10.1 Lektion 10 Geschichte und Gesellschaft STRUKTUREN © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc....

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Transcript of 10.1 Lektion 10 Geschichte und Gesellschaft STRUKTUREN © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc....


Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-1

Das Plusquamperfekt

—Wir hatten uns doch geschworen, dass wir immer zusammen halten!


Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-2

Das Plusquamperfekt

• When talking about two events that happened at different times in the past, use the Plusquamperfekt (past perfect) to refer to the event that happened first.

Die Deutschen hatten in Stalingrad verloren, bevor sie 1945 kapitulierten.The Germans had lost at Stalingrad before capitulating in 1945.

Nachdem die Königin abgedankt hatte, freuten sich die Menschen.After the queen had abdicated, the people were happy.


Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-3

Das Plusquamperfekt

• The following time line shows two events that were completed before the present time, one of which was completed before the other. To describe this sequence of events use the Plusquamperfekt for the earlier of the two events and the Perfekt or the Präteritum for the later event.

Nachdem Wilhelm II. Kaiser geworden war, brach der Krieg aus.After Wilhelm II had become emperor, the war broke out.


Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-4

Das Plusquamperfekt

• To make the Plusquamperfekt, use the Präteritum form of sein or haben that is required by the main verb, plus the past participle of the main verb.

Plusquamperfekt with haben



Plusquamperfekt with sein




Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-5

Das Plusquamperfekt

• The Plusquamperfekt is often used with the conjunctions bevor and nachdem, since it indicates the earlier of two activities that happened in the past.

Nachdem die Sozialdemokraten eine Niederlage erlitten hatten, kamen die Konservativen an die Macht.After the social democrats had suffered defeat, the conservatives came to power.

Der Mann hatte als Rechtsanwalt gearbeitet, bevor er Kongressabgeordneter wurde.The man had worked as a lawyer before he became a member of Congress.


Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-6

Das Plusquamperfekt

• The word order for the Plusquamperfekt follows that of other compound verbs. The past participle comes at the end of the sentence, unless the clause is introduced by a subordinating conjunction. In this case, the conjugated auxiliary verb must move to the end. Otherwise, the auxiliary verb comes immediately before or after the subject of the main clause, depending on the other elements in the sentence.

Sie regierten das Land, nachdem sie es kolonisiert hatten.They governed the country after they had colonized it.

Bevor die Armee den Krieg gewonnen hat, waren viele Soldaten gestorben.Before the army won the war, many soldiers had died.

Ehe die Globalisierung anfing, hatte es nicht so viele Produkte gegeben.Before globalization started, there had not been so many products.

Die Kanzlerin war sehr froh: Sie hatte die Wahl gewonnen.The chancellor was happy: she had won the election.


Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-7

Das Plusquamperfekt

• Modals in the Plusquamperfekt use the Präteritum of haben [+ double infinitive ] (the infinitive of the main verb with the infinitive of the modal).

Bevor sie gewählt wurde, hatte sie viel überwinden müssen.Before she was elected, she had had to overcome a lot.

Sie hatten die Einwohner befreien können, bevor die Situation sich verschlechterte.They had been able to liberate the citizens before the situation grew worse.


Lektion 10 Geschichte und GesellschaftSTRUKTUREN

© and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc. 10.1-8

Das Plusquamperfekt

• When stating the year in which a past event occurred, use the date by itself, or the phrase im Jahr(e) [+ date]. Unlike English, German does not use the preposition in with the year.

Kaiser Franz Josef ist 1830 zur Welt gekommen.Emporer Franz Joseph was born in 1830.

Als der Krieg im Jahre 1918 endete, war der Mann schon nach Hause gefahren.When the war ended in 1918, the man had already gone home.