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Kerberos Network Security Protocol


k.RAja gangadhar 14A81A0577cse-B

Index________________________________IntroductionHistory & DevelopmentNeedWorkingApplicationsWeaknessclimax


Network authentication protocol.

Developed at MIT in the mid 1980s.

A secret key based service for providing authentication in open networks.

Provides strong authentication for client-server applications.

History & Development______________Steve Miller andClifford Neuman designed the primary Kerberos version.

Versions 13 occurred only internally at MIT as part of project Athena.

Windows 2000 was Microsoft's first system to implement Kerberos security standard.

Version 5, designed by John Kohl and Clifford Neuman, appeared in 1993 .


Need ________________________________The primary goal of kerberos is to elimate the transmission of unencrypted passwords across the networks.Sending usernames and passwords in the clear jeopardizes the security of network.Each time a password is sent in clear , there is a chance for interception.


Working_____________________________ Abbreviations Used:AS Authentication Server.

KDCKey Distribution Center.

TGS Ticket Granting Server.

SSService Server.

TGTTicket Granting Ticket.


Disadvantages_____________________Compromise of central server will compromise all users' secret keys. If stolen, TGT can be used to access network services of others.

Kerberos only provide authentication only for clients and services.

Vulnerable to users making poor password choices.

AdvantagesPasswords are never sent across the network unencrypted.

Tickets have a limited lifetime.

Authentication through the AS only has to happen once.

Sharing secret keys is more efficient than public-keys.


Kerberos is an authentication service using convention encryption.

Kerberos the solution to network security is a protocol designed to provide centralized authentication whose function is to authenticate user to server and server to user.