ReadyMade 10-11 2007

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Transcript of ReadyMade 10-11 2007

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    A D V E R T I S E M E N T


    T O O L S C a n o n P iW l lR m P I l1 D

    P h o t o A l l - i n -O n e P r in te r P h o to s A s s o r te d k n ic k kn a c ks S c i s s o rs R d h e s iu e s

    i n G R E D I E n T Sa S nap 3 bunch o f cand id sho ts w ith~ ou r C an on d ig ita l c am e ra , a nd p rin tth em u sin g y ou r C an on P II\fJ 1Am p 6 1 0P h oto A ll- in -O n e P rin te r.

    b C olle c t ske tches , sw atches and o the ra ss orte d k nic kk na ck ery th ro ug ho utthe day tha t add co lo r, fun , andp ers on ality to y ou r s to ry .

    c C om pose you r la you t by m i} lln~ it a llu p . C row d your page w ith pho to s andephem era , o r keep it s im ple and c leanIt's up to you !

    d A dd la ye rs and teK tu re to you r pagew hen you pu t it a ll to~e ther. ~ou can 'tgo w ron~ he re . G et c ra zy w ith g lue ,ta pe , s titc he s, o r e ue n ~ ro m m ets .

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  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    P H O E N IX R I S IN GWith an eye towards sustainable design,two a c itects applied principles of refabto their 1920s bun alow he resu ts a e a

    F re~h F awn '> : S cu lp torLucrecia Troncoso's deer,carved from bars of lrishS piin g s oa p, o n d is pla yin "Enchanted Forest, "a n e xh ib it a t O a kla nd 'sLof lo t a r t co l le c ti ve.

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    GOOD THROUGH 12(31(07


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    You r l et te rsIS RE-VIEW

    A ffo rd ab le art, p ap er v ersu s p las tic ,iP od recycling , and the found fad .P lus : the best books, m usic, w ater-f ilte rin g p itc he rs , a nd c er am ic s

    30 I M ADE THIS !R ea de r p ro je ct: h an gin g ta ble

    32 HOM E FIXESSm art uses for com monp lace things

    34 S K ILL SETA prim er on rew irin g lig hts

    3 6 RE-DUXT hree w ay s to reuse old com ic book s

    38 R E-VAMPO rg anize y our h om e office w ith w ood -g rain file cab inets, saw horse d esksupports, and m ess-m ask ing m aps

    40 RE-W IR E (C O VE R P RO JE CT )T ransform b oring torch ieres in tog ro ov y rn id r en tu ry la mp s

    4 2 RE-S TY LEM old a mesh fruit b ow l fromo ra ng e c on stn .c rio n fe nc in g

    44 R E-U SET wo furniture projects m ade fromv in ta g e e qu ipm en t

    48 SO LID W OLDM o unt a ho llo w-d oor head board

    50 HO T T O DD YR ig a fu tu ristic sta rb urst o f sp ea ke rs

    5 2 READYWH IPN otch up your g reen quotient w ithF la w, a h ig h-co nce pt k itc he n

    5 6 HDYGT FA JQ&A w ith in die au th or, filmm ak er,and perfom er M iranda July

    58 M OVERS A ND MAKERSA n e ntre pre ne ur as se mb le shard ware-free fu rn iture; an L .A .clo th ie r d es ig ns ec o fa sh io n

    86 BUYER 'SGU IDE /RE -SOURCEW here to get the goods

    8 7 CONTRIBUTORSO ur mod squad

    88MACGYVERW in nin g e ntry : d ea d-p en cu tle ry .N ex t u p: um br el la s

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    ED ITORIALE DI TO R I N C H IE F S ho sh an a B erg er

    D EP UH E DIT O RJ uli .

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    AVEDAthe art and science of pure flower and plant essences

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    Our bags aremade out of lessju n k . In n o waydoes this mean

    t hey ' l l hold lessof yours.To reduce our

    environmental impact.our bags are made withsustainable materials like:

    a nice little shoe companyshoes for a happy planetwwwsirnpleshoes.corn/bcqs

    ................ r'~ ,_EDITOR

    Routine MaintenanceSome recent changes, explainedI am writing this nate on an airplane, whereeveryone has his or her own secret anti-crashroutine. Mine includes. a pre-takeoff reviewof the emergency safety card-options fo regres.s) how to detach the flotation slide, thatsort of thing. 1 do this. because I believe, insome pseudo-mystic way, that it helps keepthe jet aloft, since for mel fl4ght occupies thesame improbable, enchanted lone-as musicemitted by grooves. in vinyl and fruit growing on trees, But it's also just something I'vedone fora long time and seem not to be ablenQttodo. Whe,e am I g oing w ith this? T o avery important procedural point Routines aree xtre me ly d iffic ult to s ha ke .

    A fter years. of running the sam e colum ns. Inevery i5SUE! WE decided it was timeto pull upthe carpet! remove a few old struts, and laydown some new floorboards . W e'll be in thish ard ha t z o ne fo r a c ou ple o f i ss u es , a nd w e 'dvE ry much Iiketo hear from you whether orno t you like the changes we've made. H ave weimproved your experience as a reader? H avewe erred in unforgivab le ways? D oes any ofth is m atter in the face of fiood and draught?

    T o guide you th rough O ur remodel, and soyou know exactly w hat w e're talk ing about,here is an itemized list of renovarions thus r a L

    of Pllsadenar Cal ifornia , who suspendedan illum inated tab le in his backyard to hostoutdoor festivities. I t's a tough act to follow,bu t if you've go t something in your toolsh ed (or close t) tha t's read y for its close-up ,send a pictu re of it our way ([email protected]).

    2 . [P age 36 ) A new entry Ino ur p ro je c ts'Section; "ReDux," in which we choose a rnste-rial and make a few useful things ou t of i t Inth is iS SU E , yo u'll fin d th re e w ild ly im ag in ativ eways to transform old comic books.

    3. [P age 48] D esigner T homas W old debutsa new column, " Solid W 'old /' and joinsveteran Todd Oldham in creating amazingenv ironments out o f E veryday thing s.. In thisissue, he builds a bedroom set that evokes abygone ere +mood-I it nostalg ia w ith a h into f d e ca d en c e.

    4. Y ou m ay also notice that our colum ns"M artha L ives," "A lreadyM ade," and "E nd-G ame" have gone the way ofthe T oyo ta T ercel.W e loved them dearly , bu t like all oldreliab les, they had begun to show their age.

    N ow bad to our regularly schedu led1.[P age 30] " [M ade T his!" A reader-submitted prog ramming. A nd before we go, a word ofidea worthy of major recognition in the world thanks for lending us all of yow b rig ht id ea sof art, design, and general human accomplish- over the years. T hey are what make th is magi3-ment. W e would heap g reat sums of gold upon zine different from all the rest, and we needeach subject if w e had it. Instead , we publish. them . M aybe not as much as airline safe tyD ebu t b ragg ing rights go to Ike B ahadourian card 's, but pretty close. -Shoshana B erger

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    shoes for a happy planetwww.simpleshoes.corn/DtY

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    ON T HE R IG HT TR AC KIlive in a hobbit hole with my husband andtoddler, soIoved your latest Small SpacesIssue (August/September 2007j-especlallythe photos afJoseph Desler Costa's elegant,no-nonsense bachelor pad ("Whlte Out," page60). But please, please tell me more about histrackandpanel room civider, because I can'tfind the hardware anywhere'Emily MuschinskeBrooklyn, New York

    DearEmily,We recommend checking out Ikea's Division hang-ing panel set. Mayyou divide and conquer' -Eds.M OBILIZE FOR THE GREATER GOODIenjoyed reading your suggestions on how torecycle iterns that are hard to dispose of ["AFlash In the Can," August/September 2007)I have another one to include: Donate old cellphon es to the YMCA,for use b y VICD ms ofdomestic violence. They carry the phones incase of trouble and can only d,a191L We haveto pay to recycle in Tulsa, sowe preferto donatewhatever we can.Tekeda KopplinT ul sa , O k la ho ma

    COM P LE TE LY BOOKEDThanks for "A Flash in the Can" (August/Sep-tember 2007, page 66) This is great info-landfill overcrowding and sloppy resourcedepletion bugs me-but the media section foilsJust a tad short. R M readers should also knowabout bookswapping websites likepaperbackswap_com which maintains a free and search-able database of over Inilhon books-all youdo i s li st your used books and pa y postage toship them to other members. It's a great re-source far the budget-minded biblrcpln!e.[ennifer Liebenow AbbeyM i nn ea po bs , M i rtr Je -s ot a

    10 readymadernag.ccm ~

    THOSE BOOTS WERE M ADE FOR ARCHIVINGI have discovered the perfect re-use for back is-sues of ReadyMade, boot trees' Roillng them upand sricking thern inside boots keep my kicks intip-top, u pr ig h t c o nd it io n, which helps preventthe leather from buckling. I love the maga-zine and can't bear to give up my back issuesThanks so much for such a useful publication(in more ways than one)!Sash. WizanskyS el l F ra nc is co , C al if or nia

    DON'T HOG THE REMOTEA s I liked the remote-con trol drawerpulls ("MacGyver," August/September2007),I have no use fo r them and would have liked tosee a few more projects. that incorporate oldremotes. In the future, perhaps you could pub-lish the top five submissions! even ifyou only

    Ready, Set, M< t~ e- :C lo ck wi se f rom t op right, n on -b ak er Ja me sM o ed o f Lo nd on rnaoea c u p ca k e d io r a m a o f p ig le ts . s n jo y in gR e a dyN la d efm hi os fr ie n ds 'w . ed d in g : R , ea d yM a k e r J ef fr ey R u tz k yo f N ew Y o rk :C ity c re a te d a r e- cy cle d c h an d elie r o u t o f g la s s w a -t er b ottle s, a 'S ' Se en in t he RE.! i IdyMad~ b oc k-S as ha W iU lr is ky o fS a n P re nd sea, C s I ~forn ia , re uses h er ba ck us u es fo r b oo t t re es :eno R o g e r K a m h o la clchlccgc, I lli no is , b u ilt ~ c o at h a ng e rwine r a ck , ~ IS () f ea t ur e d i . . , th e RM book

    pr int the pictu res' We all Iike to find ways toreuse odd things, and m~ny of us need ~s muchinspiration as.we can get!T erry Emb uryLowell, Massachusetts

    Deer Terry,Your wish is : OUf command! Though w ! ? ' 1 f n'VE'ftisve spac:'in thE' magazfnE to print more thanone project, we'd be glad to pos: the runners-u p online, starting with this issue. OnceyouVechecl

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007



    Martha S tewartand Sewing :A Comm on Thread1 have been s'ewing since I was a girl.. 1st i l lremember my f i rst major project: a lovely whitecotton shirt Imade in junior high that I was soproud to wear.Over the years, I've learned more and more aboutthe art of sewingJ\re discovered how monogramsand embroidery can ac id o ne -o f-a -k nd d etlH toa.charniling set of roastel '$, or evert note card s an dstati0nery.To bring these projects to Iffe, I rely on machinesby 5 1NGER .~ HU5QVARNA V IK I NG : an d P FA FF:with their e

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    T E E S A ND TUNE S ~ alte>rnatiuE'W hile lis tening to bands like SOnlC Y ou th a nd 1the C ool K ids, R eady Mak ers rocked out in full ~ t ~ n c f lfo rce at C hicag o's ann ual P itchfork MusK Festi-val. Cancertgoers visi ted our booth to customize their own T-shirts (with alittle help from our friends at Stencil) and A lternative A pparel). T he resu ltswere nothing short of glorious. We're already planning more rcckin' crafti-ness for next year:

    A GA LLE RY IS BO RN readymade galleryJust intime for the holidays, we've moved our beloved Digest advertisingsect ion out of the cabana and into the main house. Allthings design, largeand small, deserve thewidest audience possible! Hence thedebutofGal-lery, our new nack-of-the-issueshowcas e.I t 's likea museum and gift shopin the palm of your hands Email afex@readymademagcomtobecomepart ofthe permanent collection,

    WHERE ' S READYMADE?W e're allover the map this fa ll. P lease visit us a t one (or a ll)of the follow mg eve nts

    GR E EN F ES T SG A LO R EW< 3s hin gto n O C O ct 6-8San Franels(o, California Nov 9-11greenfes t ivals .orgM AKER FAIRE SADDLES UP IN AUST IN IMaker Faire IOct 20-21mar.:er!afre.wm

    H a pp y a utu mn ,Grace Hawthorne

    READYMADEMAG.COM I tHIS IS SUE 'S W EB EXC LUS IVELearn how to install l ight switches, tie electricians'knots, and trick out vintage lamps like the ones h o w n on o u r coverreadymademag.coml l ight ingM A CG Y VE R R UN NE RS -UPE ve n if y o u d id n 't w in o u r MacGyver C h a lle n ge , c he c k o u ta g a l le r y of other re ad ers ' n ew u se s for d rie d-u p p en sreadymademag.comlmacgyverG ETYO UR DA ILY DO SE O F R MRead p o s ts w r it te n by o u r brainy a rm y o f b lo gg ersreadymademag . cot ri /b log

    S EA RC H O UR P RO JE CT A RC HIV ES !Acces s hundreds of projects from the Ready/VIadevau It[d atin g b ac k to Issue One), al l for freer ead ymademag . c om l p r i n ta rc h iv e

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    So much to Lov

    ncluding the price. :J~!]O" ~o)1 1 I I. . . . . . . . . .. . . 1 1 1 1

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    ,- ee -,'" 0000eo ,00''". . . . . e i " l . .. ..~ ~1'Hl!15.Si


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  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007



    00 exhibits:e n c a re e rs /e d u ca t io n

    g re e n f in a nc esd ee p e co lo g yecolashioll--l

    n a tu r a l h e al th a nd b od yg r e e n med ia

    c o m m u n i t y a c t io nn a t u r a l home & g a r d e n

    g re e n b u ild in gg re e n te ch n o lo g y

    f i l i ir e ne w ab le e ne rg yc on se r v a t i o n / re cy c l in gin dig en ou s g oo ds

    c f o o d/ a g ri cu l t ur en a tu ra l f o o dsk itc he n ta b le

    g re en k id s ' l o n e

    150 speakers:p a u l h a w k e nn a tu ra l c ap ita l in stitu ted r . a n d r e w w e i lin te g ra tive m e d ic in ea m y g o o d m a nd e m o c r a c y n o w !c a r o l i n e c a s e yc e n te r f a r v is io n a ry a c ti v is mf r i l j o l c a p r ac e n te r f o r e c o li t e r a cys h a r i f a b d u l l a hc om m o n w a y in s t i t u leh e le n c a ld i c o t tn u c le ar p ow e r is n o t t h e a ns w e rf r a n c e s m o o r e l a p p ed e m o c ra c y 's e d g e

    You want to be green, but you have questions.Can I run my truck on french-fry grease? How can I tell if a companyis honestly green? Will renewable energy help improve biodiversity?At Green Festival you'll find real answers, great food,liveentertainment and truly guilt-free shopping,

    washington de oet 617WASHINGTON CONVENTION CENTERsan francisco nov 9110111CONCOURSE EXHIBITION CENTER

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007



    P hoto Shop: C lock wise from top lehConje'tti, b y Yo ungna P ark, P.dmAireo ,b y Tema Stauffer; Untitled (Hanoi No. 2}.b y K ( 2~ lyShlmoda, Rain Cerebration, b yA!i~on G..ippo; We-~tvj",w, by Brad Moore;UMitied, by D an a M i ll er

    NewYorkgallery ownerjen Bekmanis fedup with the notion that a $5,000 price tag On artis a bargain. So after nearly four years of running her eponymous Sohu space, Bekman, a long-time supporter of emerging photographers, set out to offer aspiring collectors something a biteasier-on the pocketbook. The resulting venture-an online showroom called zcxzoo v offerssmall-scale prints, photographs, and mixed media in limited editions of zoo Ior $2 .0 a pop.Bekman's business model= inspired by Tiny Showcase, another online purveyor of small-batch broadsides=-provides a simple way to ease into the world of high art."There's this weird, dark cloud over the concept of affordable art that equates affordability

    with mediocrity,")' Bekrnan says. "I'm tryingtD create a unique opportunity to purchase qualityart ... at an insanely affordable price."New work is posted twice a week. Artists showcased thus far include Kate Bingaman-Burt,

    Brad Moore, and Terna Stauffer. Visit to get your own mini masterpiece. - Jen Trolio

    ~ 15
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    R E V I E W

    NorseCodeIn an attempt to re~invigorate Iceland'ssagging wool industry,five native designersjoined forces to createVik Prj 6nsd6ttir, acollection of comelycold-weather accesso-ries steeped in Nordicmythology. TheRegional Blanket-> atopographical represen-tation of the country'slegendary sleepingvolcano-can be seenthis October in Germanyat the annual HamburgDesign Festival. Snag

    I your own high-altitudefluff at ScandinavianGrace in Williamsburg,Brooklyn (scandinaviangrace.corny -KL
  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007



    W ord to the w ise: B e careful where you toss those saucylov e letters an d g ro cery lists. L ost-an d-fou nd anth olog iesare popping up everywhere we turn . -Jen T rolioFound magazine1(2001)Davy Ro thbar t , the progenitor of th e lost-and-found "genre;' launchedfound in 2001 The pertodical has since has since spawned a spinoff

    Ima.g~Z in .e (D jr t~ Found) and three bookspa55 lveaggr es s l veno te s . com(May 2007)T his o nlin e b ulletin b oa rd features n ag ging no te, cu lled fro m sharedapartments and corporate k itchens around the world


    M il" , E gg s, V "d "a : G r" ,e ry L i5 t. Lo st a nd F ou ndb y Bill K e a g g y[ ( F+W)(May200?)Includes hundreds of handwritten dictates on what to pu t into the cart,complete w ith inventive misspellings and dow nright odd requests.bIller P eo ple 's L ov e L ette rs : 1 50 L ette rs Y ou We re N e ve r Meant 10 See~Y B i ll S h ap ir o(Random House):(FaI12007)Revea I s t e as i ng tex t m essages, sta nd ard-i ssu e h e ar tb r ea k e r s Iiket'll'S n ot y ou , it's me;' an d other mortifying missives.I ra -Do L i st : From Buying Mi lk to Find ing a Sou l Ma t e ,What O ur L is ts R ev ea l A bo ut U sby Sasha Cagen[Simon & : Schuster). INovember 2007)pffers line after line of itemized tasks, from "buy ncwundcrwear"I to " p ray ."


    hat will this year's hot Halloween costume be?We'reetting it's a treehugger sporting a hand-cranked flashlight.Brought to you by the Forestry Suppliers catalog, theEnviro-Lite is a two-in-one LED/radio that will illuminateyour path-and play "Monster Mash"-after just oneminute of winding. Get lit at [ o re str y- supp lie rs . c om . -KL~ readymademag.ccm 17
  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007



    rum Your creetlve ~obbjl'.Into EIauslness

    18 readymademag.ccrn { i f D


    1nimal Houseb y C ath erin e L ed ner(WelcomelYou won't find toga-clad frat boys in th is Animal House. In -stead, photographer C atherine l.edner's w him sical collectionof portraits features furry , feathered, and four-legged crea-tu res. Led ner coaxes her subjects in to show i ng off thei r bestbehavior, capturing more than 40 different animals in decid-edly unnatural" habita ts" -sets built from colorful carpets andw ild ly wallpapered backd raps. Sharp and playful under b rightlights, Ledner's images of kangaroos, camels, and even a shyarmadillo are stri k ing enough on thei r o wn; paired , as they are,w ith amusi ng rhymes, they are a study in charm . -Jen T rolio

    C ra ft I nc ,; T urn Y ou r CreativeH obby in to a 8usinE"ssBy M e g M .te o Ilasco(Chronicle)

    In a world in which an ever-growing number ofm akers are m anning tab les at local craft fatrsand setting up shop on E tsy . M e g M .teo I lasco'sC r~ ftln L_ o ff ers a wslcoma-c an d well-timed-d ose o f p ra ctic al a dv ic e. A n in tre pid e ntre pre -n eu r h er se lf, I la sc o c ov ers . e ve ry im ag in ab leaspe ct of turning a b elove d hob by into a profit-able career-from writing a business plan andmanaging finances to packing Fo r tr:ade showsa nd su rv iv in g th e le an tim es . B o nu s in te rv ie wsw ith s uc h famed d esig ners as Jonathan A dlera nd L ot ta [a ns do tre r p ro vid e inspiration t o t ho sewho yearn to ditch their day jabs and cash in ontheir craft . -AprH Ki lcrease4 Exposed; T h e Tox i c Chem i s tr yo f E ve ry da y P ro du cts a nd What'sat Stake for American Powerb y Ma r k S c ha pi ro

    ( C he ls ea G re en )R E a d y our sha mp oo b ottle 's lab el and y ou'llfind ple nty of sc ary -so und ing -o r, at the ,eryle~~t,unfamtl tar= subsrances on the ingredi-en t s ltst R o o d Exposed a n d you'll S e e why yo ushould b e a fr ai d. From t ri bu ty lt in ( 18 T , used ind ia pers a nd also to k i l l algoe on s hi p b o tt om s )to phthalate , (a n additive k no wn to le ec hf rom p la stt c bottles), the po ten ti a ll y h aza r dou schemicals. spotl ighted in thts dense expose arefo un d in e ve ry da y p ro du cts. lik e E ric S ch lo ss erin F as t F oo d N a tio n, [ournaltst Mark Schapirob ru ta lly u nm ask s th e d iffe re nc es b etw ee nAmerican and European safety regulations,conde-nning the U_S.government's productsta nd ard s along the w ay . E qual pa rts politi-cal statement and research-driven reportage,Exposed s tands to change the way Americansshop, -C laire F eeney

    . . . . . _ " ",o o j . . . , . . _ .. . _ ., - - . . . .. . " " '' '' '' ' '' _ _ ,. " ,. . ." , .. ' '' '' '' 'o - '' '' '' '' '' . .. . . . . . ,""'_. . ', . . . . . . . . . _ . . .,--.,.

    ~. . . . . . .-



    3 The lazy Environmf_ntr'isl; You,Guide to E asy , Styl'~h, Green tlvingBy Josh D orfman ~(Stewart, Tabori & Chang)Asthe sustainable living mOVC;fi?MtcQntinue;;its ascent, 50 does the waveof green-;;md gre-e nw as he d- r- pr od uc ts f lo od ln glt ~e market. Basedon his S inus rad io show ofthelsame name.joshDorfman's guide [0all things eco ~arge1sLOn'cerr edyet passive CQn:s.umersrthosewhom hecalls " la zy e nv rro nrn en ta hs ts 'rj-a s tfn ey ravigateth e se a o f su sta in ab le g oo ds, G 0 ve fln g m O fe -th a'l20categones of E a rth -fn en dl y w a re s, D o rfm anindexes both the obvious (hybti~ oarrs)and theo bs cu re (bicd~g(~d~bl~ c ard b oa rd c as ke ts ),providiFlg plenty of ways to "sp1enogreert"-EVenmore h e l p f u l than the listing s fre the sec tions onmedia organzanons and educational programsthat actively push clean l iv ing ~nd renews bt eenergy. To 'II, lt's a h ,o dy d ir ei to r;l fo r d is c. ro ln gshoppers-as long as it doeSI1'~keep them frommaking the envimnmental chokes trat if'eallym ak e a d iffe re nc e. -K elle y lu ke a

    R ea l F un ; P Ola rO id ~/r oj1 1 tileIndependent Musidandscapeb y A sh od S im on ia ~(P ictureB ax) ~

    Not you r mo the r 's s;crapbook,tR'f!,aI=fun offersan insider's pee k into the lives of bands. onthe road. C om posed of m ore than io o foggyPolaroids whose subjects are ~dpu1ar,ind~ero ck ers+ Pavem err; C at P ow er, the SHins-theb ook is a scra ppy ph oto alb urJ o f o n-to ur antic s[w itn es s E ll io tt Sm it h l in t-b ru ls oi ng s li pp er s fo rhouseguests), punctuated b y short E'SS9Swrit-ten b y the band members t he fs ~lV 'e s. L is te nto the bund led soundtrack of f,dusi.e track>while skunrmng the b ook to complete the feel-ing of r id in g in the van, b o re d~l ll t of y ou r m in d,en route to the next gig. Add Rizza and beer andyou're practically there_ -Mr~~Senese

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    W I N $ 2 5 , 0 0 0S T A N D U P , O U T , A N D F O RS U S l A I N A B L i lYT O W IN S O M E G R E E N F O R T H IN K IN G G R E E N ,, V I E W O F F IC IA L E N T R Y R U L E S A N D E N T E R O N L IN E A TW W W . K E E N F O O T W E A R . C O M

    W h o s a i d m o n e y d o e s n ' t g r o w o n t r e e s ? K E E N is a s k i n g y o u to s ta n d u p a n db e s e e n , s ta n d o u t a n d b e h e a r d , to s t a n d f o r a n o p p o r tu n i t y n o t ju s t toc o n t r i b u t e t o t h e susta inab i l i t y c a us e , b u t 1 0 a c tu a l l y c h a n g e t h e w a y o t h e r s s e ec o n s e r v a t i o n . E n te r t o w in s o m e g r e e n f o r t h i n k i n g g re e n .H ow d o e s i t w o r k1 E n te r o n l in e a t k e e n f o o tw ea r . c o m f o r a n o p p o r tu n i t y a tw in n in g $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 fo r s ta n d i n g up , s t a n d in g o u t , o r s ta n d i n g f o r sus ta i nab i l i t y ,U s e y o u r c r e a t i v e i d e a s , y o u r p a s s i o n fo r th e o u t d o o r s , o r y o u r b e l ie f I n a g r o u po r ca use to ra ise a wa ren ess a r o u n d susta inab l l i t y . T ak e y ou r bes t id eas , you rd e e p e s t - h e ld b e l ie f s , a n d y o u r o p t im is m a n d s h o w h o w o n e p e r s o n 's g r e e nI d e as c a n m a ke a d i f f e r e nc e .

    ~ E E r -l . I N C . ls ~pcr ,~~rin i ! :i l ine separetc ~Oll~-::-;~~_ S T A r ll l U ~ , $ T I' iM I ' ;) L IT , am l S T il rl D F 0 R _ ; ! :~~hemte s! h a s~ i j f( : r~ n 1 ru l e s . P ea s e t t ; ~ d t l' e - :r t i ' i - : : : i ! 1 ~ 1 J 11 ' 1 t h ~ , j ): ) t! : fi c i . ~ n ;e t ! JDUa t e n c c re s t e d i n ~ e " ~ t 1 c n t e l in ~ .NOPU~CU$E h lEGE : i:S . il J r iT I 'I E _HTE~~R I f i I N_ Il I )m ' t c r ~ l i . ; l c : ' ' ' 1 t : > d t ' l c L:: '_ bduu : . . ,: ! : PJ t t t u F : i c -c ) ! 2 . :w ~kfe r {o r{Jj mi r j ' ; J~~ iii ~lrtr!TIr": i .S . ; w ~ r ve l d wh ; ! l (: ) r ~ h i ji t ~ ~ ~ 1 ! . '. i ~ 1 le ~ i o nilr [ill~ ! . u b : J 1 "i(C]\; t J : ], M , - ;. 1 l ~ !O O ; ) !) r c ,: J l ll ~11I!lirliDnw i t h I l h t a i l '1 l l l il i t j. p o s t f v c ( :1I \ ' i l ~ I I I t ! l l n l ~ h e : l ~ ~ ~~J f - I : rtL i , i n~ 0 \ i i l c := r l i l ~ t~ ~ . - . . , . ae r e , Hl r . ! l l o r p i r l e r r t i ~ 1i l : l p; l ' :~Ol l lL l " : . t lI.b i I i 1J ' ,~ ;J~If'! (9\~- : : ( i I l f I ( : t t~1l anK~ ,~ I I - : ;' ( lt . i t i l~ c l l " I' i r ~ n l ~~mO i I . ~ecess. ; l ' 1

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    . . . . . " - : : : : : , ~ . . : : . : :JIINIII_'llliPIJ!~1 I I " 1 l i 1J l ~C1EMII~AllIIDlllrMll

    "IiWI'IIUUIIDII.~fllnU&m~1.lM'WII~"~11Ml"tIl!.'JJli~1lI.1IOIi'~l.iE.I:~~~r"r.:~:n:5r=I ' I I Icmt: lTf

    1.h e F ie ry Furn ac esWidow City__ (Thrill JockeylBrooklyn-based brother-sister duo the Fiery Furnaces have a pen-chant for scuzzing up perfect pop songs with meandering synths,wacky vocal tangents, and random melodic shifts. Widow C i t y , theband's fifth proper LP, is no departure-it's squirrelly and spastic.But once your ear is trained to the sonic flailing, there's plenty to lovehere-especia Ily the bou ncy synth esizer won k of" Ex-G uru" and thedrum-punishing rock of "Uncle Charlie," in which vocalist EleanorFriedberger leads the holler-along, "To locate my boyfriend, look inthe Yellow Pages under plywood!" -Amanda Petrusich(IlLISTENTO WH IL E , meltmg a netted bowl (see page 42 ).

    2 T he N ew P o rn og ra ph ersChallenge"(Matador)India-rock supergroup the NewP orn og ra ph ers ( wh ic h b03StS asmembers Neko Case, Destroyer'sDan B e ja r, and AC. Newman) havereleased three stellar pop records, andtheir fourth keeps pace. Al though theecstatic. guitar explosions of 2005's,Twin Cinema have been replaced b ya handful of mare contemplative,mid-ternpc tracks, Chaffengers is stillimpossibly addictive, p a c k e d withbeguiling boy-girl harmonies andhead-bobbing rhythms. -AP(I LISTENTOWHILE, Covering

    - every th in g with comic books(see pag e 36 )~

    3ron and W ineThe Shepherd's Dog(S ub P op)A . ft er 'f iv ed i s cs devo ted t o wh is pe ryf ol k, a no th er a lb um of s on ic Nyqu ilcould have sent I ro n a nd Win-e-(akaSam Beaml spiro ling into self-parodyWi:s~IYr Bearn pulls an about-face andexpands his :sound-Wltness the southA.slanstrings and rhythms. an theo p e r n n g tn o of songs-while s 1 1 1 1 hold-ing court wi th his signature husheddelivery- PQss.essing a g:reatersens~ ofu rg en cy th an an yth in g p rio r, th is trou-b ad ou r ha s m aste rfully sh ak en 1 00 5eh IS lo-fi moorings, +Gilbert Cruz(1- L ISTENTO WHILE , Decou p ag i ng

    . y our head board (see pag e48J.

    4 PinbackAutumn ofth. Seraphs(T o uc h a nd G o)Pinbark+ the duo Rob [row andZach Smith-had the poor fortune toform their eo),"L~ptional,self-produced bond in 1998, at the en dof th e indie boom. W hich is to o b ad ,"Autumn a/the Seraphs, perhaps{heir best effort yet, seem-s.our of anerawhen smart, ~w~M~rLlad gui tarpop was common coin. T hen again,song s as g entle, hook y, and lovelyas "From Nothing to Nowhere" and"B arnes" potnt to a bright future forthe cardigan set. -Joe Gross(1- L ISTENTO WHILE , H ook ing up

    a n ew 'p ea ker display( se e p a g e SDl.



    5 R ob ert W yattComicop~ra(Domino)As his onetime peels in Pink Floydmove thei r dreamy psychedelicstow ard the middle of th e ro ad , fe llo wprog rocker and fo rm er S oft M a ch in ecog R obert W yatt is alive and w elland still pushing the envelope. Ason h 1 S umpteen previous releases,Wyatt's- brogue-tinged, mellow melo-dies drift from one genre to the nextas he m oves throug h the various actsand roles of his Comicopere. aboutexamining l ife in the twil ight yed ' l ' s-Sam Hunt

    (1- LlSTENTOWHllE,BUlld inganeight-track table {see page44).
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    C O LD C AS EStitch a pocket fo ryour travel tissues,byYvonnE Lambe rtP h o to b y Jim Hughe,O ur b and , the O ctopus P ro ject, is constan tly on tourT hat m eans w e're alw ays exposed to fantastic newp eo ple -as w ell a s so me o f th eir le ss -th an -fan ta sticco lds . T he boys in the band have a hab it of nagg ing mefar tissues , so I d ecided to make a travel pouch thatI -and they-would be proud to take on the road .

    INGREDIENTS, TOOLS,Scrap fabric (must be at least 81/ ." .x61',"1. thread, thick fusible i n t er f ac ing,ultra-thin IJlnyl

    Ruler, pen, scissors, iron, pins, needle andthread or sewing machine, heavy boot,chopstick

    M A KE IT :1. Cut a 712" x ,Yl" piece of f-usible interfacing. The incerfaci ng will allow you to use awider range of fabrics for your POUChl anything from fine silk to canvas I,O cotton br-oad-doth, (I" W Q " U l da d v i s e agOlinstusing stretchy knit fabrics.) 2. Iron the interfacing ontothe wrong side of the fabric. 3. Cut your fabric Ih"ourside ull edges of the interfacing(this should give you an 8 ] 1 2 " x 61;2"rectangle with interfacing inside). 4. Trim each of thefour corners of fabric: to interfacing at a 45

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    R E V I E W

    A PERFECT POURWith bottled water Inthe doghouse, rt's time to find aflawless filter.I tested the following options usingthenastiest tap varietal 1cauld find, courtesyot r r - y parents'hometown. Pardon the wine-snob parlance. -Jenny Fu s sPhoto by)im Hughes

    IS HO WN C LO CKW IS E FRO M FA R LEFT)1C LE A RLY BE TT ER D RIN KIN GW A TE R P IT CHE R$10***This pitcher has 13 slim profile, makingil : a g r~ ~ r randidd,!e f or r h l. !' r~trigNatord oo r. A s th e m os t in ex pe ns iv e 'rltry inth e roo n d u p, th is m od el pOY' off. It sn ltered water rnight ta ke a l it t le whi leto fully o pe n u p, b ut after a tim e, it dis-p la ys dqu@ 'o us nc t@< ;. o f crushed fruit,tar, wet stones, and minerals, BONUS;T he change-filter elert IS an easy-to-re ad slid er b uilt rig htin to th e lid .wa/

    22 readymademag.ccrn f f J i

    2BR IT A 5 -G ALLO N P ITC H ER$23****A s t he s elf-p ro fe ss ed " le ad eri n w at eropnrntzatton." Brlta initially struckme as a f i 'M : l ~ c crk y_ T ha t s aid , [h ~c om pa ny 's c ha rc oa l fil te r d id c ::h ~n ger ny s kan k y ta p w at er in to s om eth in gm uc h m ore d rin ka ble . A fte r Q zippythree minutes and eight seconds, theH20 '!:~s'!:~dl"~~h and cl~:!In and lookedinviting, BONUS: Unlike other change-f il te r n ot if ie rs , t he s im p le s ti ck -o nv in yl s ch ed ule w ill n ev er b re ak

    P UR 2-S TA GE FLA VO RO PT IO NS FE ATUR E$30*****Clocking tr at S . 1 X minutes and 23s ec on ds to filte r a fu ll q uart! th is cla s-s ic:d r ip-and -wait p it ch e r p ro ducede xa ctly w ha t I ex pec te d: clea r, d e a nw ate r. T he geek-friendly change-n Iter n otific atio n is , b ui IH n LE D that,hong.dram gr..n (good) loy.llow( a dd f il te r to n ex t s ho pp in g li st ) tored Id o n ot p ass g o. ch ang e th is filte rnowl), BONUS : An o pt io na l f la vo rcartridge adds perfumed wavesof redf or es t f ru it s t o t he s li gh tl y p la st ic f in is h,putll"l.'at'

    S AW YE R W AT ER F ILTE R$55****Forthe intrepid t raveler or (am per

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    Oeading DivaC rys ta ls o n m y ce ll p h o neT urquo is e on m y w ris t

    P in k be a d s o n m y sho e t ip sYo u kn ow I c a n 't re s is tS om e sa y I 'm a diva

    ' C a u s e sh iny is m y t h i ngBu t I 'm no t o ne fo r l a be l s

    I ju s t Ib ve g oo d b lin g~

    Let your imagination run wild at Nichaels. ~rom the latest beading colorsand trends to Blue Moon's stunning handcrafted glass beads, you'llfind everything you need to make your creations even more amazing.So come in now, and turn your inspiration into reality. Only at Michaels.
  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    Bestmade cutting tools in the world @You're a Fanatic about making your own creations, and so is OLFA about making innovative,premium tools that help bring your creonons to life, Take our revolutionary Chenille Cutter for starters, Now you can easilycreate narrow to wide width chenille - all in one tool, Add' the Ergonomic Deluxe Rotary Cutter the safety lock - on OLFAmust-have - and you'll see why scissorsare so o:ld school when cutting through multiple fabric layers, Even making multipl'e cuts on anyproject is easier with our new 1 7" Square Rotating Self-Healing Rotary Mat, the sister to our popular 1 2" size,And for clarity beyondmeasure, our Non-Slip, Frosted Advantage Acrylic Rulersfeature 1 /B" grid marks that can easily be seen on both lightand dark materials for incredible accuracy, So be a fanaticabout OLFA products because we're fanatical about inspiringcreativity,

    Buy OLFA products at your favorite fabric or craft store,or at www.olfa.com2007 WorldKitchen,LLCOLFA i,."'9.;1 ..... dir.;II:JeJD:I-~ 9foOlFA C"",~li"n,_r.:,P>l, ~r'H;l."" II;:...._ 19, 1,1&;" ~'fW~k:lI(~.;:h""',ij.C
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    I MADE THIS! RE-VAMP RE-UsEO n e R e a d e r 's P r iz e d P ro je c t O rg a n iz e Yo u r H om e O ffic e Bu ild Fu rn t tu re o u t o f

    in F ive E i l SY S t e p s O b s o le te M a c h in e sHOME FIXESS im p l e H o u se h o ld S o lu tio n s RE-WIRE SOLID WOLDT ra n s fo rm T ho se O ld H an g" S w an ky 70 s H ea db oaOC T / N O V '07 SKILL SET T o rc h ie re s in to M id c en tu ryLe a e n to W i re a lig h t F lo o r Lam p s HOT TODDYRE-DUX RE-sTYLE

    R ig a S p e a ke r S t ar bu rs tT h re e C ra fty H ow -T o s fo r M a k e a C o n s tru c t io n - READYWHIPV in ta g e C om ic B o o k s N e tb n g F ru it B o w l S e t u p an E m -K itc h e n

    ~ re ad ym ad em ag .c o -n 29

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    T H E P R O J E C T S

    Quick T imeF ollo w th es e c le ve r s ea so na l s o lu tio ns fo r p re se rvin gyour p u m pk in a n d s a v in g y o u r p a in t .Illustrations by Brown Bird Design

    STASH ING PUMPK INSExtend the life ofyour painstakingly carvedjack-c-Ianterns b y spraying them with a mildbleach solution (to prevent mold), then coat-ing the rut areas with petroleum Jelly-TWOOFAKINDAttach rnatchmg socks with safety pins beforetcssing them in the hamper-they'll staytogether in the laundry and make it back tothe drawer without ever fiying solo,

    FO RK IT OVE RDon't risk smashlng your fingers whenhammering a nai l+protect them from anaccidental pounding by uslngthe tinesof a fork 10 hold the nil,il in place.

    CHANNE l SUR FINGKeep paint [an rims [leon by punching holesin the top channel (where the lid meets thecan) with a : hammer and nail. E xcess paint w il:ldrip back into the can instead of drying in thegroove, ensuring an easy-to-seal lid.G ET FIZZY WITH ITClean built-up gunk out ofvases, thermoses;and other hard-to-scrub vessels with denture-cleaning tablets-simply fill them with water,let 21 tablet dissolve in each, and watch thefizz scour

    DUST B UST ERFor J a s o n Calmes o f Findlay, Ohio, f a e r i e -softe-iing sheets do double duty, After thelaundry's dry, he uses the clingy lirtle clothsto wipe dust from window blinds and com-pur er s cr ee ns

    Got any great t ips to share with the world? Send your most helpful hints to [email protected] or Home Fixes, ReadyMade, 81 7 Bancroft WilY,Berkeley, CA94710.If w e prin t your suggestion, yau'll win a free one-year subscription to the magazme.

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    Light Sou rceH ow to wire a lampbyTony MeredithPhotos by Markham JohnsonTOOLS I II INGRED IENTS:A . E l ec tr ic al cord with m old ed p lu gB . I n- lin e s wi tc h l op tio n_ l)C. Electrical tapeD. Pl iersE . F la th ea d s cr ew d ri ve rF. H_ rp wi th f in ia lG. 2 fender washersH. Lock nutI. Hex nutJ . Sodet for sta nd ard b ulbK . P os t w ith th rea de d ends1. Slip the hex nut onto the cord fol-lowed by the Lock nut and awa-sher.Next, slip on the threaded post. Atthe bottom of the post, thread thehex nne into place . Ncrmal jy .youdslip the post inside a lamp. In thiscase we'll just pretend rhar a lovelyglass.base has been slipped over thepOST. 2. Place a w asher onto the topof rhe post, Ifyour Lamp wi1l havea shade, slide on the bottom of theharp.3. There 1 3 a tiny set screw on

    34 readymademag.rnm f f J J ;

    the side of the base of the socketthat holds it in place after you threadit onto the post. Unscrew ir-e-don'tlose it, Thread the cord through thebase of the socket. 4. Locate the"hot'twire and the "ground" wirein your cord (the ground wife hasridges on the plastic housing anda thicker blade at the end of theplug), On the socket, there are twoelectric terminals (3 geld "hot" and asilver+ground") and screws that hold

    the exposed electrical wire to thesocker. Loosen the screws on eachterminal) hook the appropriate wireunder each terminal! and tighten byturning the screw clockwise. 5. Toprotect the cardboard sleeve fromthe terminals) stick some elecrr tcaltape over each terminal, GentIy pullthe cord from the bottom of the

    tamp to get the socket nestled snuglyin the base. Slip the cardboardinsulator sleeve over the socket) ands-lide the metal cover down into thebase of the socket until you feel itdick. Reattach the screw, 6, Slip theharp into its base, screw in a bulb,and put on the shade. 7. Plug it ln.switch it on, and watch it glow,

    { , } V is it r ea dy rn ad em ag .c orn /h gh ting fo r in fo rm atio n on tyingeiE':ctric,al' i~' hnot~, atf'a.(hir' lg swJ t : c n e s , and arne r f l l um jn .a t i r lg t ip~.

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    G W E D E N . Japanese Sea Vegetables

    Japanese sea vegetables arerenowned for their purity, superior flavor,and unique nutritional content. For over thirty yearsEden has supplied the natural foods industry with theonly full line of traditional Sea Vegetables exclusively from Japan.Arctic current grown in environmentally protected waters,prepared using solely centuries old traditions.

    FreeStep-by-step sushi instructions and recipes or call 88B-424-EDEN2001 Ed," Fcous , Inc. Clinton. Michigan 4~2J,
  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    TH E P RO ] EC TS

    Com ic ReliefT h re e qu ic k a nd e a sy w a y s to re u s e v in ta ge s t r ip sPhotos b y Ay a B r ac ke tt

    A MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE! FRAMED! ACOVER-UP!P ers on ali ze y ou r m is si ve s w it h su pe rh ero stationery G ot a ,fa vorite p ane l th at's w orthy o f d is-p la y?To make a card, cutout a set ofpanels you like, Sirr plv sprav-rnount the page unto some illustra-m ount iton card stock / apply correction flu id to the non board , trim down the sides w ith an x-actospeech bubbles, and jot down your message. Forthe knife, and place the piece in a store-bought frame.envelope/ trace the shape of an opened-out envelope Ka-powl Instant art!onto fl com-e-book page and cut it out. Fold in theflap s, an d ad here th em u sin g a g lu e stick T hen it'so ff to th e p os t o ffic e, fas te r th an a s pee din g b ulle t!

    Protect ;ournal'S.or address books with ail action-figure dust jacket. Open the journal flat and tracethe shape onto the back of acomic-book page.Add an inch to each side, cut out where marked,and fold it over the edge'S.of the book [over.Your diary is now out of harm's way!

    36 readymade-nag.ccrn ~

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    41/94r- y , " F

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    12 13 14.~~ 20 21 22. . . . JO . "26 27 28

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    Work StudyFive w ays to sp iff up yourhom e officePhoto by Aya BrackettCU RTA IN CA LLDoes your bulletin board look likea scrapheap of receipts and reminders? Here's aquick fix. hang an old-school roll-up mapf rom y ou r w ; 3 l l . When guests arrive, simplypull it down and enjoy your [temporarily)task-free environment.

    ST IC KIN G PO IN TSFor easytograb access to home-officeessentials, rely on Sticky BackVelcro. Adherea 1 'Ii' strip to the exterior edge [orlip)ofyourdesk, then attach small pieces ofthe fastenerto scissors, jump drives, a nd U S B c ab le s.WHO -WOOD -HAVE - THUNK?We've long taken umbrage with metal filecabinet design. Enter contact paper, the peel-and-stick solution forso many household illsWe used two different wood-grain Con-Tactb ran d pa pers to w ra p ou r-sin a C hev ron stripepattern. Simply remove a ll drawer pulls, cutpaper into strips o f v a r io u s widths, a nd t ri mthe endsat45' angles. Line up the strips onthe cabinet, and use a spoon or bone folderto flatten aut c.nyair bubbles. Once the entiresurface is [overed! use a utility knife to freeth e drawers and a screwdriver to poke outthe drawer-pull holes. Reinstall the drawerpulls and file under finished.

    BRUSH UPOrganize bills, photos, and assorted to-doswith a nylon-bristled scrub brush. Yourdesk will look tidier+and the sorting systemmight just dean up your credit .H ORSIN ' A RO UNDNeed home office furniture that doesn'tlook cube-ish? Look no further than thehardware store, You.can slap together asturdy desk with a thick piece of plywoodand a pa.r of sawhorses. For extra drawerspace, substitute one of the sawhorses fora file cabinet of the same height.

    ~ 39

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    46/9442 reGldymGldEmagc:::om~

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    BasketCase StudyMold a modernist bowl fromconstruction-site refuse.b y P au l S ch if in o I P hoto b y A y. B rack ett

    T his orange netting was left over from an art piece lin"stalled in an ab and on ed chu rch in B rad dock , P en nsy lv an ia(see " Captain of Industry ," A ugu,t!Septem ber2 007). Iw asdrawn to the material because it was the same stuff thenuns used to restrain me with when [acted up in school.B ut that's another story .. A nyw ay , I d idn 't want to chuck it,so I thought I 'd pull a ReadyMade and turn it into some-th in g u se fu l an d b ea utifu l.

    ~_9_r_~~_g~_~~_~~!~~_~~_'?~_!:.~~_~a _T O O L S :DRuleri : : l -S ~ 1Ss -0 rs - - - -c w ; , n ai : : l - s ~ r e - w - d r l v e - r - - -i : : l - A f u - m j - n u m - f o n - - - ----------------------

    1. I once saw abowlmade from melted toy soldiers in Readyj~lade,and I figured I could make a nice '(woven" bowl by applying thesame principle here. The first thing I did was cur two circles, 1'9'"in diameter, Out ofconsrruction netting. 2.l'Ylywok lid had a niceshape to it, So D 'I removed the wooden knob and covered the outsidewith aluminum foil .3.With the rack in the lowest position, I Setthree small f lowerpots in the Center of my oven and placed the lidon tap. 4. J turned On the oven, and when it hit 4od, I carefullycentered the two pieces of netting On top of the wok. S. W'i ththe oven door dosed and the light on, 1watched and waited.In acouple of minutes the netting began to melt. 6, When thepieces draped completely over the wok lid, I turned off the oven,removed the whole thing (flowerpots and all), and set it On news-pa.perI'd laid Out On the courttertop. 7.Once it cooled, I pulled thenetting off the lid and admired my new orange crush.{SAFETY FIRST} If you're c on ce rn ed a bo utfu me s, y ou 're rig ht tob e. M ake su re to w orh in a w e rl -v en tH a te a p la ce . o r "coos" y ou r b ow rO I " J an o u td oo r b ar be qu e.{ T IF f } I f y ou c an 't f in d a ny n ettin g to s al va ge , b uy a ro il atunhtysafeguard.cor-i,

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    I nspec tor G adgetT wo ways to breathe new life into antique machineryPhotos b y Markham JohnsonThere's something magical about old appar atuvev+herul-c-anked devices from the prewarera, reel-to-reel tape players from the 19705, and such Let these two projects inspire you tonab that delightful but defunct artifact at the flea market and turn it into a showpiece.

    MOOD LAMPby Georgi BelevA few months ago I discovered this rusty old "thing" at a local photography store's liqui-dation sale. The clerk didn't know what it was, but the shape was so strange Idecided tobuy it. When I took it home and turned it on, the surface started to warm up, and [ real-ized it was an old print dryer. Since Ididn't have any prints that needed drying, IiguredI could transform it into a unique mood lamp

    TOOLS:DSc r ewc l r i ve ri : i" R ' j l e i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -OPencli....g : 9 : ~ [ ( t i . K 6 ! [ C : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :g.~9mp~~!~.r.~it~.~~~ign?~[~~!~.r __~~g.~i:i?~[AOs!:YAt~ri~J.~~.r:t![i_g.s.~9J!..... _._........

    m lr l1 1 3 1 1 D O1.The dryer is. double-sided) with stretchedcanvas. on the outside) a heating element on theinside, and two pieces of sheet metal in between.1 used a screwdriver to remove the heating cullsand switches 1 : > 0 I could see how much .~pace Iwould have for the light fixtures and bulbs.2. Turns om, not much. The body of the printd.yeris only 5" at its widest point, but I was able(Q find a couple low-profile fixtures that wouldfir inside. I connected one to the existing switchand, for the other, installed a dimmer in place of

    44 readjmadernag.corn f fJj

    the thermostat. (For instructions on installinglight switches, visit Teodymodemag,coml/ighiillg)_3_Next I envisioned how the sheer metal shouldbe cut so that light would shine through thecanvas. I sketched out a maze pattern on card-board until it had the right balance of positiveand negative space. For contrast, I drew a flowingdunelike de~]g[1 for the other side of the lamp. 1cut my patterns out of cardboard and held themup to the Light to make sure they would allowenough 1ight to pass through, 4. I don't knowthe first thing about curting metal, but thank-fully there are people out there who do. MichaelCurry at Oakland's Crucible f , J : _ h e c r u c i b l e _ Q r g ) toldme that to get such precise, clean Iines.T wouldneed to have the metal cut by laser or water jet.(Of course, I spent some time researching other)less expensive methods, but I only had the twooriginal pieces of sheet metal, so the cuts had tobe perfect.I 5. I found Advanced Laser &W.te,-jet Cutting (t ld1J-ltuer_col/ l.) online, and for $240they agreed to help me out. I dropped off thesheer metal and the designs, which I had redrawnin Adobe Itlustrarcr, and a w eek later I got thecall that the job was done. 6. Once I got the sheetmetal back, I slid the pieces between the canvasand light source and secured them with screws.Then 1 hit the switch, and the mood was set)

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  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    REEL -TO-REELCOFFEE TABLEby Dennis FergusonWnen the family's analog eight-track tapedeck died, our son begged us to keep thecorpse, hopi ng that one day techies of thefuture might resurrect it. Meanwhile, weneeded a coffee table and thought thepiece might be a suitable base. And it was.

    TOOLS :[ ] H a ck s awc F i n e n i e t a l fi i e - . - - - -- . . . . . . -- - - -- - - _ . .j j " P o w e r d f j l i " a r i d - b ' t s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ -j j - A i i e r i w r e - n c h se t - - - - - - - - - - -i : : i C r e s c e r i t w r e nC l i - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -~ :~~ ) j [ { ~~ :~~ !~ :~ :~ [ ! y~ ! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :[] Be nc h vis e[ j ' P e ' ~ c l -~ -- .i : : r t: ( am m er . . . . . . . .~ : . ~ ~ ~ ~ : { J f i i t ~ p : i : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

    I i ! iJBCl IJ DO1.Using the hacksaw, we cut the legs from Mil s quare steel tub-ing, and filed the edges smooth and even. 2. It was necessary totemporarily remove the back panel of the deck so we could getin there to attach the legs. Then we drilled through-holes in thetubing and in the chassis and secured them with hex-head capscrews (because they look cool). We connected it all togetherwith a lock washer and nut on the other end. 3. Some might saythat the legs look rusted. \Y/e prefer to call it a "careful ly acqu iredpatina," but in any case, a coar of dear Krylon would prevent anytarnishing. 4. Since you can't put the glass (or Plexi) right on thelegs, we started experimenting and discovered that rubber canetips fit nicely over rhe leg tops, They also had the perfe-ct tackl-ness to keep the glass in place. S. Did I mention the deck is heavy?Hard rubber casters with a threaded shaft make it easier (i.e.,possible) to move. \'Ve affixed them to the legs with two standards.quare nuts per caster. Perfectionists will want todrill and tap thelegs and attach a set screw toone (or both) of the nuts, but thatstruck us as overkill. Our eight-track table has survived threemoves, and like vinyl, it's just sitting pretty, waiting for the revival.

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    Headed for G reatnessT urn y our b edroom into a set piece w ith old travelog uesa nd o th er fo un d tre asu re s.b y T hom as W old I P hoto b y M a rk ham John sonWelcome to m y new colum n. Since w e're just getting to know each o ther, here 'ssome background abou t m e, I design and build custom furniture and casew ork .A s such, I 'll use th is space m ostly to show case furniture ideas, but w ith a m oreinsp ira tional approach than other projects featured in the m ag azine. I knowthat jo inery and fin ishes can som etim es seem intim idating , bu t th ink of theseprojects lik e scu lptu re and y ou 'll see th at all w e're d oing is con necting shapes.A long the w ay , y ou 'll b e learning a few hands-on techniq ues that w ill inspirey ou to d evelop y our ow n ideas. O kay , le t's get th is th ing go ing !THE INS PIRAT IONYou know that scene in Scal'fiu:e in whichTony Montana visi ts a Miami boss's officerhat has that repeating palm tree graphicagainst every wall> I always liked thatroom, so Iset out to make ag rand head-board-with photo mural-like qualities. Iimposed JUSt one constraint: to limit thematerials. to local "finds'i-cparts I couldpick up at salvage yards or off the street.PUTTING IT ON PAPERI started b)' using Adobe Illustrator tolayout a backdrop set to the dimensionsof the wall where the headboard nowlives. Then I drew in the basic shapes todetermine their measurements.MA TE RIA LS A ND C ONST RU CT IONHeadboard. The house across the streetwas being remodeled, so I snatched uptwo hollow COre doors from the debrispile. I cut one down a hit, then joinedthem together WIth an internal clear,Booml Next!Side tables: I came across a simplelaminated woodgrain table you mightfind in 1 : 1 . well-worn dive bar. That seemedcomforting. I cut the table in half andattached both pieces to the headboard.Lighting: The look was quickly wending itsway back to the 1970'. At a local salvage

    shop, I found apair of suitably kitschyexterior sconces, complete with candle-shaped bulbs. I added a dimmer, which Itucked under the nightsrands-cnice forreading, as ,well as setting the right moodfor other activities.Final touches: At a used bookstore, Iscored a small stack of old travelogues.I cut out and trimmed the pictures 1liked, then affixed them with mattemedium and a . brush. To give the imagesan aged patina! I added rust-coloredpaint to clear polyurethane and brushedon the mixture.INSTALLATIONWhen 'Working with heavy objects,always drill into the studs. To strengthenthe hollow doors, I glued a thin piece ofplywood to the back. Next, I added moreplywood StripS across the top and bot"rom back of the headboard to g.ive i t theappearance of floating. off the wall.To place the headboard at the right

    height, I cut several wood blocks thatheld the piece level while [screwed Itinto the studs. It took Just six. screws tosecure the headboard before removmgrhe blocks. Done!After all that work, some relaxation

    was in order. M y cat Chico claimed thefirst nap, though.

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    Polyphonic TreeTransform your desktop speakers into a burst of pop art,b yT od d O ld ha m IP hoto b y K ate L aceyWhen ReadyMade told me they were looking for mod projects, I thought it would befunto take something high-tech to a place itwas never meant to go. ~n O V ) ! 1 Y V 1THE I NS PIRA T ION1 really admire the bigh design of HarmanKardon SoundSticks, but I also love reversinganything that bas to do with rechnoiogy, So,I took a (figurative) hammer to this pair andassembled an omnidirecnona! speaker treethat sounds fantastic and looks like a contrap-tion Nicola Tesla might have dreamed up.

    MA TE RIA LS A ND C ONST RU CT IO NThe tree form is made from awooden ball and8 wooden dowels cut into "branches." Tdril ledholes ill the ball and secured the branches inthe holes with wood glue. For the "trunk,"

    1used a wider wooden dowel. 1pre-dril leda small hole in the bottom of the trunk andattached it to the original base of the speakerwith it screw. I se t the subwoofer aside anddisassembled the speaker sticks from. theircasings with a flathead screwdriver, beingcareful to keep all the parts together Usingfive-minute epoxy. J glued the speakers tothe tips of the dowel branches. While thosedried; I removed the connection wires withthe blue bead from the speakers, making surenot to dislodge the rnetal connec-ors. Thereis a volume-control mechanism that goes withthe right-hand speakers, which J kept with

    { SA FETY FIR ST} U np lu g e ve ry th in g b ef or e y ou s ta rt t in lle ri ng .

    the right-hand speaker wiring. To extendthe blue-bead speaker wires, I laid them outand cut them each equidistant from the end.I cut the necessary lengths from my supply ofspeaker wire, stripped back the casing, andtwisted the wires together, securing themwith electrical tape. Next. I rewired thespeakers to create a web-like effect. J usedthumbtacks to stabilize the wires corningdown. the trun k.of the speaker tree, and tohold the volume control in place. Finally,J reconnecced thespeaker cables and attachedthem to the subwoofer. There it is, a table-toptree of sound.

    IMaker FaireolMeet the Makers


    FEATURING: MAKE Play Day, Austin Children's Museum, Swap-O-Rama-Rama, and more!

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007



    Counter BalanceA designer envisions the greenkitchen of the future.b y J oh n A rn d t I Pho t o b y Myo u n g W on S uhWhen I began developing Flow: The Kitchen ofTerrestrial Mechanics, I was living in a crampedapartment and on a constant quest for improvedefficiency. I'd recently taken aworkshop on vermi-culture and aquaponics (growing fish and plantsin amutually beneficial environment) and wascurious to see if!could re-create some of'whar I'dlearned Oil a small scale in the kitchen, The ideawas to create a living, dynamic system in whichnature and technology work rogether. U,il izingenergy; waste, water, and natural resources, Icreated a structure rhar would allow me to grow,store. cook. and compost food all in one place.Flow is no' just a space for preparing food, bur alesson in how natural processes work in tandemto create a healthy environment.

    Looking forward to that happy day whenFlow is available at your local home store? Turnthe page far some off-the-shelf ways to get yourkitchen going with the Flow right now.

    52 re'dym'dem.g,oort11JJi

    UT EN SIL S TO R AG E :Th e ra ck h elp s k ee pcommonly used kitchentools within easyreach. "

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    n H~ .JIS H R AC K A ND DR YE R:W :1 lte rd rip s. f r om d ry in g d is he silitll the herbs and ether ediblesg rc win g in th e p la nte r b oxe s b elo w.T h e p la nts a nr ac t d us t, h el p in g 10keep it o ff t he d is hw ar e, a nd t hes lo w d rip w 9Is he s o ff th e d us t,I 11 (O UN TE RT OP BO XE S:These [an funct ion as foodstorage, p lanter boxes, orutensil storage. The llds canbe used as tr ivets (or hotfood or as serving trays.

    S C R A P C O L LE C T IO N :A rotating b o wl e m b ed d edin the countertop colle-ctsfrui t and \ lE'getabl ' ' scrapsand drops them into theworm bin.

    ~ re ad ym ade rr a g .co r n 53

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    Congratulationsto the filmmakers.bands and artists!Catch all the sights, sounds andfun of Swerve Festival on FUEL1V.The one hour special ai rs:November 9 at 9:30pm ET/PT


    T O N Y H A W K 'S'1

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007



    T E N C A R DS & " M''''',NVElOPES

    M A D E F RO M



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    No o n eb e i o n g she r emQr eth an y ou .S t o r i e s byMIrandaJu l y

  • 8/3/2019 ReadyMade 10-11 2007


    A Question for W riter, F ilmmak er, and P erform ance A rtistM.t~anda J u l yIllustration by Michael Perry

    Miranda July should come wrapped in. safery warning. As reigning queen of rhe art nerds,July's meteoric rise causes cold swears and hearr flurrers in any aspiring creative. Like.You'Tube-era \Voody Allen,July is the consummate self-made auteur. She has wrirren,directed, an d produced multiple plays, mulrimedia performances, and films (includingthe Sundance Jury Award-winning fe.rure,Me andYOll snd Everyone We Know): publishedtwo books this year alone: and co-launched Lea rn in g to Lo ve Y ou A 10 re , an online collabora-tive art project. We askedJuly to tell us exactly how she came rhts Farwirhour (r) a collegedegree, (2 ) a trust fund, and (3) a day job. Fragile egos, rake cover.READYMADE: Hi, Miranda. How'd you getthat f*&%i ng awesome job?MirandaJuly: Usually Iay the beginning isthe first play rhar I wrote and directed whenI was r6, in part because I went about it in abizarrely professional way. I held audit ionswith real actors and sent out press releases,but then put it on in this punk club [the Gil-man, in Berkeley, California]. That sort ofset the course for the next decade because Irealized Icould do everything myself. Therewas no reason todo the things that peopledo to become professionals,RM: Like get a college degree?MJ: I probably should have gone to artschool, but T didn't know about art school,SO Iwent to school where my brother went.[UC Santa Cruz] didn't even have. filmdaparrmcnr at that timet and after abouttwo years there, I continued to feel that thewhole idea of being a srudenr was somehowembarrassing. So I dropped out and movedto Portland, O.egon. That's when I encoun-tered all the girls in bands. I had been visir-ing my besc friend from high school up rhere[johanna Foreman]. She was in the band LcTigre, and we had a fanzine, Snarl".RM: Did you have a day job?MJ: I was continuously fired. I got fired fromGoodwill for stealing. My last real job wasfor Pop 0' Lock, a car-door unlocking com-pany. Itwas so shady they didn't have a realoffice; my interview happened at Denny's.RM: When did you transition tofilmmaking?MJ: I couldn't figure out how to do plays inPortland. The whole time I thought of my-

    selfas a filmmaker. In '995 I'd starred thisthing called Moviola, which collected shortmovies made by women, put rhern on tapes:of ro each, and then sent them back to eachperson who contributed. At the same time,continuing with the professionalism, I sentout press relea-ses to young women's 11laga-zincs likeSaJJ'y and actually got in them.RM: Did you get flack from people becauseyou were so professional about things?MJ: It wasn't very punk of me. Ialways waslike, "This is the only way we're going to reachpeople who aren't exactly Likeus." A pivotalpoint came when Iwrote a grant to buy a vid-eo projector. That's when I made the switchto venues where people would be sitting downand behaving. Itarted to get decent pa y fromthe big shows like Loue Diamond ['998] andThe Swan Tool[2ooal In lOO' I started writ-ingA1, alld YOll a n d E v er yo n e U 7 " K"QUJ.RM: The next year, you and the artist HarrellFletcher started developing the Learning toLo ve Y ou M ore website, right?MJ: Yeah. Ir's sril l going. Ir'sgot somerhinglike 5,000 reports on ir. The book [version]is something we wanted ro do for alongI"hne.A few years ago we arrempted to doit, and I said, "Hold on, 1'111 gonna makemy movie, and then I'm going to finish thisbook ofshort stories, and then I'm going robe able to get a really good literary agent,and then once I have that agent, we'll be ableto do our Le aN ti 'f lg t o L o v e ro. lWore book."RM: You were right.MJ:Yeah, I mean, I got a l iterary agent whosought me out, who never would have (before].


    LOCATION Los Angeles, Cali forniaFIRST JOB Stocker and cashierat produce marketGREATEST E-mail


    I didn't make any money from the movie.Creat ively, it was the right thing to do, but itwas also a kind of calculated, OK, ifI couldjust finish this and solve these, that would bemy best, most fun ''lay to cash in on the movie.RM: Soyou still don't really have a regularsource of income coming in?MJ:No, it's actually a little gnarly.RM: What advice would you give someonewho's young and hopeful and wants to do itall herself?Ml:]ust because something's uncomfort-able doesn't mean it's wrong, And justbecause you have you, doubts about whatyou're doing, Ofyou don'r trust yourself 100pel'cent, char's normal. There's this Illusionrhar people who do sruff are totally confi-denr, and I've never been. I've been riddledwith daub, through the whole thing. Youknow, with a few flashes of maybe, "'('yb,this will be great.RM: Is there anything you've got on thefront bur