T E X T U M S P E C I A L L I N...

TEXTUM SPECIAL LINE www.textum-stoffe.com

Transcript of T E X T U M S P E C I A L L I N...









Textum Special Line

Mit der Special Line bietet Textum ab so-fort eine breite Produktpalette an Materia-lien fur besondere Einsatzzwecke. Dabeihandelt es sich teilweise um Veredelun-gen und Beschichtungen, teilweise aberauch um komplette Neuentwicklungen.Naturlich alles wie immer Qualitatsge-pruft.

Da wären zum einen sehr robuste Mate-rialien die schwer entflammbar sind. Oderwind- und wetterfeste Outdoormaterialiendie sogar UV-geschützt sind. Stoffe, ent-wickelt für den medizinischen Bereich, re-sistent gegen eine Vielzahl von Chemi-kalien. Stoffe die leicht zu reinigen sindund die die meisten Verunreinigungen desAlltags gar nicht erst annehmen.

Wer selbst Hand anlegen mochte kannsogar aus seinem Kunstledermobel einUnikat machen mit unserer neuen Verede-lungs- und Vintage-Losung „Crafter“.

Aber auch Stoffe die gesundheitsför-dernde Wirkungen haben konnen und Ma-terialien die die Atmosphare von Naturund Naturlichkeit in jeden Raum bringen,finden sich in der Textum Special Line.

Die Textum Special Line möchte immerwieder neue Ideen vorstellen, die unserenKunden neue Möglichkeiten erföffnen.Und weil sich die Welt ständig verändertwird auch die Special Line immer neueProdukte für neue Anwendungszweckehinzubekommen.

Textum Special Line

Od sada Vam Textum kroz svoju SpecialLine kolekciju nudi siroku paletu novihmaterijala koji su prije svega namijenjeniza upotrebu u specificnim i zahtjevnimuvjetima. To se pritome djelomicno od-nosi na razlicite, vec poznate dorade ma-terijala, ali s druge strane i na potpunonove procese u proizvodnji materijala.Priznanje kvalitete nasih proizvoda od iz-nimne nam je vaznosti te su sukladnotome i proizvodi u ovoj kolekciji adek-vatno testirani.

U novoj kolekciji cete primjerice pronaciizrazito robusne materijale koji su teskozapaljivi ili materijale za vanjsku upo-trebu koji odolijevaju i najzahtjevnijimvremenskim uvjetima. Također, materijalekoji svoju primjenu pronalaze u medicins-kom okruzenju te odgovaraju na najvisezdravstvene norme. Nadalje, materijalikoji se s lakocom ciste – određena sezaprljanja primjerice nece niti primiti zamaterijal.

Svi oni koji svoju kreativnost zele iskazatii na komadu namjestaja te od njega na-praviti unikat sada to i mogu – koristecinasu umjetnu kozu 'Crafter'.

Balance, materijal obogacen anionima kojimoze pozitivno utjecati na ljudsko tijelo,također je pronasao mjesto u nasoj novojkolekciji – jednako kao i materijali sacin-jeni od prirodnih vlakana koji unosedozivljaj prirode u toplinu Vaseg dom.

Textum Special Line kolekcija uvijek iz-nova zeli iznenaditi i predstaviti noveideje, koje nasim kupcima prije svega ot-varaju nove mogucnosti. Sve oko naspodlozno je promjenama pa ce tako i Spe-cial Line kolekcija s vremena na vrijemebiti obogacena novim materijalima kojiodgovaraju novim uvjetima upotrebe.

Textum Special Line

From now on Textum is offering throughits Special Line collection a wide range ofnew ma- terials which are intended to beused in specific and demanding conditi-ons. This partially refers to various, al-ready known finishings, but on the otherhand it is also referable to completelynew processes in the production of mate-rials. The acknowledgment of the qualityof our products is of great importance tous and consequently the products in thiscollection are adequately tested.

In the new collection, for instance, youwill find extremely robust materials thatare flame resistant or outdoor materialsthat can be used in the most demandingweather conditions. Also, you will findmaterials that are applicable in medicalenvironment and correspond to the hig-hest health standards. Furthermore, thereare materials that are easy to clean - forexample some stains will not even get tothe material.

All those who want to express their crea-tivity on a piece of furniture and make itunique, now they can! - using our artificialleather 'Crafter'. 'Balance', material enri-ched with anions that can positively affectthe human body, also found a place in ournew collection - as well as materials madefrom natural fibers that bring a sense ofnature into the warmth of your home.

Textum Special Line collection alwayswants to surprise and present new ideas,which open new possibilities to our cus-tomers. Everything around us is prone tochanges and therefore, Special Line col-lection will from time to time be enrichedwith new materials that correspond to thenew conditions of use.


Schwer entflammbar nach Norm

Das Bedürfnis nach Sicherheit ist geradeheute sehr hoch und das gilt auch im Be-reich des textilen Brandschutzes. Schutz vor Feuer ist sehr vielschichtig undfindet sich in vielen Bereichen des tägli-chen Lebens wieder. Der textile Faktor istdabei extrem hoch, da wir fast überall vondiesen Quellen umgeben sind. Überalltreffen wir auf Möbelstoffe - sei es zuHause oder im Büro oder in der Freizeit.Das hier ein besonderes Augenmerk aufdie Sicherheit gelegt werden muß, istselbsverständlich.

Dabei geht es nicht nur um den reinenBrandschutz, sondern auch die verschie-denen Varianten und Abstufungen.Textum Produkte werden einer Vielzahlvon Test unterzogen. So gibt es ausge-suchte Materialien die dem strengen Stan-dard CRIB5 entsprechen aber auch vieleweitere Stoffe aus der breiten Produktpa-lette von Textum sind nach den Brand-schutzklassen B1 und B2 getestet undentsprechend eingestuft.

Mit Textum Produkten findet sich für fastjeden Einsatzzweck eine Lösung.

Tesko zapaljivo prema normi

Potreba za sigurnoscu danas je izrazito vi-soka te je neizbjezna i u podrucju teskozapaljivog tekstila. Protupozarna jezastita mnogostruka i nalazimo ju ubrojnim podrucjima svakodnevnogzivota. S obzirom da smo gotovo svugdjeokruzeni izvorima vatre, cimbenik tekstilapokazuje se izuzetno bitnim.

Pritome nismo mislili samo na vatrostalnuzastitu vec i na razlicite varijante istupnjeve zastite. Nasi proizvodi podvrg-nuti su visestrukim testiranjima – takoraspolaze- mo materijalima koji odgova-raju najstrozim testiranjima, tocnije testuCRIB5, ali i raznoliku ponudu drugih ma-terijala koji odgovaraju drugim vatrostal-nim normama, primjerice B1 i B2.

S Textum materijalima jednostavno nemozete pogrijesiti jer imamo rjesenje zasvaku namjenu.

Flame-resistant in compliance withstandards

The need for safety is particularly highthese days – especially in the field of fireprevention and textiles. Protectionagainst fire has many facets and is re-flected in many areas of everyday life.And it is because we are almost surroun-ded by textile materials whereverwegot-hattheyplayanextremely significant role infire safety.

With that we didn't only think aboutflame-resistant protection, we alsothought about different variants and de-grees of protection. Our products are sub-jected to multiple tests - that is why wehave materi- als which meet the strictesttests, more accurately, they meet the cri-teria in the test called CRIB5, but we alsohave a wide range of other materials thatcorrespond to other refractory standards,such as B1 and B2.

You simply can not go wrong with Textummaterials because we have a solution forevery purpose.

International fire standards (corresponding to Crib 5)

Country Norms Usage

Germany DIN EN 10211+2 Upholstery fabrics DIN EN 14533 Bedding

Austria ÖNORM B 3825 Upholstered furniture ÖNORM EN 1021 1+2 Upholstery fabrics ÖNORM EN 14533 Bedding

France NF EN 1021 1+2 Upholstery fabrics NF EN 14533 Filled Beddings

GB BS EN 1021 1+2 Upholstery fabrics BS 5852 Teil II Upholstery fabrics BS EN 14533 Bedding

Country Norms Usage

Italy UNI EN 1021 1+2 Upholstery fabrics UNI EN 14533 Bedding

Swiss SN EN 1021 1+2 Upholstery fabrics SN EN 14533 Bedding

Spain UNE EN 1021 1+2 Upholstery fabrics UNE EN 14533 Bedding

Netherlands NEN EN 1021 1+2 Upholstery fabrics NEN 14533 Bedding

USA UFAC Upholstery fabrics California TB 116 Upholstery fabrics

Die Britische Brandnorm BS 5852 beinhal-tet verschiedene Zündquellen, welchesich wie folgt unterscheiden:

Source 0 (Teil 1): Zigarettentest

Source 1-3 (Teil 2):Butangastest, hier simuliert das Butangaseine offene Flamme eines Streichholzes

Source 4:Holzstapel

Source 5 (Crib 5):Holzstapel, mit höheren Anforderungenals Source 4, welche sich in der Dauer derEntzündbarkeit des Holzstapels darstellt.

The British Standard BS 5852 includes va-rious fire ignition sources, which differ asfollows:

Source 0 (Part 1): Cigarette test

Source 1-3 (Part 2):Butane gas test, here simulates the bu-tane gas open flame of a match.

Source 4:Woodpile

Source 5 (Crib 5):Woodpile, with higher requirements assource 4, which presents itself in the du-ration of flammability of the wood stack.

Britanska norma gorivosti BS 5852 podra-zumijeva različite izvore zapaljenja međukojima razlikujemo:

Izvor 0: Test gorenja cigarete.

Izvor 1-3: Test butanom; ovdje plin butan simuliraotvoreni plamen jedne šibice.

Izvor 4:Drveni elementi naslagani jedni na druge

Izvor 5 (Crib 5):Drveni elementi naslagani jedni na drugesa zahtjevima višim od Izvora 4, a prika-zuje se u trajanju zapaljenja drvenih ele-menata.


Outdoorschutz für Textilien undKunstleder

Wer die Natur mag, auf Wandertour gehtoder den nächsten Berg besteigen will,braucht auch eine gute Ausrüstung – vonder Funktionskleidung bis zum passen-den Schuhwerk. Diese kauft man am bes-ten dort, wo Qualität und Beratungstimmen – beim Spezialisten.

Textum Outdoor ist ihr Spezialist für IhrOutdoor Mobiliar. Unsere Outdoor Ausrüs-tung ist genau der Allwetterschutz für dasMobiliar, dass besonderen Witterungenund Beanspruchung ausgesetzt ist. Obmaritime Salzluft, Frost, starke Hitze oderSonnenstrahlen, die Qualität des Materialsbliebt dabei immer geschützt und kannsomit lange erhalten bleiben.

Wir legen viel Wert auf den Erhalt unsererQualität und haben daher strenge Testver-fahren entwickelt, um die verschiedens-ten Beanspruchungen und Witterungen imLangzeittest nachzuempfinden.

Outdoor zaštita za tekstil i umjetnu kožu

Ljubitelji prirode, oni koji vole pješačenjeili se pak žele uspeti na neki od planinskihvrhova, trebaju i dobru opremu – od spe-cijalizirane odjeće pa sve do odgovara-juće obuće. Sve potrebno najbolje jekupiti tamo gdje su kvaliteta i savjeto-vanje najbolji, a to je naravno kod speci-jalista.

Textum Outdoor je Vaš specijalist za nam-ještaj i opremu za vanjsku upotrebu. Našaoutdoor dorada nudi zaštitu za namještajkoji je izložen raznolikim vremenskim uv-jetima, ali i raznovrsnoj upotrebi. Bez ob-zira je li to mediteranski zrak zasićensolju, mraz, vrućina ili sunčeve zrake,kvaliteta tekstila ostaje netaknuta i su-kladno tome očuvana.

Izrazito nam je važno priznanje kvalitetenaših proizvoda te smo upravo zbog togarazvili stroge postupke testiranja kakobismo rekonstruirali najraznovrsnije zaht-jeve i vremenske uvjete kroz dugotrajna iopsežna testiranja

Outdoor protection for textiles and ar-tificial leather

Nature lovers who enjoy hiking or clim-bing the nearest mountains need goodequipment – from functional clothing tothe appropriate footwear. Such equipmentshould be purchased where quality andexpert advice are available – in otherwords, from specialists.

Textum Outdoor is your specialist foryour outdoor furniture. Our Outdoor Fi-nish is precisely the all-weather protectionthat furniture that is exposed to particu-larly severe weather conditions and wearneeds. Be it maritime salt air, frost, ex-treme heat or sunlight, the quality of thematerial will always be protected and the-refore preserved for a long time.

We afford great importance to maintainingour quality and have therefore developedstrict long-term testing procedures to si-mulate a variety of wear and weatheringconditions..

Outdoor Categories Outdoor Furniture (textiles) Outdoor Marine (artificial leather) Outdoor Sunblock (artificial leather and textiles)

Materials of the TEXTUM Outdoor collection consist oftextiles (acrylic, PES) and artificial leather (PVC).

Outdoor Furniture (textiles)▶ Junior ▶ Senior▶ Superior

Outdoor Marine (artificial leather)▶ Junior ▶ Senior ▶ Superior

Outdoor Sunblock (artificial leather & textiles)▶ Awnings

Outdoor Furniture (Textilien)

Die Furniture Ausrüstung ist genau derAllwetterschutz für Ihr Mobiliar, dass be-sonders schwankenden Witterungen, Be-anspruchungen und auch Temperaturenausgesetzt ist. Ob maritime Salzluft,Frost, starke Hitze oder auch Sonnen-strahlen, die Qualität des Materials kannsomit lange erhalten werden.

Outdoor Furniture versiegelt das Mate-rial in drei Qualitätsstufen, damit dasMobiliar vor Schmutz, Feuchtigkeit undTemperaturen geschützt wird.

A) Junior▶ Anti UV-Austrüstung mit bis zu 250hQUV ▶ Oberflächenversiegelung

B) Senior▶ Anti UV-Austrüstung mit bis zu 650hQUV ▶ Faserversiegelung

C) Superior▶ Anti UV-Austrüstung mit bis zu1.000h QUV ▶ Spindelversiegelung

Outdoor Furniture (tesktil)

Naša Outdoor Furniture dorada nudizaštitu za namještaj koji je izložen razno-likim vremenskim uvjetima, ali i raznovrs-noj upotrebi. Bez obzira je li tomediteranski zrak zasićen solju, mraz,vrućina ili sunčeve zrake, kvaliteta tekstilaostaje netaknuta i sukladno tomeočuvana.

Outdoor Furniture nudi materijal u 3 raz-ličite kvalitete kako bi namještaj ostaozaštićen od prljavštine, vlage i tempera-ture.

A) Junior▶ dorađen UV zaštitom do 250 sati QUV(test ubrzane simulacije vremenskih uv-jeta)▶ obrađena površina materijala

B) Senior▶ dorađen UV zaštitom do 650 sati QUV(test ubrzane simulacije vremenskih uv-jeta)▶ obrađen konac materijala

C) Superior▶ dorađen UV zaštitom do 1000sati QUV (test ubrzane simulacije vre-menskih uvjeta)▶ obrađeno vlakno konca

Outdoor Furniture (textiles)

The Furniture Finish is precisely the all-weather protection that furniture that isexposed to particularly changeable weat-her conditions, fluctuating temperaturesand wear needs. Be it maritime salt air,frost, extreme heat or even sunlight, thequality of the material may therefore bepreserved for a long time.

Outdoor Furniture seales the material inthree quality levels, so the furniture isprotected from dirt, moisture and tem-peratures.

A) Junior▶ Anti-UV finish with up to 250h QUV▶ Surface sealing

B) Senior▶ Anti-UV finish with up to 650h QUV▶ Fibre sealing

C) Superior▶ Anti-UV finish with up to 1.000h QUV▶ Yarn sealing

Outdoor Furniture


Materialien der TEXTUM Outdoor Kollek-tion bestehen aus Textilien (Acryl, PES)

OUTDOOR Furniture Produkte:AtriumOutsideStripeout

Hier zu sehen:Material: AtriumColor-Code: 3102

Materials of the TEXTUM Outdoor Furni-ture collection consist of textiles (acrylic,PES)

OUTDOOR Furniture Products:AtriumOutsideStripeout

In this picture:Material: AtriumColor-Code: 3102

TEXTUM Outdoor Furniture kolekcija (tek-stil) (acrylic, PES)

OUTDOOR Furniture kolekcija:AtriumOutsideStripeout

Materijal na slici:Ime materijala l: AtriumBoja: 3102

Products Proizvodi

Outdoor Marine (Kunstleder)

Die Marine Versiegelung schützt beson-ders das Mobiliar, dass Meerwasser, star-ker UV Strahlung und Hitze, als auch Kälteausgesetzt ist. Es eignet sich besondersfür den Einsatz im Bootsbau und der Aus-stattung von Jachten und Schiffen. Aberauch die Strandbar und die Beach Loungesind ideale Einsatzorte. Die Marine Versie-gelungen sind besonders Hitze und Kälte-resistent (bis zu -30°C/Superior) und dieherausragende Anti-UV Fähigkeit, ent-spricht der ISO 4892-2 Norm. Je nachQualitätsstufe und Anforderung, werdendie Versiegelungen schon während derHerstellung eingearbeitet um beste Ergeb-nisse und Werte zu erzielen.


▶ Junior▶ Senior▶ Superior

Outdoor Marine (umjetna koža)

Marine dorada materijala osobito štiti nam-ještaj koji je izložen utjecajima morske vode,jakog UV zračenja, ali i hladnoće. Prikladanje za upotrebu u izgradnji brodova i jahti teu opremanju istih. Svoje mjesto ovi materijalipronalaze i u opremanju obalnih klubova ikafića koji su nerijetko izloženi jednakim, su-rovim vremenskim uvjetima. Marine doradamaterijala nudi izrazitu otpornost na vrućinui hladnoću (do -30 °C/Superior) te već spome-nutu izvanrednu UV zaštitu koja odgovaranormi ISO 4892-2. S obzirom na stupanj kva-litete i raznolikost kasnije upotrebe, doradamaterijala započinje već u samoj proizvodnjiistih kako bismo dosegnuli najbolje vrijed-nosti i rezultate.


▶ Junior▶ Senior▶ Superior

Outdoor Marine (artificial leather)

Marine Sealing particularly protects furni-ture that is exposed to seawater, strongUV radiation, the heat and the cold. It istherefore especially suited for use in boat-building and ship- and yacht-outfitting.But beach bars and lounges also consti-tute ideal areas of application. The MarineSealing products are particularly resistantto the heat and the cold (up to -30°C / Su-perior) and the outstanding anti-UV capa-cities meet the demands set out in the ISO4892-2 standard. Depending on qualitylevels and requirements, the sealing mayalready be applied during manufacture toachieve the best results and values.

Quality levels:

▶ Junior▶ Senior▶ Superior

Outdoor Marine

Marine Junior

▶ Martindale: > 50.000▶ Tortuous Resistant: > 50.000▶ Colorlight fastness: > 4▶ Mould proof: > 1▶ Cold resistant: > -5°C▶ RoSH: passed▶ Anti-UV: 250 h▶ Durability: 3 years

Marine Senior

▶ Martindale: > 100.000▶ Tortuous Resistant: > 80.000▶ Inflaming Retarding: passed▶ Colorlight fastness: > 5▶ Mould proof: > 1▶ Cold resistant: > -15°C▶ RoSH: passed▶ Anti-UV: 650 h▶ Durability: 5 years

Marine Superior

▶ Martindale: > 200.000▶ Tortuous Resistant: > 150.000▶ Inflaming Retarding: passed▶ Colorlight fastness: > 6▶ Mould proof: > 0▶ Cold resistant: > -30°C▶ RoSH: passed▶ EN71-3 passed▶ Anti-UV: 1000 h▶ Durability: 8 years


Materialien der TEXTUM Outdoor MarineKollektion bestehen aus Kunstleder.

OUTDOOR Marine Produkte:AtlanticEclipseFabledOctopus Pacific

Hier zu sehen:Material: PacificColor-Code: 3920

Materials of the TEXTUM Outdoor Marinecollection consist of artificial leather.

OUTDOOR Marine Products:AtlanticEclipseFabledOctopus Pacific

In this picture:Material: PacificColor-Code: 3920

TEXTUM Outdoor Marine kolekcija sacin-jena je od umjetnih koza

OUTDOOR Marine kolekcija:AtlanticEclipseFabledOctopus Pacific

Materijal na slici:Ime materijala: PacificBoja: 3920

Products Proizvodi

Outdoor Sunblock (Kunstleder und Textilien)

Der Schutz vor UV-Strahlung gilt nicht nurfür das Mobiliar, sondern auch für diemenschliche Haut. Um Langzeitschädenund Erkrankungen zu vermeiden muss dieHaut vor zu langer Bestrahlung geschütztwerden. Die Sunblock Versiegelung ist be-sonders für Markisen entwickelt worden,so dass sie den Sommer unbeschwert ge-nießen können. Dabei haben wir diehöchste Schutzversiegelung (Lichtecht-heit) zum Standard gemacht und können5 Jahre Garantie auf die Lichtechtheitgeben.


▶ 0-1 - gering▶ 2-4 - mittel▶ 5-7 - hoch▶ 7-8 - sehr hoch

Outdoor Sunblock (umjetna koža & tekstil)

Jednako kao i za namještaj, zaštita od UVsunčeva zračenja, bitna je i za ljudskukožu. Kako bismo kožu očuvali od dugo-trajnih, loših utjecaja sunčevih zraka i po-tencijalnih oboljenja, moramo juadekvatno zaštititi. Sunblock dorada jeposebno razvijena za tende koje vamomogućuju bezbrižno uživanje u ljetu.Upravo zbog toga smo maksimalnuzaštitnu doradu (postojanost boja nasvjetlost) učinili našom normom te na istupružamo 5 godina garancije.

Postojanost boja

▶ 0-1 - Nisko▶ 2-4 - Srednje▶ 5-7 - Visoko▶ 7-8 - Izrazito visoko

Outdoor Sunblock (artificial leather & textiles)

It is not only furniture that needs to beprotected against UV rays – human skinalso needs to be kept safe. The skin needsto be protected against excessive expo-sure in order to prevent damage and ill-ness over the long term. Sunblock Sealinghas been specifically developed for aw-nings to enable you to enjoy the summerwithout worry. Here, we have used thehighest protective sealing (light fastness)as the standard and are able to guaranteelight-fastness for 10 years.


▶ 0-1 - low▶ 2-4 - medium▶ 5-7 - high▶ 7-8 - very high

Outdoor Sunblock



Die Easyclean Auswahl ist erstaunlichleicht zu reinigen, denn fast alle Verunrei-nigungen lassen sich leicht abwischen,ohne die Farbe oder Stoff grob zu beein-trächtigen. Um die hochwertige Qualitätdes Gewebes so lange wie möglich zu er-halten, ist es wichtig die Pflegehinweisezu beachten. Bürsten Sie Schmutz undStaub einfach ab, bevor er tiefer in dasGewebe eindringen kann, und beseitigenSie Flecken immer sofort.

Die Easyclean Auswahl ist in zwei Ausrüs-tungsstufen verfügbar.

▶ Base Oberflächenversiegelung▶ Advanced Faserversiegleung

Es wird empfohlen, Verschmutzungen beiTextilien sofort mit einem feuchten Tuchund sanfter Reinigungsseife zu behandelnund bei Kunstleder ein trockenes Tuch zuverwenden. Durch Waschen des Träger-materials kann die Easyclean Base Versie-gelung Ihre Wirkung verlieren. Einpermanenter Schutz kann in dem Fallnicht mehr gewährleistet werden. Füragressive, druckbedingte und nicht gete-stete Verschmutzungen, kann keine Ge-währleistung übernommen werden.Easyclean wurde auf die gängigsten Ver-schmutzungen getestet.


Easyclean materijali izrazito se lako čiste,gotovo sva zaprljanja lako se uklanjaju, ada se pritome ne utječe na boju ili kvali-tetu materijala. Kako bi se što je duže mo-guće očuvala visoka kvaliteta materijala,važno je slijediti uputstva čišćenja. Zaprl-janja uklonite odmah kako prljavština iprašina nebi prodrle dublje u materijal.

Nudimo Vam Easyclean materijale u dvijekvalitete.

▶ Base dorađena površina materijala▶ Advanced dorađen konac materijala

Preporučeno je nečistoće sa tekstila uklo-niti odmah koristeći mokru krpu i laganosredstvo za čišćenje (sapunica), dok se začišćenje umjetne kože preporučuje ko-rištenje suhe krpe. Pranjem površine ma-terijala može se umanjiti zaštitna doradaEasyclean Base. U tom se slučaju trajnazaštita ne može osigurati. Za agresivna,utisnuta i netestirana zaprljanja nije mo-guće preuzeti odgovornost. Easyclean jetestiran na najčešća zaprljanja.


The Easyclean range is surprisingly easyto clean because it allows almost all typesof dirt to be simply wiped away withoutany serious damage to the colour or fa-bric. It is important to follow the care in-structions to help preserve the fabric'shigh quality for as long as possible. Justbrush off dust and dirt before it penetra-tes more deeply into the fabric and al-ways remove stains immediately.

Our Easyclean range is available in twoversions.

▶ Base Surface Sealing ▶ Advanced Fibre Sealing

It is recommended to treat stains on tex-tiles immediately with a damp cloth andgentle soap and using a dry cloth with ar-tificial leather.Permanent protection can then no longerbe guaranteed. No guarantee is beinggiven for aggressive, pressure-inducedsoiling that has not been tested. Easy-clean has been tested for the most com-mon types of stains.



Die Rückkehr zur Natur und zu allem, wasals natürlich gilt, ist heute ausgeprägterdenn je. Unser hektischer Alltag erlaubt esuns manchmal nicht, dass wir genügendZeit damit verbringen, die Vorzüge derLandschaft, von der wir umgeben sind, zugenießen. Genau deshalb haben wir einenWeg gefunden, die Natur in Ihr warmesWohnzimmer zu bringen - mit derTextum Natural Kollektion aus natürlichenFaserstoffen spüren Sie die Natur mittenin Ihrem Heim.


▶ Avon▶ Arden▶ Delhi▶ Primus


Povratak prirodi i svemu onome što pre-poznajemo kao prirodno danas je iz-raženije nego ikada prije. Užurbanostživota nam ponekad ne dozvoljava daprovedemo onoliko vremena uživajući ublagodatima krajolika koji se nalazi uo-kolo nas. Upravo zato smo pronašli načinkako prirodu dovesti u toplinu Vašegdnevnog boravka - Textum Natural kolek-cija materijala sačinjena od prirodnih vla-kana stvorit će neponovljivi osjećajprirode u Vašem domu.


▶ Avon▶ Arden▶ Delhi▶ Primus


Returning to the nature and to everythingwe recognize as natural is clearer todaythan ever before. Hastiness of life is so-metimes not allowing us to spend enoughtime enjoying the benefits of nature. Thatis the reason why we have found a way tobring nature into the warmth of yourhome - Textum Natural collection, madeout of natural fibers, will make you feel anot yet experienced sense of nature inyour home.


▶ Avon▶ Arden▶ Delhi▶ Primus


Materialien der TEXTUM Natural Kollek-tion bestehen aus Baumwolle, Viskoseund Leinen.

Natural Produkte:AvonArdenDelhiPrimus

Hier zu sehen:Material: AvonColor-Code: 9607

Materials of the TEXTUM Natural col-lection consist of cotton, viscose andlinen.

Natural Products:AvonArdenDelhiPrimus

In this picture:Material: AvonColor-Code: 9607

TEXTUM Natural kolekcija sastoji se odpamuka, viskoze i lana.

Natural kolekcija:AvonArdenDelhiPrimus

Materijal na slici:Ime materijala: Avon Boja: 9607

Products Proizvodi



Anionen sind in der Luft befindliche, ne-gativ geladene Ionen, die auch als „Luftvi-tamine“ bezeichnet werden. DieseBezeichnung ist angelehnt an ihrer Ähn-lichkeit zu aus der Nahrung stammendenVitaminen, da Anionen, genau wie Vita-mine, auf den menschlichen Körper undauch auf andere Lebewesen besonderswichtigen Einfluss nehmen können. Einigeglauben sogar, Anionen seien direkt miteinem hohen Lebensalter in Verbindungzu bringen und bezeichnen sie von daherals „Langlebigkeitsfaktoren“.

In vielen Produkten wird heute bereits mitAnionen gearbeitet. Die Balance Auswahlist mit einer Anionisierung versehen undkann die postive Wirkung auf den Körperweiterleiten. Somit wird Ihr Sofa, der Stuhloder der Sessel zum Wohlfühlbad für Kör-per und Geist.

Wem können Anionen-Stoffe helfen?

Unruhig schlafende oder schlecht ein-schlafende Personen. Die Blutzirkulationkann verbessert und der Stoffwechselbesser reguliert werden.

Bei Kältegefühlen, kalten Füßen und Hän-den, einer schlechten Blutzirkulation; beiBettlägerigkeit, Schulterschmerzen, Hüft-und Gelenkschmerzen o.Ä.


Anioni su negativno nabijeni ioni koji senalaze u zraku te ih se cesto naziva i'zracnim vitaminima'. Ovaj naziv oslanjase na njihovu slicnost sa vitaminima kojise nalaze u prehrambenim proizvodima –anioni, jednako kao i vitamini, mogu po-zitivno utjecati na covjekov organizam.Pojedinci smatraju kako su upravo anionipovezani s dosezanjem visoke starosti teih zbog toga opisuju kao 'faktore kojiutjecu na produljenje zivotnoga vijeka'.

U danasnje vrijeme se u velikom broju po-drucja, ali i proizvoda vec radi s anionima.Balance umjetna koza obogacena je ani-onskom doradom te sukladno tome mozepozitivno utjecati na ljudsko tijelo. Na tajnacin Vas dvosjed, stolica ili lezaljka pos-taju oaza za tijelo i duh.

Kome anioni mogu pomoći?

Primjerice, osobama koje imaju problemasa snom. Cirkulacija se poboljšava, asamim time i cjelokupni metabolizam.

Također pomaže kod osjećaja hladnoće –hladnih nogu ili ruku, loše cirkucije; kodkroničnog umora, bolova u ramenima, ku-kovima ili zglobovima.


Anions are negatively charged ions pre-sent in the air, which are also referred toas "air vitamins". This description is useddue to their similarity to vitamins whichoriginate from food, because anions, likevitamins, can have a particularly impor-tant influence on the human body and onother living beings. Some even believe an-ions are directly related to long life, whichis why they describe them as "longevityfactors".

Many products have already been desig-ned to work with anions. The Balance ar-tificial leather is provided with an Anionsealing and can transmit the positive ef-fect on the body. Your sofa, chair, or arm-chair becomes a wellness source for yourbody and mind.

Who can benefit from anion fabrics?

Those who have trouble sleeping or can-not fall asleep easily. Blood circulation canbe improved and metabolism can be bet-ter regulated.

With feelings of cold, cold feet and hands,poor blood circulation; with confinementin bed, shoulder pains, hip and joint painsor similar.


Auf welche Körpersysteme können Anionen einwirken?

▶ Atmungssystem▶ Nervensystem▶ Verdauungssystem▶ Stoffwechsel▶ Immunsystem▶ Bewegungssystem

Hier zu sehen:Material: BalanceColor-Code: 9605

What body systems can anions affect?

▶ Respiratory system ▶ Nervous system ▶ Digestive system ▶ Metabolism ▶ Immune system ▶ Musculoskeletal system

In this picture:Material: BalanceColor-Code: 9605

Na koje tjelesne sustave anioni mogu ut-jecati?

▶ Dišni sustav▶ Živčani sustav▶ Probavni sustav▶ Metabolizam▶ Imunosni sustav▶ Lokomotorni sustav (kosti, ligamenti,

tetive, hrskavice i mišići)

Materijal na slici:Ime materijala: Balance Boja: 9605

Details Detalji



Die spezielle Medical Versiegelung fürKunstlederprodukte zeichnet sich durchbesondere Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenaggressive Reinigungs- & Desinfektions-mittel aus. Ideal für Arztpraxen, Kranken-häuser und auch im Fitness Bereich.

Besonders das medizinische Umfeld istsehr sensibel wenn es um Reinlichkeitund einfache Handhabung geht. Daherhaben wir darauf geachtet, dass unsereMedical Versiegelung mit den gängigstenDesinfektionsmitteln verträglich ist undgleichzeitig den hohen hygienischen An-sprüchen genügt. Die Medical Versiege-lung kommt in zwei Varianten.

▶ Furniture ▶ Fitness

Verträglichkeit Desinfektionsmittel

▶ Glutaraldehyde▶ Phenol Concentrate▶ Iod▶ Bleichmittel▶ Aliquat + Carbinol ▶ Isopropanol▶ Wasserstoffperoxide▶ 5 Jahre Garantie (Auf die Versiegelung)


Specijalnu medicinsku doradu za umjetnekože odlikuje osobita otpornost na agre-sivna dezinfekcijska sredstva i sredstvaza čišćenje. Ovi materijali idealni su zaupotrebu u privatnim ordinacijama, bolni-cama, ali i u sportskim objektima (fit-ness).

Medicinska okolina izrazito je osjetljivapo pitanju čistoće te je jedan od osnovnihuvjeta u zdravstvenome području prila-gođenost na najčešće upotrebljavana de-zinfekcijska sredstva jednako kao iantibakterijalna dorada materijala. Medi-cal kolekcija dolazi u dvije varijante.

▶ Furniture ▶ Fitness

Prihvatiljiva dezinfekcijska sredstva

▶ Glutaraldehid▶ Koncentrat fenola▶ Iodofor▶ Izbjeljivač▶ Alikvot + Karbinol▶ Izopropanol ▶ Hidrogen peroksid▶ 5 godina garancije


The special Medical sealing for artificial le-ather products is characterized by its par-ticular resistance to aggressive cleaningand disinfectant solutions. It is ideal fordoctors’ offices, hospitals and even at thegym.

The medical environment is especiallysensitive when it comes to cleanlinessand convenient handling. Therefore, wemade sure that our Medical sealing iscompatible with the most common disin-fectants and at the same time meets highhygienic demands. The Medical Collectionis available in two qualities.

▶ Furniture ▶ Fitness

Compatibility with disinfectants

▶ Glutaraldehydes ▶ Phenol concentrate ▶ Iodophor ▶ Bleaching Liquid ▶ Aliquat + Carbinol ▶ Isopropyl ▶ Hydrogen Peroxide ▶ 5 years warranty (for the Sealing)

Medical Kategorien

Die Medical Furniture Versiegelungwurde auf die gängigsten Desinfektions-mittel getestet und entspricht allen medi-zinischen Grundvoraussetzungen.

▶ Urinresistent▶ Schnittfest▶ Antibakteriell▶ Enspricht Brandnorm B1

Bei der Medical Fitness Ausrüstungwurde auf die besonderen hygienischenUmstände in Sport- & Fitnessstudios ge-achtet.

Schweißbeständigkeit und der antibakte-rieller Schutz sind daher Grundfähigkeitender Fitness Versiegelung. Auch die Ver-träglichkeit, im Bezug auf die gängigstenDesinfektionsmittel, kann garantiert wer-den und wurde entsprechend getestet.

Medical Categories

The Medical Furniture sealing was tes-ted with the most common disinfectantsand meets all basic medical conditions.

▶ Urine resistant ▶ Cut resistant (firm) ▶ Antibacterial ▶ Corresponds to fire standard B1

Regarding the Medical Fitness sealingthe attention was paid to the special hy-gienic conditions in sports and fitnessstudios.

Sweat resistance and antibacterial pro-tection are therefore basic features of theFitness sealing. Furthermore, the compa-tibility with respect to the most commondisinfectants can be guaranteed and hasbeen tested accordingly.

Medical kategorije

Medical Furniture dorada testirana je nanajčešće upotrebljavana sredstva za de-zinfekciju te odgovara svim medicinskimpredispozicijama i normama:

▶ Otporan na urin▶ Otporan na rezove▶ Antibakterijalan▶ Odgovara vatrosatlnoj normi B1

Medical Fitness - Prilikom izrade mate-rijala za sportske objekte i specifične do-rade istih, osobitu smo pažnju usmjerilina posebne uvjete koji se pojavljuju usportskoj okolini.

Otpornost na znoj i antibakterijalnazaštita temeljne su odlike Fitness dorade.Također, garantiramo Vam kompatibilnostna najčešće upotrebljavana dezinfekcijskasredstva što smo odgovarajuće testirali.



Crafter ist kein Kunstleder im herkömli-chen Sinn - es ist eine Möglichkeit auseinem Möbelstück ein persönliches Unikatzu machen. Ein echtes „Lieblingsstück“.

Mit der speziellen Crafter Finishing Creamkann man Kunstlederoberflächen miteinem Vintage Look versehen, wie ersonst nur nach Jahrzehnten der Abnut-zung entsteht. Das Ganze aber robustund abriebfest in bewährter Textum Qua-lität.

▶ Individuell anpassbar▶ Selber anwendbar▶ Robustes Endergebnis▶ Einfach in der Anwendung

Verleihen Sie Ihren Kunstlederoberflächennachträglich einen individuellen VintageLook. Mit einem Verfahren, das jeder sel-ber anwenden kann.

Finishing Cream

Die Zugabe des Härters (Aktivators) be-trägt 1%. Mischen Sie sowohl die „Finis-hing Cream“, als auch den „Aktivator“ ineinem Blender bei 300-500 UPM für 15-20Minuten zusammen. Nach vollständigemvermischen ist die „Crafter Cream“ nungebrauchsfertig und kann entweder ge-sprüht oder mittels eines Baumwolltu-ches aufgetragen werden. Die Verarbei-tungszeit dabei beträgt maximal 12h.


Crafter nije uobičajena umjetna kožakakvu smo navikli vidjeti - ona nam dajemogućnost da iz svakog komada nam-ještaja napravimo unikat. Točnije rečeno,„unikatni dragulj“.

Koristeći se posebno razvijenom Crafterkremom površinu umjetne kože možemotransformirati i postići toliko željeni 'vin-tage look' svojstven dugogodišnjoj upo-trebi. Crafter daje Vašem namještajurobustan i snažan izgled, dok trajnost togizgleda garantira provjerena Textum kva-liteta.

▶ Individualan pristup▶ Svatko ga može koristiti▶ Snažan izgled▶ Jednostavna upotreba

Obogatite umjetnu kožu individualnim'vintage' izgledom postupkom čija jeprimjena toliko jednostavna da ju svatkomože koristiti.

Finishing krema

Količina učvršćivača (aktivatora) kojutreba dodati jest 1%. Stavite 'Finishingkremu' i 'Activator' u blender na 300/500o/min brzine na 15-20 minuta. Na tajnačin pripremljenu smjesu možete koris-titi tek nakon potpunog blendiranja i to ilišpricajući ili nanoseći pomoću pamučnekrpe. Vrijeme korištenja iznosi 12 sati.


Crafter is not an artificial leather in a tra-ditional sense - it is an opportunity tocraft a personal unique item out of a pieceof furniture. A real "showpiece".

With the special Crafter Finishing Creamyou can provide artificial leather surfaceswith a vintage look, which otherwise onlycomes up after decades of wear and tear.But the whole thing is robust and abra-sion-resistant with proven Textum quality.

▶ Individually customizable ▶ Individually applicable ▶ Robust end result ▶ Easy to use

Give your artificial leather surfaces an in-dividual vintage look with a method thatcan be used by anyone.

Finishing Cream

The addition of the hardener (activator) is1%. Mix both the "Finishing Cream", andthe "activator" in a blender at 300-500rpm for 15-20 minutes together. Aftercomplete mixing of the "Crafter Cream" isnow ready to use and can be eithersprayed or applied with a cotton cloth.The processing time thereby shall be 12hours maximum.

Vintage Look

▶ Die zu bearbeitende Fläche sollte sau- ber und fettfrei sein. ▶ Prüfen Sie die Anwendung an einer un- auffälligen Stelle um sicherzustellen das keine unerwünschten Effekte ein- treten.▶ Verwenden Sie ein trockenes Baumwoll- tuch.▶ Gießen Sie eine kleine Portion der Finis- hing Cream auf das Tuch.▶ Reiben Sie vorsichtig, in kleinen Krei- sen, die Finishing Cream auf die zu be- arbeitende Oberfläche. ▶ Benutzen Sie ein zweites sauberes Baumwolltuch um die Oberfläche von möglichen Rückständen zu säubern.▶ Überprufen Sie ständig während der Anwendung das Ergebnis, um einen fle- ckigen Look zu vermeiden.

▶ The surface that is to be treated should be clean and free of grease. ▶ Check the application on an inconspi- cuous place to ensure that no undesira- ble effects occur. ▶ Use a dry cotton cloth. ▶ Pour a small portion of the Finishing Cream on the cloth. ▶ Gently rub, in small circles, the Finis- hing Cream on the surface which is to be treated. ▶ Use a second clean cotton cloth to clean the surface of possible residues. ▶ Check constantly during application the result in order to avoid a patchy appea- rance.

▶ Površina koju namjeravate obraditi mora biti čista i nemasna▶ Provjerite učinkovitost na neprimjet- nome mjestu kako biste izbjegli nasta- janje neželjenih efekata▶ Upotrijebite suhu, pamučnu krpu▶ Dodajte malu količinu kreme na krpu▶ Kremu urtljajte oprezno, malim kružnim pokretima u za to pripremljeni materijal▶ Iskoristite drugu suhu, pamučnu krpu kako biste otklonili eventualni višak kreme ▶ Tijekom cijele primjene pratite proces kako biste izbjegli umrljani izgled

Vintage Look Vintage Look Crafter Vintage Look







