SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS...

SEM modeling with singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 491 October 2015 Diskussionsbeiträge der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der FernUniversität in Hagen Herausgegeben vom Dekan der Fakultät Alle Rechte liegen bei den Verfassern

Transcript of SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS...

Page 1: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

SEM modeling with singular moment matrices

Part III: GLS estimation

Hermann Singer

Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 491

October 2015

Diskussionsbeiträge der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft

der FernUniversität in Hagen

Herausgegeben vom Dekan der Fakultät

Alle Rechte liegen bei den Verfassern

Page 2: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

SEM modeling withsingular moment matrices

Part III: GLS estimation

Hermann SingerFernUniversitat in Hagen ∗

October 23, 2015


We discuss Generalized Least Squares (GLS) and Maximum Likeli-hood (ML) estimation for structural equations models (SEM), whenthe sample moment matrices are possibly singular. This occurs, e.g.,for panel data when there are more panel waves than independentreplications, or for time series data, where the number of time pointsis large, but only one unit is observed. In preceeding papers, it wasshown that ML estimation of the SEM is possible by using a correctgaussian likelihood function. In this article, the usual GLS fit functionis modified so that it is defined for singular sample moment matrices.

Key Words: Structural Equation Models (SEM); Panel Data;Generalized Least Squares (GLS) Estimation; Maximum Likelihood(ML) Estimation. Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PML) Estimation.

1 Introduction

Structural equations models (SEM) are usually estimated using cross sec-tional or panel data with many independent replications N . Then, the sam-ple moment matrices of the observed data are nonsingular and their inversescan be computed. This is necessary when using the ML or GLS fit functionsof well known program packages (e.g. Joreskog and Sorbom; 2001). In formerarticles (Singer; 2010, 2012) it was shown that

∗Lehrstuhl fur angewandte Statistik und Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung,D-58084 Hagen, Germany, [email protected]


Page 3: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

1. ML estimation is also possible for singular sample moment matricesoccuring in small samples, and

2. that the results coincide with recursive Kalman filter methods wellknown in control engineering and econometrics (cf., e.g., Watson andEngle; 1983; Caines; 1988).

In this case, the asymptotics of the estimators (consistency, asymptotic nor-mality etc.) are not considered over the cross sectional sample size N but asa function of the number of time points or panel waves T .

More generally, one can consider the parameter estimators as a functionof the dimension K of the indicators yn, n = 1, ..., N for fixed N and afixed number u of different parameters. For example, one may formulateidiographic models for a single person, which are estimated on several timepoints, but without the regular structure of an ARIMAX time series model.Such individual causal structures may be used, for example, in psychotherapyresearch or homeopathy, where standard models are not flexible enough.

In this paper, the problem is discussed in the context of least squares esti-mation (cf. Browne; 1974). Here, a positive definite weight matrix is usedin the fit function, usually the sample covariance matrix. Since this may besingular when using too less cross sectional units (for example time seriesdata where N = 1), it is proposed to use as weight the theoretical covariancematrix of the manifest variables, evaluated at the current estimate of theparameter vector or at some reference point in parameter space.

GLS estimation is an alternative to Gaussian ML estimation, when the dis-tribution of the data strongly deviates from normality. Alternatively, onecan consider pseudo maximum likelihood (PML) estimation (cf. Gourierouxet al.; 1984; Arminger and Schoenberg; 1989), where a pseudo-likelihood isused which does not coincide with the true density function of the data. Inthis context, the gaussian pseudo-likelihood function can be considered as amember of the quadratic exponential family.

In section 2, the SEM model is defined and the likelihood function is givenin several forms. Then, in section 3, the objective function for generalizedleast squares is derived. We obtain well known results and a generalizationfor varying intercepts. Then, the aymptotic standard errors for ML, pseudo-ML and GLS estimation are contrasted (section 4). Finally, the differentestimation procedures are compared in simulation study for several samplesizes, using gaussian and nongaussian data with leptokurtic error terms.


Page 4: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

2 SEM modeling

In the following the SEM model

ηn = Bηn + Γxn + ζn (1)

yn = Ληn + τxn + εn (2)

n = 1, . . . , N , will be considered. The structural matrices have dimensionsB : P × P, Γ : P × Q, Λ : K × P, τ : K × Q and ζn ∼ N(0, Σζ),εn ∼ N(0, Σε) are mutually independent normally distributed error termsΣζ : P × P, Σε : K ×K. We assume that all structural matrices depend ona parameter vector ψ : u × 1, i.e. Σζ(ψ) etc. For example one can specifyΣζ(ψ) = Gζ(ψ)G′ζ(ψ) to obtain a positive semidefinite matrix. The trueparameter vector will be denoted as ψ0.

In the structural and the measurement model, the variables xn are determin-istic control variables. They can be used to model intercepts and for dummycoding. Stochastic exogenous variables ξn are already included by extendingthe latent variables ηn → ηn, ξn. For example, the LISREL model withintercepts is obtained as[



[B Γ0 0




]1 +




[Λy 00 Λx




]1 +




]) =

[Ψ 00 Φ



]) =

[Σε 00 Σδ


Since the error vectors are normally distributed, the indicators yn in themeasurement model (2) are distributed as N(µn, Σ), where

ηn = B1(Γxn + ζn)

E[ηn] = B1Γxn

Var(ηn) = B1ΣζB′1

E[yn] := µn(ψ) = ΛE[ηn] + τxn = [ΛB1Γ + τ ]xn := C(ψ)xn

Var(yn) := Σ(ψ) = ΛVar(ηn)Λ′ +Σε = ΛB1ΣζB′1Λ′ +Σε.

In the equations above, it is assumed that B1 := (I − B)−1 exists. In short


Page 5: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

form one can write the SEM as a regression equation1

yn = µn(ψ) + νn = C(ψ)xn + νn (3)

νn ∼ N(0, Σ(ψ)). (4)

Thus, the log likelihood function for the N observations yn, xn is

l(ψ) = −N2

(log |Σ|+ tr

[Σ−1 1



(yn − µn)(yn − µn)′

]). (5)

Inserting µn (eqn. 3) and using the data matrices Y ′ = [y1, ..., yN ] : K ×N ,X ′ = [x1, ..., xN ] : Q×N , the log likelihood can be written as

l = −N2

(log |Σ|+ tr

[Σ−1(My + CMxC

′ −MyxC′ − CMxy)

]), (6)

with the empirical moment matricesMy = N−1Y ′Y : K×K, Mx = N−1X ′X :Q×Q, Myx = N−1Y ′X : K ×Q.

In order to find the relation to GLS estimation, one can insert the samplecovariance matrix S = 1


∑n(yn − y)(yn − y)′ in (5) which yields the form

(for the case µn = µ)

l = −N2

(log |Σ|+ tr

Σ−1 [S + (y − µ)(y − µ)′]

). (7)

More generally one finds

l = −N2

(log |Σ|+ tr

Σ−1[S +




(y − µn)(y − µn)′

+(yn − y)(y − µn)′ + (y − µn)(yn − y)′]). (8)

For µn = µ, the mixed product terms in the second line are null and onerecovers (7).

In contrast to ML estimation, in least squares estimation no probabilitydistribution of the data is assumed. Thus one may define the equation errorsas ζn ∼ (0, Σζ), εn ∼ (0, Σε) without normality assumption but retains thecorrect specification of the first and second moments µn and Σ. As willbe shown in the next section, the GLS fit function for the model withoutintercepts is given in the usual form as

F = N2

tr [(Σ − S)V ]2 , (9)

1The dependence of µn(ψ) and Σ(ψ) will be displayed only when necessary.


Page 6: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

where the weight matrix V = S−1 is the inverse sample covariance matrixof yn. The so defined GLS fitting function requires the positive definiteness(and thus nonsingularity) of S.

In cases of singular (or nearly singular) S, it is proposed to use the variableV = Σ−1(ψ) or other nonsingular constant matrices as weight function.

In contrast, the likelihood function (7) is well defined for singular S (N ≤ K),since no log determinants of the sample moment matrices are involved, asis suggested by the ML fitting function of LISREL (cf. LISREL 8 referenceguide, p. 21, eqns. 1.14, 1.15, p. 298, eqn. 10.8; Joreskog and Sorbom2001). In Browne (1974), this is called a Wishart likelihood function. Thecovariance matrix Σ(ψ) (eqn. 3) of the indicators yn must be nonsingular,however.2

In the case of small N , in extreme form N = 1, the asymptotics of theestimators must be considered as a function of dimension K = dim(yn). Forexample, in time series analysis, we have yn = yn0, ..., ynT, n = N = 1, sothat K = T + 1 is the number of time points or panel waves.

If the error terms are not normally distributed, the likelihood (5) can beconsidered as a pseudo likelihood (cf. Gourieroux et al.; 1984; Arminger andSchoenberg; 1989) with correct first and second moments. It yields consistentestimates, but requires corrections in the asymptotic standard errors (seesection 4).

3 Least Squares Estimation

We propose the general least squares criterion

F (ψ) = (s− σ)′W−1(s− σ) +N−1∑n

(y − µn)′W−11 (y − µn) (10)

= F2 + F1,

where s = rows(S) = sij, i ≤ j ≤ K : K × 1, K := 12K(K + 1) is the

vectorized upper triangle of matrix S : K ×K and σ(ψ) = rows(Σ(ψ)). Onecan write rows(S) = D+row(S) with the duplication matrix D : K2 × Kdefined as row(S) = D rows(S) and with D+ : K ×K2 as its pseudoinverse(Magnus and Neudecker; 1999, ch. 3). Furthermore, row(S) = sij, i, j ≤ Kis the row-wise vectorized matrix S : K ×K.

Usually, the weight matrix W is chosen as the covariance matrix of the samplecovariances sij, i.e. Wij,kl = Cov(sij, skl); i ≤ j, k ≤ l. This choice is called acorrect weight matrix by Joreskog (1990).

2Otherwise the singular normal distribution can be used (Mardia et al.; 1979, p. 41).This case occurs in the presence of restrictions between the components of yn.


Page 7: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

One can write

W = Cov(s, s) = D+ Cov(row(S), row(S)) D+′. (11)

Inserting the sample covariance matrix

sij = N−1∑n

yniynj − yiyj := mij −mimj (12)

one obtains

Cov(sij, skl) = Cov(mij,mkl)− Cov(mij,mkml)

− Cov(mkl,mimj) + Cov(mimj,mkml). (13)

The first term is given by

Cov(mij,mkl) = N−2∑n

Cov(yniynj, ynkynl)

and inserting yn = µn + νn (equation 3) one gets (setting µnik = µniµnk)

Cov(yniynj, ynkynl) = µnikσjl + µnilσjk + µnjkσil + µnjlσik

+ σikσjl + σilσjk.

In deriving this equation, it was assumed that the 4th moments can be writ-ten using gaussian error terms as

E[νniνnjνnkνnl] = σikσjl + σilσjk + σijσkl.

Otherwise, one has to insert Cov(νniνnj, νnkνnl) = E[νniνnjνnkνnl] − σijσkl(see Browne; 1984).

Computing the other terms in (13) in an analogous way, the desired weightmatrix in (11) is obtained in symbolic form as

Cov(row(S), row(S)) = c · [(4)(µµ′ ⊗Σ) + (2)(Σ ⊗Σ)] (14)

where the number in parantheses denotes the possible permutations3 of theindices i, j, k, l and µµ′ = CMxC

′,Mx = N−1∑xnx

′n. The factor c is given

by c = N−1(1− 2N−1 +N−2) ≈ N−1 in large samples.

3 for example σikσjl + σilσjk = (2)(Σ ⊗Σ).


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Now, the covariance matrix (14) is multiplied in (11) from left and right bythe pseudoinverse of the duplication matrix, which leads to the simplification

W = c D+ [4(µµ′ ⊗Σ) + 2(Σ ⊗Σ)] D+′(15)

= 2c D+ [(2µµ′ +Σ)⊗Σ] D+′.

There is an inversion theorem of the form

[D+ (A⊗ A) D+′]−1 = D′ (A−1 ⊗ A−1) D (16)

(Browne; 1974; Magnus and Neudecker; 1999, see also appendix), so that theweight matrix can be written as (setting Σ to the true value Σ0)

W−1 = N2D′ (Σ−10 ⊗Σ−10 ) D (17)

in the special case of vanishing intercepts µµ′ = 0. This is much more efficientthan the direct inversion of the matrix W : K × K. Then, one can write

F2(Σ0) = (s− σ)′W−1(s− σ)

= N2

(s− σ)′ D′ (Σ−10 ⊗Σ−10 ) D (s− σ)

= N2

row′(S −Σ) (Σ−10 ⊗Σ−10 ) row(S −Σ)

= N2

tr[(S −Σ)Σ−10 ]2. (18)

Here we used the formula tr[ABCD] = row′(A)(D′ ⊗ B)row(C ′) (see ap-pendix). Usually, the unknown Σ0 in the weight matrix is replaced by theestimate S and one obtains

F2(S) = N2

tr[(S −Σ(ψ))S−1]2. (19)

Thus we have derived the familiar GLS fit function (9). In this paper it isproposed to consider the alternative form with variable weight Σ(ψ)

F2(Σ) = N2

tr[(S −Σ(ψ))Σ−1(ψ)]2, (20)

since Σ(ψ) is always nonsingular (cf. Browne; 1974, p. 7, and footnote 2).

In the case with intercepts, i.e. µµ′ 6= 0, one cannot simplify the inverse ofweight matrix W (eqn. 15). Alternatively, one could use the form

W = 2ND+ [(α µµ′ +Σ0)⊗ (α µµ′ +Σ0)] D


with a free parameter α. This leads to the GLS criterion

F2(α,Σ0) = N2

tr[(S −Σ(ψ))(α µµ′ +Σ0)−1]2. (22)


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The weight matrix is nonsingular, since |α µµ′ + Σ0| ≥ |Σ0| > 0 (Magnusand Neudecker; 1999, p. 21).

Finally, the weight matrix W1 of the criterion F1 for the means µn (eqn. 10)is given by Cov(y, y) = N−1Σ0, since y = N−1

∑yn. In the case µn = µ, one

obtains the familiar form (Browne; 1974; Joreskog and Sorbom; 2001, p. 298f.)

F1(Σ0) = (y − µ)′W−11 (y − µ) = N(y − µ)′Σ−10 (y − µ). (23)

Again one can replace the unknown Σ0 by S or Σ(ψ). This form coincideswith the last term in the likelihood function (7).

4 Standard errors in

GLS and PML estimation

4.1 PML estimation

If the likelihood l is maximized, one can write by Taylor expansion aroundthe true parameter value ψ0

s(ψ) = s(ψ0) +H(ψ0)(ψ − ψ0) +O(||ψ − ψ0||2),

where the gradient (score) s(ψ) = (∂l/∂ψ)(ψ) = 0 at the maximum and theHessian matrix is H(ψ0) = (∂2l/∂ψ∂ψ′)(ψ0). Thus one obtains

ψ − ψ0 ≈ −H(ψ0)−1s(ψ0). (24)

Now, the score is a sum of independent random variables (see 5)

s(ψ0) =∑n

∂ln/∂ψ0 =∑n

sn(ψ0), (25)

so by the central limit theorem we have the asymptotic distribution

s(ψ0) ∼ N(0, F (ψ0)), (26)

where F (ψ0) = E0[s(ψ0)s′(ψ0)] is the Fisher information matrix and the

expectation E0 is taken with respect to the true distribution. Under theassumption H(ψ0) − E0[H(ψ0)]

p−→ 0 and using (24, 26), the asymptoticstandard errors of ψ are given by the ’sandwich’ form (Rao 1973, pp. 122,350, White 1982)

Var(ψ) ≈ H(ψ0)−1F (ψ0)H(ψ0)

−1. (27)


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The necessity of such a procedure in the SEM context under misspecificationwas stressed by Arminger and Schoenberg (1989). From (25) one obtains theouter product of gradients (OPG) estimate

E[s(ψ0)s(ψ0)′] =


E[sn(ψ0)s′n(ψ0)] (28)


sn(ψ0)s′n(ψ0) (29)

of the Fisher information matrix. This estimate requires the so called indi-vidual likelihood approach (see eqn. 5) and cannot be computed with the mo-ment matrices. If only few cross sectional units are present, the OPG estimatemay be singular (N < dim(ψ0)). To avoid such problems, one can use theKalman filter to obtain an additional sum over the time points t of the panelwaves stacked in the SEM state. This also works for pure time series (N = 1).In this case, the conditional scores st = st|t−1 = ∂/∂ψ l(yt|yt−1, ..., y0) are un-correlated martingale differences (for details and references, cf. Singer; 2010).

Now, if the model is correctly specified, one has the information matrixidentity

F (ψ0) = −E0[H(ψ0)]

and the asymptotic variance is of the familiar form

Var(ψ) ≈ F (ψ0)−1 = −E0[H(ψ0)]


4.2 GLS estimation

In the case of GLS estimation, the criterion F2 is (see 18)

F2 = (s− σ)′W−1(s− σ)

with gradient

gi(ψ) = 2σ′i W−1(σ − s),

and Hessian

Hij(ψ) = 2σ′ij W−1(σ − s) + 2σ′i W


σi := ∂σ/∂ψi, σij := ∂2σ/∂ψi∂ψj. In large samples, one has the asymptoticresult

Hij(ψ0)p−→ 2σ′0iW

−1σ0j, sp−→ σ0 = σ(ψ0),


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σ0i := (∂σ/∂ψi)(ψ0). Since the covariance matrix of the gradient gi is

Fij(ψ) = Cov(gi, gj) = 4σ′i W−1Cov(s, s)W−1σj

= 4σ′i W−1σj,

one obtains the asymptotic standard errors (see 27)

Var(ψ) ≈ H(ψ0)−1F (ψ0)H(ψ0)


= 2H(ψ0)−1,

where H(ψ0) can be written as (Browne; 1974, proposition 2, V = Σ−10 )

Hij = 2σ′0i W−1σ0j = N tr[Σ0iΣ

−10 Σ0jΣ

−10 ] (30)

(see eqns. 17–18).

5 Simulation study:

Continuous time AR(2) panel data

The behaviour of ML and GLS estimators will now be explored for varyingsample size N , especially for N < K, where the usual weight V = S−1 issingular. We use panel data zni, n = 1, ..., N ; i = 0, ..., T , which are generatedby a vector autoregression with observation error.

5.1 Model specification

The discrete time dynamical state space panel model (vector autoregressionVAR(1) with measurement model) is defined by

yn,i+1 = αiyni + βnixni + uni; i = 0, . . . , T − 1 (31)

zni = Hiyni +Dixni + εni; i = 0, . . . , T, (32)

n = 1, ..., N , with independent Gaussian errors E[uni] = 0,Var(uni) = ωi,E[εni] = 0,Var(εni) = Ri. The dimensions of the dynamic structural matricesare αi : p × p, βi : p × q, ωi : p × p, Hi : k × p, Di : k × q, Ri : k × k. Theinitial distribution is assumed to be yn0 ∼ N(µ0, σ0) independent of un0 andxni are deterministic control variables.

This model is very general and permits the treatment of ARIMAX models,dynamic factor analysis, colored noise models etc. (Akaike; 1974; Watson andEngle; 1983; Caines; 1988). All structural matrices depend on a parametervector ψ.


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It can be treated recursively by the Kalman filter or simultaneously by thematrix equation (1–2) where η′n = [y′n0, . . . , y

′nT ] : 1 × (T + 1)p is the latent

SEM state, ζ ′n = [ζ ′n0, u′n0, ..., u

′n,T−1] : 1 × (T + 1)p is a vector of process

errors, y′n = [z′n0, . . . , z′nT ] : 1 × (T + 1)k are the measurements and x′n =

[1, x′n0, . . . , x′nT ] : 1× (1 + (T + 1)q) are (deterministic) exogenous variables.

The structural matrices are given explicitly as

B =

0 0 0 . . . 0α0 0 0 . . . 00 α1 0 . . . 0... 0

. . . 0 00 0 . . . αT−1 0

, Σζ =

σ0 0 0 . . . 00 ω0 0 . . . 00 0 0 . . . 0... 0

. . . 0 00 0 . . . 0 ωT−1

(for the other matrices, cf. Singer; 2010). Solving for η one obtains thesolution of the VAR(1)-equation (31) for the time points ti, i = 0, ..., T

ηn = (I −B)−1(Γxn + ζn). (33)

In this equation, the initial condition is represented by ηn0 = yn0 = µ0+ζn0 ∼N(µ0, σ0).

We now define a continuous time model which can be written as an exactdiscrete time model of the form (31). The random oscillator or mathemati-cal pendulum (for details, see Singer; 2012) is defined by the second orderstochastic differential equation (SDE)

y + γy + ω20y = bx(t) + gζ(t) (34)

with the parameters γ = friction, ω0 = 2π/T0 = angular frequency, T0 =period of oscillation, g = strength of random force (white noise) ζ(t) andexogenous controls x(t). The time derivative is denoted as y = dy/dt.

The pendulum has a continuous-discrete state space representation at thesampling points t0, ..., tT




[0 1−ω2

0 −γ






]dW (t)

zi :=[1 0


]+ εi; i = 0, . . . , T,

dW = ζdt, where W is the Wiener process. Thus, the SDE of second ordercan be represented by a first order vector autoregression at the samplingtimes. Therefore the so called exact discrete model (EDM; Bergstrom 1988)for the sampled states yni = [yn(ti), yn(ti)]

′ (a panel of n = 1, ...N oscillators)


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has the form

yn,i+1 = A∗i yni +B∗i xni + uni; i = 0, . . . , T − 1 (35)

zni =[1 0

]yni + εni; i = 0, . . . , T, (36)

i.e. (31–32) with the identification A∗i = αi etc. In this example only constantcontrols xn(t) = 1 are considered. The parameter matrices of the EDM areexplicitly given as functions of the original model as

A∗i = exp(A∆ti) (37)

B∗i = A−1i (A∗i − I)B (38)

Var(uni) =

∫ ∆ti


exp(As)Ω exp(A′s)ds, (39)


A =

[0 1−ω2

0 −γ

];B =


];Ω =

[0 00 g2

]. (40)

Note that the discrete time error covariance Var(uni) depends on both thedrift and diffusion matrix of (35).

5.2 Simulation study

In the simulation study, the true numerical values were set to ψ0 = ω20, γ, b, g,

µ1, µ2, σ11, σ12, σ22 = 16, 4, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 where µk = E[ynk(t0)], σkl =Cov(ynk(t0), ynl(t0)) are the parameters of the initial condition. The mea-surement error variance was set to R = Var(εni) = 0.01. The states yn(t)are assumed to be measured at times t ∈ 0, 0.5, 1, ..., 5.5, 6, i.e. one hasT + 1 = 13 time points and a regular sampling interval of ∆t = 0.5.

In the simulation study, we consider sample sizes of different order, rangingfrom N = 500, to N = 1. The estimation procedure was repeated M = 100times. Since the measured SEM state yn = [z′n0, ..., z

′nT ]′ has dimension 13,

there may result singular moment matrices My = N−1∑yny

′n. As shown in

former work (Singer; 2010, 2012), the maximum likelihood estimator for theSEM is well defined even for N = 1 and coincides with the recursive Kalmanfilter approach. The usual GLS estimator (9) with V = S−1 is not definedfor N < K = 13 and will be replaced by the choice V = Σ−1(ψ) and othernonsingular weight matrices.

Maximization of the likelihood function or minimization of the GLS criterionwas achieved using a quasi Newton algorithm with BFGS secant updates(Dennis Jr. and Schnabel; 1983). The iterations in the BFGS algorithmwere stopped if both the gradient ||sk|| < ε and the step ||ψk+1 − ψk|| < εwith ε = 10−4.


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5.2.1 Gaussian errors

In this section we consider gaussian errors uni and εni, so that the likelihoodfunction (6) is correctly specified. In this case, the ML method is expectedto give the best results and the GLS method should be equivalent in largesamples N →∞.

Indeed, table 1 indicates the equivalence of ML and GLS in large samples(N = 500). Both standard deviations (sd) and bias are small and the meth-ods perform similarly.

Using smaller sample sizes N = 50 and N = 15, the performance of GLS,especially with weight matrix V = S−1 is degraded (tables 2, 3). At N = 15,the sample covariance matrix S : 13 × 13 is almost singular, and only inM ′ = 15 of M = 100 samples the optimization algorithm converged. Incontrast, modified GLS with V = Σ−1 performs only slightly worse thanML.

Using just one panel unit (N = 1), only maximum likelihood (and GLSwith weights Σ(ψML), see below) leads to satisfying results (table 4). Asshown in Singer (2010), one gets the same likelihood as in the Kalman fil-tering approach. Note that the parameters of the initial condition yn0 =[yn(t0), yn(t0)]

′ cannot be estimated with N = 1, thus they were set to thetrue values. The modified GLS procedure with V = Σ−1(ψ) did not convergeand was stopped after 200 iterations.

The problems occur, because the proposed weight matrix depends on theparameter vector, so that the modified GLS criterion

F2(Σ) = 12

tr[(S −Σ)Σ−1]2 = −12

tr[I] = const. (41)

is constant for N = 1, S = 0 and the modified mean criterion

F1(Σ) = (y − µ)′Σ−1(y − µ), (42)

is only part of (−2×) the likelihood function

l = −12

(log |Σ|+ tr

[Σ−1 (y − µ)(y − µ)′

]), (43)

but without jacobian term. This leads to incorrect inferences, however, sincethe gradients of the GLS and the ML criterion do not coincide. One shoulduse, as shown below, a constant weight matrix in F2, e.g. V = Σ−1(ψ∗) whereψ∗ is an appropriate value. In the simulation, we used the true parametervector ψ0. The results are displayed in table 4.

According to the derivation in Browne (1974, Proposition 6, p. 13), theML and the GLS criterion are equivalent, if the weight matrix is chosen


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as V = Σ(ψML)−1 and ψML is the maximum likelihood estimator. Thiscorresponds to using ψ∗ = ψML. More precisely, the gradient

∂F2(V )/∂ψi = 12∂/∂ψi tr[(S −Σ)V ]2

= tr[V (Σ − S)V Σi] (44)

Σi := (∂Σ/∂ψi), evaluated at V = Σ(ψML)−1 coincides with the gradient(score function) of likelihood (7), since

∂/∂ψi (log |Σ|+ tr[Σ−1S]) = tr[Σ−1Σi]− tr[Σ−1ΣiΣ−1S]

= tr[Σ−1(Σ − S)Σ−1Σi]. (45)

This establishes the equivalence of ML and GLS in large samples. On theother hand, the gradient of the modified criterion

∂F2(Σ)/∂ψi = ∂/∂ψi12tr[(S −Σ)Σ−1]2

= tr[(S −Σ)Σ−1S(Σ−1)i]

= tr[Σ−1(Σ − S)Σ−1SΣ−1Σi] (46)

is different, since here V = Σ−1(ψ) is an explicit function of ψ. For N =1 (S = 0), this gradient is even zero. Only in large samples, the expressionsare equivalent, because S → Σ0 and Σ(ψGLS)→ Σ0.

Since the expressions F2(V ) = 12tr[(S − Σ)V ]2 and log |Σ| + tr[Σ−1S] are

equivalent one must consider the criterion

F1(Σ) = [y − µ(ψ)]′Σ−1(ψ)[y − µ(ψ)] (47)

for the mean part, as suggested by equation (7). Using a parameter inde-pendent Σ−1(ψ∗) in F1 instead leads to incorrect inferences.

Example A simple example will clarify the issue. Assume that N = 1 andconsider the AR(1)-time series yt+1 = φyt+σεt; t = 0, ..., T−1; y0 ∼ N(0, σ2

0).This can be represented by the SEM model η = Bη + ζ; η = [y0, ..., yT ]′,E[η] = 0 with structural matrices

B =

0 0 0 . . . 0φ 0 0 . . . 00 φ 0 . . . 0... 0

. . . 0 00 0 . . . φ 0

, Σζ =

σ20 0 0 . . . 0

0 σ2 0 . . . 00 0 σ2 . . . 0... 0

. . . 0 00 0 . . . 0 σ2



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Thus, the precision matrix of the indicators is Σ−1 = (I − B)′Σ−1ζ (I − B)and the mean µ = 0. Therefore, since S = 0, the likelihood function is

l = −12

(log |Σ|+ tr


])= −1


(T log σ2 + tr

[y′(I −B)′Σ−1ζ (I −B)y

])= −1


(T log σ2 +


(yt+1 − φyt)2/σ2 + y20/σ20


The GLS criterion with weight Σ reads

F2(Σ) = 12

tr[(S −Σ)Σ−1]2 = −12

tr[I] = const.

F1(Σ) = (y − µ)′Σ−1(y − µ)


(yt+1 − φyt)2/σ2 + y20/σ20,

and the gradient w.r.t. φ and σ2 is

F1(Σ)φ = 0 = −T−1∑t=0

(yt+1 − φyt)yt/σ2 ⇒ φ =

∑T−1t=0 yt+1yt∑T−1t=0 y


F1(Σ)σ2 = 0 = −T−1∑t=0

(yt+1 − φyt)2/σ4.

The second equation cannot be fulfilled (an iterative algorithm yields verylarge values of σ2 and does not converge). In contrast, the likelihood functiongives the ML equation

lσ2 = 0 = −12

(T/σ2 −


(yt+1 − φyt)2/σ4

)with the familiar solution

σ2 = T−1T−1∑t=0

(yt+1 − φyt)2.

Therefore, the criterion F2(Σ) must be modified to F2(Σ∗) = −12

tr[ΣΣ−1∗ ]2

(see (44) with V = Σ−1∗ and S = 0). In an iterative minimization procedure,one could insert Σ∗ = Σ(ψk) in the kth iteration (see table 4).

In summary, the maximum likelihood procedure is preferable, since it iswell defined for all sample sizes N . In contrast, the GLS procedure doesnot work, if V −1 = S is singular. Using V = Σ−1(ψ) instead, one obtains


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a criterion which is not equivalent to ML in small samples, unless one sub-stitutes into F2 the constant matrix V = Σ−1(ψML) or V = Σ−1(ψ∗) for anapproprietly chosen vector. Alternatively, one can insert V = Σ(ψk)

−1. Theweight in F1 must be the variable Σ−1(ψ), however, in order to retain theconsistency property of the GLS estimate. These observations are supportedby a look at tables 4 and 8.

5.2.2 Student-t errors

In the case of misspecification, e.g. using nongaussian errors, the likelihoodfunction (6) does not have the correct form. Therefore, GLS estimationshould have a better performance in this case. For the simulation, we usedequation errors which are Student-t-distributed in order to model leptokur-tosis. Random numbers with ν = 5 degrees of freedom were used, leading toa kurtosis of k = m4/m

22 = 3(ν−2)/(ν−4) = 9. This occurs in applications,

for example, in modeling returns of financial data, e.g. stock prices.

In contrast to the expectation, GLS did not perform better than ML. Again,for large samples, the methods perform about the same, but in smaller sam-ples, GLS shows degraded performance.

As already mentioned, the ML estimator under misspecification is called apseudo-ML (PML) estimator, which is still consistent, but displays differentasympotic standard errors (cf. White; 1982; Gourieroux et al.; 1984; Armingerand Schoenberg; 1989; Wefelmeyer; 1996). As explained in section 4, onemust use a ’sandwich’ form in this case, which reflects the difference in theexpected Hessian −H = −E[∂2l/∂ψ∂ψ′] and the Fisher information matrixF = E[∂l/∂ψ ∂l/∂ψ′] under mispecification.

5.3 Discussion

Generally, the parameter estimates using misspecified models display largerroot mean square errors in comparison to the gaussian data. The differencesbetween pseudo maximimum likelihood and GLS are not very pronounced,however. In large to small samples (N = 500, 50, 15) the GLS estimatorwith variable weight V = Σ(ψ)−1 performs better than the conventionalestimator with constant weight V = S−1. This is due to the fact that Σ(ψ)is positive semidefinite, but S may become nearly singular. However, inN = 1 estimation, where S = 0, the proposed modified GLS estimatorwith V = Σ(ψ)−1 also displays problems. In section 5.2.1, it was shownthat F2(Σ(ψ)) = 1

2tr[(S − Σ)Σ−1] of the GLS criterion is constant, and

the remaining part F1 = (y − µ)′Σ−1(y − µ) yields biased estimates. Still,the ML estimator works well, since it coincides with the recursive predictionerror decomposition computed by the Kalman filter. The GLS criterion must


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be taken as F2(V ) = 12tr[(S − Σ(ψ))V ]2, V = Σ−1(ψ∗) and F1(Σ) = [y −

µ(ψ)]′Σ−1(ψ)[y − µ(ψ)].

6 Conclusion

In large samples, GLS and ML estimation perform similarly, but the modi-fied GLS approach with variable weight matrix Σ(ψ) instead of S is a goodalternative when S becomes nearly singular. Both GLS approaches do notwork for N = 1, since here S = 0 and the modified GLS approach yieldsbiased estimates. As a remedy, one can insert weight matrices depending ona reference point in parameter space. A further alternative is ULS estimation(weight V = I). In any case, ML estimation (and pseudo ML under misspec-ification) works well, coincides with the recursive Kalman filter estimates,and is thus recommended.


There is an inversion theorem for Kronecker products of the form (Browne;1974; Magnus and Neudecker; 1999)

[D+ (A⊗ A) D+′]−1 = D′ (A−1 ⊗ A−1) D, (48)

where D is the so called duplication matrix with the property

row(S) = D rows(S), (49)

and rows(S) = sij, i ≤ j ≤ k : k × 1, k := 12k(k + 1) is the vectorized upper

triangle of matrix S : k× k and row(S) = sij, i, j ≤ k : k2× 1 is the row wisevectorized matrix S.4

One can solve for

rows(S) = D+row(S) (50)

where D+ = (D′D)−1D′ : k × k2 is the pseudoinverse of D (Magnus andNeudecker; 1999, ch. 3). Equation (48) can be proved by the property

DD+ (A⊗ A) = (A⊗ A)DD+ (51)

4In the main text, we used k = K, but here the dimension could be confounded withthe commutation matrix K.


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of the projection matrix N = DD+ = D(D′D)−1D′, N2 = N , since

N = 12(I +K) (52)

(see below) and K is the so called commutation matrix with the properties

K row(A′) = row(A) (53)

K(A⊗B) = (B ⊗ A)K. (54)

The last formula follows from

row(ABC) = (A⊗ C ′)row(B) (55)

and K row(ABC) = K(A⊗C ′)row(B) = row(C ′B′A′) = (C ′⊗A)K row(B).Furthermore, one has K = K ′ = K−1. This implies K2 = KK−1 = I.

This shows, that N = 12(I +K) fulfils

N (A⊗B) = 12[(A⊗B) + (B ⊗ A)K] (56)

and thus N(A⊗ A) = (A⊗ A)N .

It remains to show that N = 12(I+K). First, we have the projection property

N2 = 14(I+2K+K2) = N , since K2 = I. Furthermore ND = 1

2(D+KD) =

D, since KD = D. We also have rank(N) = tr[N ] = 12(tr[I] + tr[K]) =

12(k2 + k) = 1

2k(k + 1) = rank[D], since N is projection matrix and D :

k2 × 12k(k + 1). Then, theorem 2.8 of Magnus and Neudecker (1999, p. 35)

implies the factorization

N = 12(I +K) = DD+. (57)

Finally, we have

tr[AB] =∑ij

aijbji = row′(A) row(B′), (58)

tr[ABCD] = row′(A) row(D′C ′B′) = row′(A)(D′ ⊗B)row(C ′). (59)


x′Ax = tr[x′Ax] = tr[Axx′]. (60)


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true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 16.0182 0.5163 0.0182 0.51664. 4.0065 0.1232 0.0065 0.12341. 1.0002 0.0512 0.0002 0.05122. 2.0007 0.0666 0.0007 0.06660. −0.0001 0.0475 −0.0001 0.04750. 0.0055 0.0856 0.0055 0.08581. 0.9952 0.0335 −0.0048 0.03380. −0.0015 0.1419 −0.0015 0.14191. 0.9968 0.1378 −0.0032 0.1379

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ)16. 16.0725 0.5241 0.0725 0.52914. 4.0162 0.1271 0.0162 0.12821. 1.0033 0.052 0.0033 0.05212. 2.0416 0.0693 0.0416 0.08080. −0.0002 0.0479 −0.0002 0.04790. 0.0015 0.0847 0.0015 0.08471. 1.0046 0.0345 0.0046 0.03480. 0.0106 0.148 0.0106 0.14841. 1.004 0.1449 0.004 0.145

GLS, V = S−1

16. 15.9141 0.5515 −0.0859 0.55824. 3.9911 0.1256 −0.0089 0.12591. 0.9948 0.0511 −0.0052 0.05142. 1.9166 0.0676 −0.0834 0.10740. −0.0004 0.049 −0.0004 0.0490. 0.007 0.0871 0.007 0.08741. 0.9769 0.0338 −0.0231 0.0410. −0.019 0.1421 −0.019 0.14331. 0.9818 0.1363 −0.0182 0.1375

Table 1: ML and GLS estimates for sample size N = 500 in M = 100 replica-tions.


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true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 16.0464 1.6226 0.0464 1.62334. 4.0069 0.4138 0.0069 0.41381. 0.9876 0.1808 −0.0124 0.18122. 1.9905 0.1986 −0.0095 0.19880. 0.0162 0.1413 0.0162 0.14220. 0.0011 0.301 0.0011 0.3011. 0.9821 0.1013 −0.0179 0.10290. 0.0184 0.532 0.0184 0.53241. 0.8687 0.466 −0.1313 0.4842

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ)16. 16.4227 1.6919 0.4227 1.74394. 4.0799 0.4427 0.0799 0.44991. 1.0107 0.1892 0.0107 0.18952. 2.3693 0.2465 0.3693 0.4440. 0.0151 0.1425 0.0151 0.14330. 0. 0.3139 0. 0.31391. 1.0728 0.1221 0.0728 0.14220. 0.0783 0.6485 0.0783 0.65321. 0.9087 0.5733 −0.0913 0.5805

GLS, V = S−1

16. 14.4569 2.7156 −1.5431 3.12344. 3.7141 0.6861 −0.2859 0.74331. 0.8967 0.2479 −0.1033 0.26862. 1.1099 0.2375 −0.8901 0.92130. 0.0112 0.1659 0.0112 0.16630. 0.0594 0.3157 0.0594 0.32121. 0.692 0.3823 −0.308 0.49090. −0.151 0.6563 −0.151 0.67341. 0.5239 0.6302 −0.4761 0.7898

Table 2: ML and GLS estimates for N = 50.


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true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 15.9613 3.4995 −0.0387 3.49974. 4.083 0.7584 0.083 0.7631. 0.969 0.323 −0.031 0.32452. 1.9653 0.3823 −0.0347 0.38380. −0.0367 0.2499 −0.0367 0.25250. −0.0216 0.6107 −0.0216 0.61111. 0.9411 0.1771 −0.0589 0.18670. 0.0765 1.2136 0.0765 1.21611. 0.6612 0.7255 −0.3388 0.8007

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ)16. 16.6881 4.3273 0.6881 4.38164. 4.0854 0.9078 0.0854 0.91181. 1.0167 0.3469 0.0167 0.34732. 3.049 0.6645 1.049 1.24180. −0.0355 0.2546 −0.0355 0.25710. −0.0232 0.6899 −0.0232 0.69031. 1.2896 0.3896 0.2896 0.48540. 0.5239 2.2053 0.5239 2.26671. 0.6759 1.037 −0.3241 1.0864

GLS, V = S−1

16. 14.0127 7.6897 −1.9873 7.94234. 1.4276 1.3894 −2.5724 2.92371. 0.9725 0.4985 −0.0275 0.49922. 0. 0. −2. 2.0. 0.0781 0.2942 0.0781 0.30440. −0.3707 0.681 −0.3707 0.77531. 0.0161 0.1433 −0.9839 0.99430. 0.0507 0.201 0.0507 0.20731. 0. 0. −1. 1.

Table 3: ML and GLS estimates for N = 15. Only M = 15 converged samplesfor GLS, V = S−1.


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true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 18.6439 11.0433 2.6439 11.35534. 3.8959 5.6667 −0.1041 5.66771. 1.0225 1.4178 0.0225 1.41792. 1.4648 1.3966 −0.5352 1.4957

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ)16. 19.2996 21.925 3.2996 22.17194. 2.9023 2.7714 −1.0977 2.98091. 1.508 2.7375 0.508 2.78422. 192.746 6.8787 190.746 190.87

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ0)16. 16.6644 2.762 0.6644 2.84084. 4.0813 0.8779 0.0813 0.88161. 0.8726 1.071 −0.1274 1.07862. 1.9351 0.3679 −0.0649 0.3736

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψML)16. 18.9343 10.8163 2.9343 11.20724. 3.7287 2.9453 −0.2713 2.95781. 0.8919 1.498 −0.1081 1.50192. 1.4114 1.0331 −0.5886 1.189

GLS, Vk = Σ−1(ψk)16. 18.568 10.5717 2.568 10.87914. 4.3131 5.3442 0.3131 5.35341. 1.0006 1.3649 0.0006 1.36492. 1.7079 1.204 −0.2921 1.2389

ULS, V = I16. 20.299 14.3775 4.299 15.00654. 3.9438 2.9254 −0.0562 2.92591. 0.8881 1.3799 −0.1119 1.38452. 0.8135 2.3359 −1.1865 2.62

Table 4: ML and GLS estimates forN = 1. No converged samples for GLS, V =Σ−1(ψ). For ψ0, the true value 16, 4, 1, 2 was used (see text). For Vk =Σ−1(ψk), the GLS estimate ψk in the kth iteration was used.


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true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 16.8766 0.465 0.8766 0.99234. 4.1435 0.1168 0.1435 0.18511. 1.0536 0.0636 0.0536 0.08322. 2.8677 0.0837 0.8677 0.87180. 0.0038 0.0449 0.0038 0.04510. −0.0158 0.1236 −0.0158 0.12461. 1.2966 0.065 0.2966 0.30370. 0.266 0.1822 0.266 0.32241. 1.341 0.1868 0.341 0.3888

GLS, V = Σ−1

16. 16.9229 0.4922 0.9229 1.0464. 4.1458 0.1221 0.1458 0.19021. 1.0527 0.0636 0.0527 0.08262. 2.9269 0.0951 0.9269 0.93180. 0.0074 0.048 0.0074 0.04850. −0.0192 0.1196 −0.0192 0.12111. 1.3029 0.0754 0.3029 0.31210. 0.2836 0.1919 0.2836 0.34241. 1.3149 0.2097 0.3149 0.3783

GLS, V = S−1

16. 16.8272 0.53 0.8272 0.98244. 4.128 0.1286 0.128 0.18151. 1.0453 0.0645 0.0453 0.07882. 2.7465 0.0916 0.7465 0.75210. 0.0072 0.0492 0.0072 0.04970. −0.0131 0.1183 −0.0131 0.11911. 1.2627 0.0742 0.2627 0.2730. 0.2399 0.1852 0.2399 0.30311. 1.2074 0.573 0.2074 0.6093

Table 5: Student-t distributed errors: Pseudo-ML and GLS estimates for samplesize N = 500 in M = 100 replications.


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true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 16.9316 1.7038 0.9316 1.94194. 4.1199 0.3868 0.1199 0.4051. 1.0665 0.2189 0.0665 0.22882. 2.8546 0.2877 0.8546 0.90170. 0.0212 0.1996 0.0212 0.20070. −0.0516 0.4135 −0.0516 0.41671. 1.2916 0.2997 0.2916 0.41810. 0.2916 0.7182 0.2916 0.77521. 1.1305 0.837 0.1305 0.8471

GLS, V = Σ−1

16. 17.1389 2.07 1.1389 2.36264. 4.1667 0.4975 0.1667 0.52471. 1.0778 0.2323 0.0778 0.2452. 3.3844 0.4237 1.3844 1.44780. 0.0152 0.1915 0.0152 0.19210. −0.0589 0.4445 −0.0589 0.44841. 1.4106 0.2688 0.4106 0.49080. 0.3826 0.8855 0.3826 0.96461. 0.9258 1.0952 −0.0742 1.0977

GLS, V = S−1

16. 16.1292 3.6127 0.1292 3.6154. 4.0094 0.8591 0.0094 0.85921. 1.0167 0.3062 0.0167 0.30672. 1.7237 0.3376 −0.2763 0.43630. 0.0085 0.2339 0.0085 0.23410. −0.0145 0.4834 −0.0145 0.48361. 0.9341 0.4867 −0.0659 0.49120. −0.073 1.2438 −0.073 1.2461. 1.0072 0.9391 0.0072 0.9391

Table 6: Student-t distributed errors: Pseudo-ML and GLS estimates for samplesize N = 50 in M = 100 replications.


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true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 17.3848 3.4681 1.3848 3.73434. 4.2247 0.9718 0.2247 0.99741. 1.1081 0.4541 0.1081 0.46682. 2.8862 0.6801 0.8862 1.11710. 0.0305 0.3511 0.0305 0.35240. 0.0818 0.6918 0.0818 0.69661. 1.2008 0.3076 0.2008 0.36730. 0.5644 1.4962 0.5644 1.59911. 0.9521 1.0228 −0.0479 1.024

GLS, V = Σ−1

16. 17.8576 4.3553 1.8576 4.73494. 4.197 1.0184 0.197 1.03731. 1.1264 0.4726 0.1264 0.48922. 4.3416 1.0146 2.3416 2.5520. 0.0388 0.3539 0.0388 0.3560. 0.1587 0.8673 0.1587 0.88171. 1.6433 0.5644 0.6433 0.85580. 1.4809 3.173 1.4809 3.50151. 1.0858 1.7283 0.0858 1.7305

GLS, V = S−1

16. 14.8731 6.9453 −1.1269 7.03614. 0.649 1.0344 −3.351 3.50711. 0.9949 0.8386 −0.0051 0.83862. 0. 0. −2. 2.0. −0.0599 0.2675 −0.0599 0.27410. −0.136 0.7198 −0.136 0.73251. 0.0408 0.1057 −0.9592 0.9650. −0.021 0.2093 −0.021 0.21031. 0. 0. −1. 1.

Table 7: Student-t distributed errors: Pseudo-ML and GLS estimates for samplesize N = 15 in M = 100 replications.


Page 29: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

true mean sd bias RMSE

ML16. 16.1532 9.5657 0.1532 9.56694. 2.7765 1.8707 −1.2235 2.23531. 1.1478 1.438 0.1478 1.44562. 1.8178 1.2978 −0.1822 1.3106

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ)16. 6.2775 13.4566 −9.7225 16.60144. 0.7697 2.131 −3.2303 3.86991. 0.3389 2.2606 −0.6611 2.35532. 127.768 73.6055 125.768 145.724

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ0)16. 16.5718 3.4107 0.5718 3.45844. 4.0293 1.0183 0.0293 1.01871. 1.1026 1.2822 0.1026 1.28632. 2.1322 0.5452 0.1322 0.561

GLS, V = Σ−1(ψML)16. 17.3081 11.0441 1.3081 11.12134. 3.1638 2.3342 −0.8362 2.47941. 1.1654 1.391 0.1654 1.40082. 1.9023 1.3353 −0.0977 1.3388

ULS, V = I16. 19.3151 14.0107 3.3151 14.39764. 3.6694 2.6024 −0.3306 2.62331. 1.0386 1.4952 0.0386 1.49572. 1.4278 2.6082 −0.5722 2.6702

Table 8: Student-t distributed errors: Pseudo-ML and GLS estimates for N = 1.No converged samples for GLS, V = Σ−1(ψ). For ψ0, the true value 16, 4, 1, 2was used (see text).


Page 30: SEM modeling with singular moment matrices · 2020-07-09 · singular moment matrices Part III: GLS estimation Hermann Singer FernUniversit at in Hagen October 23, 2015 Abstract We

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491 2015 SEM modeling with singular moment matrices

Part III: GLS estimation

Singer, Hermann