct from the histone H3K9 methylation­dependent anchoring of heterochromatin, which is ablated by sams-3(RNAi) (Towbin et al., 2012). Down­regulation of S­adenosyl methyltransferases releases large het­erochromatic arrays from the NE, but had no effect on the subnuclear distribution of the hsp-16.2 transgene (Fig. 7 C).

DiscussionSeveral hypotheses have attempted to explain the logic of tethering highly transcribed genes at nuclear pores. Initially, Blobel proposed that targeting genes to pores would spatially fa­cilitate mRNA export to distinct cytoplasmic domains in asym­metric cells, the so­called “gene gating” hypothesis (Blobel, 1985). Alternatively, pore­proximal localization was proposed to es­tablish an epigenetic state that confers a transcriptional mem­ory, facilitating reactivation of stress­inducible genes (Brickner et al., 2007). Other results suggested that the NPC could influ­ence the fine­tuning of mRNA levels (for review see Akhtar and Gasser, 2007) or the degradation of nascent transcripts (Woolcock et al., 2012). Here we implicate specific promoter sequences and the trans­activator HSF­1 in the positioning of both the un­induced and induced C. elegans hsp-16.2 gene at nuclear pores. We rule out chromosomal context and gene­specific intron or 3 UTR sequences as major determinants of NE binding, and show instead that promoter­bound pol II, but not abundant mRNA, is essential for gene positioning.

The physiological significance of pore­proximal gene po­sitioning has been tested in yeast, yet no function has been shown to be universally relevant (for reviews see Akhtar and Gasser, 2007; Dieppois and Stutz, 2010; Kind and van Steensel, 2010; Egecioglu and Brickner, 2011). In budding yeast, interaction with the NE was essential for maximal transcriptional activity of an inducible subtelomeric gene (Taddei et al., 2006), and the NPC tethering of nontelomeric genes facilitated derepression in the absence of activating factors (Brickner and Walter, 2004). How­ever, in other cases such as ribosomal protein genes, HSP104, and some GAL loci, steady­state levels of mRNA were higher when genes were released from pores (Dieppois et al., 2006; Yoshida et al., 2010; Green et al., 2012). Similarly, transcripts of heat­ induced fission yeast genes were kept low by the action of pore­associated Dicer (Woolcock et al., 2012). This diversity of phenotypes linked to gene–pore interaction most likely reflects locus­specific differences in their modes of activation, or in path­ways of processing and export.

In metazoans, the association of the X chromosome in male flies contributes to the up­regulation of mRNAs (for review


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with the NPC, whereas before HS the same transgene is near but not overlapping with nuclear pores (Fig. 3). Similarly, ChIP results show enriched pore association, and a drop in LEM­2 association, after HS. Thus, gene induction coincides with a shift of the hsp-16.2 promoter from a site near pores to direct NPC colocalization, where it remains even after a return to 22°C. This is consistent with two related modes of association, both depen­dent on pol II, but one being enhanced by nascent transcript.

Rapid induction and rapid repression: the dual function of nuclear pores?Locus retention at the pore after HS, despite a return to 22°C, could also reflect a process that either degrades or delays pro­cessing of the induced mRNA, triggered by the return to non­HS conditions. Indeed, NPC association may promote both mes­sage processing and export, as well as degradation, depending on the transcription factors bound to the promoter, and perhaps their phosphorylation status. It is noteworthy that in mammalian cells, c­Myc appears to regulate not only induction of c­Myc regulated genes, but also the stability of the resulting mRNA in the cytoplasm (Rounbehler et al., 2012).

Based on recent results in fission yeast (Woolcock et al., 2012), we propose that pol II– and mRNA­mediated associa­tion of stress­inducible genes with nuclear pores has evolved to control genes that require rapid induction, rapid repression, and efficient clearance of unwanted mRNA once conditions change. In S. pombe, a set of divergently transcribed heat­induced genes were seen to be repressed cotranscriptionally by the RNAi machinery (Woolcock et al., 2012). Intriguingly, at least some of these genes are targeted to the NPC for induction, and remain there after the shift back to noninducing conditions (Woolcock et al., 2012). RNA degradation, or simply impaired processing of unspliced mRNAs, may be used to down­regulate temperature­induced genes once the stress is no longer present. It will be interesting to test whether enzymes that control splicing or co­transcriptional RNA degradation also contribute to the persis­tent NPC localization of HS­induced genes in C. elegans.

genome­wide mapping revealed endogenous hsp-16.2 transcripts under normal embryonic growth conditions (www.modencode .org), which we confirmed by RT­PCR of hsp-16.2 promoter­driven mCherry transcripts (Fig. S3). ModEncode ChIP data (www.modencode.org) suggest the presence of pol II along the entire hsp-16.2 gene before HS, with enrichment of its unphos­phorylated form in the promoter. Small RNAs were detected at the 5 end of the gene, arguing that pol II may be stalled or nonproductively engaged at the hsp-16.2 promoter. These results suggest the presence of engaged pol II before HS. How­ever, the hsp-16.2p::mCherry reporter is peripheral before HS, with extremely low levels of spliced mCherry mRNA (Fig. S3), and some mutant promoters supported relocation (HSEmt) with­out supporting induced transcription (Fig. 5). Thus, processed mRNA (as opposed to engaged pol II) is unlikely to be the criti­cal link to the NE.

In Drosophila and other organisms, paused pol II is found 30–50 bp away from the HSP70 TSS (Levine, 2011). Two com­plexes, negative elongation factor (NELF) and DRB sensitivity–inducing factor (DSIF) bind the nascent transcript, and DSIF is phosphorylated by P­TEFb, a cyclin/Cdk complex, to release paused pol II (Levine, 2011). There is no reported homologue of NELF in C. elegans (Baugh et al., 2009), but the C. elegans DSIF homologue has been shown to repress transcription of hsp-16.2 (Shim et al., 2002). From our studies, we conclude that perinuclear anchoring of the uninduced hsp-16.2 is mediated by a complex based either on engaged pol II or on the unprocessed mRNA itself, and that factors associated with an engaged pol II, such as the ENY­2–containing THO/TREX complex or SAGA­associated DUB, are likely tethers (Fig. 8). Consistently, loss of ENY­2 correlated with loss of peripheral enrichment of the hsp-16.2 transgene.

Strong colocalization of the hsp-16.2 promoter with NPC after inductionOur study demonstrates by super­resolution microscopy that after HS induction, the majority of hsp-16.2 transgenes colocalize

Figure 8. Model of hsp-16.2 positioning in relation to NPC before and after stress induction. Model based on the results presented, proposing that hsp-16.2 binds nuclear pores before and after HS in a similar manner, except that before HS nascent RNA is degraded and after HS it is efficiently spliced and exported. See text for details.


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Microscopy and quantitationLive microscopy was performed on 2% agarose pads at room tempera-ture. For microscopy of embryos, a spinning disk multipoint confocal mi-croscope (AxioImager M1 [Carl Zeiss] + Yokogawa CSU-22 scan head, plan-Neo-Fluar 100×/1.45 NA oil objective lens, an EM-CCD camera [Cascade II; Photometrics], and MetaMorph 7.7.2 software [Molecular Devices]) was used (Figs. 1, 2 [E, F, and H], 5 [C, E, and F], 6 [B, C, and E], and 7 [B and C]). For each picture, a stack with a z spacing of 0.2 µm was taken and deconvolved using the multidimensional decon-volution software Huygens (Scientific Volume Imaging). 3D reconstructions used Imaris software (Bitplane). For quantitative analysis of arrays, trans-genes, and locus position, measurements were made with ImageJ using Point Picker, and scoring of radial positioning of endogenous loci and GFP-lacI–tagged transgenes were performed as described in Meister et al. (2010a). In brief, through-focus stacks of images are acquired at 200-nm intervals, and in the plane of the fluorescent locus, the nuclear cross section is divided in three concentric zones of equal surface area. To score spot position, the ratio of the distance from spot center to periphery (black line) over the nuclear radius (red line/2) is determined for many foci, which are binned into zones 1–3, such that a random localization would imply 33% in each zone. All scoring was performed on at least two bio-logically independent experiments. Significance of locus distribution rela-tive to a random distribution was performed using a 2 test with a degree of freedom of 2, when an entire distribution is compared with a random distribution, whereas the significance of changes in two test conditions (e.g., zone 1 in ±HS) was determined using the Fisher’s exact test. For position scoring on SR-SIM microscopy, single sections with lacO/GFP-lacI spots were scored relative to the NPC and lamina. The transgene position analysis (Fig. 3 E) is based on two independent experiments, scored by two independent researchers.

Z projections of embryos were done in ImageJ using maximal inten-sity projection. High-resolution imaging was done with a super-resolution structured illumination microscope (Elyra S.1 [Carl Zeiss], Plan-Apochromat 63×/1.4 NA objective lens, EM-CCD camera [iXon 885; Andor Technol-ogy], and ZEN Blue 2010 D software [Carl Zeiss]; Fig. 3) at RT. Processing was performed with Zen software (Carl Zeiss) and 3D reconstruction and analysis was performed with Imaris software.

The Lamin Dam-ID study shown in Fig. 2 A was performed as de-scribed previously (Towbin et al., 2012) using LMN-1-Dam-ID data from three biological replicates of WT C. elegans embryos.

Temperature shift experimentsFor HS, the embryos or worms were shifted to 34°C for 10 min either in a slide incubator for a PCR machine or in a water bath. For gradual increase of temperature on the microscope stage, embryos from adults grown at 15°C were transferred on 2% agarose pads on a mini-stage temperature controller (CB164-V1; EMBL). Embryos were imaged at 15°C, temperature was shifted at 20°C, then at 25°C. Pictures were taken al-ways after a 10-min incubation, and, while at 25°C, images were taken again after 1 h.

RNAi experimentsRNAi was performed by feeding on plates as described previously with minor adaptations (Timmons et al., 2001). Worms were put on the feeding plates either as L4 and left for 24 h (hsf-1, eny-2) or left for two generations on RNAi plates starting with synchronized L1s (sams-3). An EcoRV frag-ment containing 25 bp of perfect identity to GFP-LacI was removed from vector L4440 (Fire vector library) and used as a mock RNAi control.

RNA extraction and qPCRExtraction of RNA was performed on embryos according to the Worm-Book protocol (Stiernagle, 2006). The RNA was purified using the RNeasy kit (catalog no. 74104; QIAGEN) including DNase treatment. Reverse transcription PCR was done with ProtoScript AMV First Strand cDNA Syn-thesis kit (E6550S; New England Biolabs, Inc.). Real-time qPCR was done with GoTaq qPCR Master Mix with an ABI 7500 Fast qPCR machine. Primer sequences can be found in Table S2. The data shown in Fig. 5 (A and D) were obtained by RNA extraction of two independent experiments.

ChIP-qPCRStandard worm culture techniques were used to obtain embryos from GW615 strain in S liquid media (Stiernagle, 2006). Embryos in M9 buffer were divided into two aliquots: one aliquot was subsequently incubated in 34°C M9 buffer for 10 min (HS), while the other aliquot was incubated in 20°C M9 buffer for 10 min (non-HS). Embryos were further incubated in buffer at 25°C for 10 min and then cross-linked in 2% formaldehyde

Materials and methodsTransgenic strains and molecular biologyStandard C. elegans culture conditions and crossing procedures were used. Unless otherwise stated, worms were maintained at 22.5°C. GFP-lacI was expressed from gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-lacI; vit-5::GFP]. For strains bearing more than one large array, integrations were performed sepa-rately and backcrossed to WT worms before crossing strains. A full strains list is available in Table S1. Note that although a blastP of T01C3.2 against fly or human protein databases does not detect ENY2, the Brugia malayi homologue of T01C3.2 detects ENY2 in both flies and mammals (WormBase).

Cloning of hsp-16.2p::mCherry constructsThe hsp-16.2 WT promoter construct driving mCherry expression was ob-tained by replacing GFP in pPD49.78 by WmCherry. hsp-16.2 promoter constructs containing mutations in HSE or HSAS sites were created by replacing the promoter in pPD49.78 with the mutated promoters described in GuhaThakurta et al. (2002). Specifically, the original sequence of HSE (5-TTCTAGAA-3) was replaced by 5-CCTGGAGG-3, and the original HSAS sequence (5-GGGTCTC-3) was replaced by 5-ATAGAGA-3. Inser-tion of lacO repeats at ttTi5605 (middle of chr II) was achieved by cloning the repeats from pSR1 (Rohner et al., 2008) into pCJ151 (Frøkjaer-Jensen et al., 2008). To insert hsp-16.2::mCherry constructs at ttTi5605, hsp-16.2::mCherry fusions (WT or mutated promoter versions) were inserted in pCFJ151-lacO. For the bidirectional promoter construct, the mCherry coding sequence was obtained by PCR and was inserted in appropri-ately digested pPD49.78-mCherry. Insertion of lacO repeats on tel V was achieved using Mos insertion ttTi9115 (right arm of chr V). The myo-3::mCherry promoter fusion used is described in Meister et al. (2010b).

Small transgenes were obtained by microparticle co-bombardment of hsp-16.2::mCherry with a lacO repeat construct (pSR1) (Rohner et al., 2008) and the unc-119 rescuing construct (Fig. 2 D). In brief, worms were bombarded with micrometer-sized gold beads loaded with DNA. Bom-bardment leads to the formation of small-sized transgenes containing 10–100 cointegrated plasmids (Praitis, 2006). Strains were backcrossed to unc-119(ed3) III parents after integration. MosSCI strains were obtained according to the method of Frøkjaer-Jensen et al. (2008), a method based on homologous recombination targeted to transposon sites, through either a direct or indirect method.

FISHFor the single-gene FISH, cosmid F36H9 and a plasmid covering hsp-16.2 were labeled with Alexa Fluor 555 and Alexa Fluor 647, respec-tively, using the FISHTag kit (Invitrogen). FISH was performed as follows: embryos from bleached worms were fixed for 5 min in 2% PFA and spread on poly-l-lysine–coated slides. They were freeze-cracked on dry ice before 2 min of dehydration in 100% ethanol. Slides were washed in SSC, treated with RNase, and dehydrated progressively in 70%, 85%, 95%, and 100% ethanol, then air-dried for 5 min. The sample was denatured with heat after probe addition. Probe and samples were incubated over-night at 37°C before stringent washes in SSC buffers. Samples were DAPI-stained quickly before mounting in ProLong Gold antifade (Invitro-gen). Image acquisition was performed at room-temperature on a wide-field microscope (DeltaVision; Olympus IX70) with a UPlan-SApochromat 100×/1.4 NA UIS2 oil objective lens, a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera (HQ CoolSNAP; Photometrics), and SoftWoRx software (Fig. 2 C). Samples were deconvolved using the multidimensional deconvolution software Huygens (Scientific Volume Imaging), and position scoring rela-tive to nuclear periphery was determined with ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health) using the Point Picker plugin (http://bigwww.epfl.ch/thevenaz/pointpicker). This experiment was performed twice.

Immunofluorescence staining for SIMFor immunostaining, embryos were fixed for 5 min in 2% PFA before freeze-cracking, followed by dehydration in 20°C 100% ethanol. After three washes in PBS and 0.25% Triton X-100 (PBS-T), slides were blocked in PBS-T 0.5% BSA before 1 h of incubation with primary antibody (mAB414 [ab24609; Abcam]; anti–LMN-1 [a gift of Y. Gruenbaum, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel]; or anti-GFP [D153_3; MBL]) at RT. After three washes with PBS-T, samples were incubated for 1 h with secondary antibodies (Alexa Fluor 488 anti–rabbit and Alexa Fluor 555 anti–mouse [Fig. 3 A], or Alexa Fluor 488 anti–rat, Alexa Fluor 555 anti–mouse, and Alexa Fluor 647 anti–rabbit [Fig. 3, B–D]; Invitrogen) at RT before final washes and DNA staining with Hoechst 33258.


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solution. Chromatin extracts were prepared by sonicating the cross-linked embryos in FA buffer (50 mM Hepes/KOH, pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA, 1% Triton X-100, 0.1% sodium deoxycholate, and 150 mM NaCl). ChIP was per-formed by incubating the chromatin extract with anti–NPP-13 or anti–LEM-2 antibodies immobilized onto Protein A–conjugated Sepharose beads (Ikegami et al., 2010). Affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies for NPP-13 (aa 667–766; SDQ4094) and for LEM-2 (aa 1–100; SDQ4051) were produced by genetic immunization at SDIX. After 12 cycles of ligation-mediated PCR amplification, the ChIP DNA was quantified using real-time PCR amplification monitored by a SYBR green dye in a PCR instrument (7900HT; Applied Biosystems). ChIP enrichment represented by an amount of ChIP DNA ([ChIP]) over an amount of input DNA ([Input]) at a given locus was calculated by: [ChIP]/[Input] = 2(CTinput CTchip)/PCR efficiency, where CTinput and CTchip are Ct (threshold cycle) values for input and ChIP DNA, respectively. PCR efficiencies for primer pairs were: ctrl1, 0.998; ctrl2, 0.971; en1, 1.034; en2, 1.044; ec1, 0.951; and ec2, 1.002.

Online supplemental materialFig. S1 shows controls for the HS induced integrated array of hsp-16.2 promoters (Fig. 1). Fig. S2 shows quantification by real-time PCR of the number of plasmids present in the small arrays carrying hsp-16.2::mCherry (Fig. 2). Fig. S3 shows that PCR amplification detects mCherry mRNA in a reverse transcription–dependent manner. Fig. S4 shows mCherry protein detection after HS induction. Video 1 shows 3D reconstruction of WT C. elegans embryos stained for nuclear pores and nuclear lamina (Fig. 3). Table S1 gives an overview of C. elegans strains used including genetic details. Table S2 gives an overview of primers used. Online sup-plemental material is available at http://www.jcb.org/cgi/content/full/ jcb.201207024/DC1. Additional data are available in the JCB DataViewer at http://dx.doi.org/10.10831/jcb.201207024.dv.

We thank Y. Gruenbaum for antibodies; M. Thomas, R. Arpagaus, and I. Katic for assistance; I. Katic, the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center, D. Riddle, and P. Sternberg for strains; C. Link for plasmids; and R. Thierry, J. Pielage, L. Gelman, and S. Bourke for microscopy support.

This work was supported by the Novartis Research Foundation and the “Fondation Suisse de Recherche sur les Maladies Musculaires.”

Submitted: 3 July 2012Accepted: 31 January 2013

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JCBSupplemental material

Rohner et al., http://www.jcb.org/cgi/content/full/jcb.201207024/DC1

Figure S1.  Controls  for  the  induced  integrated array of hsp-16.2 promoter. (A) HS does not induce decondensation of a large array bearing baf-1 promoter–driven GFP-lacI in embryos. Nuclei from an embryo of a strain carrying only the GFP-lacI–expressing array gwIs4 are shown before and after HS. No change in array shape is observed upon HS. (B) hsf-1(sy441) impairs decondensation of HS-activated arrays. In a strain carrying both a GFP-lacI–expressing array (gwIs4) and an HS-activated array (gpIs1), no difference in size can be observed before and after HS. Each nucleus is encircled by a broken line. Bars, 2 µm.


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Figure S2.  Quantification by real-time PCR of the number of plasmids present in the small arrays carrying hsp-16.2::mCherry. Copy numbers of plasmids found in integrated transgenes shown in Fig. 2 D were determined for unc-119, hsp-16.2, and the bla sequences (present in all plasmids). Normalization of PCR efficiency for unc-119 and hsp-16.2 was achieved using WT worms. The lacO copy number was calculated by subtracting the unc-119 and hsp-16.2 plasmid number from the total bla copy number.

Figure S3.  PCR amplification detects mCherry mRNA in a reverse transcription–dependent manner. Nascent and spliced RNAs were detected by real-time PCR of RNA driven from the indicated mutant hsp-16.2 promoters in the MosSCI integration. The levels are extremely low when normalized to its-1 (Fig. 5). Detection of transcripts is nonetheless possible after 30 cycles of normal PCR using primers specific for the nascent (top row) and spliced (middle row) mCherry RNA, performed on reverse-transcribed RNA isolated from the indicated MosSCI integration strains. Amplification from a control rDNA spacer transcript, its-1, is shown in the bottom row. All amplifications are dependent on reverse transcription (RT) and are therefore not caused by contami-nating DNA. Amplicon signals are visible even though the levels for both nascent and spliced mCherry are reduced in the mutant constructs.


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Nuclear pore sequestration of heat shock promoter • Rohner et al. S3

Figure S4.  mCherry protein detection after HS induction. (A) Red fluorescence signal from mCherry protein in 24 whole embryos from worms carrying the WT or mutated hsp-16.2 promoter MosSCI insertions driving mCherry, as described in Fig. 5 B and scored in Fig. 5 C. The same contrast and brightness was applied to all images. (B) mCherry red fluorescence signal from embryos of the progeny of control RNAi or eny-2(RNAi) fed adults as scored in Fig. 7 B. The same contrast and brightness was applied to all images.


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Table S1. Overview of C. elegans strains used including genetic details

Strain name Genotype Arrays/transgenes

N2 WT Bristol isolateGW76 gwIs4[myo-3::rfp baf-1::gfp-lacI let-858 3UTR] X Large arrayGW102 gwIs4 [myo-3::rfp baf-1::gfp-lacI let-858 3UTR] X; gpIs1[hsp-16.2::gfp] Large arraysGW220 gwIs4 [myo-3::rfp baf-1::gfp-lacI let-858 3UTR] X; gpIs1[hsp-16.2::gfp] hsf-1(sy441)I Large arraysGW391 gwIs49[hsp-16.2::mCherry 256xLacO 4xLexA; unc-119(+)]; unc-119(ed3) III;

gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] IIISmall transgene/large array

GW421 gwIs58[hsp-16.2::mCherry 256xLacO 4xLexA; unc-119(+)]; unc-119(ed3) III; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III

Small transgene/large array

GW432 gwIs28[myo-3::wmCherry unc-119(+) 256 x LacO 4xLexA; unc-119(+)]; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; unc-119(?) III

Small transgene/large array

GW440 gwSi0[256x lacO; unc-119(+)]; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; unc-119(ed3) III

MosSCI/large array

GW615 gwSi3[hsp-16.2::wmCherry; 256x lacO; unc-119(+)]; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; unc-119(ed3) III

MosSCI/large array

GW644 gwSi5[hsp-16.2 HSE1/2mt::wmCherry; 256x lacO; unc-119(+)]; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; unc-119(ed3) III

MosSCI/large array

GW648 gwSi9[hsp-16.2 HSASmtHSE1/2mt::wmCherry; 256x lacO; unc-119(+)]; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; unc-119(ed3) III

MosSCI/large array

GW649 gwSi10[hsp-16.2 HSASmt::wmCherry; 256x lacO; unc-119(+)]; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; unc-119(ed3) III

MosSCI/large array

GW597 gwIs58[hsp-16.2::mCherry 256xLacO 4xLexA; unc-119(+)]; unc-119(ed3) III; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] II; dpy-13(eI84) ama-1(m118m251) IV

Small transgene/large array

GW691 gwIs58[hsp-16.2::mCherry 256xLacO 4xLexA; unc-119(+)]; unc-119(ed3) III; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m238) IV

Small transgene/large array

GW692 gwSi13[256x lacO @ ttTi9115; unc-119(+)]V; unc-119(ed3)III; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III

MosSCI/large array

GW815 gwSi16[ hsp-16.2/41::mCherry 2x]; unc-119(ed3)III; gwIs39 [baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP]III

MosSCI/large array

GW820 gwSi13[256x lacO @ ttTi9115; unc-119(+)]V; unc-119(ed3)III; gwIs39[baf-1::GFP-LacI::let-858 3UTR; vit-5::GFP] III; dpy-13(e184) ama-1(m118m251)IV

MosSCI/large array

PMW54 gwIs39[baf-1::gfp-lacI let-858 3UTR; vit-5::gfp] III; gpIs1[hsp-16.2::gfp] Large array/large array

Arrays indicated in bold contain lacO sites and make a visible spot when combined with GFP-LacI.


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Nuclear pore sequestration of heat shock promoter • Rohner et al. S5

Table S2. Overview of primers used

Amplified Locus Sequence (5-3) Forward/reverse Locus Used for

mCherry; processed ATTACGATGCTGAGGTGAAGAC Forward Transgene qPCR on cDNAmCherry; processed CGATAGTGTAATCCTCGTTGTG Reverse Transgene qPCR on cDNAhsp-16.2; processed ATCTTATGAGAGATATGGCTC Forward Endogenous qPCR on cDNAhsp-16.2; processed TTGTTAACAATCTCAGAAGACT Reverse Endogenous qPCR on cDNAmCherry; nascent AAGGGTGAAGAAGATAACATGG Forward Transgene qPCR on cDNAmCherry; nascent GTCCGCCTTTAGTTACCTGA Reverse Transgene qPCR on cDNAhsp-16.2; nascent TGAGTCTTCTGAGGTAAATAA Forward Endogenous qPCR on cDNAhsp-16.2; nascent CATTGTTAACAATCTGAAAGC Reverse Endogenous qPCR on cDNAits-1 CCTGGTGGCTATATGCGTCT Forward Endogenous qPCR on cDNAits-1 CCGTGAAGACTTTTGGCAAT Reverse Endogenous qPCR on cDNAintergenic locus on chr V CAAAAAGCGTTTTCAGCACA Forward Control qPCR after ChIPintergenic locus on chr V TCTGAAGTGGGGAGCTTTGT Reverse Control qPCR after ChIPintergenic locus on chr II AAGACAAACACTGCCAGAAAA Forward Control qPCR after ChIPintergenic locus on chr II ATCCTTGACGCCAGTGACAT Reverse Control qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 GGGGATCCAGTGAGATGATT Forward Ectopic qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 ATGTGAGTCGCCCTCCTTTT Reverse Ectopic qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 TGGACGGAAATAGTGGTAAAGTG Forward Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 CCTTTTGCAACAAGCAGCTC Reverse Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 AAGCCAACACGCTTTGTTCT Forward Ectopic/endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 TCCAGTGAGTTCGTCCAAGA Reverse Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 CGACTCTAGAGGATCAAGAGCA Reverse Ectopic qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 ATTCAGCAGATTTCTCTTCGAC Forward Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 GTACGCTATCAATCCAAGGAG Reverse Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 CACAAAGGGACAGTTCTGAG Forward Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 TAAGATCTAGGAACATCCACAG Reverse Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 CTCCTGACTCCAAACTTCTC Forward Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 AACATTTCTGCCTTCTCCT Reverse Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 GAACATGGATACTTGAAACGCT Forward Endogenous qPCR after ChIPhsp-16.2 GTGATGAGTTTGTCTTCTTTGG Reverse Endogenous qPCR after ChIPmCherry GTCACTGTAACAACTCCTCC Forward Ectopic qPCR after ChIPmCherry TTAAACATCCGGCAGATATACC Reverse Ectopic qPCR after ChIPmCherry GGAGAAAGAGCATGTAGGA Forward Ectopic qPCR after ChIPmCherry TCCCACAACGAGGATTACAC Reverse Ectopic qPCR after ChIPCbunc-119 CACAACAAAGCCGACTACTC Forward Ectopic qPCR after ChIPCbunc-119 GGGAAGGAACAAACTAGACAG Reverse Ectopic qPCR after ChIPCbunc-119 ACCAAACCGATATGAAAGCC Forward Ectopic qPCR after ChIPCbunc-119 AAGATACCTTGAGTGATTCCC Reverse Ectopic qPCR after ChIPlmn-1 CAAGAGAACAACAGACTCCAG Forward Endogenous qPCR copy numberlmn-1 TAATAAGACCACCGCATCAG Reverse Endogenous qPCR copy numberunc-119 CCACACCACCTCTAATCTCC Forward Endogenous/tg qPCR copy numberunc-119 TCATTTCTCTGCGTCTTCCT Reverse Endogenous/tg qPCR copy numberhsp-16.2 TGAATCAGAATATGGAGAACGG Forward Endogenous/tg qPCR copy numberhsp-16.2 GACTCACATTCGGTACATGG Reverse Endogenous/tg qPCR copy numberbla ATCGTTGTCAGAAGTAAGTTGG Forward Tg qPCR copy numberbla GCCGCATACACTATTCTCAG Reverse Tg qPCR copy number

Video 1.  3D reconstruction of WT C. elegans embryos stained for nuclear pores and lamina. WT C. elegans embryos were fixed on glass slides and immunostained for nuclear pores (Mab414; green) and nuclear lamina (anti–LMN-1; red). Images were acquired on a super-resolution structured illumination microscope (Elyra system [Carl Zeiss] with an EM-CCD camera [Andor iXon 885]), and the 3D reconstruction was performed with Zen software.


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Page 55: Heat induced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans ... · the nuclear lamina whereas euchromatin is found in the vicinity of nuclear pores. Interestingly, in budding yeast,

Chapter 3: Additional results

In this chapter I present preliminary data, which allows us to speculate on additional

proteins and with it pathways, involved in the peripheral localisation of the hsp-16.2

locus. I will first give a brief introduction and will then present the results and discuss



We wanted to further examine the involvement of trans elements that might be linked to

mRNA splicing or stability, in the peripheral anchorage of hsp-16.2. In this section we

examine a putative splicing factor that interacts with ENY-2, as well as components of

the RNAi machinery.

RSY-1 interacts with ENY-2 and is a putative splicing factor

In a genome wide interaction screen by yeast two hybrid in C. elegans, RSY-1 was found

to interact with ENY-2, a protein that we showed to be important for peripheral

localisation of hsp-16.2 (Simonis et al., 2009). RSY-1 stands for Regulator of SYnapse

formation and was, as the name indicates shown to be relevant for the formation of

synapses in C. elegans. The loss of RSY-1 led to the formation of additional synapses

(Patel and Shen, 2009). Comparing the protein sequence to sequences of other species

reveals a quite high similarity to arginine /serine rich proteins in mouse and human

known as splicing factors. The possible involvement in RNA processing and the fact that

RSY-1 is interacting with ENY-2 encouraged us to investigate the effect of a knockout of

the gene encoding RSY-1.

Components of the RNAi machinery interact with nuclear pores and control

expression levels of heat inducible genes by cotranscriptional gene


Studies in Schizosaccharomyces pombe showed that Dicer, an endoribonuclease that cuts

double stranded RNA into small interfering RNA, which then cause the degradation of

messenger RNA (mRNA), is localised at nuclear pores (Emmerth et al., 2010). In C.

elegans it was shown that DCR-1 interacts with nuclear pores in the germline (Beshore

et al., 2011). Very recently it was shown that a knockout of Dicer in S. pombe results in

the up-regulation of three different heat shock genes, hsp16, hsp104 and hsp9, in their

uninduced state. The authors suggest that stress genes might be recruited to the nuclear

pore complex, where they are kept poised for rapid mRNA export, but kept in check by

RNAi-mediated cotranscriptional gene silencing (Woolcock et al., 2012). Similarly in S2

cells from Drosophila, DCR2 and AGO2, two proteins involved in the RNA interference

pathway, have an influence on expression levels of the two heat shock loci Hsp70 and

Hsp68. Both Hsp70 and Hsp68 were expressed at a higher level in their uninduced state


Page 56: Heat induced gene positioning in Caenorhabdidtis elegans ... · the nuclear lamina whereas euchromatin is found in the vicinity of nuclear pores. Interestingly, in budding yeast,

when DCR2 or AGO2 were downregulated by RNAi. During heat shock no change in

expression levels was observed which suggests that none of the two is involved in heat-

shock-gene-mediated activation (Cernilogar et al., 2011). In neither of the studies the

direct effect on localisation within the nucleus was tested upon disruption of the above

mentioned proteins.

Recently proteins involved in the nuclear RNAi pathway in C. elegans have been

identified. These four proteins are called Nrde-1 to 4 for Nuclear RNAi defective. First

Nrde-3 was identified as an Argonaute protein that binds to siRNAs in the cytoplasm and

transports them into the nucleoplasm (Guang et al., 2008). Nrde-3 recruits other Nrde

factors (Nrde-1, Nrde-2, and Nrde-4) which results in a deposition of a repressive mark

(H3K9) on the surrounding nucleosomes (Burkhart et al., 2011; Guang et al., 2010). If

the Nrde pathway is functional, pol II will be inhibited during the elongation phase of

transcription. In addition the pathway helps to regulate transcription and chromatin

dynamics (Burkhart et al., 2011). We were curious to see what effect a knockdown the

different Nrde factors has on localisation, since it is possible that also in C. elegans the

RNAi machinery is interacting with the nuclear pore complex, regulates

cotranscriptionally the expression of heat-inducible genes and also helps to tether them

to the nuclear pore complex.

Results and discussion

RSY-1, a putative splicing factor, is important for peripheral localisation

only upon heat induction

As illustrated in the previous chapter, many different proteins are involved in the

tethering of hsp-16.2 to the nuclear periphery. One of the hypotheses in the field, the

gene gating hypothesis, argues that stress-inducible genes are localised at nuclear pores

for a synchronised and thus more efficient co-transcriptional processing and export

(Blobel, 1985). Our findings that RNA polymerase II and ENY-2, a factor involved in

mRNA transport and export, are involved in the peripheral localisation of hsp-16.2,

reinforce this theory.

To check if RSY-1 participates in the anchorage of hsp-16.2 at the periphery, we crossed

our bombardment derived hsp-16.2 promoter mCherry fusion to a strain with a stop

mutation in rsy-1 (wy94) (Patel and Shen, 2009) and analysed the distribution of the

hsp-16.2 promoter within the nucleus, using the methodology described in the previous

chapter (Figure 2B). We find that in the uninduced condition, no significant change in

the percentage occurs (49% in zone one in wt RSY-1 vs 53% in zone one in RSY-1

(wy94)). However, in the induced state we find that instead of an enrichment at the

nuclear envelope, we observe a near-random distribution within the nucleus (60% in

zone 1 in wt RSY-1 vs 35% in zone 1 in rsy-1 (wy94)) (Figure 9A).


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Performing a BlastP to find similar proteins in other species reveals that in mouse as

well as in human a serine /arginine rich splicing factor shows 37% identity (Figure 10).

It is difficult to be certain that this is a functional homologue. So far we were only able to

express a GFP tagged version of RSY-1 under a neuronal promoter that is only expressed

from the first larval stage onwards, but the distribution pattern we see resembles the

distribution pattern of splicing speckles in mammalian cells (Figure 9B and Figure 1 in

(Spector and Lamond, 2011)). Taken together these results indicate that RSY-1 might be

implicated in the peripheral localisation of hsp-16.2 in a co-transcriptional processing

manner. I hypothesise that only when a transcript ready for splicing is present and thus

interacts with RSY-1, it is tethered via this protein to the nuclear periphery, which would

explain why RSY-1 only has an impact on peripheral localisation of hsp-16.2 upon heat

induction, and not in the uninduced state.

Figure 10: Results of a BlastP of RSY-1 to identify homologue proteins in other species

Figure 9: RSY-1 is distributed in speckle like manner and is important for peripheral localization

of hsp-16.2 only upon induction A. Quantification of hsp-16.2 transgenes using 3-zone scoring; before

HS: WT 49%; rsy-1 (wy94) 53% (n= 142; 130); 20’ after HS: WT 60%; rsy-1 (wy94) 35% (n=191; 86); B.

RSY-1::GFP expressed under a neuronal promoter (unc-86) in neuronal cells of the L1 stage.


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In a next step we would like to find out if RSY-1 has a splicing activity by comparing pre-

mRNA and processed RNA levels in the strain carrying the RSY-1 (wy94) stop mutation.

Another interesting question is how RSY-1 is distributed within the nucleus of embryos

and if it is interacting with nuclear pores.

Knockdown of DCR-1 and components of the Nrde pathway results in

random distribution of hsp-16.2

As mentioned above, knockout of Dicer results in the up-regulation of three different

heat shock genes in S. pombe (Woolcock et al., 2012). Since it has been shown before in

S. pombe (Emmerth et al., 2010) as well as in C. elegans germline (Beshore et al., 2011),

that Dicer localises at the nuclear pore complex, we were interested to see if knockdown

of DCR-1 or of three other factors that are part of the RNAi machinery has an influence

on nuclear localisation of hsp-16.2. After several generations of RNAi against dcr-1, nrde-

1, nrde-2 and nrde-3, an almost random localisation of hsp-16.2 occurs both before (% in

zone 1: mock RNAi 48%; dcr-1 41%; nrde-1 35%; nrde-2 39%; nrde-3 35%) and after

heat-shock induction (% in zone 1: mock RNAi 56%; dcr-1 44%; nrde-1 30%; nrde-2

38%; nrde-3 32%) (Figure 11). This gives us a hint that the RNAi machinery could

indeed be involved in tethering hsp-16.2 to the nuclear periphery in the uninduced as

well as in the induced state. Since RNAi experiments against components of the RNAi

machinery might not be very efficient and cause secondary effects, this experiment

needs to be repeated with strains expressing a stop mutation of the different RNAi

factors. Even more important is to analyse the expression level and see whether also

hsp-16.2 in C. elegans is cotranscriptionally silenced to adapt the amount of transcript to

the need of the situation.

Figure 11: Localisation of hsp-16.2 in reduced levels of different components of the RNAi

machinery RNAi experiment performed for 3 generations in dcr-1 and 2 generations for all the others.

First number: percentage in zone 1; second number: spots counted. Before HS: control (48%; 326), dcr-

1 (41%; 48), nrde-1 (35%; 41), nrde-2 (39%; 90), nrde-3 (35%; 88). After HS: control (56%, 393) dcr-1

(44%; 47), nrde-1 (30%; 30), nrde-2 (38%; 83), nrde-3 (32%; 81)


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In a study in which C elegans DCR-1 was mutated, Welker and colleagues found that

many misregulated genes are found on the X chromosome (Welker et al., 2007). In

another study it was shown that at least in germ cells, C. elegans DCR-1 also interacts

with the nuclear pore complex (Beshore et al., 2011). Interestingly, it has been shown in

Drosophila that a large percentage of the X chromosome interacts with the nuclear pore

complex and that association with the nuclear pore complex is involved in dosage

compensation (Mendjan et al., 2006; Vaquerizas et al., 2010). In summary, Dicer is

located at nuclear pores in S. pombe and C. elegans, it is involved in gene regulation on

the X chromosome in C. elegans, and we know that dosage compensation takes place at

nuclear pores in Drosophila (Beshore et al., 2011; Emmerth et al., 2010; Mendjan et al.,

2006; Welker et al., 2007). Together with the results I show, we can speculate that the

RNAi machinery is localised at nuclear pores in C. elegans and is involved in co-

transcriptional gene silencing under uninduced conditions. To be sure, there remain

many experiments to do in order to understand this phenomenon.

With these preliminary data, we show that the gene gating hypothesis may have some

merit in worms. In addition we lend some support to the hypothesis that

cotranscriptional gene silencing might keep the heat shock locus in check so that an

appropriate level of transcript is made. These could both be valid reasons for pore

association of hsp-16.2 and more generally for heat-inducible genes.


Beshore, E.L., T.J. McEwen, M.C. Jud, J.K. Marshall, J.A. Schisa, and K.L. Bennett. 2011. C. elegans Dicer interacts with the P-granule component GLH-1 and both regulate germline RNPs. Dev Biol. 350:370-381.

Blobel, G. 1985. Gene gating: a hypothesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 82:8527-8529. Burkhart, K.B., S. Guang, B.A. Buckley, L. Wong, A.F. Bochner, and S. Kennedy. 2011. A

pre-mRNA-associating factor links endogenous siRNAs to chromatin regulation. PLoS Genet. 7:e1002249.

Cernilogar, F.M., M.C. Onorati, G.O. Kothe, A.M. Burroughs, K.M. Parsi, A. Breiling, F. Lo Sardo, A. Saxena, K. Miyoshi, H. Siomi, M.C. Siomi, P. Carninci, D.S. Gilmour, D.F. Corona, and V. Orlando. 2011. Chromatin-associated RNA interference components contribute to transcriptional regulation in Drosophila. Nature. 480:391-395.

Emmerth, S., H. Schober, D. Gaidatzis, T. Roloff, K. Jacobeit, and M. Buhler. 2010. Nuclear retention of fission yeast Dicer is a prerequisite for RNAi-mediated heterochromatin assembly. Dev Cell. 18:102-113.

Guang, S., A.F. Bochner, K.B. Burkhart, N. Burton, D.M. Pavelec, and S. Kennedy. 2010. Small regulatory RNAs inhibit RNA polymerase II during the elongation phase of transcription. Nature. 465:1097-1101.

Guang, S., A.F. Bochner, D.M. Pavelec, K.B. Burkhart, S. Harding, J. Lachowiec, and S. Kennedy. 2008. An Argonaute transports siRNAs from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Science. 321:537-541.

Mendjan, S., M. Taipale, J. Kind, H. Holz, P. Gebhardt, M. Schelder, M. Vermeulen, A. Buscaino, K. Duncan, J. Mueller, M. Wilm, H.G. Stunnenberg, H. Saumweber, and A.


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Akhtar. 2006. Nuclear pore components are involved in the transcriptional regulation of dosage compensation in Drosophila. Mol Cell. 21:811-823.

Patel, M.R., and K. Shen. 2009. RSY-1 is a local inhibitor of presynaptic assembly in C. elegans. Science. 323:1500-1503.

Simonis, N., J.F. Rual, A.R. Carvunis, M. Tasan, I. Lemmens, T. Hirozane-Kishikawa, T. Hao, J.M. Sahalie, K. Venkatesan, F. Gebreab, S. Cevik, N. Klitgord, C. Fan, P. Braun, N. Li, N. Ayivi-Guedehoussou, E. Dann, N. Bertin, D. Szeto, A. Dricot, M.A. Yildirim, C. Lin, A.S. de Smet, H.L. Kao, C. Simon, A. Smolyar, J.S. Ahn, M. Tewari, M. Boxem, S. Milstein, H. Yu, M. Dreze, J. Vandenhaute, K.C. Gunsalus, M.E. Cusick, D.E. Hill, J. Tavernier, F.P. Roth, and M. Vidal. 2009. Empirically controlled mapping of the Caenorhabditis elegans protein-protein interactome network. Nat Methods. 6:47-54.

Spector, D.L., and A.I. Lamond. 2011. Nuclear speckles. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 3. Vaquerizas, J.M., R. Suyama, J. Kind, K. Miura, N.M. Luscombe, and A. Akhtar. 2010.

Nuclear pore proteins nup153 and megator define transcriptionally active regions in the Drosophila genome. PLoS Genet. 6:e1000846.

Welker, N.C., J.W. Habig, and B.L. Bass. 2007. Genes misregulated in C. elegans deficient in Dicer, RDE-4, or RDE-1 are enriched for innate immunity genes. Rna. 13:1090-1102.

Woolcock, K.J., R. Stunnenberg, D. Gaidatzis, H.R. Hotz, S. Emmerth, P. Barraud, and M. Buhler. 2012. RNAi keeps Atf1-bound stress response genes in check at nuclear pores. Genes Dev. 26:683-692.


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In this thesis I have investigated the localisation of the hsp‐16.2 gene that encodes asmallheatshockprotein,inC.elegansembryos.Usingtwodifferenttypesoftransgenesthat enable locus tracking by live fluorescence imaging, we could show that thepromoter of this gene is sufficient to position the locus near the nuclear periphery,althoughinalessefficientmannerthanattheendogenouslocus.Wecharacterizedcisaswellastransfactorsthatareinvolvedintheperipherallocalisationofthehsp‐16.2locus.Fromourworkwecandrawtwomajorconclusions:


Theendogenoushsp‐16.2locus,aswellassmalltransgenesderivedfrombombardmentand a single copy ectopic insertion that contains the hsp‐16.2 promoter driving themCherry coding region, bearing an intron and a 3’UTR from the unc‐54 gene, arepreferentiallylocalisedtothenuclearperiphery,notonlyafterheatshockinductionbutalreadyintheirnon‐inducedstate.

Refinement of the localisation data using a high resolution Structural IlluminationMicroscopy and Chromatin immunoprecipitation confirm that the hsp‐16.2 promoterposition colocalizeswithnuclearporesparticularly in the induced state, andnotwithcomponents of the nuclear lamina meshwork (i.e. LMN‐1 or LEM‐2). In other highereukaryotesitwaspreviouslyshownthatstress‐induciblegenesinteractwiththenuclearpore complex and it was found that nucleoporins can influence gene regulation in anumber ofways (Capelson et al., 2010; Kalverda et al., 2010). However, not all thesegene‐nucleoporin interactions take place at the nuclear periphery, since for asubpopulation of nucleoporins a fraction of the population in a soluble form, thatdiffusesthroughthenucleoplasm(forreviewsee(Capelsonetal.,2010)).Ourcombinedmicroscopic/ChIPanalysesprovidetwostrongargumentsagainstaninteractionofhsp‐16.2withsolublenucleoporins.First,highresolutionmicroscopyshowsthatthelocusisnear the nuclear envelope, in a manner strongly correlated with the ChIP results.Secondly,ourChIPanalysiswasperformedwithamembranespanning,poorlysolublenucleoporin(NPP‐13(inmammalsNup93),reducingthelikelihoodthattheinteractionwescoretakesplaceinthenuclearlumen.

Wefoundthatnotonlythe interactionofthehsp‐16.2promoterwiththenuclearporecomplex,butalsothearrayoffactorsthatmediatetheinteractionareconservedamongyeast, fliesandworms.Thetranscription factorHSF‐1togetherwith itsbindingsite intheheatshockelement(HSE),areessentialfortheefficientactivationofstress‐induciblegenes inall speciesanalysed (AnckarandSistonen,2011), andboth the factorand itsbinding sites are important for peripheral localization of the locus. In addition to theHSEsiteswe foundasecondcis‐actingelement in thehsp‐16.2promoter, calledHSAS,which both promotes anchoring and contributes to efficient hsp‐16.2 expression(GuhaThakurtaetal.,2002),anddatanotshown).InourhandsENY‐2,thehomologue


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ofyeastSus1, isalsoessential forperipheral localisationofhsp‐16.2.Sus1inyeastandE(y)2/ENY‐2 in flieswasshowntobepartof twocomplexes(SAGAandTREX),whichregulate both gene activation and export of themRNA. ENY‐2 appears to serve as aphysicallinkbetweenthesecomplexesandthenuclearpore(Garcia‐Oliveretal.,2011).

Itisimportanttomentionthatatpresentwedonotknowifotherheatinduciblegenesor even stress‐inducible genes interactwith thenuclearpore complex, and if theydo,whethertheyusethesameanchoragepathway.


UsingtemperaturesensitivemutantsoftheRNApolymeraseII(polII)wefoundthatashift from permissive to restrictive temperature is enough to abandon peripherallocalisation of bombardment derived transgenes carrying the hsp‐16.2 locus. Theresulting random distribution within the nucleus persists upon heat shock geneactivation.IthasbeensuggestedthatthetwomutationsweusedcauseadissociationofRNA pol II either through loss of template binding or by disrupting the interactionbetweenC.elegansAMA‐1andRBP‐2,thecatalyticandmajorsubunitsofRNApolII.

Thefactthattheendogenouslocus,whichhasabidirectionalpromoter,islocatedmoreperipherallythanthetwotypesoftransgenes,inwhichthetranscriptionisononlyonesideof thepromoter,encouragedus tocreateasinglecopy insertionwithanhsp‐16.2promoter flanked by mCherry on either side. This renders it more similar to theendogenouspromoter,whichdrivesnotonlyhsp‐16.2butalsohsp‐16.41.Wefindthatasingle copy integration of this functional bidirectional promoter increases thepercentageofhsp‐16.2localisedattheperiphery.

Taken together with the fact that RNA pol II is important for localisation at theperiphery,Isuggesttwopossibleinterpretations:I)ItmaybesimplythepresenceofpolII that contactsnuclearpores, explainingwhy abidirectional promoterwith twoRNApolymerases loaded, enhances the peripheral localisation. This is only valid if oneimaginesthatthereissomethinguniqueorspecialabouttheengagedpolIIatthislocus,for otherwise all promoters should be pore‐associated. II) Alternatively, the link tonuclear pores may be mediated through the transcripts or transcript associatedproteins.Theincreasedtranscriptlevelsduetothebidirectionalpromoter,wouldthusaccountforthe increasedperipheral localisation.Sofar,wecannotruleoutoneortheotherpossibility.

AnargumentforthelatterinterpretationisthefactthatlossofENY‐2,whichispresentin SAGA and in the TREX complexwhich contributes tomRNA transport and export,abolishesperipheral localisationaswell. It ispossible thatbothexplanationsare true,and thatRNApol II links the gene to the nuclear periphery, as does the accumulatedtranscript.

Preliminary data presented here also suggest that the processing of transcripts isinvolvedintetheringhsp‐16.2tothenuclearperiphery.WefoundthatdisruptionofRSY‐


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1, a protein interactingwith ENY‐2, results only in the release ofhsp‐16.2 upon heatinduction.Lookingatthepredictedproteinstructuresuggeststhatitmayhavesplicingactivity, since the sequence has a quite high resemblance to the serine/arginine richsplicingfactorsinmouseandhumans.Forthemoment,however,itssplicingactivityispurely speculative and needs to be tested before we can conclude that splicing isinvolvedintheperipherallocalisationofhsp‐16.2.

So far the involvement of the RNAimachinery in the interaction ofhsp‐16.2 with thenuclearporecomplexisalsospeculative.FromtheliteratureweknowthatinS.pombeDicerislocalisedatnuclearporesandthatdisruptionofDicerleadstoanup‐regulationofseveralheatshockgenes(Emmerthetal.,2010;Woolcocketal.,2012).Similarly, inDrosophila it was shown that the disruption of DCR2 and AGO2 results in an up‐regulationofHsp70andHsp68underuninducedconditions,whileithasnoinfluenceonthe heat‐shock‐mediated gene activation (Cernilogar et al., 2011). In worms it wasshownthatDCR‐1localisesatthenuclearporesinthegermline(Beshoreetal.,2011).Preliminarydatapresentedinthisthesisshowthatupondown‐regulationofDCR‐1orother components of the nuclear RNAi deficient (Nrde) pathway, the peripherallocalisationofhsp‐16.2isreducedorlost.ThisindicatesthatalsoinC.eleganstheRNAimachinerymay be involved in tethering heat shock loci to the nuclear pore complex,controlling the level of mRNA expression by cotranscriptional gene silencing. Thisaspect,however,needsfurtherstudy.


AnimportantquestionthatremainsopeniswhetherthepresenceofRNApolIIperse,orinadditionthepresenceoftranscripts,iscrucialforaperipherallocalisation.Thiscanbetestedinseveralways.Ononehandtheanalysisofexpressionlevelsofthemutantcisandtranselementscanindicatewhethertranscriptionlevelsarecomparablewhenthelocus is found inthenuclear lumento levelswhenthe locus is foundattheperiphery.Anothermeanstotestthiswouldbetotetherhsp‐16.2tonuclearporesandseewhetherornotexpressionlevelschange.

ThepreliminarydatainChapter3opensthedoortoaninterestingfuturestudyontheinvolvement of these proteins in the documented association of stress‐inducedpromoterswiththenuclearpore.Ononehand,itwouldbeinterestingtoseeifRSY‐1isasplicing factor,bycomparing the levelofunprocessedandprocessedRNA in thersy‐1knockout. Inadditionit is importanttoinvestigatethedistributionofRSY‐1proteininembryonic nuclei, and to test its potential interaction with nuclear pores by highresolutionmicroscopy.

A very competitive topic is the involvement of RNAi machinery components andcotranscriptional gene silencing as a functional reason for the interaction of hsp‐16.2withthenuclearporecomplex.Hereitisimportanttoobtainandusestopmutationsinthe RNAi machinery components, since any further analysis of the RNAi machinery


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mightnotbeveryefficient,ifoneusesRNAimethodologyitselftogeneratethemutantstate.Havingstopmutationscrossedtothehsp‐16.2transgenewouldnotonlyallowtheanalysisof thegene localisation,butalso itsexpression level. If theexpressionofheatshockgenesisfine‐tunedbytheRNAimachineryinC.elegans,weexpecttoseeanup‐regulation of transcript in the mutant strains prior to heat shock. For DCR‐1 aninteraction with nuclear pores was shown in the germ‐line of C. elegans but for theNRDEfactorsnopreciselocalisationstudyhasbeenperformed(Beshoreetal.,2011).

Fromthestudyweperformeditremainsopenwhetherotherheatinducibleloci,orevenother stress inducible genes, show a similar behaviour and relocate to nuclear poresupon induction. This could be addressed with genome wide ChIP assays that useantibodies against a pore component (preferentially the one used in our paper). Wewould then use next generation sequencing to reveal which genes interact withnucleoporinsuponinduction.Microscopyanalysiswouldensurethattheseinteractionsprimarilytakeplaceatthenuclearperipheryandnotinthenuclearlumen.

InthisthesisIhaveshownthathsp‐16.2interactswithnuclearporesandIshedlightondifferentcisandtranselementsthatareinvolvedinthisprocess.Oneimportantfindingwas that the presence of RNA pol II is important for peripheral localisation not onlyupon induction, but alreadyprior to induction. If this is solely due to thepresence ofRNA pol II and associated proteins, or is due to the presence of transcripts, remainsunresolved. Inthefuture itwillbe interestingto further investigatethesignificanceofco‐transcriptionalgenesilencingandalsooftheputativesplicingfactorRSY‐1instressgene positioning at nuclear pores. A more global attempt to analyse if other stressinduciblelociinC.elegansbehaveinasimilarwaytotheonewedescribeforhsp‐16.2.



Beshore,E.L.,T.J.McEwen,M.C. Jud, J.K.Marshall, J.A.Schisa,andK.L.Bennett.2011.C.elegansDicer interactswith theP‐granule componentGLH‐1andboth regulategermlineRNPs.DevBiol.350:370‐381.


Cernilogar,F.M.,M.C.Onorati,G.O.Kothe,A.M.Burroughs,K.M.Parsi,A.Breiling,F.LoSardo,A.Saxena,K.Miyoshi,H.Siomi,M.C.Siomi,P.Carninci,D.S.Gilmour,D.F.Corona, and V. Orlando. 2011. Chromatin‐associated RNA interferencecomponents contribute to transcriptional regulation in Drosophila. Nature.480:391‐395.

Emmerth,S.,H.Schober,D.Gaidatzis,T.Roloff,K.Jacobeit,andM.Buhler.2010.Nuclearretention of fission yeast dicer is a prerequisite for RNAi‐mediatedheterochromatinassembly.DevCell.18:102‐113.



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GuhaThakurta, D., L. Palomar, G.D. Stormo, P. Tedesco, T.E. Johnson, D.W. Walker, G.Lithgow, S. Kim, and C.D. Link. 2002. Identification of a novel cis‐regulatoryelement involved in the heat shock response in Caenorhabditis elegans usingmicroarray gene expression and computational methods. Genome Res. 12:701‐712.

Kalverda, B.,H. Pickersgill, V.V. Shloma, andM. Fornerod. 2010.Nucleoporins directlystimulate expression of developmental and cell‐cycle genes inside thenucleoplasm.Cell.140:360‐371.

Woolcock,K.J.,R. Stunnenberg,D.Gaidatzis,H.R.Hotz,S.Emmerth,P.Barraud,andM.Buhler.2012.RNAikeepsAtf1‐boundstressresponsegenes incheckatnuclearpores.GenesDev.26:683‐692.




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AC AstrocytesChIP ChromatinImmuno‐PrecipitationchrV ChromosomeVDa DaltonsDAM‐ID DNA‐AdenineMethyltransferaseIDentificationDSIF DRBSensitivityInducingFactorESC EmbryonicStemCellsFISH FluorescentInSituHybridisationGRS GeneRecruitmentSequenceHAT HistoneAcetylTransferaseHDAC HistoneDeacetylaseHP1 HeterochromatinProtein1HS HeatShock(10minutes@34°C)HSAS HeatShockAssociatedSiteHSE HeatShockElementHSF‐1 HeatShocktranscriptionFactor1LAD Lamina‐AssociatedDomainNE NuclearEnvelopeNELF NegativeElongationFactorNPC NuclearPoreComplexTREX TRanscriptionandEXportcomplexPolII RNApolymeraseIIP‐TEFb PositiveTranscriptionElongationFactorbrt roomtemperatureS2cells Schneider2DrosophilacellsSAGA Spt‐Ada‐Gcn‐AcetyltransferaseSAMS S‐AdenosylMethyltransferaseSR‐SIM Super‐ResolutionStructuredIlluminationMicroscopyts temperaturesensitiveTSS TranscriptionStartSite 


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Iamthankfultomysupervisor,SusanGasserforhercontinuoussupportandguidancethroughout my PhD, as well as to Julie Ahringer and Dirk Schübeler for fruitfuldiscussions during the committee meetings. Special thanks go to Peter Meister, whointroducedmetotheworldofCaenorhabditiselegansaswellastovariousmicroscopytechniques.Withhisenthusiasmandcuriosityforexperiments,Ienjoyedworkingwithhim.

Iappreciatedtheenjoyableatmosphereinthelabwithroomformanywork‐relatedbutalsopersonaldiscussions.AlsothereadinesstohelpwithtechnicalorpracticalissuesisahabitinthelabthatIamgratefulfor.WithoutMonikaTsai,whoisrunningthelabinavery well organised way, and Razel Arpagaus who is always concerned about labconsumables,dailylifeinthelabwouldhavebeenmuchlesscomfortable.

Duringallthattimeinthelab,VéroniqueKalckwasagreathelpnotonlyfortechnicalassistance and fruitful discussions but also as a very enjoyable person. For themaintenance of plenty of worm strains and the freezing of them I thank MoniqueThomasandspecial thanksgoalso toHelderFerreira for suggestions forexperimentsandchangesinphrasing.

Without the introduction of JanPielage to the high resolution Structured IlluminationMicroscopeIwouldnothavebeenabletodetectthisfantasticworld.

LifeinFMIisalsomucheasierthankstothefacilities.IskraKaticisveryhelpfulwithallkinds of questions about C. elegans and is encouraging communication between thewormlabs.ThetraininginmicroscopyandthemaintenanceofthemicroscopesisnicelytakencareofbyLaurentGelmanandStevenBourke,whohavealotofpatiencetohelp.Without the help ofAaronPonti andRaphael Thierry image analysiswould not be atsuchahighlevelandIamthankfultobothforadditionalinsightsintothisfield.FinallyIwould like to thank Christel Genoud to introduce me to the world of electronmicroscopy,eventhoughwedidnotapplyitintheend.
