Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Charles Rehn -

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  • 7/27/2019 Strahlenfolter Stalking - TI - Charles Rehn -


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    Charles Rehn

    President GDCU

    Olympia, Wa. 98512

    Sen. Patty MurrayWashington, DC

    December 6, 2005

    Dear Senator Murray;

    I first complained to your office of electronic harassment in 2002. That harassment consisted of denial of service attacks to my website, being followed wherever

    I went, disruption of my postal mail service, phone call monitoring and much more.

    All this came as a response to my political activism regarding 1) the elections of 2000 2) My criticism of the national broadcast news for its whitewashing of

    events and 3) opposition to the Iraq war.

    A year ago, I became aware that my declining health and financial ruin was brought about as the result of continuous electronic harassment presumably

    microwave which has left me unable to be gainfully employed, not to mention mounting thousands of dollars in medical bills.

    The technology involved is such that only the United States Government and its contractors that produce electronic weaponry of this sort have access to this

    technology. There is an incredible body of evidence of the existence and use of this technology in the public domain.

    The recent revelations of NSA spying tend to single out the NSA for its activities. However, increasing anecdotal reports makes it apparent that the U.S.

    Government is doing more than just spying on its citizens. A minimum of research by your office would easily prove that what I have conveyed to is true.

    The NSA allegations come as no surprise to me. I believe, and my research supports the facts, that I have been singled out at a political dissident. At one point,

    an insider friend in Washington, D.C., told me I was being monitored by the CIA. I had nothing to hide, so I didnt worry about it. But, then, I believed I had

    certain rights that would respected by my government.

    We do not live in Argentina.

    The example of Argentina is pertinent because John Negroponte was in charge of U.S. operations in Argentina where nearly 30,000 political dissidents were

    disappeared by the Argentinian government, to which Negroponte turned his back. Now, hes in charge in this country. Its no surprise that dissidents are being

    electronically disappeared. And I can personally connect you to over 2000 people with the same complaint.

    One, in particular, includes author Gloria Naylor, best known for her Oprah book club selection The Women of Brewsters Place. Her newest

    book 1996 characterizes how she has been targeted by the FBI since 1996.

    People are being disappeared in a new way using military grade electronic weapons that incapacitate an individual to the point of disfunctionality. The United

    States Military calls these weapons V2K - voice to skull and its been in use since the Gulf War to thwart the invasion of Kuwait. (see )


    Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into theNonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into theskull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which canskull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can

    transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminaltransmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal


    Lets just say it straight out: The United States Government is using military grade weapons against its own citizens .

    Didnt we go to war against a man who we call a tyrannical dictator for doing this to his own people?

    We, the victims of intense electronic harassment - by means only available to the U.S. Government and its contactors demand that it come to an

    end. To cause this, we victims have created a national organization of victims which is in the process of compiling the positions of the members of Congress. We

    will announce our organization soon.

    If, after 30 days, members who have been contacted do not respond, we will assume that they approve of these tactics by the U.S. Government, and they will belisted on a website currently under construction as taking that position.

    This web site will be used to encourage people to decide who they want to vote for in the 2006 elections. Further, our national protests WILL be focused

    against these representatives.

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    Its time for your office to do its homework and acknowledge that these crimes are being perpetrated on U.S. Citizens by its government, and that it needs to

    end. Failure to stand up against these policies is nothing less than complicity.

    Please respond with Senator Murrays official position regarding these matters within 30 days so that her position can be noted on the site,

    otherwise, she will be listed as acquiescent.


    Charles Rehn


    Alex Jones/

    August 07, 2003

    There are thousands of facets to this nightmare agency, but there are several more that we will look at today. One was reported on in the August 5, 2003 Boston


    The paper ran the headline, "Defense Department funding brain-machine work." The project is developing technology that "promises to directly read thoughts

    from a living brain - and even instill thoughts as well." It does not take much imagination to see in this the makings of a "matrix-like cyberpunk dystopia: chipsthat impose false memories, machines that scan for wayward thoughts, cognitively augmented government security forces that impose a ruthless order on a

    recalcitrant population."

    The technology has already been installed in five airports in the US.

    CBS news reported on the high-powered MRI systems that scan travelers' brains as they walk through the airport checkpoint at Boston Logan. The technicians

    are trained to determine what aggressive thought patterns look like and to single out passengers for questioning. They

    are then put under another brain scanner that supposedly detects lies and are asked questions. This gives new meaning to the term "thought crime."

    John Norseen

    Reading your mind-and injecting smart thoughts

    Published: January 3, 2000 U.S.News & World Report by Douglas Pasternak

    Original Url:

    "The ethics don't concern me," he says, "but they should concern someone else."

    "A miniaturized brain-mapping device inside an airport metal detector would screen passengers' brain patterns against a dictionary of brain prints. Norseen predicts

    profiling by brain print will be in place by 2005."

    Buck Rogers, meet John Norseen. Like the comic-strip hero, a 20th-century man stuck in the 25th century, Norseen feels he's not quite in the right time: His brain-

    research ideas are simply too futuristic. And he admits his current obsession seems to have been lifted from a Rogers saga. The Lockheed Martin

    neuroengineer hopes to turn the "electrohypnomentalophone," a mind-reading machine invented by one of Buck's buddies, from science fiction into science fact.

    Norseen's interest in the brain stems from a Soviet book he read in the mid-1980s, claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at

    large. The former Navy pilot coined the term "BioFusion" to cover his plans to map and manipulate gray matter, leading (he hopes) to advances in medicine, national

    security, and entertainment. He does not do the research but sees himself as the integrator of discoveries that will make BioFusion a reality.

    BioFusion would be able to convert thoughts into computer commands , predicts Norseen, by deciphering the brain's electrical activity. Electromagnetic pulses

    would trigger the release of the brain's own neurotransmitters to fight off disease, enhance learning, or alter the mind's visual images, creating what Norseen has

    dubbed "synthetic reality."

    The key is finding "brain prints." "Think of your hand touching a mirror," explains Norseen. "It leaves a fingerprint." BioFusion would reveal the fingerprints of the

    brain by using mathematical models. "Just like you can find one person in a million through fingerprints," he says, "you can find one thought in a


    It sounds crazy, but Uncle Sam is listening. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration , the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the

    Army's National Ground Intelligence Center have all awarded small basic research contracts to Norseen, who works for Lockheed Martin's Intelligent Systems

    Division. Norseen is waiting to hear if the second stage of these contractsportions of them classifiedcomes through.

    Norseen's theories are grounded in current science. Mapping human brain functions is now routine. By viewing a brain scan recorded by a magnetic

    resonance imaging (MRI) machine, s cientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of the recordingsay, reading or writing. Emotions from

    love to hate can be recognized from the brain's electrical activity.

    Thought police . So could the murderous thoughts of a terrorist, asserts Norseen, who wrote his thesis at the Naval War College on applying neuroscience research

    to antiterrorism. He has submitted a research-and-development plan to the Pentagon, at its request, to identify a terrorist's mental profile . A miniaturized brain-mapping device inside an airport metal detector would screen passengers' brain patterns against a dictionary of brain prints. Norseen predicts profiling by brain print

    will be in place by 2005.

    A pilot could fly a plane by merely thinking, says Norseen. Scientists have already linked mind and machine by implanting electrodes into a paralyzed man's brain; he

    can control a computer's cursor with his mind. Norseen would like to draw upon Russian brain-mimicking software and American brain-mapping

    breakthroughs to allow that communication to take place in a less invasive way. A modified helmet could record a pilot's brain waves. "When you say right 090

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    degrees," says Norseen, the computer would see that electrical pattern in the brain and turn the plane 090 degrees. If the pilot misheard instructions to turn 090

    degrees and was thinking "080 degrees," the helmet would detect the error, then inject the right number via electromagnetic waves.

    If this research pans out, says Norseen, "you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it." But Norseen says he is

    "agnostic" on the moral ramifications, that he's not a mad scientistjust a dedicated one. "The ethics don't concern me," he says, "but they should

    concern someone else."

    The Department of Justice's January 2004 Inspector General's report titled "Report to Congress on implementation of Section 1001 of the USA

    PATRIOT Act", footnote 5 on page 4, discussing complaints unrelated

    to implementation of the PATRIOT Act, covering the second 6 months of 2003, lists 720 complaints, including those described in footnote 5 as:

    "... of this category include complaints that the government is broadcasting harmful electronic signals to individuals, claims that the government is

    intercepting dreams, and allegations that the government is using subliminal messages to force people to engage in certain acts."

    That is only those reports the DOJ is aware of, and only for a 6-month period.

    Government Use of Microwave Weaponry Is Zapping People To DeathGovernment Use of Microwave Weaponry Is Zapping People To Death

    Original Url:

    Nancy Taormina, 53, of Spokane, adds her name to the growing list of people being electronically harassed. Unableto sleep, she claims to be imprisoned in her own house.

    The s tories about innocent Americans being harass ed, s pied on and eve n zapped with microwave weaponry continues to mount, as the list isbeginning to look as long as the New York City phone book.

    Now comes forward Nancy Taormina of Spokane,Washington, who claims to have been targeted by the military after complaining years ago about low flying jets and

    chem-trails, an every day occurrence near her home.

    "They never let me sleep at night, as they are using a combination of high frequencies and other electronic weaponry to not only keep me awake but that actually

    cause physical pain," said Taormina, 53, who now sleeps in a hidden portion of her basement away from any windows.

    "Years ago I kept complaining to the military base nearby about their airplanes and weaponry programs and after that they began targeting me with electronic


    Prior to the harassment, Taormina led a normal life but ever since the military began its insidious use of electronic weapons, drastic changes to her sleeping patterns

    have left her sleeping days and pacing the floor at nights.

    As another defense mechanism, she limits all use of electronics, including computers, radios, televisions and any other means the government may use to invade her

    privacy through electronic means.

    "I have been singled out and targeted. Once they start, they never stop," said Taormina, adding that her house has been turned into a prison by the military ever since

    the harassment began. "I can't remember the last night I slept well. Sometimes they use a very high pitch ringing that keeps you awake and then there are other

    frequencies which actually penetrate the body, causing pain.

    "It doesn't matter where I go, they usually find me. So I am thinking perhaps I need to leave the country to somewhere like Indonesia."

    However, while here in the states, Taormina has become a voracious reader on the subject of electronic weaponry and government mind control programs, compiling

    a virtual library in her house on the subject.

    "People just don't realize how whole neighborhoods are being targeted and the vast number of people who are being subjected to this type of mind and body

    manipulation," said Taormina. "When it first happened to me, I couldn't believe it either, but after talking to a number of people I am convinced this is going on all over

    the country."

    Besides Taormina, at least 40 people across the country have contacted the Arctic Beacon with similar accounts, documenting the same type intrusive occurrences,

    including sleep disruption and other more serious attacks.

    For example, John Mecca of New York has come forward, saying he was actually operated on in his sleep and an implant chip placed behind his ears.

    To fight back, Mecca has started a web site where he educates the public on the government programs that authorize use of such microwave weaponry, the types of

    sophisticated weaponry used and methods and ways for people targeted to fight back.

    "Many of you have deep instinctual subconscious gnawing in your gut that something is just not right. Like Deja Vu you have a suspicion things are going on around

    you, but they are not in focus and you forget all about the numerous strange things that keep happening," said Mecca, an inventor, author and investigator into mind

    control and microwave attacks who was targeted after trying to market a revolutionary product, upsetting the established, old money financial applecart.

    "Some of you have been putting the pieces of the puzzle together a little at a time getting just a glimpse of the true reality all around you. It's your loyalty to thesystem that generates the denial and therefore blindness of the truth that the system could be so bad, this has you frozen from believing that's it really true. You're

    surrounded by the administrative workings of a world gone mad. Welcome to your worst nightmare: microwave weaponry."

    His web site can be found at and is one of the more comprehensive places to search out the destructive use of this modern

    technology in order to basically numb the American public into submission

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    One of the more astonishing accounts of the use of microwave weaponry recently came from a person and place least expected, Dan Nelson, 45, a simple carpenter

    from the small town of Livingston, Montana, who said he was zapped severely in the head and abdomen by a portable microwave unit outside his home after going

    public about some sensitive 9/11 information.

    "Ever since I tried to let people know about what I found out about 9/11, I have had many things happen. Within 12 hours of leaving a message on the phone of a

    popular radio host, I had a light green helicopter follow me where ever I went," said Livingston about two months ago on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The

    Investigative Journal. "The next day, after it first appeared, it showed up again at my friend's house and he will verify the incident. Two days after the helicopter

    incident, two men in a car tried very hard to run me and my daughter off the road while we were on my motorcycle.

    "And the harassment just never seemed to stop after I saw that first helicopter. For example, I had a man come up to me when I was trying to get into my house and,

    for no good reason, poke me in the stomach with something which made me very sick, later causing a staff infection. He ran away before I could catch him and as a

    result I had to take heavy duty drugs. But the most painful was when I felt my insides bubbling, and I was getting very hot as I was washing dishes. The next thing Iknow I can hear the fluid in my head bubbling and got a massive head ache."

    Since the radio show appearance two months ago, Livingston this week said the harassment never stopped, adding he has been followed and even confronted by

    what he thinks were government agents in his local, small town grocery store.

    "I still have not been left alone although things are not as bad as this summer. After being on the radio show, I was followed all over town by a lady in a Suburban,"

    said Nelson from his home in Livingston

    "We have been being sprayed by jets everyday for at least three weeks and everybody is getting very sick and all of us are getting migraines and nose bleeds which

    we never had before. Many more antennas are going up none stop and lots of military equipment is being transported on West I-90. This has been going on for six

    months and is all being transported by private companies not the military."

    Listen to the Greg Szymanski Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio . Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9pm pacific time.

    Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to and will be starting a daily program on the Genesis Communications

    Network soon at Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at . He also

    writes for American Free Press and has his own site

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