V >*‘. 'r .y' ' '‘'-.-.s' - ]' • ' ‘ 'V'-''A-..-.]....

>*‘. ■1 y : yi.'- ; i ■ '-: ). .t'- i , '-,' ■I '- •'. V . I-' , ' I''''- i ■'r -y;y> •;!- •V >* ^' V ■ir .K a I'iMctii ^:- t-.’ ■*' * vf ' j S ^ # - v -W SseW iSl ,v'- • ■ ; - - u - r.:'i.- :-ll M '' Itobra! 6n aiarme^ m \ - ^ • !v -i ■-•‘if.-; .y' -r'' L^' oifed by saiiab^JJlb ^ ftKst su|d; foj^m^lr' int b|i]^iii’s tbetr w|(^froffswtliw b f u ^ f a bJontb Qr P^ •7 ‘ A% r'-'- ’v-j Smy;;- "Heiice^w^Wy ^Meil-mca batfbhifliH ^ftd, PS' njigit bdi^'. ■■in i1is^ra/%'fey^-, , i (‘r^dality lbtjrrdli& m. ^ h,.-- --^; :^]. t td fiouriafc^|[L:la|.-' iKiou ofiha babUabW' ^ ■^ |i<utary. iH%enc^%, C htireA-runnbrtatT ih'^* ’ ifts,oiS;,buriniaHd kta>n}ahawfc!& s%ugui|'N |ei|jbKaM;e* Eypiitbi Mnijaaoce afpdr&a]* ^graabs^of ^Spitli |^t«g:e^ tortacb, ;tt«M « ^ l e « . fo e—|bQ'».tf5eb4 ^ i s AVbEldly walltfe * - b.-idteraal Kn4;#it!a 1^ jvbtdt- we at .grasps lh e # e 4 f | Ti:«rscepthji-i^«r'" r< grip. Pl;^dian s d ^ ig ^ i foitar io-ls5^' V f14'^e'a; „, 6 tto •* ■I's CaiSi.i.«®teet;,4iaij-^'--, *'4| ^^an^i'iidbcns^bis. ,; l4sdl»s ^ r w e tt *- ' ' L p itied tba); inaay nn^ & |j Itod aiccepVance.— i ' 4 fcdc&ct p'tfae insUti* *1 Wty frdtn-wlilch noi^i ||v,CD d ie UlUe faBQ|& ^tfeycbosfetingpf» 5|t' ifted a ,Jb{/«®T-Sat{ii|. f| ' Tbte|'Jlai&QndilQ»,tRW-'^^^^^^ ^ay?,i » arc mderstand : tliat tlife b s il n a tt e qf Caps* payid land Herald, in sebej^*#4rjdest8a|s^.tbat^ cttcufflbet raisedlb a ‘ppd6n|p thaitvillage,. y’nifeasared'«0w« m i'!tm f bit i&k^ id 'kngfm *piri«;dQabt#^» biQ tb |b ^ b ^ e r c^salsji after.j|thi.& of W y ^ c u l t t t t a l pifOdttcti^^ Thelfare nf tbfe^aakaf b the E> Pati ts>a witbo'uw * * oJ|Ti>-^T&e biti55eiiis |>f Oxford, N. I t. h'4v4obr^^ pf |,|500 to " ^ persbb >bp v^I dCscpYer? ‘♦’a^tncrfews. co'arbnJt*foOJ»sn8Pgo Tho^iti- zPtiS d m Qd ;tb& safe-^sidb^ o f th^ q u e s ^ n . i ~ Ho*iy isilbe tobe^ . mih§My 1 ' J Etench, of 1Paw.egyi|le, Ohio, was' ' TOdrdjeVsd neaT Ndwburghjin that statg, on tth'e l^th ult. - Three laborers on the canal f have hTen committed for . Art. impositioB itj the artijfle of blues brosidr cloths ajn<f cassimPres |s .UQ^y practise^ in the Heiy-York rtiarkef, -whiejj shbuld^put purchpshrs^prt tljieir guard-.» Th®^®-, which 'are^^^ iispbiEtesd from^ Eogldtid, ^ d generadf gold atni&tion wb^Mherlits' no !' warxanw ^Ypn as tP ChlPlir, dye—soltb^t^ef] a fcwniglft’a wetr the purcha^^r’finds] his blue-coatj has assumed the colpdpf a riraddy claret, B y t h P ^PP%" c a t^ i o f vinegar tbte^-qu^ of the dyois jeadUy [discovered- '': ' _ Ouri^^ryt^^ite of'a Smh>’^A^ fpmg lady in llferhtir^'p^^ having been hiddn in tK e'^kle by af copper-head, whose Ims^is as dapgerous*ae that of a rat- tlesnahg.f Tnddaeing a common glass bot- tle ^Q jm t'^und, filled with whiskey, the «^Qison| was seen distinctly toi'flow front the “ ^TOUn&Mitothe bbttle. ’ [j^wlthstanding tire abqve. statement, the,realdeir should use great caution in com t^i'^ijibh 'o f th e pboPfe,” becisi to haW|btse'n adl shd' T?hey» ^ irtaps^vun,^^ tfe Having neyet d w h t^ tbajt aUplivw'dald be' the^fesu^t,*^H^ll^’k trtader^t^ prize'^thkithotmik ^ M at that i s tm s; -lip isget^eeiirtnisTOW^ utan<.PRol»%thou^idtwash«ketfe .Sta^stbat ----- -of that Pkri of the coUntr^i pfiitg^ly chid, vat^d itishi'* mid,’.-wi|iile ’thetei: paovedih theifirst a(Qciety:v ’ ;. j- . 'Three! Ifaiiigstare uncertain at >d incohM stant-wtlie favoht of prmfcesj die love of rvoroeh t the shiding of the juh iii April. and the bther at Heddes^ whicl strong w ket in sufficient quanddf ply all fhh vOTks,. Th^ value of ei hottie hss desttoyjee Hjes^^iijpn’that of the \Yhole!anuuaJ crea- tion coinhined.] ! . oceidenf.—YesUrday after- .doon twp Vo»n§ women -fay the name pf |lnt 05 h4 jr|^ae attcmf>ring to hathe at Ho- , ^ rthg hank itrtc tethi^f were.drowned^'f '0® ^ 17 and years o f age.-^lfpl . thdl will liVfe ip* duie^^ frame fhimself to three thuigs|-T-to h ^ , see, and say nothing- |f»l,with,time, and k I| the bab'uatioqs of oiUi ■ ler/ WasbwgtdBs, he p Bd pati^ftlind^C. and whose conR f o S ’a . d w S . r , pilgri. Itbat distress ce’er ei . t,driven « pennyl8sff> . . 1 wt world' desire its de -v ^putest wi(Jiibethi-«l|^ > assent to poUticalip^f ItUcit 'aa converts to ridcipy of immuta|^ ‘ \VistftSni, sti-engtli ^ !, kill the test sylte ei who pow dis| ly. alregal inaiidBte JS otic Russia tksfollpfd . : i^U however, nsjitf ,. st*tne progress, o f a p y foaming to;rienC .1: [before inSn, thaCT^ I may glot^y our p e r ^; /T |and>our sjtandarJfcllf.-^- * hiU^ and «,ElolibVb h every .Vale. 33 ef- J ti). discoVCT oar Iclssfnl will y a n p ik # ' :.'ii m hahte '• • J itslas h*vir jecen! liti'destruction,, ' fhe'worid at largi p i® negativ*e,Bttd<^ns -i tildi|i atlasti to joinphe |at ^Esonryfs siisc liiLoi cau.ses^io layiigsnr^vedlL }£ ewspo^, and $ [tpl^tedior.tt singii^ ier w® cie fpr artij our court^-—A Mr. irk,- has invented a new idistihihg .apparatus, fey wlpchlihe process ‘ jof distilHnw spirits Jls greatly Mffiitated :— and by whmh’of coujpe, if it gefe into suc- cessful operation, that Wotsthf all corse^ drunkerindss, will be increased proportion -ably. " ''-I Trust nfet three things—clogs’ teeth; faor- :ses’feet ; women’s ptptestatiorts.i Iter DMe /G ldmpanj .tyal Friday, at which it .wis resolved wwdnd up affairs, and dtesdlve ti(ie asriRrtatiph, [‘‘ iStsr after star goes ott^ apji all is night.” ' This is th&lastof hve Tdmt.^tock Companies for snpplyffig J^naonjivith pure ‘unadulterated IVElk,-with capitks amount - ing liop'abonit ^5,00fe,p0Gfr! |l u t tney could nof kicceed. T h ^ London ajppettte for “s^y-Afwc,” (as _ they call the mfschievous compound of chalk and water rihich passes for miii',) is tori ancient and inveterate tp be reformed by specularing innovators.-— Yet these moneymaking Englishmen, who could not succeed at home,,have instituted a company for supplying iParts with genu- ine'milk.!— iVoc/t-] ‘ , S^pirifgd Prtnfer’ .—One davilast week, a k'lo who eouM drink tbh greatest number t f glasses of brandy, died kftfeirhavirtg drank" t [^6 twenty-seventh. * l 'Ftmal^^jifdicagy,—“ .Bish, the Lottery than, was a candidate for Xeommster," •'Fhxiysfi&xpert takfrifrotn cafri^e,>and the Ibdiei dreto it i%migk rypaHomii^Smfiri, Ail ibe ladies and itlemenj^ere decked' with his colours--^- Orapgi^, gpd blue, . "g e procession near i three hours. Eyery window »!as crowded with well-dressed ladies, all riith 3 ^ . B vk feolors, dijd f t,', many were ^ g pt6^||fect5 fotpY i^trisre^^ eoelc- .Id daebar^,! hahj fmCripiair with f vi| •■V - furnish s to sup* property has inpr^a?ed,ihithpse villages lO h p r cent, since this d|^(jp»ery..; The oppressive duty upon skt, hriweyer,'.wi}l®otkIow m guan- tit^ mahufactufed at these worksto be much increased. ’ T f .ffie'cluty wjre reduced ope 'half, iflqrffile the quantity of skl^ ri;ouid he made. ; This'woUld greatly benefit thp pub- hhwithpjurnffisctiog ihfe rovepue- T here Ure three very^sCfong things—*gold; fop there is no place invincible^ tyherein pn laden with gold^ rnaY enter; Invoi bet cause itp rovoketh uko adyenture our goods, .life and cenowti; and all; labpur, because it overcometh ail things. , - clergyipan not long since remdrkeh'm ffie puJRit, that it was a cele- br'aied'saying ofMeorge Wh,itfield that man not pnly^ half feCast and haft devil, but dip bOastl'and all devif; be, how^eVer, (tlie clergytnan) was prepared to prove that ev- ery chilq horn Into tbe^wortd was all devil; be then iwentT^njvitlLan attempt to do so, •making nothing, ofhrjglnal sin, the basis of- the argument. The'next day, one of his hearers ^happened to be in company with him at the house of a mutual' friend, when a pretty,Innocent Iqoking child, came into the roonji. The gedtlehian addressed it in this mcihher: “ Confo here, you pretty lit- tle devUji” “ W hat in the world do you mean by this kind of language ?? says the cleirgym4n,oShnded at hispresehee.''“Why, says the O i I ict, is there aiiy harm in itl”— “ To beSuw, there is,” replied the clergy- man. ‘‘lYott must answer for it>fthen, for I learned! it of you.” “ Learned it of me!” “ Yes, I jheard yousiy yesterday that chil- dren werfe all devils,'and t ani sure if they are, this js a very prelly little one,”— Alex. Gazette. Crenm| CbBegc.-—‘ij’he board of Trustees of Geneva College have appointed John W. HurlpUrt, P. Churph, arid James Wads- worth, a qoraraittee to proceed td Roches- ter & suchpjher placesas they may deem re- qnisite,to ^scertain-the truth of the allegation’ impIiCatiug the conduct of the agents, who’ were emplhyed to, obtain subscriptions^ and donations to the funds of the institution; and we unqcrstand they afq authorized, to return any notes, or discharge any subscript- tions, which tbby shall be convinced were unfairly oblTainedx—j?dcA. Album reppri-noiar in e|rcalat.ion respectmgflusirtonster is^ thk a^ileconcer- ted scherad formed bwtjveen him. arid his fatli.eri;thes<pvetnor, by-which the son was to ciit his throat, partially., kind with-' his own blririd hi endite a pretended dying- declaxatiott of hl^ innocence, on thestrength. of which thefatfaer was to,.grknt a pardon. —and the, son was to recover. .The whole plan, however, was not carried inljo effect, in consequence |of its being too rtotjoriously man^est iS»6cref«.-4-Ndyer reveal a secret even to your most invirttate-friend. It Is a sacred deposit, 'and he that betrays his tirust i^ u iL ty of the work kind of desecra'tiort. ^fa'e' reply of Charles the Second, when impor- tuned by a nohibrnan to commtmicate some- thing of a private nature^ desefves to he en- graved OB’the heart of every one, “ Can yokkeep a secifet?” asked that irtunarCh. Most faitbfuHi," returned the ndlileman. So can I,” ^as the laconic aud severe ansWeV Of Cbaries. The new steam-boat’ Philadelpki<^ arri- wed here yesteifdey evening, in fourteen hortrS from New-Vork, -stepping about an boar on the way, to repair some pktt of her machinery, besides landing paswngers different'places. ' ft is t^lculated that she wilLrun from J^ew-York to "Albany, in g- bput tWeive hours- Her cabins are very splendid; as .she is intended to he a day "^at^there-are no Gqx. 'ThelOId Kotth BiVer^ompaDy, having withdrawn their bpats .rrohi.runnittg, the, Chknoellrif 'Ilivihgstpni James Kent, and' Saratoga, wfiTbesOla on the ,l5ritQctober ',;,.'77 ‘‘ ity it happened ffiat d^^^ day there were'no'ma^ that irecen i^t l^v^arsanfs^pt ffiehpprehehLyifcy,, hgqdft "ihplPdhby charged with violence- in eyeryls^-pcpasionedjby tlriinkentteMl -y4. ■7i '■ i ■4- #op, perhsfP* Qheof hil/djeicedatej fo hii body in n cnTnhur-^— - i(^ f (What ppsscised pTieri tp eraifl under-it: w »|hw hufi^|nnd^i .-r’ ' '‘'-.-.s' - ]'■• ' 'V'-''A-..-.]. ■. -rr-*;:- , - '- 'a '- :.j; - 4-.-’-'i'v V V-, j,~ . . -J,-], t,, _ ’S' LAfEyl^B.OM /he.lWclbsshpdy hein^ boft^Jfhd ;to tbi, hbare^ habitation, was'rubbed'with alcdhol, vapd .thderwehf somntotiher ppeirariM^J'WM at 1 Jhgth the gentleman b ^ n " to BpHlifidshn; his eyes, and sci^ntcb hw’hfeW, a^. feeoplfe generally 4o »ft.er;a’lQpg-' *nap, dircc ly rgised himself Mp} urttfl^ggear for a little whis- keVf'beingjipprehensivep as^ jht said, of; hkying token cpli Jn a shdiff rimehie cphiplkin^; of bei igexcest wvely hnhgfjk aiid,Dn learning t le length ■Of his ttaprdeelarefl .Inihself to bp on the point of starVatipn. Some lof out wise cditoragravely prphouncftbjs pirc inristance to be very remarkable, if true. S > indeed, they might have-a'ddedJ Was the story ofj Rip Yah Winkle, Wle | agree w th them >erfectly—dt is very reffiarkahler-i/’ true, n this case it may be classed ainong the ;irst, not pnly of marvellous,, but of useful discoveries. No former one, ntt among all the perpetual motions ever nvenfld, las been able to prolong human life; but 1 Vom t|iis we learn, a man may five two or three centuries, by bang Jroun to death! *ns bouncing is at prewot much i i fashion, We intend before long to give ap essiy on.lies and liars in general. Vye ‘w.5sb’, ho (VCver, to % \ dt B fenehfngktp;;5aaed^m Bttn.ce* a b o l^ 4 ^ jmddlef p f ing [oh ‘hoard.thifee-raiUion8'x>f’^3^ Jot1isfa.ci;pppt5.$aytenmiIll^^ on a<*ortrtt of the secoi^ iqetalffient of the inidemoity to Ftonce* ‘f T he instal- ment is; *0t4ueJliU I>|!C«niber next.!) Persons recently froto Hayti mrinuop that doubts W hntertaiped there,, that the G’dvrifhmei)Lt would ijot bd able to raise, and/remit,the whole of the thirty mlllLODS-Of' franbs, which is the amount of the. ijastplmem due 'in Hecembef;— that the pO#i taxes leviedjtcrraise money to p.ay thei indejmnity to [ France, were extremely unpopular; p at the lower ,, ,..,. ., 1 .. . cla«»w«re K ny ^able to ^^^^^ tax ; and that thn fkrloughed' koldtepst, U ^^aainU nce with the subject. . were determineq-nofcto_pa,yHtt4^^tn^^ >^e lauds' yery. sraall pirtyortion oTuhe lands w ^ f Under ‘Cultivation; and that the colfee .raised bored higher price tlian could Be realized from it |a P rancethat many of the white', merchants were leaving the island unde|: f e ^ qf commoUpn and massati^e; and t|hat the Merchants par- tiqulariy thai American, (whom the black Government thipk are Wholly disregar- ded by the Godemment of the United States) found it ver^ dfficult to obtain payment'foil their goods, the law$ for the. cpllecticlQ off debts being suspended at .the will off the Grand Judge. Pres- ident BoVrin continued to be respected, but. it'was the general opinion, that he had suffered .himself to be [grossly cir- cumveiQte,dbY thd French Talloymnds in the latetreaBos |vlth them. His patri- otism wa». not driobtod j and his relin- quishment of hisi salary (45,000. francs) was considered ais proof of’his disinter- estedness. HjE' Siib|cobrii in a d d ^ to his . JL '' Ito n ^ !itdpk,.|as ju # ’ f ec^d’U large^Sormei^Tr:- ' Twhich hp,n'ow offers for sale, for G ASH •!—4*ricei at Gosf,*wlth .the addidp^ rif txanspormtioh expenses. H e i^ifhps bo tlose life MpeantUe busmess, which induces him tpj. make this' BberaL. offer to the public.; i ■ / ' 1 I iE c n ! ejn. at THk . ^arly opposip B. H umptffey’s Eagle jPav'ern. , , ^ j - j^eaiy i C'oni ,Pa^5,‘ k deceived' in payment for Gdbds, ni^cash' pices. WM. R. THOMPSON . ... Baiavitti Ail^g, 17i 1826., . £fOtf| PATENT 7 '‘>U: ’ ^ • v;,- <v:;o A■ K-.; m m m : Ihs^ lia^^ i% .XYhich the yj p e -Dour offering- p .ve|#‘ ,*> - JlfdRfffiE/)—I d Ibis villajlge, on ths evening of the JKHb ujt. by C. Carpepter, Esq. plr. Atwi} jixekton to, M .\s% Almira Gibbf. died —At Burliagtob, NJ.riiwcpA jUflvainc, Esq. Senator in Congress frOm New Jjersey.— Same day and place, BlMm^ld M’llvaine, Esq. the son, nn eminent Lawyer! of Fhilad clphia. • In Halfmopn, .rfAraAam a Juago of the County Court for Saratoga,! aged 7b, a-soldier of tbefrovoiiitibn, | In Bust!, Ciiaiauque coahW, the lev . John Spencer, aged 68, oltbe Presb^erian church. Letten have'been, received in Ealtimore, menUqniog the death of Gep.. James IViocbes- ter, ofTennessee,late oftbeianny. , ' . In Baltimore, afiera short iUnesSy P nu AUtn, late editor of the Baltimore Morning Chronicle, and also of the Baltimore Saturday Evening Post. !• At Allentown, dii (he Htb instant. Hon. Hen- ry Wilmyt, in the 48th year of hU age. j &lr. \V. was a rc^resentafive in Congress w m the Le» blgbUistrict in Pennsylvania. H E subscribers .'Offer for iale .ut ■the Storfe of \YM. PA V IS, iq tihe.yilinge of Batavia, an j^ttensiVe as- |6rtraent of ^ATENT WTNDQW SASH, wbjeh jaro afforded *much lower than the common Sash, and are far su- perior. Persop Building will do well tio call, and examine them. I O. F. BURLINGAME ^ Co. ijlugust 21, ^‘8$6. ^ 31 W#»fs fill I-' ■ '1*1 I 1 I- ■ J^^l^loitantbeiriTen^^ - i tOrl^ch:', fesf t-; ;r ,il- I \ I VPi ' S om7\t^W SiW < $ i‘S 8 ,' . ‘ ■' ^ Espraptypiyin,,^ ■ . form « e pblic,; thaL hhVjing pOrchasrid tip.^ipek del- recenlly belortge|l; to ROWN 4& COT^S^amt havifl^yeici nved a fresh supply p uddi- [tioPjYhey ide pqbled, to offer A ibm- plete' hsspr mpjat of , I f - I9rui:« $c Omthe moj t reasonable terms. PRysipians and others Vho Wish to pur- chasejany :riniridoi^lo^a^ a lil^e- ral dkcoUh: jVWfije madqhrom ordinary prices.' "t i A consta ilt siipply of .JSuWs P a tm t Hinge Tn iWill be kept. 4 f Batavia, June ^ I-' * ’J , - ' "V"- M Toot iixd /nifoleranzff.--«There is, it appears, a clergyman at Auburn, in this state, who is in his own Uttlo district, famops-for the plainness and promptnossof hiz expres- sions, He dashes the word '‘lies’* abd “liajs” into ih'e face of his opppnei)ts with exemplary ffankness,) To this we have no.speciM Objection, because it is a questipn. of r^annets merely. But there is another 1clergyman who goes Airlher., and deapUDced alLthe funeral Tere.mo nies in hop our Of Adams and Jef- fersoo, BecapfZ, fOrsoOtL “ they did not love the Lord Jiesua. ■ Now, if ever there were^ tjwoi men who were a- miable in tneiil livlesO— whose wholeca- reqr w^a M l , o f , ipJogrit^., |)|^jnrk)tism;^ charity, virtue, and religion in its best sense, these were the men. .Andwhen a'natiou,^ a grateful -nation. Is poiiring forth the oBlajtiou|of its thanks, affection and prayers,* c vie? the graves such men .are we to be* the eked and insulted in the sacred dutyby the cavils and casu- istries of some' obscure, ignorant fanat- ick ? Heaven and common sense for- bid ! We-are glt^ to 'seb that the edit- Genpste County Bible Society» TheaUnual meeting of Geneiseo Co., Bible Society will be held, accoj-ding to adjournment, on Monday, SOth o f Octo- ber next, at 2 o’clock P. M. at the Court House in Batavia. C . C O L T O N , S^c’y . Batavia, August, 28,. 1826. N. B. Those who have any InsTneSs With the Secretary wflj please to call Wm: Seaver, jun. Batavia, fmporfmt fratn Lt^ayra.*—The BaFtimo:^ Gazette] saysi— W e learn by th© sch^ >AlfeaUaV|arr|ved1iere last eve- ning in T7days fMm Luguayra, that the .business was-completely’ at a stapd^ and Dothipg.but the tneicessarres pfiife would sell.,. Gen. Fap* jwas at Valencia with 8 or lO„OQO men, Ou’d the sUjeets of Ca- racas audiLuguayrai were daUy mtroled to add to life army- Gen. Bermudez W’as at Caman.a« With an equal m-niy to Oppose the movements qf Gen.Paez. A B|itish frigate wa? lying at Lupayra to jj^otect the Bfitsh-Merchank ju case of need- ..Wl Jind .prnbaWy' " • Ffilthy and corrujited. dm *. Ireceive the fcw lr^^; - pver foils to bestowwn- -. nd.mastSory still si r..Muonry is seatedM-l kail the malice ofn |royai indignalioa r? Jligntnings of popn| land ^re seen no..3|L ^ .t rwofld of kisery ' Iof many a t'ear.dW|P*;- T bere issuesber lago forth-r-aidtliwPwiL^^^ jw er 4isper^d»ieWTO»w-i!r;J levi#lpr-di8^B |mtort m|0 *iccnda inhi th^ f ^lqW.,- fbumnity*&,3qiii^tof' »•’- Ithat tbrillsthtOimV^ Kse, sad virttteia^iC*^; IhaUn iusititttiami^#. ^ ,iMefoeatedlike fihfrea,and>-rMr-‘ohe, 1m^riUy''proce«ded to’ Gallows in the m ^ e t with baiters rorihd tlieic: Island, ripi^lhe Pbilad^phiav to settletlieir ters round nicks. ‘‘-Eadt^^’ fors4oth.f-Jfo^A.] - Three-tblngs^ are necessary in avffattcrer -^an impbd^iimrlaee,? asteadlast .colour; a J . „ i . ; ,: S fs^w .^A ^ fried for’ ^tealingi % E U ? m l’e r frora'ffie'dd^^^^ subienbert flefeiico 'sef np-T^as ibiit he .tpok i t up mreadi^hen Utt 'amusing article eugros-’ *ihg his attention, fte wajfked along ietsore- ^tnaifarirested, kjdiqufr wtendingtVsteal. J?A?. he bore iU good ebarpeter,. % -ABJor fons,”—Two mlihdar. j,hot* Vere eiebangeff vritif aimqqh c<ml- ness a# couidmave been exhibited'by R u- dolph or Clay, although one of them is re- '^tKjfted' to haye tumqd a little palb as the .contents of nis antagonist’s pistof Whizzed by his ear^. , Afler the third round, the par- tiesj at the ins^nce Of their seconds, shopk hands, and|hdfcd'thbir‘“quarrel over a pint of brandy^ ’'K 'has^ HftCe been asi^rtained that thp^piirtols Were lokdeff the first time iyitb paper babto/rite secOnd'tirtie With sand, and the las|t tihfe with, quids of tobacco.— If is stat^l mj the Ithodd Island, Repub- >ed vond i s'-l |«erespect^^;j|t-.. , ;1 ’ ■■I 'M -and peaA^lbes [Shipped tbro«gh ^Canada, .upon tbei^lUeUnncmiesas CahadiaBmatt- ufeetpredV O ' I L ^ bden.; performing a Jews’’ I. harp before the IQng of E ® ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r v i n g oCnutidethfeM^^^ waS' 1 J E i d i r i ' I i t i V I A«- next Governor, and Mdtr Miaftd diirLjeut* Governor. GhUfcIiand SiR WALTER SCOTT, Among (be fdrdign items lately re' .ceived^ alettbr % m Sir W alter Scott," to thq Trench tranriator of the Wavjerly novqis, denying positively bw authorship of those worlw. T h e -att- thenticity of this letter k estahlishqd by a note from to whomit was addressed, ;wb!p,;,shya’ it Was lieceived some yeark agp!, (ihp Lpndcm papers say in 1821,). and bw hecm’ jjuhlished without his (t|ie itr^ns(afor’s) consent*— It ik difficult to reconcile thikAenial with the strong and jujnwntraqicted weight of public opinion, ajadl the more reednt dec-, laration .under oath, of S|r Walter,, that xJL u fU'a « rifQpfnE tor’^of the .works in |qW |^n he be theprojmetor atid, not the’autho j.of' the Vorksl The curious upon this subject yuH look with some interest iTbr explanation f/o'm the sources of litpra|rj’ intelii|ience on the 'bther side of tllb [Atlantic*—JM . Ufoph ' ------- ,i , ' - ’ , fFrriinffieN.'V.Mlitbr,] ^ " coroini to ! *Weda*pveekaise^ted that the Canadiair siiake itpr/'threw 'all ifs jfobu* r t ijDfto t r 'W-b»s1 .liQ X ing and- If a \w ^ , T T A tE est^iblished atSODA Foun- taip and< CoBfeGtiqnary Siore, in the,yellow building nearly Oppo^tO the Clerk’s Office, where Ladies and Gen- tlemen can be accommodated w .th the above articles, and they would at the same time inform theip^, that mifect good, order and regulaiaty will at all times be preserved, so aS to renqer 4 a pleas^t and agreeable Resort, i ! ' • ’■ IN the lower Room qf said bt aiding, ' they have constantly for sa] e | A GENBRAL A8S0Rt ] hRNT OF . ;1}K7 00Q D 4 GrqLeries, Sard ware, Grock- ,. ery, Glass-Ware^ Stefel’ diijii ^ F R E S H T E AS^ SPICE, PEPPPjR, mm SRAirs?, ; W iae. Cov4i«A8 Molasses, LOaf & “ GrOOM, |H .av4-W iiofei, C io C tte r s , ! T wy I l .' I Batavia, Ju^e 5, I82<p. J 20 i ■' \ LL petisohs ajre cautioned against 4 ^ harboring orl trusting’my wife,) OHAnLOTTR ^,! as 1 am determined to phy no debts i'Olf hei* contfsctins Rfter^ this date. RICHARD DECKER. !‘Pc«&roks,|A)<ga5t 18, 1826 30 RECITAL. if j| ^H E Siibsiliriber has removed his JL DRUdsUr MEDICINES and Mi^OHrBT.OJRE, to the building late- ly occupied by C. H olden , opposite the Eagle Tavern, where may be had nil articles belqn^ng to the esiabjish- ment, as Ipw-or iloire^than aV* anylbih- W, place in the toujoty. He is receiving gn addition to hjs assortmeUL both of jp^oks and Medicines, and-will contin- to keep all a ^ d e s in his line whiqh B likely to be {called for. I ;i *R. D I B B L E . Batavia^ 4«ff- 9. *1826. N. B. DIBBLE & BRADFORD teep their Offijee in the samh huilding fe above, and wBl attend to affi calls in I h^ir line of profession. . II AJ^uiiif}'. n t h J u l f , 1826 , « U BLIC porice is hereby giveni tffat [ L the mortgages belonging to ihofmo- j le of ihis sta e. Ion! # h i^ arremsof.in- iiriest shall relmdinI unpaid on the fir^ % y of Septdmherl nexff'wiU tlmn landed to the AtkorneV-General tor \foreclosure. j . , \ The bonds giyep for lands for winch itents baye lof^et been issued, will sb be haiide 1 tq the Attorney-Generai for prosecution tin me first of Septem- b si* next, or t iie idnds 6rdet*idifo be re- ilh by the Cbmpaissioners bf the Land Ice, i%the('ai!rears of interest due m A lt I E 1 ® ±m 1 DQ 1 D6. 2 BC , . i m ® BB Real Ba Hemp o f superiofr cam .Urtfbiili l?avk stove, * ESA JirD T , ,. tfUSCO. SITGAH, ,0 M P ,' ■ : ^ I ■ :S . L E M O N S /' ' ’ ' LAMP OIL, ^ llip; C ori^’, B row n W hite D ril^ g , : *4 r’ I* 0 :? * --'i' ' 'w * " Jiy amesTL&aii C«i\ic9e^,y colors aodqii^iity. io%,WAoqos<'-^ '*5fO r . r" 1 'W "4ii : < ;y !■ m om m (j^ FEW rods! ' NVITE ^ - Xftrge & Small Plug & fin^ cut : •»: Tohdeci!]^^ | and l|ilE FIRST RATE SPAN- JESk a&>MERJCANSEGAte C itd?ES;:N ?TM EG $," F H AND^ENGLISH MGSTAR O llss" G W umpaign dAT-SUPi & A variety Off porter & BOTTLED CIDEft, AND in fact every articlb that nan.^ be puj'chased in the city. "(^Thc gpove armies can be had X^OW for CASI|. Batavia, Juno 7,1826. 20 * 3jreon are tifot paid before tha t dqy. W.-';L. Mi^feGY^ Gih BHgaieA^ Mt$non tn ^n^, \ Be h ^ a , J u L f ^6,Jt8*26^^ , A rR D E R E ii, •that the Oqmjtnissiqhea, non-Cpipmiwiqnedofficfersl^dM^ ^i|ihns, of tiie seVersd Regimenhrmff said Brigade, rendezvous wititin their respective beats* footbe pmrpbs? of trainings disetplm- 'inkJ and impff«nff in martial, exercise, on-|., twp successive 1 layA wmmeucing asfqllows? Tffith, dol. H igh McMillan, August 28tb* 19pth, Col.,L« -wis m* Gates, 2$th. i. Col William|bavis, ,„ 30th. ind for lasiection and Review,'a* fol- Ibis: _ I ; id4tb, - Geptember 1 oath, Itist, l«lst, 221st, ilth, . I95ti), I64th, - September IfEh. - i + - li-'* lican, that |hejrei yre one hqndf youngkdies busily emjilbyed'at .the Laee- .% & j^Jin Nte!!*’pqrr. ‘^ Tbey have, many"fa- brics'alceadirfim^ winch are pronoun- ced r o ^ eleganjt specimens of skillimd in ^ienuitfr. ■/ ’ The “ $^tter^\ pf the Schenectady Cahiaet, thetoeb^^ i^s confciuded to wimfrair for a ’ htrself-wtm.foationfo^^^^ ’ The aelf-nomiriidons, the conferences, themass-meetib^t and the cant and elec- tfoneeriii^ abijurdity|)f a*class of politician* cjpg predcccisorf into foe back gtou^d; but nqw another has beeir^ld, Which bangs the sMke always knew that frost WaiaACJtoCMent^^ tiVe, b u t heve| .befote'hea.rdl^ anfo- stance! ofKi %ondeifoi yirtsrt^ h?i'y ftmrMeientt, It; seeqts “i l p |h d fifty or>twQ liuft- _ il p i t had^^tiie riPwitofiJt^..::,The m ^n ^- atid apd mgfihrigipiiii ne tomPWatotC in shm* Whstett !id. that the poor fellow found ah <^>iiwtitohy to thaw agahi D-:gf‘; . s t ' . r r r ^ S 2 i s A i J , , rioRTB. OF C..al. 'RnSSElliE’S,) , gstTNYITE tliose who wish t-i puu base, or ' 3K have anj orders exequte-! in -he above line to Call at thqir SLfQP, KherelthCy can be accottimqd^fod On the sbo test cqlice, and may rest )assure'd,jihat; th nr work will be madeoftin best materials, itth^ firmest manner, and fo a style of elegance not to be surpassed at any estabbshmeot ot the kind in the qchntry., Theii terras will be reasonable an I most kinds of . ' co\5^*y’B.x vK,ony(5E will be receive d in expbange. . (f^C artiaaes brought to be repaired ^ill receive th w immediam atteotion. . , jBatamd, /w«« 6, i8S6. S.0 ::%*4 -/J -;-4 - V . 3 . ' ■’ < -■ '-•^1 s yB-jsicW a aaa ^ a F f f E R S M s piofessionM fo inhjmitants of Bataviax and its vicinity. A Medicat-edetcation, compel- ted at foe .College o f PfoijsieuiBS and Sur- geons, intitecuy of Newj-York, as a te^u- ■?; -0i ',y m .d e to H M lq j^ l Lfradtt^ll 1^ told pqbficveadne ftl|h!eClqbrt llp«sea!f^idcb«a4- " ' ty,>oa IbeiMild of Jtt d’lrfock 'J ^ - 4 f. ci-i’ '" . .^4 " NAXHANcf and mariplhW* that about A-h ffiedyqatsogo, (we mean " be froaen 'Very' cierarii •r.: s. ‘- 'itv- ' 1 y- y\\ pfffa- 1 Au- Rj^;watexpqlfod|!'by a iidanhq'oii s yote of^ald Lodge, for foe enormttot^topra- vity ofohk masonic condhcL;.. Lldgi and?tRfetlmqn, jhrbnghout the Units Btotes, - 1 ^ patticultof^. hptlfied,; thei tM y may govern tfimfisetyies acqdr^in’gl- fly*;. l^^^dltotw of pap'e^ tho Matonic Institatidn, are^^ requested to give tint qjaajinf€[rtiom< By-order o f the Lodges R, MARTlNlteetary - - idthi - ^ - - 15th* -I - - i6 t‘h* f t ~ - Ibtfo i T ' ■■ “ ' '■ I’ha Artillery ^ pqmpantes of the 7th Re- gin lent of Artill toy iDjUi meet fotliispeetiou am Revimv at th.e foe Re- ^itt ent. Within i he htoit o f Whijeh the tsOm- rpa jding officq r of the company resides, pur mant^to asd. section ,0f foi Act to or- ga.nideltbe^ilim^^^ By order of ' ETH # ff. ALLENvBrig. Gen: maicK Foii|tBtT, Aid-de-camp.! | a*?D. V 1 ' • - 4- JOHN :'K' iSft r'4-32^ is one door ©ifot of th,e|Tresbytq|:^' eating ffoi^se.: ,|u n |e ’j^2. avto 1826. 'to BLACRSMiTn, ^ and Elders of the Gin If Scot land, for sale at this Ol- ■' .......................................... ^ f iE^#L. 1 1 ; -, t, * * '' . J, !' \ ^■4 ' •- to ''”-’ '• ' ' ■ - ' tt ! se«,to imod-andCbattcT tskea all that cei ing'add teing ii S lo ta b f Ne#-Y6q«;'*-*|Wctnga a ceriaui tovvnshm Wh»to of divefs tto?fs pr|pvyn:shlps ompnff . . foe .Mohand L a i f . eptt, iheif smvbyl umimmed hyvtowu- ; shin nutbber twMk^iH (ha firsf md tqwnsliips,4nd"''’P iqb swd tract of lahd ert;a . efertam ojher jman pt shtocyof skid toy tmo scciiona, i s 4 | by , ofIqt nuintier idevfu, i%tjhe fourth neetm* fV sffidM'qWn’8bip,-H| toflthcm boobd?to 0 !h m ' ;t% :§sd .ju ■4r 'll ^ fii- '■ ■ 'Ilf -f. ;c' --■J* '■' , . - ■- •rt^A .‘■r-.i-' / -j -!v -I. - Jsftototgaga* ;i shai * . ^ maa --f t\»nriiaiTi-'nii .«-r.r-i.i-i- ■'' - M ::X -M-y-. a 4■■ ‘4- ■yvf GSf'if-*-.

Transcript of V >*‘. 'r .y' ' '‘'-.-.s' - ]' • ' ‘ 'V'-''A-..-.]....

Page 1: V >*‘. 'r .y' ' '‘'-.-.s' - ]' • ' ‘ 'V'-''A-..-.]. I-'nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030747/1826-09-01/ed-1/seq-3.pdf1 y : yi.'- ; i '-:). .t'-i,'-,' I '-•'. V .. •

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. y ' - r ''L '

oifed by sa iiab ^JJlb ^ftKst su|d; foj^m^lr' int b |i]^ ii i’s tbe tr

w |(^fro ffsw tliw b f u ^ f a bJontb Qr P ^

• 7‘ A%

r ' - ' -

’v-jSmy;;- "Heiice^w^Wy ^Meil-mca batfbhifliH

^ f td , PS' njigit b d i^ '.■■ in i1is ra/%'fey -, , i

(‘r^dality lb tjrrd li& m . ^ h,.-- --^; :^ ] . t td fiouriafc^|[L:la|.-'

iK iou ofih a babUabW' ■|i<utary. iH% enc^% , C

htireA-runnbrtatT ih' * ’ ifts,oiS;,buriniaHd

kta>n}ahawfc!& s%ugui|'N |ei|jbKaM;e* Eypiitbi

Mnijaaoce afpdr&a]* graabs^of Spitli

|^t«g:e^ tortacb, ;tt«M «^ le « . foe—|bQ'».tf5eb4

^ i s AVbEldly walltfe * - b.-idteraal Kn4;#it!a

1 jvbtdt- weat .grasps lh e # e 4 f |

Ti:«rscepthji-i^«r'" r< grip.Pl;^dian sd ^ ig ^ i foitar io-ls5^'V f 1 4 '^ e 'a ; „,

6 t to

•* ■ I'sCaiSi.i.«®teet;,4iaij-^'--, *'4|

^^an^ i'iidbcns^b is. ,; l4sdl»s ^ rw ett *- ' ' L

p it ie d tba); inaay nn^ & | j Itod aiccepVance.— i ' 4 fcdc&ct p'tfae insUti* *1 Wty frdtn-wlilch n o i^ i ||v,CD die UlUe faBQ|& ^ t f e y c b o s f e t i n g p f » 5|t'ifted a ,Jb{/«®T-Sat{ii|. • f |

■ ' Tbte|'Jlai&QndilQ»,tRW-' ^^^^ ^ay?,i» arc mderstand : tliat tlife b s iln a tte qf Caps* payid

land Herald, in sebej^*#4rjdest8a|s^.tbat^ cttcufflbet raisedlb a ‘p p d 6 n |p thaitvillage,. y’nifeasared'«0w« m i'! tm f b it i&k^ id'k n g f m * p i r i « ; d Q a b t # ^ »biQ tb |b ^ b ^ e r c^salsji after.j|thi.& o f W y ^ c u l t t t t a l pifOdttcti^^

Thelfare n f tb fe^aakaf b 4 « the E>Pati ts>a

witbo'u w * *oJ|Ti>-^T&e biti55eiiis |>f Oxford, N.

I t. h'4v4obr^^ p f |,|500 to " ^persbb > bp v ^ I dCscpYer? ‘♦’a^tncrfews. co'arbnJt*foOJ»sn8Pgo T h o ^ it i-zPtiS dm Qd ;tb& safe-^sidb o f th^ q u e s^ n .i~ Ho*iy isilbe t o b e ^

. m ih § M y 1 'J E tench, o f 1Paw.egyi|le, Ohio, was'

' TOdrdjeVsd neaT Ndwburghjin that statg, on tth'e l^ th ult. - Three laborers on the canal

f have hTen committed for .Art. impositioB itj the artijfle of blues brosidr

cloths ajn<f cassimPres |s .UQ y practise^ in the Heiy-York rtiarkef, -whiejj shbuld^put purchpshrs^prt tljieir guard-.» Th® ®-, which 'are ^ iispbiEtesd from^ Eogldtid, ^ d generadf gold a tn i& tion w b^M herlits ' no

!' warxanw ^Ypn as tP ChlPlir, dye—s o l tb ^ t^ e f ] a fcwniglft’a w etr the purcha^^r’finds] his blue-coatj has assumed the colpdpf a riraddy claret, B y th P ^PP%" c a t ^ i o f vinegar tbte^-qu^ o f the d y o isjeadUy [discovered- ' ' : '

_ O u ri^^ry t^^ ite o f'a Sm h> ’ A ^ fp m g lady in l l f e r h t i r ^ 'p ^ ^ havingbeen hiddn in tK e '^ k le by af copper-head, whose Ims^is as dapgerous*ae that of a rat- tlesnahg.f T nddae ing a common glass bot­tle ^ Q jm t'^ u n d , filled with whiskey, the

«^Qison| w as seen distinctly toi'flow front the “ ^TOUn&Mitothe bbttle.

’ [j^w lth stan d in g tire abqve. statement, the,realdeir should use great caution in com

t^ i '^ ijib h

'o f th e pboPfe,” becisi to haW|btse'n adl shd' T?hey» ^

irtaps^vun ,^^ t f e H aving neyet d w h t^ tbajt aUplivw'dald be' the^fesu^t,*^H^ll^’k trtader^t^ p rize '^ thk itho tm ik ^ M a t tha t

i s

tm s ; - l i p isget^eeiirtnisTO W ^ u tan< .P R ol»% thou^ id tw ash«ketfe

.S ta^ s tb a t----- -—of that Pkri o f the coUntr^i pfiitg^ly chid, vat^d itishi'* mid,’.-wi|iile ’thetei: paovedih theifirst a(Qciety:v ’ ; . • j-. 'Three! Ifaiiigstare uncertain at >d incohM stant-wtlie favoht o f prmfcesj d ie love o f rvoroeh t the shiding o f the ju h iii April.

and the bther a t Heddes^ whicl strong w k e t in sufficient quanddf p ly all fhh vOTks,. T h ^ value of

ei hottie hss desttoyjee Hjes^^iijpn’tha t of the \Yhole!anuuaJ crea­tion coinhined.] !. oceidenf.—YesUrday after-

.doon twp Vo»n§ women -fay the name p f |ln t05h4jr |^ a e attcmf>ring to hathe at Ho-

, ^ r thg hank itrtcte th i^ f were.drowned^'f '0 ® ^ 17 and

years o f age.-^ lfp l. thdl will liVfe ip* duie^^ frame

fhimself to three thuigs|-T-to h ^ , see, andsay nothing-

|f»l, with,time, and kI| the bab'uatioqs of oiUi ■ ler/ WasbwgtdBs, h e p B d p a t i ^ f t l i n d ^ C .

and whose conR

f o S ’a .d w S .r , pilgri.Itbat distress ce ’er ei .

t,driven « pennyl8sff>. . 1wt world' desire its de -v

^putest wi(Jiibethi-«l|^> assent to poUticalip^f ItUcit 'aa converts to rid cip y o f immuta|^‘ \VistftSni, sti-engtli ^!, kill the test sylte

e i who pow dis| ly. alregal inaiidBte JS otic Russia tk sfo llp f d . : i^ U however, n s j itf ,.st*tne progress, o fa p y foaming to;rienC .1: [before inSn, thaCT^I may glot^y our p e r ; /T|and>our sjtandarJfcllf.- - * hiU and «,ElolibVb h every .Vale. 33 ef-

J ti). disco VCT oar •Iclssfnl will y anp ik# '

:.'iim hahte '•

• J

itslas h*vir jecen!liti'destruction,, ' fhe'worid at largip i® negativ*e,Bttd<^ns -i tildi|i atlasti to joinphe

|at ^Esonryfs siisc liiLoi cau.ses io

layiigsnr^vedlL}£ ewspo , and $

[tpl^tedior.tt singii^ ier w® cie fpr artij

our co u rt^ -—A Mr. irk,- has invented a new

idistihihg .apparatus, fey wlpchlihe process ‘ jof distilHnw spirits Jls greatly Mffiitated :— and by whmh’of coujpe, if i t gefe into suc­cessful operation, that W otsthf all corse^ drunkerindss, will be increased proportion -ably. " ' ' - I

Trust nfet three things—clogs’ te e th ; faor- :ses’ feet ; women’s ptptestatiorts.i

Iter DMe/ G ldmpanj .tyal Friday, a t which i t .wis resolved wwdnd upaffairs, and dtesdlve ti(ie asriRrtatiph,

[‘‘ iStsr after star goes ott^ apji all isnight.” ' This is th& lastof hve Tdmt.^tock Companies for snpplyffig J^naonjivith pure

‘unadulterated IVElk,-with cap itks amount­ing liop'abonit ^5,00fe,p0Gfr! |lu t tney could nof kicceed. T h ^ London ajppettte for “s^y-Afwc,” (as _ they call the mfschievous compound o f chalk and water rihich passes for miii',) is tori ancient and inveterate tp be reformed by specularing innovators.-— Yet these m oneym aking Englishmen, who could not succeed at home,,have instituted a company for supplying iParts with genu- ine'milk.!— iVoc/t-] ‘ ,

S^pirifgd Prtnfer’.—O ne davilast week, a

k 'lo who eouM drink tbh greatest number t f glasses o f brandy, died kftfeir havirtg drank" t [ 6 twenty-seventh. * l

'Ftmal^^jifdicagy,— “ .Bish, the Lottery than, was a candidate for Xeommster,"

•'Fhxiysfi&xpert takfrifrotn cafri^e,>and the Ibdiei dreto it i%migk

rypaHomii^Smfiri, Ail ibe ladies and itlemenj^ere decked' with his colours--^-

Orapgi^, gpd blue, . " g e procession near i three hours. Eyery window

»!as crowded with well-dressed ladies, all riith 3 ^ . B vk feolors, dijd f t,', many were ^ g p t6 ^ ||fe c t5 f o tp Y i^ t r i s r e ^ ^ eoelc-

.Id daebar^,! h a h jf mCripiair with f vi|


- furnish s to sup* property

has inpr^a?ed,ihithpse villages lO h p r cent, since this d|^(jp»ery..; T he oppressive duty upon sk t, hriweyer,'.wi}l®otkIow m guan- tit^ mahufactufed at these worksto be much increased. ’ T f .ffie'cluty wjre reduced ope 'half, iflqrffile the quantity o f skl^ ri;ouid he made. ; This'woUld greatly benefit thp pub- hhwithpjurnffisctiog ihfe rovepue- • T here Ure three very^sCfong things—*gold; fop there is no place invincible^ tyherein pn

laden with gold^ rnaY enter; Invoi bet cause itp rovoketh u k o adyenture our goods, .life and cenowti; and a l l ; labpur, because it overcometh ail things. ,- clergyipan not long sinceremdrkeh'm ffie puJRit, that it was a cele- br'aied'saying ofMeorge Wh,itfield that man

not pnly^ half feCast and haft devil, but dip bOastl'and all devif; be, how^eVer, (tlie clergytnan) was prepared to prove that ev­ery chilq horn Into tbe^wortd was all devil; be then iwentT^njvitlLan attempt to do so, •making nothing, ofhrjg lnal sin, the basis of- the argument. T h e 'nex t day, one of his hearers ^happened to be in company with him at the house o f a mutual' friend, when a pretty,Innocent Iqoking child, came into the roonji. T he gedtlehian addressed it in this mcihher: “ Confo here, you pretty lit­tle devUji” “ W hat in the world do you mean by this kind o f language ?? says the cleirgym4n,oShnded at hispresehee.''“W hy, says the Oi Iict, is there aiiy harm in i t l ” — “ T o beSuw, there is,” replied the clergy­man. ‘‘l Yott must answer for it>fthen, for I learned! it of you.” “ Learned it o f me!” “ Yes, I jheard y o u siy yesterday that chil­dren werfe all devils,'and t ani sure if they are, this js a very prelly little one,”—Alex. Gazette.

Crenm| CbBegc.-—‘ij’he board o f Trustees of Geneva College have appointed John W . HurlpUrt, P . Churph, arid Jam es W ads­worth, a qoraraittee to proceed td Roches­ter & suchpjher placesas they may deem re- qnisite,to ^scertain-the truth of the allegation’ impIiCatiug the conduct of the agents, who’ were emplhyed to, obtain subscriptions^ and donations to th e funds o f the institution; and we unqcrstand they afq authorized, to return any notes, or discharge any subscript- tions, which tbby shall be convinced were unfairly oblTainedx—j?dcA. Album

reppri-noiar in e|rcalat.ion respectmgflusirtonster is^ th k a^ileconcer- ted scherad formed bwtjveen him. arid his fatli.eri;thes<pvetnor, by-which the son was to ciit his throat, partially., kind with-' his own blririd hi endite a pretended dying- declaxatiott o f hl^ innocence, on thestrength. of which thefatfaer was to,.grknt a pardon. —and the, son was to recover. .The whole plan, however, was not carried inljo effect, in consequence |of its being too rtotjoriously m an^est

iS»6cref«.-4-Ndyer reveal a secret even to your most invirttate-friend. I t Is a sacred deposit, 'and he that betrays his tirust i^ u iL ty o f the work kind o f desecra'tiort. ^ fa 'e ' reply of Charles the Second, when impor­tuned by a nohibrnan to commtmicate some­thing o f a private nature^ desefves to he en­graved OB’ the heart o f every one, “ Can yokkeep a secifet?” asked that irtunarCh.

Most faitbfuHi," returned the ndlileman. So can I ,” ^ a s the laconic aud severe

ansWeV Of Cbaries.T he new steam-boat’ Philadelpki<^ arri-

wed here yesteifdey evening, in fourteen hortrS from New-Vork, -stepping about an boar on the way, to repair some pktt o f her machinery, besides landing paswngers different'places. ' f t is t^lculated that she wilLrun from J^ew-York to "Albany, in g- bput tWeive hours- H er cabins are very splendid; as .she is intended to h e a day "^at^there-are no Gqx.

'T h e lO Id K otth BiVer^ompaDy, having w ithdrawn their bpats .rrohi.runnittg, the, Chknoellrif 'Ilivihgstpni James K ent, and' Saratoga, wfiTbesOla on the ,l5ritQctober

' , ; , . ' 7 7 ‘‘

ity i t happened ffiat d^^^ day therewere'no'ma^ that irecen i^ t l^v^arsanfs^pt ffiehpprehehLyifcy,, hgqdft "ihplPdhby charged with violence- in eyery ls^-pcpasionedjby tlriinkentteMl

• -y4.

■ 7 i

'■ i■4-

#op, perhsfP* Q heof h il/d jeicedatej fo h ii body i n n c nTnhur - ^— -

i ( ^ f (W hat ppsscised pTieri tp eraifl under-it:

w » |h w h u f i ^ |n n d ^ i


' '‘'-.-.s' - ]'■• ' ‘ ' V ' - ' ' A - . . - . ] .■. -rr-*;:- , - '- 'a '- :.j;

- 4-.-’- ' i'v V V-,

j,~ . . -J,-], t,, _ ’S'

L A fE y l^ B .O M

/he.lWclbsshpdy hein^ boft^Jfhd ;to tbi, hbare^ habitation, was'rubbed'w ith alcdhol, vapd .thderwehf somntotiher ppeirariM^J'WM a t 1 Jhgth the gentleman b ^ n " to B pH lifid shn ; his eyes, and sci^ntcb hw’hfeW, a^. feeoplfe generally 4o »ft.er;a’lQpg-' *nap, dircc ly rgisedhim self Mp} urttfl^ggear for a little whis- keVf'beingjipprehensivep as jht said, of; hkying token c p l i Jn ashdiff rimehie cphiplkin^; o f bei igexcest wvely hnhgfjk aiid,Dn learning t le length ■Of his ttaprdeelarefl .Inihself to bp on the point o f starVatipn. Some lof out wise cditoragravely prphouncftbjs pirc inristanceto be very remarkable, i f true. S > indeed, they m ight have-a'ddedJ Was the story ofj Rip Yah W inkle, Wle | agree w th them >erfectly—dt is very reffiarkahler-i/’ true, n this case it may be classed ainong the

; irst, not pnly o f marvellous,, but of useful discoveries. No former one, n t t among all the perpetual motions ever nvenfld, las been able to prolong human life ; but

1 Vom t|iis we learn, a man may five two or three centuries, by bang Jroun to death!

*ns bouncing is at prewot much i i fashion, We intend before long to give ap essiy on.lies and liars in general. Vye ‘w.5sb’, ho (VCver, to



d t B fe n e h fn g k tp ;;5 a a e d ^ m Bttn.ce* a b o l ^ 4 ^ jmddlef p f ing [oh ‘hoard.thifee-raiUion8'x>f’^3^Jot1isfa.ci;pppt5.$aytenm iIll^^ on a<*ortrtt o f th e s e c o i^ iqetalffient o f th e inidemoity to Ftonce* ‘f T h e instal­m en t is; * 0 t4 u eJliU I>|!C«niber next.!)

P ersons recen tly froto H a y ti mrinuop th a t doubts W h n te rta ip ed there,, th a t the G ’dvrifhmei)Lt would ijo t bd able to ra ise , a n d /re m it , th e w hole o f th e th irty mlllLODS-Of' franbs, w hich is th e am ount o f the. ijastplmem due 'in H e c e m b e f;— tha t the pO#i taxes leviedjtcrraise m oney to p.ay thei indejmnity to [ F ra n c e , w ereextrem ely u n p o p u la r; p a t th e low er , , , . . , . . , 1. . .c l a « » w « r e K n y ^ a b l e to ^ ^ ^ ^ ^tax ; and th a t th n fkrloughed ' koldtepst, U ^ ^ a a in U n c e with the subject. . w ere determineq-nofcto_pa,yHtt4^^tn^^

> ^ e la u d s 'yery. sraall p irtyortion oTuhe lands w ^ f Under ‘C ultivation; an d th a t th e colfee .raised b o re d h igher p rice tlian could Be realized from it | a P r a n c e t h a t m any o f th e white', m erchants w ere leaving th e island unde|: f e ^ q f commoUpn and m assati^e; and t|hat the M erchants par- tiqulariy thai A m erican , (w hom the black G overnm en t th ip k a re Wholly d isregar­ded by th e G o d em m en t o f th e U nited S tates) found it v e r^ dfficult to obtain paym ent'foil th e ir goods, the law$ for the. cpllecticlQ off debts being suspended a t .the will off the G rand Judge . P re s ­iden t BoVrin continued to be respected, but. it 'w as the general opinion, th a t he had suffered .him self to be [grossly c ir- cumveiQte,dbY thd F ren ch T alloym nds in th e la te treaB o s |vlth them . H is pa tri­otism wa». n o t driobtod j and his relin­quishm ent o f hisi salary (45,000. francs) was considered ais p ro o f o f’his d isin ter­estedness.

H jE ' S i ib |c o b r i i in a d d ^ to h is . JL ' ' I t o n ^ ! itd p k ,. |a s j u # ’ f e c ^ d ’U

l a r g e ^ S o r m e i ^ T r : - '

Twhich hp,n'ow offers fo r sale, for G A S H •!—4 * rice i a t Gosf,*wlth .th e add idp^ r if txansporm tioh expenses. H e i^ifhps bo tlo se life M p ean tU e busm ess, which induces h im tpj. m ake th is ' BberaL. offer to th e p u b lic .; i ■ / '1 I iE c n !

e j n . at THk .

^ a r l y o p p o s ip B. H um ptffey’s E ag le jPav'ern. , , ^j - j ^ e a i y i C 'o n i ,P a ^ 5 ,‘ k

deceived ' in paym ent for G dbds, ni^cash' p ic e s . W M . R . T H O M P S O N . ...

B a ia v itti Ail^g, 17 i 1826., . £fOtf|



’ • v;,- <v:;o A■ K-.;

m m m :Ihs^ lia^^ i%

. XYhich the yj p e -Dour offering- p .ve|#‘ ,*>-

JlfdRfffiE/)—Id Ibis villajlge, on ths evening of the JKHb ujt. by C. Carpepter, Esq. plr. Atwi} jixekton to, M.\s% Almira Gibbf.

d ie d —At Burliagtob, NJ.riiwcpA jUflvainc, Esq. Senator in Congress frOm New Jjersey.— Same day and place, BlMm^ld M’llvaine, Esq. the son, nn eminent Lawyer! of Fhilad clphia. •

In Halfmopn, .rf AraAam a Juago of theCounty Court for Saratoga,! aged 7b, a-soldier of tbefrovoiiitibn, |

In Bust!, Ciiaiauque coahW, the le v . John Spencer, aged 68, oltbe Presb^erian church.

Letten have'been, received in Ealtimore, menUqniog the death of Gep.. James IViocbes- ter, ofTennessee,late oftbeianny. , '. In Baltimore, afiera short iUnesSy P nu AUtn, late editor of the Baltimore Morning Chronicle, and also of the Baltimore Saturday Evening Post. !•

At Allentown, dii (he Htb instant. Hon. Hen- ry Wilmyt, in the 48th year of hU age. j &lr. \V. was a rc^resentafive in Congress w m the Le»

blgbUistrict in Pennsylvania.

H E subscribers .'Offer fo r ia le .ut ■ th e Storfe o f \Y M . P A V I S , iq

tihe.yilinge o f B atavia, an j^ttensiVe as- |6 r tra e n t o f ^ A T E N T W T N D Q W S A S H , w bjeh jaro afforded *much low er than the com m on Sash, and a re far su­perior. P e r s o p Building will do well tio call, and exam ine them .

I O . F . B U R L IN G A M E ^ C o . ijlugust 21 , ‘8$6. 31

W #»fs

fillI-' ■ '1*1

I1 I- ■■■ ■

J ^ ^ l ^ l o i t a n t b e i r i T e n ^ ^ -i

tO rl^ch:',fesf

t-; ;r ,il-I \ I

V P i

' S o m 7 \ t ^ W S i W < $ i ‘S 8 , ' .‘ ■ ' ^ E s p r a p t y p i y i n , , ^ ■.

form « e p b lic ,; th a L ’ hhVjing pOrchasrid tip .^ ip e k

del- recen lly belortge|l; toR O W N 4& C O T ^ S ^ a m t

havifl^yeici nved a fresh supply p uddi- [tioPjY hey id e p q b le d , to offer A ib m - p le te ' hsspr mpjat o f , I f -■ I9rui:« $c ■O m the moj t reasonable term s.PRysipians and o thers V h o Wish to pur- chasejany :rin irido i^ lo^a^ a lil^e- r a l dkcoU h: jVWfije m adqhrom ordinary p ric e s .' " t ■ i ’

A consta ilt siipply o f .JSuWs P a tm t H inge T n iWill b e k ep t. 4 f

Batavia, June ^

I-' *

’J ,

-' "V"-


T o o t i ix d

/nifoleranzff.--«There is, i t appears, a clergym an a t A uburn , in th is s ta te , who is in his own Uttlo d istric t, famops-for the plainness an d prom ptnosso f hiz expres­sions, H e dashes th e w ord ' ‘lies’* abd “ lia js” in to ih'e face o f his opppnei)ts with exem plary ffankness,) T o this we have no.speciM Objection, because it is a questipn. o f r^annets m erely . B u t there is ano ther 1 clergym an w ho goes Airlher., and deapUDced a lL th e funeral Tere.mo nies in hop our Of A dam s and J e f - fersoo, BecapfZ, fOrsoOtL “ th ey did not love th e L o rd Jiesua. ■ N ow , i f ever th e re were^ tjwoi m en w ho w ere a - m iable in tneiil livlesO— w hose w h o leca - reqr w^a M l , o f , ipJogrit^., |)|^jnrk)tism;^ ch a rity , v irtue , and religion in its best sense, these w ere th e m en. .A n d w h e n a'natiou,^ a grateful -nation. Is poiiring fo rth the oBlajtiou|of its thanks, affection and prayers,* c vie? the graves such m en .are w e to be* th e eked a n d insulted in the sacred d u t y b y th e cavils and casu­istries o f som e' obscure, ignorant fanat- ick ? H eaven and com m on sense for­bid ! W e-are g lt^ to 'seb th a t th e edit-

G e n p s te C o u n ty B i b l e S o c ie ty »T heaU nua l m eeting o f Geneiseo Co.,

B ible Society will be held , accoj-ding to adjournm ent, on M onday, SOth o f O cto ­ber next, a t 2 o’clock P . M . a t the C ourt H ouse in Batavia.

C . C O L T O N , S ^ c’y . B a ta v ia , August, 28 ,. 1826.N . B . T h o se who have an y InsTneSs

With th e S ecretary wflj please to call W m : S eaver, ju n . B atav ia,

fmporfmt fratn Lt^ayra.*—The BaFtimo:^ Gazette] saysi— W e learn by th© sc h ^ >AlfeaUaV|arr|ved1iere last eve­ning in T 7 d a y s fM m Luguayra, th a t the .business was-completely’ a t a stapd^ and D othipg.but th e tneicessarres p f iife would sell.,. G en . Fap* jwas a t V alencia with 8 o r lO„OQO m en, Ou’d th e sUjeets o f C a­racas audiLuguayrai w ere daUy m tro le d to add to life arm y- G en . B erm udez W’as a t Caman.a« With an equal m-niy to Oppose th e m ovem ents q f G e n .P a e z .A B |itish frigate wa? ly ing a t L u p a y r a to jj^otect th e B fitsh -M erch a n k ju case o f need-


Jind .prnbaWy' " •Ffilthy and corrujited. dm *.

Ireceive the fc w lr^ ^ ; - pver foils to bestowwn- -.

nd.mastSory still si r..Muonry is seatedM-l kail the malice ofn |royai indignalioa r?Jligntnings of popn| land ^re seen no..3|L ^ .t rwofld of kisery 'I of many a t'ear.dW|P*;- T

bere issuesber lago forth-r-aidtliwPwiL^^^

jw er 4isper^d»ieWTO»w-i!r;J

l e v i # l p r - d i 8 ^ B|mtort m|0*iccnda inhi th^ f ^ l q W . , - fbumnity*&,3qiii^tof' »•’- Ithat tbrillsthtOim V^Kse, sad virttteia^iC*^; IhaUn iusititttiami^#.

^ ,iMefoeatedlike fihfrea,and>-rMr-‘ohe, 1m^riUy''proce«ded to’ Gallows in th e m ^ e t with baiters rorihd tlieic: Island, rip i^lhe Pbilad^phiav to settletlieirters round

nicks. ‘‘-E adt^^’ fors4oth.f-Jfo^A.]- Three-tblngs^ are necessary in avffattcrer -^an impbd^iimrlaee,? astead last .colour; a

J . „ • i . ;,: S f s ^ w .^ A ^ fried for’ tealingi % EU ?m l’e r frora'ffie'dd^^^^ subienbert

flefeiico 'sef np-T^as ibiit he .tpok i t u p m read i^h en Utt 'am using article eugros-’ *ihg his attention, fte wajfked along ietsore- ^ tnaifarirested, kjdiqufr w tendingtV steal.

J?A?. he bore iU good ebarpeter,.

% -ABJor fons,”—Two


j,hot* V ere e iebangeff vritif a im qqh c<ml- ness a# couidmave been exhibited'by R u ­dolph or C lay, although one o f them is re-

'^tKjfted' to haye tumqd a little palb as the .contents o f nis antagonist’s pistof Whizzed by his ear . , Afler the third round, the par- tiesj a t th e in s^ n ce Of their seconds, shopk hands, and|hdfcd 'thbir‘“quarrel over a pint o f brandy^ ’'K 'has^ HftCe been asi^rtained that thp^piirtols Were lokdeff the first time iyitb paper babto/rite secOnd'tirtie With sand, and the las|t tihfe with, quids o f tobacco.—

I f is sta t^ l mj the Ithodd Island, Repub->ed vond i


| « e r e s p e c t ^ ^ ; j | t - . . ,


’ ■■I


-and peaA ^lbes [Shipped tbro«gh ^Canada, .upon tbei^lUeUnncmiesas CahadiaBmatt- ufeetpredV O ' •

I L ^ bden.; perform ing a Jews’’I . harp before the IQ ng o f E ®

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r v i n g oCnutidethfeM^^^ waS'

1 J E i d i r i ' I i t i V I A«- next Governor, and M d tr

Miaftd diirLjeut* Governor. GhUfcIiand

S iR W A L T E R S C O T T , A m ong (be fdrdign item s lately re'

.c e iv e d ^ a le ttb r % m S ir W a lte r Scott," to th q T ren c h tran ria to r o f the W avjerly novqis, denying positively bwauthorship o f those worlw. T h e -att- th en tic ity o f this le tte r k estahlishqd by a note from to w h o m it wasaddressed , ;wb!p,;,shya’ it Was lieceived some yeark agp!, (ihp Lpndcm papers say in 1821 ,). and b w hecm’ jjuhlished w ithout his ( t|ie itr^ns(afor’s) consent*— I t ik difficult to reconcile thikA enial w ith th e strong and jujnwntraqicted w eight o f public opinion, ajadl the m ore reedn t dec-, la ra tion .under oath , o f S |r W alter,, th a t xJL u fU'a « rifQpfnE to r’^ o f th e .works in

|q W |^ n h e be theprojm etor atid, no t th e ’au tho j.of' th e V o rk sl T h e curious upon th is sub ject yuH look w ith som e in terest iTbr explanation f/o'm th e sources o f litpra|rj’ in telii|ience on the 'b ther side o f tllb [Atlantic*— JM . Ufoph

■ ' ------- ,i , ■'- ’ , fFrriinffieN.'V.Mlitbr,] "

coroini to ! *Weda*pveekaise^ted tha t the Canadiair siiake itp r/'th rew 'all ifs jfobu*

r t ijDfto t r 'W -b » s1

. l i Q X i n g a n d - I f a \ w ^ , T T A t E est^iblished a tS O D A Foun-

ta ip and< CoBfeGtiqnary S io re , in the ,yellow build ing n early Oppo^tO th e C le rk ’s O ffice, w here L ad ies an d G e n ­tlem en can be accom m odated w .th the above a rtic le s , and th ey w ould a t the sam e tim e inform theip^, th a t m ifec t good, o rd e r and regulaiaty will a t a ll tim es b e p reserved , so aS to ren q e r 4 a p le a s ^ t and agreeable R e so rt, i !

' • ’■IN th e low er R oom q f said bt aiding,

' th e y have constan tly for sa] e |A GENBRAL A8S0Rt]hRNT OF ‘ .

; 1 } K 7 0 0 Q D 4GrqLeries, Sard ware, Grock-

,. ery, Glass-Ware^ S t e f e l ’ d i i j i i ^

F R E S H T E A S ^

S P I C E , P E P P P jR ,

m mSRAirs?, ;

W i a e . C o v 4 i « A 8Molasses, LOaf &

“ GrOOM,

|H . a v 4 - W i i o f e i , C i o C t t e r s ,

! T w y I l . 'I B a ta v ia , Ju ^e 5 , I82<p. J 20

i ■'\ L L petisohs ajre cautioned against

4 ^ harboring orl tru s tin g ’ m y wife,) OHAnLOTTR ^ ,! as 1 am determ ined to phy no debts i'Olf hei* co n tfsc tin s Rfter^ this date. R IC H A R D D E C K E R .

!‘Pc«& roks,|A )<ga5t 18, 1826 30

R E C I T A L .i f j | ^ H E Siibsiliriber has rem oved his

J L D R U d s U r M E D I C I N E S andM i^O H rB T .O JR E , to the building la te­ly occupied by C . H olden , opposite th e E ag le T a v e rn , w here m ay be h ad nil artic les b e lq n ^ n g to the esiabjish- m ent, a s Ipw -or ilo ire^ th an aV* anylbih- W, p lace in th e toujoty. H e is receiving gn addition to hjs assortmeUL both o f jp^oks and M edicines, and-w ill contin-

to k eep all a ^ d e s in his line whiqh B likely to be {called for.I ;i *R. D IB B L E .B a tavia^ 4« ff- 9 . *1826.N . B. D IB B L E & B R A D F O R D

teep th e ir Offijee in th e samh huilding fe above, and wBl a tten d to affi calls inI h^ ir line o f profession. .

I I AJ^uiiif}'. n t h J u l f , 1826,■ « U B L IC porice is hereby giveni tffat [ L th e m ortgages belonging to iho fm o - j le o f ih is sta e . Ion! # h i ^ a rrem so f.in - iiriest shall relmdinI unpaid on th e f i r ^ % y o f Septdm herl nexff'w iU tlm n landed to the A tkorneV -G eneral to r

\foreclosure. j . , \T h e bonds giyep for lands fo r w inch

iten ts baye l o f ^ e t been issued, willsb be haiide 1 tq th e A tto rn ey -G en era i

for prosecution tin m e first o f S ep tem - b si* nex t, o r t iie idnds 6rdet*idifo b e re -

ilh b y th e Cbm paissioners b f th e L an d I c e , i% the('ai!rears o f in te res t due

mA l t


1 ®

±m1 D Q1 D 6.2 B C

, . i m® B B

Real Ba H e m p

o f s u p e r i o f r

c a m

.Urtfbiilil ? a v k s t o v e , *

E S A J i r D T , , .

t f U S C O . S I T G A H ,

, 0 M P , ' ■ : I ■

: S . L E M O N S / '

' ’ 'L A M P O I L ,

l l i p ; C o r i ^ ’, B r o w n W h i t e D r i l ^ g , :



* --'i'' 'w

* " Jiy

a m e s T L & a i i C « i \ i c 9 e ^ , yc o l o r s a o d q i i ^ i i t y .

io % ,W A o q o s< '-^'*5fO ■ r . r" 1

'W" 4 ii

: < ;y


m o m m(j^ FEW rods!

' N V IT E

• -

Xftrge & Small Plug & fin cut: •»: T o h d e c i! ] ^ ^ |

a n d l | i l E F I R S T R A T E S P A N - JESk a & > M E R J C A N S E G A te

C i t d ? E S ; : N ? T M E G $ ," F H A N D ^ E N G L IS H M G S T A R

O l l s s " G W u m p a i g nd A T - S U P i & A v a r i e t y O ff

p o r t e r & B O T T L E D C I D E f t , A N D in fact every articlb th a t nan. be puj'chased in th e city . " ( ^ T h c gpove a rm ie s can b e h ad X^OW for C A S I |.

B atav ia , Ju n o 7 ,1 8 2 6 . 2 0 *

3jreon a re tifot p a id befo re tha t dqy.W.-';L. M i^feG Y ^

Gih B H g a ie A ^ M t$non t n ^ n ^ , \Be h ^ a , JuL f 6,Jt8*26^^ , A

rR D E R E ii, •that th e Oqmjtnissiqhea, non-C pipm iw iqnedofficfersl^dM ^

^i|ihns, o f tiie seVersd Regimenhrmff said Brigade, rendezvous wititin their respective beats* footbe pmrpbs? o f trainings disetplm-

'inkJ and im pff«nff in martial, exercise, on-|., twp successive 1 layA w m m eucing asfqllows?

Tffith, d o l. H igh McMillan, August 28tb*19pth, Col.,L« -wis m* Gates, „ 2$th.

i. Col W illiam |bavis, ,„ 30th.ind for la siec tion and Review,'a* fol-

I b i s : _ I ;id4 tb , - Geptember 1 oath,

I t i s t , l« ls t, 221st,

i l th , . I95ti), I64th,

- Septem ber IfEh.

- i + - ■


lican, tha t |hejrei yre one hqndf youngkd ies busily em jilbyed'at .the Laee- .%& j^Jin Nte!!*’pqrr. ‘ T bey have, many"fa­brics'alceadirfim^ winch are pronoun­ced r o ^ eleganjt specimens o f skillim d in ^ienuitfr. ■/ ’ ‘

T h e “ $^tter^\ p f the SchenectadyCahiaet, th e to e b ^ ^ i^ s confciuded to w im frair for a ’ htrself-wtm.foationfo^^^^’ T h e aelf-nomiriidons, the conferences,

them ass-m eetib^t and the cant and elec- tfoneeriii^ abijurdity|)f a* class o f politician*

cjpg predcccisorf into foe b ack g tou^d; bu t nqw another has b e e ir^ ld , Which bangs the sM ke alwaysknew tha t frost WaiaACJtoCMent^^ tiVe, b u t heve| .b e fo te 'h e a .rd l^ an fo - stance! o f K i %ondeifoi yirtsrt^ h?i'y

f tm rM e ie n tt , It; seeqts “i l p |h d fifty or>twQ liuft-

_ i l p i t had^^tiie

r iP w ito f iJ t^ .. : : ,T h e m ^ n ^ - a tid apd mgfihrigipiiii ne tomPWatotC in shm*

Whstett !id. th a t th e poor fellow found ah <^>iiwtitohy to thaw agahi

D-:gf‘; . s t ' . r r r ^ S 2 i s A i J , ,rioRTB. OF C..al. 'RnSSElliE’S,) ,

gstTNYITE tliose who wish t-i puu base, or ' 3K have anj orders exequte-! in -he above line to Call at thqir SLfQP, KherelthCy can be accottimqd^fod On the sbo test cqlice, and may rest )assure'd,jihat; th nr work will be m adeoftin best materials, i t t h^ firmestmanner, and fo a style of elegance not to be surpassed a t any estabbshmeot o t the kind in the qchntry., Theii terras will be reasonable an I most kinds of . '

c o \5 ^ * y ’B .x v K ,o n y (5 Ewill be receive d in expbange. .

( f^ C a r tia a e s brought to be repaired ^ill receive t h w immediam atteotion. . ,

jBatamd, /w«« 6, i8S6. S.0

::%*4- / J


- V. 3

. ' ■’< -■

'-• 1s

y B - j s i c W a a a a^ a F f f E R S M s piofessionM fo

inhjmitants o f Bataviax and its vicinity. A Medicat-edetcation, compel- ted a t foe .College o f PfoijsieuiBS and S ur­geons, in titecuy of Newj-York, as a te^u-



' , y •

m . d e t o H M l q j ^ l Lfradtt^ll 1^ toldpqbficveadne ftl|h!eClqbrt llp«sea!f^idcb«a4- " ' ty,>oa IbeiMild ofJtt d’lrfock

■ 'J - 4

f. ci-i’'". .^4 "


and mariplhW* th a t about A-h ffiedyqatsogo,(we m ean " be froaen

'Very' cierarii


s.■‘‘-'itv-' 1


y \\

p fffa -1 A u-

Rj^;watexpqlfod|!'by a iidanhq'oii s yote of^ald Lodge, for foe enormttot^topra- vity ofohk masonic condhcL;.. Lldgiand?tRfetlmqn, jhrbnghout the UnitsB totes, -1 patticultof^. hptlfied,; th e itM y may govern tfimfisetyies acqdr^in’gl-

fly*;.l ^ ^ ^ d l to tw o f p ap 'e^ th o

Matonic Institatidn, are requested to give tint qjaajinf€[rtiom< By-order of the Lodges R , M A R T l N l t e e t a r y

- - id th i - ^ - - 15th*

-I - - i6t‘h*■ f t ~ - Ibtfo

i T' ■■’ “ ' '■I’ha Artillery pqm pantes o f the 7th R e-

gin lent o f Artill toy iDjUi m eet fotliispeetiou am Revimv at th.e foe R e-^itt ent. Within i he htoit o f Whijeh the tsOm- rpa jding officq r o f the company resides, pur mant^to asd . section ,0f fo i A ct to or- ga.nideltbe^ilim^^^ By order o f '

E T H # ff . A L L E N vB rig . G en:m aicK Foii|tB tT , Aid-de-camp.! |

a*?D. V 1 ' • - 4-



is one d o o r ©ifot o f th,e|Tresbytq|:^'ea tin g ffoi^se.:

, |u n |e ’j^2.avto 1826. ' t oB L A C R S M iT n ,

^ and E ld e rs o f th eGin If Scot land , for sale a t th is O l-

■ ' ..........................................

^ f

i E ^ # L .

1 1 ;-, t,

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■4 ' •- to ''”-’ '• • ' ' ■- ' ■

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tskea all that cei ing 'add teing iiSlotabf Ne#-Y6q«;'*-*|Wctnga v«a ceriaui tovvnshm Wh»toof divefs tto?fs pr|pvyn:shlps ompnff . .foe .Mohand L a i f .eptt, iheif smvbyl u m i m m e d hyvtowu- ; shin nutbber twMk^iH (ha firsf m dtqwnsliips,4nd"''’P iqb swd tract of lahd ert;a . efertam ojher jman pt shtocyof skid toy tmo scciiona, i s 4 | by ,ofIqt nuintier idevfu, i%tjhe fourth neetm* fV sffidM'qWn’8bip,-H|toflthcm boobd?to

0 ! h m '; t % : § s d

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Jsftototgaga* ;i shai* . ^ maa --f t\»nriiaiTi-'nii .«- r . r - i . i - i -

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