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The Art of Leadership

Doug Shaw & Joe Gerstandt

Illinois SHRM 2014

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About Doug



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About Joe

DiversityInclusionFreak Flag Flyer


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Why Are We Here?

Our objective is for you to be better equipped to introduce creativity and innovation into your place of work.

‘Creativity and Collaboration are not important in my business…’

Said no one…ever

The ability to work creatively and collaboratively are mission critical for successful business and successful HR.

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Creativity – It Matters

A major survey of CEOs selected ‘creativity’ as the most critical capability to navigate today’s complex world, rating it higher than‘vision’,‘rigour’or ‘management discipline’.

Design Council - 2013

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It Matters – So Why Isn’t It Happening?

Some Ideas We Came Up With:

Too BusyToo RiskyNot EncouragedCoercive/Conformist CultureA Gap in What We Say and What We DoPerceived to be Inefficient

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We Are All Born Artists

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‘Vulnerability is the path to belonging, to innovation, trust

and creativity.’

85% of interviewees for Brene Brown’s research can recall a

time in school that was so shaming it forever changed how

they thought of themselves as learners – 50% of those

recollections related to art and creativity.

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Are You Creative?I ask people:

‘Can you draw/paint/sketch?’

They say:

‘I am not an artist’

Our work is our art

We are all artists - Never be ashamed to admit it

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Overcoming Fear - Draw For The Bin

We get hung up on believing our work is not good enough.

We are not here to createMasterpieces – we are here tostretch our creative muscles.

Draw for the bin – not theRoyal Academy

Relax – and sketch yourselfInto existence.

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Ebb and Flow – Tuning up the Environment for Creativity

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A Beginning – Where I Started to ‘Show My Work’

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DoodlingHand sketching is an aid to many essential skills including:

ConcentrationIdea RegenerationProblem SolvingMemory Enhancement

Sketching and doodling often takes a different path than words on a page, opening up more possibilities.

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Memory Trigger

Sketches are powerful links to experiences and trigger important memories.

A picture paints a thousand words.

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Creative work is iterative. Once an idea forms, it develops over a period of time. Each attempt, each mistake informs our learning until we realise the final tweaks needed, In order to get close to what we see in our mind’s eye.

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Sketch Notes

Going socialDevolved power = more agility

Going social – what’s the hardest part?

Going social – what does it mean to you?

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Mark Making

Using symbols and shapes to help represent your business is an interesting way of helping get clarity around your brand and strategy.

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Coaching Questions

Using sketching and non judgmental questioning to help create a coaching culture and improve your work.

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Sketching the Future of WorkInviting teams to cocreate a ‘big picture’ future for their work. Here’s one example, follow the link to see more. Had we more time, we would have

refined and developed our work further – the point was simply to get people familiar with the concept on the day.

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Creativity From Constraint

‘Creativity is subtraction – Choose what to leave out’ – Austin Kleon

‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ Anon

‘Drawing is about mark making. Try to use only the marks you need’ – Kit White

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‘That which is created without preparation.’

1 Rule: There are no mistakes3 Principles:ListenSay yes…andCommit

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Stories – Part of the Essence of Life and Work

The Five Beats of StoryTelling

1. The Introduction2. The Inciting Incident3. Raising The Stakes4. The Main Event5. The Resolution

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Stories – Part of the Essence of Life and Work

Lost and Found – A Love Story

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Further Reading

Photo CreditsPhotos © Doug Shaw – except:Joe Gerstandt – © Bryce BridgesWork Sucks Vulnerable Sunflowers