Ch 1_Intro

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  • 8/18/2019 Ch 1_Intro


    Introduction to


    - Defnition, Characteristic, Applicable area,Evolution, History, and Classifcation ocomputers are covered in this handout.

    [ype the


  • 8/18/2019 Ch 1_Intro


    Input "#a$ data%&rocessin' "(,), *, - , sortin'%+utput or processed data "Inormation%tora'e

     or later processin'

    or uture use

    CHAPTER ONE: Introduction to Computers


    Define the term computer 

    Identify the several characteristics of computer that made them useful and popular 

    Identify the evolution (Generation) of computers

    Application of Computers

    Identify the different types of computers

    1.1.  What is Computer?

    A computer  is an electronic device that accepts data, performs computations, and

    makes logical decisions according to instructions that have been given to it; then

     produces meaningful information in a form that is useful to humans !he name computer 

    comes from a "atin #ord computator, meaning, $to compute%

    1.1.1.  Characteristics of computers

    Department of computer science and I!

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    !oday, computers are every#here & in our offices, homes, appliances, automobiles & 

    the list is endless 'uch of the #orld runs on computers, and computers have profoundly

    changed our lives, mostly for the better !he characteristics of a computer sho# the

    capability and the potential of the computer for processing data !his saves time, space,

    money, labors etc And they ans#er the uestions such as *hy computers are used+ *hy

    have they become so popular+ ome of the characteristics of the computer are as follo#s



    !he ability of the computers to carry out their instructions in a very short period of time

    is one of the main reasons for their popularity Computers can perform tasks #ithin a

    matter of seconds or minutes that #ould be impossible for a person to complete by hand

    in lifetime

    Its speed is measured by the amount of time it took to perform or carry out a basic

    operation And its speed measured in terms of micro second (-. /0 / one millionths), nano

    second (-./1 & one billionths), and 2ico second (-./-3 / one trillionths) 4ence a computer 

    #ith speed - microsecond can perform - million instructions in 5ust - second (6or 

    e7ample in one second this computer can perform the follo#ing tasks

    o Calculate the grade point average for 8... students

    o Calculate the total value of all books used by students in a university



     9o# a days, computers are being used in life/and/death situations (6or e7ample, 5et pilots

    rely on computer computations for guidance, 4ospitals rely on patient/monitoring

    systems in critical & care units) #hich needs almost hundred percent accuracy 6rom this

    #e can understand that computer is accurate and consistent :nless there is an error in the

    input data or unreliable program the computer processes its task accurately


    Department of computer science and I!

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    !he ability of computers to store and process vast amounts of data continues to gro# A

    computer operating at 3.. '4 can move data from one location to another at a rate

    e7cess of -3 billion characters (symbols) per second

      Durability and reliability

    Computers are durable and e7tremely reliable devices !hey can operate error/free over 

    long periods of time


    Computer, being a machine, does not suffer from the human traits of tiredness and lack of 

    concentration If four million calculations have to be performed, then the computer #ill

     perform the last four/millionth calculation #ith the same accuracy and speed as the first




    s mathematics

    and design computations can also be efficiently used by the company to track inventory,

     process payroll, pro5ect earnings, and fulfill all its reporting needs

    !oday>s computers are versatile in #hat they can do; computers and their components are

    used in applications never before envisioned 6or e7ample; in home appliances (#ashing

    machines, ovens) home entertainment centers, traffic lights, automobiles, banking,

    assembly plants, space probes, art, music, education, hospitals, and agriculture, to name

    fe# !he versatility of the computers and its use in a #ide array of application are limited

    only by the imagination of the human mind

    "ote: ?ven if the above main characteristics of computers are increasing #ith time, the

    cost and sie of computers are decreasing

    1.1.#.  Application of Computers

    Why we use Computers+

    !he follo#ing are some of the capability of Computers, #hich are reasons to use


    Department of computer science and I!

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    tore and process large amount of information #ith high speed and accuracy;

    !ransmit information across continents via communication channels;

    imulate events;

    2erform comple7 mathematical computations and make comparisons;

    'onitor ongoing industrial operations;

    2erform repetitive processes #ith great ease, speed, and reliability;

    !herefore, computers are applicable for any functions or process that reuires these


    !he main areas of computer applications can be listed as follo#s

    $earnin Aids

    ?7ample learning toys, programs range from simple arithmetic to calculus, from

    ?nglish grammar to creative #riting and foreign language, and from basic graphics to

    engineering design models,)


    ?7amples Games

    Commercial or business applications

    Computers are needed to perform business operations that reuire handling large

    amounts of data everal computer applications are available to assist business in

    #orking #ith large volumes of data

    ?7amples are

    !e7t processing

    Accounting and 6inance management

    Inventory control

    Database management

    tatistical analysis

    Scientific & enineerin and research applications

    Computers are used for scientific research, comple7 mathematical calculations,

    design #ork, and analysis and control of physical systems

    Department of computer science and I!

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    ?7amples are

    pace technology

    'eteorological observatory systems

    Astronomical investigations

    Design of machines and

    Control of manufacturing process

    'nformation (tilities

    Information utilities companies use large computers that store huge amount of 

    information about many different sub5ects !hese computer systems and their vast

    amount of data are available for personal use 6or e7ample information utilities can

    allo# a computer user to read the daily ne#s, research published #orks, send a letter to a

    friend, play games, make airline reservations, obtain the latest stock market uotations,

    and perform many other activities

    ?7ample Internet

    ?thiopian airline is a member of *orld/*ide reservation system called Gabriel  system

    !he main database is located at Atlanta, Georgia

    'ore than @ airlines including ?A" share =e7tract=transmit information using


    6acilities included

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    %lectronic )an*in and Service:


    !eller 'achine (customers are issued cards that permit them to use other banks

    teller machine>s)

    Bnline banking (A bank customer can use his= her computer to check account

     balances, transfer funds, pay bills)

    Shoppin from +ome

    Individual may no# shop by computer in the comfort of their home

    +ousehold Control

    A gro#ing number of the ne#er houses hold devices are computers controlled

    6or e7ample ecurity systems, refrigerators, micro#ave ovens, #ashers, stereos, and

    televisions !his computer controlled home security system monitors movements, broken

    glass, unla#ful entry #ithout a security code, and so on, and alerts the local police


    Weather and %nvironment

    Computer euipment may sho# temperature ranges, precipitation levels and #ind

    flo# and can be used in #eather forecasting Computer can also help in overcomingenvironmental haards


    Computers have affected almost every kind of transportation 'any aircraft can

    fly under the control of the computer; in this situation, the captain simply serves as a

    manger by telling the computer #hat to do In Cars, computers have provided functional

    controls such as spark and fuel control

    -edical and +ealth Care

    Computers have long been used by hospitals for routine record keeping !oday,

    ho#ever, many people o#e their lives to the computer Computers are used in hospitals

    as sensors (device that detect changes in blood pressure, heart rate, temperature), testing

    (scan the body and provide 8/D figure), patient treatment

    Department of computer science and I!

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    outine and Danerous ,as*s

    Computers are used in routine tasks And they can perform task in environments

    to dangerous for human #orkers

    Consultant /%0pert system

    An ?7pert system is a computer program, #hich can solve problems from a

    specific kno#ledge base !hese systems donEt replace e7pert humans because the

    kno#ledge base of e7pert system is given from the skilled specialist

    ?7ample 'ycin (a medical diagnostic program by using sophisticated decision making


    1.#.  %volution of Computers

    Although computer professionals do not agree on e7act dates or specifics, computer developments are often categoried by generations Actually there are four generations

    and ma5or characteristics that distinguish these generations are the follo#ing

    Dominant type of electronic circuit elements used

    'a5or secondary storage media used

    Computer language used

    !ypes or characteristic of operating system used

    'emory access time (time to store or retrieve a #ord or data from memory)

    Computer generations are usually categoried by dramatic improvement in the hard#are,

    typically refold or better increases in speed and reliability

    2irst eneration /1345s

    :sed vacuum tubes as components for the electronic circuit

    2unched cards #ere the main source of inputs, and magnetic

    grams #ere used for internal storage

    Bperate in a speed of milliseconds (thousands of a second)

    and could handle more than -.,... additions each second

    'ost applications #ere scientific calculations

    !hey generate huge amount of heat

    !hey solve one problem at a time

    Department of computer science and I!

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    !hey are room/sied and #eights up to 8. tones (8...FG)

    !hey need 3..F* of po#er to operate, #hich contains -,... acuum !ubes

    Second enerations /early 1365s 

    !ransistors #ere the main circuit components (!ransistors are a solid statedevice made from silicon #hich is smaller, cheaper, faster, dissipate less

    energy and more reliable than vacuum tube but #ork in the same #ay #ith

    the vacuum tube)

    Invented by

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    Computer storage s#itched from magnetic cores to integrated circuit boards that

     provide modularity (e7pandable storage) and compatibility (interchangeable


     9e# input=output methods such as optical scanning and plotters

    oft#are become more important #ith sophisticated operating systems, improved

     programming languages,

    Feyboards and 'onitors introduced at this time

    2ourth eneration /late 1385s7 early 1393s

    Greatly e7panded storage capabilities and improved circuitry

    4as "arge/cale Integrated Circuit ("I) #hich has several hundred

    thousands of transistors placed on one tiny silicon chip 

    Computer memory operates at speeds of nano seconds (billionths of a

    second) #ith large computers capable of adding - million numbers

     per second

    ,he fifth eneration computer

    !his computer generation is still in progress An architecture, #hich makes use

    of the changes in technology and allo#s a simple and natural methodology for solving

     problems, is being sought !hese computers #ill have intelligent processors ie,

     processors #hich can dra# inferences :sers #ill also be able to interact #ith them in

    natural languages such as ?nglish, German etc Japans are #orking intensively on the

     pro5ect for developing the th generation

    Summary of eneration of computers

    eneration 1st #nd ;rd

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    $anuae 'achine assembly 6ortran, CB

  • 8/18/2019 Ch 1_Intro


    more, the t#o beads above the cross bar are moved back, and an e7tra - (the Cary) is

    added to the #ire on the left

    !his process can be easily generalied to addition and subtraction of more than t#o


    b =ascal>s Calculator: It is the first true mechanical calculator In

    -0@3, at the age of -1, the 6rench philosopher and mathematician s calculator has one #heel corresponding to each po#er of -.; each

    #heel has -. position, one for each of the digits (.,1) Although, 2ascal>s calculator 

    could only add and subtract, it could be used indirectly for multiplication (by

    successive addition) and division (by successive subtraction) as #ell

    c ,he Difference %nine: It is the forerunner of the modern

    computer Charles

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    / Output #as to print or a card punch device

    s ,abulatin -achine: 4erman 4ollerith

    #as a statistician that in -. and develop his machine commissioned by the :


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    ,he !on "eumann -achine: !he task of entering and altering

     programs for the ?9IAC #as e7tremely tedious on 9eumann #as the consultant on

    the ?9IAC pro5ect and for#ard the  stored program concept , ie designing the

    computer to get its instruction by reading them from memory alongside the data and a

     program could be set or altered by setting the values of a portion of a memory

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    Gasoline pomp & Contains an analog Computer that converts the flo# of pumpedfuel into t#o measurements the price of the delivered gas and the uantity of 

     pumped fuel

    Analog computers are used for scientific and engineering purposes Bne of the

    characteristics of these computers is that they give appro7imate results since they deal

    #ith uantities that vary continuously

    !he main feature of analog computers is that they are very fast in operation as all the

    calculations are done in parallel mode It is very easy to get graphical results directly

    using analog computer 4o#ever, the accuracy of analog computers is less

    ii. Diital Computers

    Digital computers deal #ith discrete variables; they operate by counting rather 

    than measuring :nlike analog computers, they operate directly on numbers (or digits)

    that represent numbers, letters, or other special symbols

    In digital computers, analog uantities must be converted into digital uantity

     before processing



    Desk top pocket computers

    !he general purpose computers

    Digital computers have higher accuracy and speed than the analog ones

    iii. +ybrid Computers

    !hese computers incorporated the measuring feature of analog computer and

    counting feature of a digital computer 6or computational purposes, these computers usethe analog components and for the storage of intermediate results, digital memories are


    A hybrid computer processes the information by collecting input data #ith analog

    method, converts it into digital uantities, processes the digital values and converts the

    output from digital to analog form

    Department of computer science and I!

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    !hese computers are broadly used for scientific applications, various fields of 

    engineering and industrial control processes


    Intensive Care :nit (IC:) section, in the hospital, uses analog devices to measure the

     patient>s heart function, temperature and other vital signs !hese measurements may then

     be converted into numbers and supplied to a digital component in the system !his

    component is used to monitor the patient>s vital signs and to send an immediate signal to

    the nurse>s station if any abnormal readings are detected

     !) Classification According to "urpose

    Computers can be applied or used for different purposes !hey can be used either for 

    special purposes or general#purposes$

    i. Special =urpose Computers

    !hey are designed to solve a single type of problem, that is, their components and

    function are uniuely adapted to a specific situation involving specific application

    !hese computes cannot be used for other applications unless their circuits are redesigned,

    that is, they lacked versatility 4o#ever, being designed for specific tasks, they can

     provide the result very uickly and efficiently

     Eample !he public telephone bo7

    !raffic control system

    !icket machines (used in grocery, super market etc)

    2ocket calculators etc


    'ost analog computers are special purpose computers

    ii. eneralpurpose computers!hey are designed to solve a range of problems through the use of $store program


    !hese machines can be used for various applications, ranging from scientific as

    #ell as business purpose applications !hough such computers are versatile and fle7ible,

    they generally lack in speed and efficiency

    Department of computer science and I!

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    0 'icro computers

    0 'ini computers

    0 uper computers etc

    C) Classification According to %unctionality

    At this stage, by a computer, #e mean a general/purpose digital computer

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     &icroprocessor  is a processor all of #hose components are on a single integrated/

    circuit chip ince its C2: is integrated in a single circuit, it can serve only a single user 

    at a time 'ost of home and personal office computers are microcomputers

    'icrocomputers include des'top, laptop, and handheld   models such as 2DA

    (2ersonal Digital Assistants)

     Des'top computers !hey are the most common micro computers !hese micro

    computers typically consist of a system unit, a display monitor, a keyboard, internal hard

    disk storage, and other peripheral devices

     aptop Computers A laptop is a portable computer, that is, a user can carry it

    around ince the laptop computer resembles a notebook, they are also kno#n as

    noteboo's !he main advantage of this computer is that one can use this computer 

    any#here and at anytime, especially #hen one is traveling and does not have a proper 

     place to keep it 'oreover, these computers do not need any e7ternal po#er supply as a

    rechargeable battery is completely self/contained by them

     andheld Computers A hand/held computer is a computer that can conveniently

     be stored in a pocket and used #hile the user is holding it A 2DA user generally uses a

     pen or electronic stylus, instead of a keyboard for input ince these computers can be

    easily fitted on the palmtop, they are also kno#n as  palmtop computers

    !he performance and usage of personal computer is relatively increased #ith a

    very high rate

    Department of computer science and I!