Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.Müller STE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology Bucharest, 21 st to 23 rd of February 2006 Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure” Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT” Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting 1 EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung Wolfgang J.Müller Bucharest February 2006


Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung. Wolfgang J.Müller. Bucharest February 2006. Diese Anforderungen an ein Gutachten gelten für jedes Immissionsprognose Modell !. Gliederung. 1.Einleitung 2.Anforderungen an gutachterliche Stellungnahmen 3.Prüfung von Gutachten 4.Fazit. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Page 1: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 1

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Immissionsprognose Luft

GutachtenprüfungWolfgang J.Müller

Bucharest February 2006

Page 2: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 2

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Diese Anforderungen an ein Gutachten gelten für



Modell !

Page 3: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 3

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


1. Einleitung

2. Anforderungen an gutachterliche Stellungnahmen

3. Prüfung von Gutachten

4. Fazit

Page 4: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 4

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

1. Einleitung

• Grundlage zur Feststellung und Beurteilung von

Luftschadstoffen bei Anlagen ist die TALuft

• Für die Immissionsprognose Anhang 3 der TALuft

• Und …..

Page 5: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 5

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

2. Anforderungen an gutachterliche Stellungnahmen


• TALuft

• Anforderungen des LAI an Messstellen (Gutachter)

für Emissionsmessungen

• VDI / DIN Richtlinien

Es ist nicht ausreichend diese nur aufzuzählen!

Page 6: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 6

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• Beschreibung der Aufgabenstellung

• Vollständige Messplanung

• Beschreibung des tatsächlichen Ablaufs der Messung

• Bei Abweichung von anerkannten Messverfahren oder

Verwaltungsvorschriften detaillierte Begründung erforderlich

• Messwertauflistung

2. Anforderungen an gutachterliche Stellungnahmen

Allgemeine Anforderungen

Page 7: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 7

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• Darstellung der Auswerteverfahren

• Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen

• Namentliche Benennung des Berichterstatters und der

beteiligten Personen

• Aufgabenstellung und Bewertung der Ergebnisse müssen

aufeinander abgestimmt sein

• Verwaltungsrechtliche Bewertung obliegt der Behörde

2. Anforderungen an gutachterliche Stellungnahmen

Allgemeine Anforderungen

Page 8: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 8

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• Emissionsgutachten (E-Messberichte)

• Immissionsgutachten (I-Messberichte)

• Immissionsprognosegutachten (I-Prognose)

3. Prüfung von Gutachten

3 verschiedene Gutachten bilden das „Team“ der


Page 9: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 9

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Prüfung von Emissionsgutachten

Formulierung der Messaufgabe

- Vollständige Beschreibung der Aufgabenstellung

- Darstellung der aufgabenbezogenen Sachprobleme

Die Aufgabe muss mit den im Gutachten beschriebenen Mitteln von Dritten nachvollzogen werden können.

Anlagenbeschreibung- Beschreibung der relevanten Anlagenteile inkl. Emissions-

quellen und Einrichtungen zur Erfassung und Minderung der Emissionen

- Betriebs- bzw. Emissionszeiten der Anlage

- Betriebszustand der Anlage während der Messung

Page 10: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 10

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


- Plausibilitätsprüfung der Messergebnisse

- Ergebnisse vergleichbarer Anlagen vorhanden?

- Liegen die Ergebnisse im erwarteten Bereich?

- Weisen die Abluftrandparameter Unplausibilitäten auf?

Prüfung von Emissionsgutachten

Unter Berücksichtigung der genannten Prüf- und Beurteilungspunkte ist dann zu entscheiden, ob das Gutachten bzw. der Messbericht plausibel ist.

Page 11: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 11

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


Als Grundlage der Vorbelastung der Immission

Als Bestimmung der Emissionsquellstärke bei diffusen Emissionsquellen

Als Prüfung der Zusatzbelastung durch die neue Quelle

Page 12: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 12

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Prüfung von Immissionsprognosegutachten


- beliebige Entfernungsbereiche

- einzelne Quellen oder Viel-Quellensysteme

- ebenes oder komplexes Gelände


Prognose der vorhandenen und/oder zu erwartendenSchadstoffbelastung


Page 13: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 13

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Schematischer Ablauf einer Immissionsprognose:

Aufbereitung für die




Bewertung der


Ergebnis Ausbreitungs

-rechnung Immission

Daten-sammlung Emission

Page 14: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 14

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Prüfung von Immissionsprognosegutachten

Die bisher genannten Anforderungen an gutachterliche

Stellungnahmen sind auch hier zu berücksichtigen.

- Vollständige Beschreibung der Aufgabenstellung

- Darstellung der aufgabenbezogenen Sachprobleme

Die Aufgabe muss mit den im Gutachten beschriebenen Mitteln von Dritten nachvollzogen werden können.

Notwendige Basisinformationen

Page 15: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 15

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

- Emissionsdaten aus zitierten Messberichten oder einschlägiger


- Bewertung der verwendeten Daten

- Rückschlüsse auf andere Anlagen belegen

- Entsprechen die Quellen den Anforderungen der TA Luft?

Emissionsbegrenzungen, Schornsteinhöhe, Ableitung Über


- Frühere Gutachten zur betrachteten Anlage sind zu benennen


Die im Gutachten verwendeten Daten sind eindeutig ihrer Herkunft nach zu kennzeichnen und ihrer Auswahl nach zu bewerten.

Page 16: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 16

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Eingangsdaten für die Ausbreitungsrechnung

• Die korrekte Überführung der gesammelten Daten in die

Eingangsdatei der Ausbreitungsrechnung ist von

entscheidender Bedeutung!

• Eine detaillierte sachgerechte Prüfung der Eingangsdaten

zur Immissionsprognose ist nur mit ausreichender

Fachkenntnis über das verwendete Ausbreitungsmodell

möglich. Aber die notwendige Vorprüfung kann auch die

Genehmigungsbehörde durchführen !

Page 17: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 17

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• Emissionsdaten/-faktoren

• Emissionsmassenstrom

• Abgasvolumen inkl. Bezugsangabe


• Abgasgeschwindigkeit

• Wärmestrom / Abgastemperatur

• Quellhöhe und räumliche Ausdehnung der Quelle

• Lage der Emissionsquellen (Lageplan)

Eingangsdaten für die Ausbreitungsrechnung

Page 18: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 18

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Eingangsdaten Meteorologie

Herkunft des Datensatzes

• Standort (Koordinaten)

• Anemometerhöhe

• Umgebung Einflußfaktoren

Zeitliche Repräsentativität des Datensatzes

Räumliche Repräsentativität

Übertragbarkeit auf Anlagenstandort geprüft ?

Page 19: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 19

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

1. Ist die Station für die Ausbreitungsverhältnisse im Rechengebiet repräsentativ ?

2. Werden die lokalen Windsysteme von der Station ausreichend berücksichtigt ?

3. Werden die zu erwartenden Hauptwindrichtungen von der Station genügend genau wiedergegeben ?

4. Welche Methode wurde zur Übertragung der meteorologischen Daten einer Station auf das Rechengebiet verwendet? z. B. nach Kolb, FITNAH, METRAS

Eingangsdaten Meteorologie

Page 20: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 20

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


Page 21: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 21

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Z0 Rauigkeitslänge

Die Datenbankinternen (CORINAIR)

örtlichen Zuweisungen sind mit der Realität zu vergleichen

und ihre sachgerechte Anwendung ist zu prüfen

Page 22: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 22

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Die Turbulenzerzeugung aufgrund der Bodenrauigkeitwird durch die Rauigkeitslänge z0 beschrieben.

Die Rauigkeitslänge liegt etwazwischen 1/10 und 1/20 der Hindernishöhe.

Page 23: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 23

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”Klasse

z0 in

mNutzung nach CORINE–Kataster

1 0,01 Strände, Dünen und Sandflächen; Wasserflächen

2 0,02 Deponien und Abraumhalden; Wiesen und Weiden ; Natürliches Grünland; Flächen mit spärlicher Vegetation; Salzwiesen; Gewässerläufe; Mündungsgebiete

3 0,05 Abbauflächen; Sport– und Freizeitanlagen; Nicht bewässertes Ackerland; Gletscher und Dauerschneegebiete

4 0,10 Flughäfen; Sümpfe; Torfmoore; Meere und Ozeane

5 0,20 Straßen, Eisenbahn; Städtische Grünflächen; Weinbauflächen; Komplexe Parzellenstrukturen; Landwirtschaft und natürliche Bodenbedeckung; Heiden und Moorheiden; Felsflächen ohne Vegetation

6 0,50 Hafengebiete; Obst– und Beerenobstbestände; Wald–Strauch–Übergangsstadien

7 1,00 Nicht durchgängig städtische Prägung; Industrie– und Gewerbeflächen; Baustellen; Nadelwälder

8 1,50 Laubwälder; Mischwälder

9 2,00 Durchgängig städtische Prägung

Rauigkeitsklassierung nach TALuft

Page 24: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 24

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

z0 Verteilung, Beispiel

Page 25: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 25

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• InputDatei Austal2000

• Meteorologie

• Aufpunktraster

• Rauigkeitslänge (CORINE-Kataster)

• Qualitätsstufe

Page 26: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 26

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• Ausbreitungsprogramm mit Versionsnummer (AUSTAL2000)

• Aussagen zum Anwendungsbereich des Modells (z.B.


• Den Einsatz des Ausbreitungsmodells begleitende, qualitätssichernde Maßnahmen


Zur der Ausbreitungsrechnung sind u.a. folgende Angaben


Page 27: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 27

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Ergebnisse der Ausbreitungsrechnung


• Darstellung der Berechnungsergebnisse in tabellarischer

Form (Beurteilungsflächen, Monitorpunkte)

• Graphische Darstellung der Berechnungsergebnisse mit


Einfache, erste Plausibilitätsprüfung mit der

Windrichtungsverteilung der verwendeten Meteorologie

Page 28: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 28

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Bewertung der Ergebnisse der


• Sind die allgemeinen Anforderungen an Gutachten erfüllt?

• Sind alle genannten Punkte vom Gutachter zufriedenstellend

abgearbeitet worden?

• Erscheinen die ermittelten Ergebnisse plausibel?

Nach Abarbeitung der genannten Prüf- und Beurteilungspunkte

ist dann zu entscheiden, ob das Gutachten plausibel ist.

Page 29: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 29

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


Page 30: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 30

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

4. Fazit

• Auf die Einhaltung der allgemeinen Anforderungen an

Gutachten ist zu achten!

• Die Prüfung von Immissionsprognosegutachten erfordert

Sach- und Fachkenntnis.

• Die Dokumentation der angewendeten Vorgehensweise

als auch einzelner Arbeitsschritte ist im Rahmen der

Qualitätssicherung unbedingt notwendig.

Die vom Gutachter erzeugten Ergebnisse

müssen durch Dritte reproduzierbar sein.

Page 31: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 31

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Austal2000Thanks for your attention

Page 32: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 32

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Air Pollution

Dispersion Calculation


Wolfgang J. Müller

Former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Page 33: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 33

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Overview• Basic• Stack height• Gauss vs. Lagrange model • TA Luft – AUSTAL2000• Meteorology• Example Preassessment• Remarks

Page 34: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 34

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

 First General Administrative Regulation Pertaining the

Federal Immission Control Act

Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control – TA Luft1. October 2002

Basic:Basic:TA LuftTA Luftnew Licensing procedure guidelinenew Licensing procedure guidelinefor fullfillingfor fullfillingEU Guidelines Air QualityEU Guidelines Air Quality

Page 35: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 35

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

First step:Checkstack height

Page 36: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 36

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Source strength Exhaust volume

= f ( Mieteneigenschaften,... Betreiber (Management),.... Meteorologie...)




Point source or diffusive source ?

Page 37: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 37

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Low stack height

High stack






Distance from Source

Page 38: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 38

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Abbildung 1: Nomogramm zur Ermittlung der Schornsteinhöhe

D= 1.5 m

T= 80 Grad C

R= 60000m3/h

Q/S (kg/h)

24 kg /h

0.08= 300

H = 55 m plus x m for developed areas

Stack height –Nomogram TA Luft /

Q/S =

Page 39: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 39

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”



TALuft,Annex 7,Tab. 22

Adjust !?

Page 40: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 40

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Gauß Model

TALuft 1986


Page 41: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 41

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Restrictions of GAUSS Model• Wind- and Turbulence fields are homogeneous in space and time• Flat, homogeneous terrain• Constant source strength• invalid by calm, low windspeed• Statistic of Dispersion Classes

• Dispersion parameters by experiments• Dispersion coefficients valid in the range approx. 100 m ----------------------10 km

• Results:Annual Mean Value, 98% Percentile

Page 42: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 42

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Lagrange Partikelmodell VDI 3945 Blatt 3 includePhysical processes :

• Transport by the mean wind

• Dispersion in the Atmosphäre

• Dry Deposition • Chemical process of 1. Order

• thermal & mechanical impuls (plume rise)

Page 43: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 43

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Lagrange Modelsystem

„new model system“

Page 44: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 44

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

0…….80 s.................... 240 s later

Emission1000 Particlesin H=100 m

Calculation of Concentration by mass of particleof each cell volume

Distance from source (m)

Page 45: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 45

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Transformation of EU Guideline Air Quality in

National law and TALuft• Components:

NO2, SO2, Benzene, PM10, Tetrachlorethen, Hydrogenfluoride, Ammonia

Heavy metals …• Ambient air concentration and deposition• Timescales:

annual mean, daily mean, and hourly mean with exceedence frequencies per year

Page 46: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 46

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Check of Dispersion Calculation ReportProcess flow

Preparation for Calculation

Dispersion Calculation


Evaluation of results

Results of Calculation

Ambient air

Data-Collection Inputdata Emission,




Page 47: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 47

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


• Next generation dispersion model

Most flexibel approach with respect to • Meteorology• Terrain, Orography• Wind flow around buildings• Use of meteorological time series• Proved in practice since 16 years

Page 48: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 48

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Advantage vs. Gauss model concept

• Timeseries of emission • Timeseries of Meteorology• Profile of winddirection, velocity depending

of height• Roughness length • Terrain, orography • Chemical transformation 1. Order

Page 49: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 49

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• Instationary dispersion situation• Timeseries and statistics of meteo data• all kinds of Point- , line-, area- and volume-

sources• Calculation of shorttime and longterm

concentrations • Monitoring of hourly values at monitoring sites

Advantages of AUSTAL2000

Page 50: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 50

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


• Free software (GNU license) • Programm and software source code

• Based on System LASAT, Janicke• commercial software package

Page 51: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 51

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Odour Dispersion Calculation included !

Model system

Page 52: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 52

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Meteo Input data• Winddirection in the height of anemometer

• Windvelocity in the height of anemometer

Turbulence describing parameters:• Monin- Obukhov Length• Boundary layer height

• Roughness length describing the turbulence production by soil roughness

• Displacement height• Dispersion Class as used before.

Page 53: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 53

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Mean Roughness LengthSubject to the Land CoverIndicated in theCORINE Land CoverInventoryTab. 14 Annex 3 TALuft

Page 54: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 54

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Z0 Roughness length

DisplacementHeight d

Forest: z0 = 1,5 mDisplacement Height d= 6*z0 = 9, 0 m

Windprofile u~ ln (z)

Page 55: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 55

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Corine Land Cover

Page 56: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 56

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Z0= 0.77m R=2 km

Page 57: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 57

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Meteo Data File StructureTimeseries *.akt

• * AKTERM-Zeitreihe, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach (KB1A) • * Zeitraum 01/1999 bis 12/1999 • * anonymisierte Daten, Stand: 11.04.2002 • + Anemometerhoehen (0.1 m): 32 41 57 74 98 144 200 244 283

• Station Direction• Year Velocity n/10 (m/s)

• Month Dispersion Class• Day Mixing Height • Time• AK 10999 1999 01 01 00 00 1 1 150 29 1 2 1 -999 9• AK 10999 1999 01 01 01 00 1 1 130 31 1 2 1 -999 9• AK 10999 1999 01 01 02 00 1 1 130 33 1 2 1 -999 9• AK 10999 1999 01 01 03 00 1 1 130 35 1 3 1 -999 9• AK 10999 1999 01 01 04 00 1 1 140 30 1 2 1 -999 9

Page 58: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 58

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” T






Wind Direction Distribution (1 year in %)

Page 59: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 59

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

R= 50 * H,xi,yi c> 3% Limit Value Year

? X,Y max. concentrationadditional loadselection of 2 measuring sites

area of calculation


Page 60: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 60

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Monitor point hourly timeseries gas




Page 61: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 61

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Nesting of grid cell

Page 62: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 62

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

ti „ Project1-2006“qs -2az anno96.aktermhq 60z0 0.5so2 2.2no2 4.5no 3.4pm-1 4.7pm-2 4.7

TitleQuality stageData file meteoQuellhöhe (m)Roughness lengthSO2-emission in g/sNO2-emission in g/sNO-emission in g/sDust emission(d < 2.5 µ)Dust emi (2.5 < d < 10 µ)

Input data

Page 63: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 63

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Log data file/ data file of Results AUSTAL2000

2004-04-22 17:39:02 START…..

=========================== Beginn der Eingabe ==========================> ti "0305 Tierhaltung Ohne" 'Projekt-Titel Title> gx 3384360.00 'X-Koordinate des Bezugspunktes Reference Coordinate> gy 5794920.00 'Y-Koordinate des Bezugspunktes Reference Coordinate> z0 0.50 'Rauhigkeitslänge roughnesslength> qs 0 'Qualitätsstufe quality stage> as "E:\Meteorology\Austal2000\osnabrueck_91-00.aks" 'AKS-Datei meteodatafile> ha 10.00 'Anemometerhöhe (m)> dd 30 'Zellengröße (m) cellgrid> x0 -413.8 'X-Koordinate der l.u. Ecke des Gitters (coordinate 0,0)> nx 30 'Anzahl Gitterzellen in X-Richtung number of grid cells> y0 -319.0 'Y-Koordinate der l.u. Ecke des Gitters (coordinate 0,0)ny 26 'Anzahl Gitterzellen in Y-Richtung number of grid cells……….

Check in detail is possible !!

Page 64: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 64

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

• Particle size depending calculation of PM: ambient air concentration and deposition

• Calculation of deposition of Ammonia (Nitrogen)

• Chemical transformation of NO to NO2

• Calculation of 3- dimension Windfield in the case of terrain and building

Advantages of AUSTAL2000

Page 65: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 65

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Next steps in Romania:

• Use of AUSTAL2000, source code available, free of charge

• Data format transformation of meteo data for AUSTAL2000

• Automatic roughness length calculation adoption• training

Page 66: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 66

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Example – Screening methods preassessment air quality

• Collect, summerize emissions• Compare with National, EMEP Inventory….• What stack height is needed ?• Are emission data reliable?• Calculate air conconcentration by AUSTA2000 model, • Compare with passive sampler and…

Page 67: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 67

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

1. Simulation of annual mean Concentration

Page 68: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 68

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Calculated Time series (hourly) at Monitoring Point 1

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Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 69

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”


1. You need persons, who are mainly involved in dispersion calculation !

2. You have to reinforce these persons for checking dispersion calculation reports !

3. These persons have to build up a knowledge center for all kinds of dispersion calculation questions in accordance to the EU Guideline of Air Quality

Page 70: Immissionsprognose Luft Gutachtenprüfung

Wolfgang J.MüllerSTE; former Lower Saxony State Agency for Ecology

Bucharest, 21st to 23rd of February 2006

Component 4: “Operational Duties, Integrated Permitting Procedure”Activity 4.3: “Establishment of an Integrated Permitting Procedure, Application of BAT”Mission 41-1: Workshop – “Presentation of the “Manual on Integrated Permitting Procedure” 70

EU-Twinning Project RO2004/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis

at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects”

Thanks for your attention ! …