Ch. Links Verlag · Download im Buch enthalten Buch und E-Book Eckard Michels Guillaume, the Spy A...

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Ch. Links Verlag

Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2013

Ch. Links Verlag

Bernd Kramer


Ein esoterischer Selbstversuch


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Der deutsche Bibelforscher Constantin von Tischendorf machte Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts einen sensationellen Fund. Nach Jah-ren abenteuerlicher, mühsamer und gefährlicher Suche entdeckte er im uralten Katharinenkloster mitten in der Sinai-Wüste einen Stapel Pergamentblätter. Dieser »Codex Sinaiticus« aus dem 4. Jahrhundert enthält das älteste jemals entdeckte, vollständige Neue Testament – und auch Passagen, nach denen man in der heutigen Bibel vergeblich sucht. Tischendorf brachte große Teile des Codex 1859 nach Europa. War es eine Rettungsaktion oder ein Kunstraub?Jürgen Gottschlich ist auf den Spuren Tischendorfs gereist und nimmt den Leser mit auf ein geistiges wie emotionales Abenteuer durch 2000 Jahre Kulturgeschichte – bis zur Digitalisierung des Codex im Jahr 2009.

9 7 8 3 8 6 1 5 3 5 9 4 2

ISBN 978-3-86153-594-2


Jahrgang 1954, Studium der Philosophie und Pu-blizistik in Berlin, 1979 Mitbegründer der tages-zeitung, bis 1993 dort als Journalist tätig, zuletzt als stellvertretender Chefredakteur, ab 1980 re-gelmäßige Reportagereisen in die Türkei und den Nahen Osten, 1994 stellvertretender Chefredak-teur der Wochenpost, seit 1998 Korrespondent für verschiedene Zeitungen in Istanbul.Im Ch. Links Verlag erschienen von ihm die Bü-cher: »Die Türkei auf dem Weg nach Europa. Ein Land im Aufbruch«, 2004 und »Türkei. Ein Land jenseits der Klischees«, 2008.

Expedition im 19. Jahrhundert zum Katharinen-kloster auf der Sinai-Halbinsel

Jürgen Gottschlich

Der BibeljägerDie abenteuerliche Suche

nach der Urfassungdes Neuen Testaments

Ch. Links






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594 Bibeljaeger SU.indd 1 10.08.10 11:07












r Köp


Peter Köpf


Ch. Links Verlag

Das Schicksal desertierter Nato-Soldaten in der DDR



Dass Soldaten aus der DDR in den Westen � üchteten, weiß jeder. Dass Nato-Soldaten in die DDR überliefen, ist weitgehend unbekannt. Dabei hatten die Deserteure oft gute Gründe. Da ist der anscheinend überzeugte Sozialist William D. Adkins aus Indianapolis, der sich willig in die Arme der Stasi begibt, Karriere macht und am Ende spurlos verschwindet. Richard Co� man sucht in der DDR Asyl, um dem Kriegsgemetzel in Korea zu entgehen – und kehrt dennoch in einem Zinnsarg in die USA zurück. Der Afroamerikaner Charles Lucas will dem Rassismus in der US Army entkommen – und nimmt ein unglückliches Ende.

Peter Köpf widmet sich in seinem packend erzählten Sachbuch diesem vergessenen Kapitel des Ost-West-Kon� ikts und beleuchtet zehn Schick sale von Deser-teuren, die die Stasi »Freunde« nannte, aber wie Feinde behandelte. Es sind private Geschichten des Kalten Krieges aus einer ungewohnten, neuen Perspektive.

www.christoph-links-verlag.de9 783861 537090

ISBN 978-3-86153-709-0

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

about 250 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-707-6 To be published: May 2013

Andrea Röpke · Andreas Speit

Blood and HonorThe past and present of right-wing violence in Germany

The racially motivated crimes of the National Soci-alist Underground (NSU), with a total of ten mur-ders and several bomb attacks, reveal a new dimen-sion of right-wing violence. Since 1945, right-wing extremists have formed ever new terror groups that operate in a similar way: conspiratorial microcells, robberies to secure money or weapons, attacks against immigrants, political opponents and social institutions. A look behind the scenes reveals that these right-wing perpetrators have not been wor-king in an isolated manner and that the threat they pose has been consistently underestimated by the authorities for decades.

Andrea Röpke and Andreas Speit have followed this scene for many years and pointed out the dan-ger long ago. In their proven reportage-like style, they offer an overview of the most recent crimes and a general history of right-wing terror in the Federal Republic.

Andreas Speit

Born in 1966, social economist and freelance journalist, columnist at taz-Nord, regular contributions to Freitag, Blick nach rechts and Der Rechte Rand; multiple awards, e.g. from Medium-Magazin and the German Federation of Journalists (DJV); author and publisher of various books on the topic of right-wing extremism, including (with An-drea Röpke): Brown Comrades (2005); Neo-Nazis in Pinstripes (2009); Girl Stuff – Women in the Neo-Nazi Scene (2011).

Andrea Röpke

Born in 1965, political scientist and freelance journalist; specialized in Na-zism and right-wing extremism; publi-cation of her in-depth inside reports on the neo-Nazi scene in TV magazines such as Monitor, Panorama and Spiegel-TV, in the newspapers taz and Süddeut-sche online, as well as at specialist sites such as Blick nach rechts; numerous awards, including “The Fearless Word” Luther Prize (2009), the “International Women of Courage Award” and “Jour-nalist of the Year” (for Politics, 2011). 

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

464 pages, 30 illustrationsISBN 978-3-86153-708-3 Published: March 2013

Eckard Michels

Guillaume, der Spion

Eine deutsch-deutsche Karriere

Ch. Links Verlag



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www.christoph-links-verlag.de9 783861 537083

ISBN 978-3-86153-708-3

Im Jahr 1956 inszenierte die Stasi die »Flucht« des Ehepaars Guillaume aus der DDR nach Frankfurt am Main, um die SPD auszuspionieren. Günter Guillaume machte dort Kar riere als Parteifunktionär und fand sich mit dem Machtantritt der sozial­liberalen Koalition unverhofft im Bonner Kanzleramt wieder. 1972 stieg er zum Parteireferenten von Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt auf. Nach Enttarnung durch den Verfassungsschutz wurde er im April 1974 mit seiner Frau verhaftet. Als »Kanzleramts spion«, über den Brandt stürzte, ist Guillaume berühmt geworden.

Eckard Michels legt nun erstmals eine ausführlich recherchierte Lebensbeschreibung vor, die sich auf Basis bislang verschlossener Akten vom Dritten Reich bis in die 1990er Jahre erstreckt. Exem­plarisch werden dabei die Arbeit des Staatssicherheitsdienstes gegen die Bundesrepublik, die Kanzlerschaft Willy Brandts, die westdeutsche Spionageabwehr und die Betreuung ehemaliger »Kundschafter« in der DDR dargestellt. Anhand dieser Biografie entsteht ein facettenreiches Bild deutsch­deutscher Geschichte.

Eckard Michels

Jahrgang 1962, Studium der Geschichte in Hamburg, 1993 Promotion, 2007 Habilita­tion; nach Tätigkeiten an der Universität der Bundeswehr in Hamburg, am Bonner Haus der Geschichte und bei der OSZE­Mission in Bosnien­Herzegowina lehrt er seit 1997 Geschichte am Birkbeck College der Univer­sity of London; zahlreiche Veröffentlichun­gen, darunter »Deutsche in der Fremden­legion 1870 – 1965: Mythen und Realitäten« (1999) und »›Der Held von Deutsch­ Ost afrika‹: Paul von Lettow­Vorbeck – ein preußischer Kolonialoffizier« (2008).

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»M. E. sollten Sie mit G. sprechen. Selbst wenn Sie einen positiven Eindruck haben, bleibt ein gewisses Sicherheitsrisiko, gerade hier.«

Egon Bahrs Notiz in Guillaumes Sicherheitsakte für Kanzleramtschef Horst Ehmke von Ende Dezember 1969 hinsichtlich der geplanten Ein­stellung des Referenten

»Ich Rindvieh hätte mich auf diesen Rat eines anderen Rindviehs nie einlassen dürfen.«

Willy Brandt in seinen »Notizen zum Fall G.« von 1974 über die Ratschläge von Verfassungs­schutzpräsident Günther Nollau zum Umgang mit dem Spionageverdächtigen Guillaume

»Mein Leben ist verpfuscht, zwischen den Fingern zerronnen. Ich bin am Ende und habe nichts, worauf ich stolz sein könnte.«

Christel Booms Kommentar zum Tod ihres Exmannes und Mitspions Günter Guillaume im April 1995

E-Book-Code für Gratis- Download im Buch enthalten

E-BookBuch und

Eckard Michels

Guillaume, the SpyA career in two Germanies

In 1956, the Stasi orchestrated the “flight” of Mr. Günter Guillaume and his wife from the GDR to Frankfurt am Main, where they were to spy on the SPD. Guillaume pursued a career as an SPD party functionary and, with the coming to power of the social-liberal coalition, wound up quite unex-pectedly in the Federal Chancellery in Bonn. By 1972 he had risen to become the aide of Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt. Exposed by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, he and his wife were arrested in April 1974. Guillau-me became notorious as the “spy in the Federal Chancellery” who brought down Brandt.

Eckard Michels presents the first detailed biogra-phy of the man, and is the first historian to sift through thousands of pages of previously classified files in the Federal Chancellery. He succeeds not only in telling an exciting tale of espionage, but in depicting a panorama of German-German post-war history as well.

Eckard Michels

Born in 1962, studied history in Hamburg, Ph.D. in 1993, habilitation in 2007; in 1997, after working for the Bundeswehr University in Hamburg, at the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn, and with the OSCE mission in Bos-nia-Herzegovina, he began teaching Ger-man history at Birkbeck, University of Lon-don; numerous publications, most recently: “The Hero of German Africa”: Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck – A Prussian Colonial Of-ficer (Paderborn, 2008).

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

224 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-709-0Published: February 2013












r Köp


Peter Köpf


Ch. Links Verlag

Das Schicksal desertierter Nato-Soldaten in der DDR



Dass Soldaten aus der DDR in den Westen � üchteten, weiß jeder. Dass Nato-Soldaten in die DDR überliefen, ist weitgehend unbekannt. Dabei hatten die Deserteure oft gute Gründe. Da ist der anscheinend überzeugte Sozialist William D. Adkins aus Indianapolis, der sich willig in die Arme der Stasi begibt, Karriere macht und am Ende spurlos verschwindet. Richard Co� man sucht in der DDR Asyl, um dem Kriegsgemetzel in Korea zu entgehen – und kehrt dennoch in einem Zinnsarg in die USA zurück. Der Afroamerikaner Charles Lucas will dem Rassismus in der US Army entkommen – und nimmt ein unglückliches Ende.

Peter Köpf widmet sich in seinem packend erzählten Sachbuch diesem vergessenen Kapitel des Ost-West-Kon� ikts und beleuchtet zehn Schick sale von Deser-teuren, die die Stasi »Freunde« nannte, aber wie Feinde behandelte. Es sind private Geschichten des Kalten Krieges aus einer ungewohnten, neuen Perspektive.

www.christoph-links-verlag.de9 783861 537090

ISBN 978-3-86153-709-0

Thomas Kunze

Where is Lieutenant Adkins?The fate of deserted NATO soldiers in the GDR

That soldiers from the GDR fled to the West is well known. Less well known is the fact that NATO soldiers defected to the GDR. Indeed, some of the-se soldiers had good reasons to do so. The convin-ced socialist William D. Adkins from Indianapolis, for example, who willingly gets involved with the Stasi, carves out a career for himself – and finally disappears without a trace. Or Richard Coffman, who seeks asylum in the GDR to avoid the slaugh-ter of Korea – and winds up being sent home in a zinc coffin anyway. Or the Afro-American Charles Lucas, who tries to escape the racism of the U.S. Army and finds an unhappy end in the East.

In this gripping work of non-fiction, Peter Köpf in-vestigates a forgotten chapter of the East-West con-flict, highlighting the fates of ten deserters that the Stasi called “friends” but treated like enemies. Pri-vate stories of the Cold War told from a new and unusual perspective.

Peter Köpf

Born in 1960, studied political science and communications as well as German literature in Munich; from 1984 to 1992 staff member of the Abendzeitung in Munich, 1992 to 1994 TV editor; cur-rently editor-in-chief of the monthly newspaper The Atlantic Times; numerous book publications, among others with Ch. Links Verlag: Königsplatz in Mu-nich. A German Locale (2005)

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

about 220 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-710-6 To be published: Autumn 2013

Dieter Eich

Der geplünderte Planet

Ch. Links Verlag

Wie die Rohstoffmärkte funktionieren und wer davon profitiert


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Dieter Eich

The Plundered PlanetHow raw-material markets work and who profits from them

At the present rate of raw-material consumption we would need three (3!) earths to cover the de-mand. Some industries are already suffering from a notable lack of “rare earth elements,” as produ-cing countries such as China and Brazil are limi-ting their exports and increasingly focusing on their own interests. German industry, which is ex-tremely dependent on raw-material imports, faces grave consequences if no alternatives are found. And yet policymakers have deliberately missed out on more a resource-efficient economic strategy, in-vesting their hopes instead in ever higher growth rates. The battle for markets has begun.

Dieter Eich presents the three main protagonists and the workings of raw-material markets, analy-zes the role of traders, speculators and hedgers, and explains who is making big money and how. He concludes by offering alternative models of su-stainability and calls for more state regulation.

Dieter Eich

Mechanic, engineer, sociologist, Dr. phil., has worked in industry and in various Latin American countries in connection with development policy, for two decades the executive director of a nationwide educational provider; collaboration on a resource-efficiency project at the Aachen University of Ap-plied Sciences; numerous publications, among others with K.-L. Hübener: The Strategic Resources (Wuppertal, 1988).

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

about 300 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-712-0 Published: March 2012

Richard A. Zipser

Von Oberlin nach OstberlinAls Amerikaner unterwegs in der DDR-Literaturszene

Ch. Links Verlag

Richard A. Zipser

From Oberlin to East BerlinAn American in the East German literary scene · With a preface by Heinz-Uwe Haus

In the summer of 1975, research on his book GDR Literature During the Thaw brought Richard Zip-ser from Oberlin, Ohio, to the capital of the GDR, East Berlin. It also marked the start of his Stasi file, which by 1988 had swelled to 396 pages. Intimate-ly entwined with these secret-police reports are Zipser’s memoirs of the literary scene and daily life in the GDR. His interviews with 45 East German writers resulted in numerous friendships – with Ju-rek Becker, Elke Erb, Karl-Heinz Jakobs, Bernd Jentzsch, Sarah Kirsch, Ulrich Plenzdorf, Klaus Schlesinger and Christa Wolf. Those who reported on Zipser included the writers Uwe Berger, Fritz Rudolf Fries and Paul Wiens, publisher Konrad Reich, as well as Stefan Heym’s housekeeper. Pre-cise observations, thrilling episodes and pithy quotes bring Zipser’s experiences back to life in an almost literary way. The result is an exciting and highly personal work of literary history.

Richard A. Zipser

Born in 1943, German studies scholar in the United States with a research focus on literature of the GDR, professor at Oberlin College in Ohio in the 1970s and 1980s, since 1986 at the University of Delaware, Newark; numerous publications, including: GDR Literature During the Thaw. Changes – Dreams – Reality (3 volumes, New York/Bern/Frankfurt am Main, 1986); Survey: Censorship – On Literature Before and Af-ter the End of the GDR (Leipzig, 1995).

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

about 200 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-714-4To be published: April 2013

Ruth Kinet


Ruth Kinet

IsraelA country portrait

Israel is the focus of public interest. News channels feed their viewers with daily reports from the Middle East. But the disputes between Israel and its neighbors and the unresolved conflict between Jews and Palestinians blind us to many other aspects of life, especially the day-to-day life of Isra-elis. Even short touristic excursions to the “Holy Land” – visits to the Dome of the Rock, the Wai-ling Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Je-rusalem, the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee – do not necessarily offer much perspective on the lives of ordinary people in Israel. It’s a country with many faces. Clichés like “secular” and “ultraor-thodox,” “leftist” or “rightist” are not enough to really grasp the locals.

Ruth Kinet investigates the question of what makes the lives of these people unique. What moves them? What holds them together? What do they hope for, what do they fear, and how do they shape their lives?

Ruth Kinet

Born in 1972, studied history, political science and philosophy in Augsburg and Berlin, doctorate on the Belgian colonial enterprise in Congo; freelance journalist for; lived from 2008 to 2012 in Tel Aviv and re-ported on Israel and the Palestinian territories for radio and television, newspapers and magazines; multiple book publications.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

about 200 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-717-5 To be published: May 2013

Ch. Links Verlag

Bernd Kramer


Ein esoterischer Selbstversuch


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Bernd Kramer

Need Some Enlightenment?A self-experiment in esoterics

Pendulum dowsing, diving rods, tarot cards and spiritual healing – there is nothing people won’t be-lieve in. According to surveys, almost 40 percent of Germans are open to astrology. One in four belie-ves in reincarnation. The supernatural is an estima-ted 25-billion-euro business in Germany – almost three times the total book market. And rising. Eso-terics has become a mainstream phenomenon. But why do so many people believe in such obvious nonsense? What are the implications for the indivi-dual and society?

Bernd Kramer investigates these questions, having entered the scene himself in an esoteric self-experi-ment – as both a consumer and a supposed guru. He sheds some light on this milieu with all of its absurdities and inconsistencies, and does so with inside knowledge. After reading his reports, nothing is more refreshing than good old common sense.

Bernd Kramer

Born in 1984, studied economics, so-ciology and politics at the University of Cologne, graduate of the Cologne School of Journalism; works as a jour-nalist for taz, Spiegel online, Süddeut-sche Zeitung, Neon and Die ZEIT among others;

works undercover at an astrology hot-line and esoteric fairs.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

2nd edition, 224 pages34 illustrations, 1 mapISBN 978-3-86153-594-2Published: December 2010

Jürgen Gottschlich

The Bible HunterThe Adventurous Search for the Original Version of the New Testament

Jürgen Gottschlich takes his readers on an intelle-ctual and emotional journey through 2,000 years of cultural history.

German Bible scholar Constantin von Tischendorf made a sensational discovery in the mid-nineteenth century. After years of adventurous, exhausting and dangerous pursuit, he stumbled upon a pile of parchment leaves at ancient Saint Catherine’s Mo-nastery, in the midst of the Sinai desert. This so-called »Codex Sinaiticus« from the fourth century A.D. contains the oldest complete New Testament ever discovered – along with passages deleted from the modern Bible. In 1859, Tischendorf brought large parts of the codex to Europe. Was this a rescue operation or art theft?

»An adventurous journey through 2,000 years of cultural history.«


“Jürgen Gottschlich tells a story for believers and non-believers alike, discreetly taking us back to the culture shock of the nineteenth century (...)”

Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg

Rights sold to: Turkey

Selected for New Books in German

Sample translation in English available!

Jürgen Gottschlich

Born in 1954; studied philosophy and journalism in Berlin; 1979 cofounder of taz newspaper, where he worked as a journalist until 1993, in the end as deputy editor-in-chief; 1994 deputy editor-in-chief of Wochenpost weekly; since 1998 correspondent for a variety of newspapers in Istanbul.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

Zu Beginn des Krieges gegen die Sowjetunion konnte die Wehrmacht rund 600000 Mann verbündeter Truppen einsetzen, später kamen zahlreiche ausländische Freiwillige und »Hilfswillige« hinzu. Auf dem Höhepunkt des Zweiten Weltkrieges war an der Ostfront schließlich jeder dritte Uniform­träger auf deutscher Seite ein Ausländer.Hitlers Parole vom »Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus« fand überall in Euro pa Wider hall – bei überzeugten Faschisten ebenso wie bei Angehöri­gen osteuropäischer Völker, die ihre Unabhängigkeit von der UdSSR an­streb ten. Viele von ihnen kämpften nicht nur an der Front, sondern ließen sich auch in die Verbrechen der Wehrmacht und der Waffen­SS verstri­cken. Von ihren Heimatländern wegen Verrats abge urteilt und vergessen, wurde ihr Einsatz von den Historikern im Kalten Krieg meist übersehen oder verschwiegen, von Rechtsradikalen dagegen glorifiziert. Rolf­Dieter Müller vermittelt auf der Basis neuerer Forschungen erstmals einen systematischen Überblick über die verschiedenen Motive, die Hit­lers Verbündete und ausländische Freiwillige an der Ostfront kämpfen lie­ßen. Zahlreiche Fotos, Karten und Dokumente ergänzen diese anschau­lich geschriebene Darstellung.

Rolf-Dieter Müller

Der Feind steht im OstenHitlers geheime Pläne für einen Krieggegen die Sowjetunion im Jahr 1939


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ISBN 978­3­86153­448­8





Rolf-Dieter Müller

The Enemy Is to the EastHitler’s Secret Plans for a War against the Soviet Union in 1939

Hitler had been planning a possible war of inter-vention against the U.S.S.R. ever since taking po-wer in 1933. Starting from this hypothesis, Rolf-Dieter Müller’s book offers a new perspective on the prehistory of Hitler’s campaign in Russia.

The invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22nd, 1941 is considered by historians to be the last pha-se of Hitler’s step-by-step plan to conquer Germany’s »Lebensraum« in the East. In his latest book, renowned military historian Müller challen-ges this view. Using previously overlooked sources, he shows that Hitler and the Wehrmacht began ne-gotiations with Poland to this end, even conside-ring an alliance with Japan.

“Rolf-Dieter Müller’s study is the most important book to come out in years about the evolution of the Second World War.”


Rights sold to: Poland / England

296 pages30 illustrationsISBN 978-3-86153-617-8Published: May 2011

Rolf-Dieter Müller

Born in 1948; studied history, political science and education in Braunschweig and Münster; since 1979 scientific staff member, since 1999 scientific director of the Military History Research Insti-tute in Potsdam; Manager of the pro-ject »the German Reich and the Second World War«; Professor for Military History at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Numerous publications on the Second World War.

Backlist: Side-by-Side with the Wehrmacht

Rights sold to:United KingdomRussian FederationPolandEstonia Romania

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

192 pages112 illustrationsISBN 978-3-86153-673-4Published: March 2012

Wolfgang Klietz

Ostseefähren im Kalten Krieg

Wolfgang Klietz

Baltic Sea Ferries During the Cold WarSecret military transports of the Soviet Army

The first comprehensive documentation of the gi-ant train ferries and the exciting story of the ferry port Mukran near Sassnitz.

Between 1982 and 1986, the largest transport pro-ject of the GDR was carried out in Sassnitz on the island of Rügen. Thousands of workers and hundreds of construction soldiers built a four-kilo-meter-long ferry port with 120 kilometers of rail-road tracks costing a total of two billion marks. Five giant double-decker ferries with wide-gauge tracks henceforth handled a large portion of the freight traffic between the GDR and the Soviet Union, thus circumventing more time-consuming and costly transport through Poland. At the same time it enabled dangerous military goods to be transported across the Baltic Sea, unseen by third parties. Inside, the ferries had secret quarters for 300 soldiers.

Wolfgang Klietz offers a vivid documentation of this ferry traffic during the Cold War, illuminating the political backdrop as well as the surveillance activities of secret services and plans for similar connections to Lübeck and Kiel.

Wolfgang Klietz

Born in 1963; Degree in political sci-ence, history and literature from Chri-stian Albrecht University in Kiel; free-lance journalist at NDR, Holsteinischer Courier, and since 1989 editor at the Hamburger Abendblatt; since 1991 numerous trips to Lithuania via the ferry port of Mukran; lives with his fa-mily in Hamburg.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

224 pages153 illustrationsISBN 978-3-86153-672-7Published: July 2012

Lars Hellwinkel

Die deutschen Marinestützpunkte in Frankreich 1940 –1945

Hitlers Torzum Atlantik

Lars Hellwinkel

Hitler’s Gateway to the AtlanticGerman military bases in France, 1940 – 1945

Nazi megalomania on France’s Atlantic coast – the political history of gigantic submarine pens in Brest, Lorient, Saint Nazaire, La Pallice and Bor-deaux.

The Wehrmacht overran France in May and June 1940, fulfilling the German Navy’s dream of ac-cess to the Atlantic. In Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, La Pallice and Bordeaux they converted the exi-sting ports into bases. Forty-five thousand workers of the Todt Organization built monumental bun-kers there in which up to 20 submarines could be serviced and repaired simultaneously.

The bunkers were so massive – in Brest alone it was 330 meters wide and 190 meters long, with six-meter-thick concrete ceilings – that they withstood Allied bombings virtually unscathed while the ci-ties around them were laid to ruin.

Naval historian Lars Hellwinkel tells the history of these bases – from their construction in 1940 to their downfall in 1944-45, as well as their subse-quent use. He is the first to focus on the ambivalent relationship between the French population and the Germans, including both collaboration on the part of local shipyards and the French Navy as well as resistance to the occupying power.

Lars Hellwinkel

Born in 1974; Studied French and histo-ry in Brest and Kiel; 2003 – 06 fellow of the Centre d’Études d’Histoire de la Dé-fense (CEHD) and the German Histori-cal Institute in Paris; 2006 Ph.D.; 2008 – 09 research assistance at the Kiel Maritime Museum; since 2009 teacher at the Athenaeum Gymnasium in Stade. Numerous publications on military to-pics, most recently: The German Navy Base in Brest (Bochum 2010).

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

208 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-684-0 Published: August 2012

Ch. Links Verlag

Norbert Mappes-Niediek

Was an den Vorurteilen über die Zuwanderer stimmt

Norbert Mappes-Niediek

Poor Roma, Evil GypsiesAre the prejudices based on fact?

Why can’t the Roma in Eastern Europe find a way out of their misery? Norbert Mappes-Niediek of-fers the first thorough analysis of European Roma policy.

Why can’t the Roma in Eastern Europe find a way out of their misery? Are they poor because they are discriminated against, or discriminated against be-cause they are poor? Are they work-shy, criminal and possibly less intelligent than others? These are the questions that are asked, though seldom open-ly. The answer: “Typical Gypsy.”

The veteran Balkan correspondent Norbert Map-pes-Niediek checks the facts and comes to some surprising conclusions. He also presents a funda-mental critique of Europe’s Roma policy and the “Gypsy industry” it fosters, while pointing out al-ternatives.

Norbert Mappes-Niediek

Born in 1953; has lived since 1992 in Styria, Austria as a freelance correspon-dent for Austria and Southeast Europe.

Books published by Ch. Links Verlag: Balkan Mafia. States in the Hands of Crime – A Threat to Europe, 2003; The Ethno Trap. The Balkan Conflict and What Europe Can Learn From It, 2005; Croatia. A Country Portrait, 2011; Austria. A Country Portrait, 2001/2012.

“The best thing would probably be to just for-get about everything we think we know about the Roma and read this book, which idealizes nothing while explaining many things in a plausible way – and is well-written to boot.”

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

464 pages, 30 illustrationsISBN 978-3-86153-694-9Published: September 2012

Magnus Pahl

Fremde Heere OstHitlers militärische Feindaufklärung

Magnus Pahl

Foreign Armies EastHitler’s military intelligence service

Decoding Hitler’s secret service

Foreign Armies East, the General Staff department operating under Reinhard Gehlen as of April 1942, was the core of Hitler’s military intelligence on the Eastern front. The organization was professional and reliable. But on the strategic level its work re-vealed some major flaws. It had little knowledge of production figures in the Soviet armaments indus-try, of military-policy objectives and the concrete offensive plans of the Red Army.

Reinhard Gehlen was given the task of building up a new foreign secret service in the newly founded Federal Republic, an organization which later be-came the Federal Intelligence Service (BND).

Magnus Pahl’s work offers the first comprehensive overview of the structure, staff and working me-thods of Foreign Armies East.

Magnus Pahl

Born in 1975; Studied history at the Bundeswehr University in Hamburg; received his Ph.D. in 2011 with this work, his dissertation; occasional re-search assistant at the Military History Research Institute (MGFA) in Potsdam; currently a department director at the Bundeswehr Military History Museum in Dresden.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

200 pagesISBN 978-3-86153-688-8Published: September 2012

Ch. Links Verlag

Maja Roedenbeck

Und wer küsst mich?

Absolute Beginners – Wenn die Liebe auf sich warten lässt





Und w

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ich?Anna ist 26 Jahre alt und wurde noch nie richtig ge­

küsst. Marco, 31, kann zwar smalltalken, aber kein biss­chen flirten. Christine hat mit Anfang 40 ihren ersten Freund. Und Rainer kauft sich mit 43 seine ersten Sex­Erfahrungen: Menschen, die ohne Liebe, ohne Partner und oft auch ohne Sex durchs Leben gehen. Dabei wünschen sie sich nichts sehnlicher als Zweisamkeit. Ungefähr ein bis zwei Millionen Menschen in Deutschland teilen dieses Schicksal. Sie nennen sich Absolute Beginners.Maja Roedenbeck hat mit vielen von ihnen gesprochen, trägt Tipps von Ehemaligen und Experten zusammen und geht dabei immer wieder der Frage nach, warum es die Liebe heutzutage so schwer hat.

www.christoph-links-verlag.de9 783861 536888

ISBN 978-3-86153-688-8

Maja Roedenbeck

And Who Will Kiss Me?Absolute Beginners – When love doesn’t come

Who doesn’t know someone like that? The guy who’s thirty-five years old and still lives with his mother, and who doesn’t know the first thing about women. The cousin who’s never brought a boy-friend to any family gathering. That woman you know in her late twenties who is so preoccupied with her single girlfriends that men don’t stand a chance… They call themselves absolute beginners: people who go through life alone and do without love and sex. And yet there’s nothing they long for more than intimacy. But the longer they go without experience, the greater their fear of commitment. The first step becomes a monumental task, their sole mission in life. Meanwhile they’ve joined some Internet forums and are doing their best to attract some attention...

Maja Roedenbeck sheds light on this social pheno-menon, immersing herself in the varied lives of “absolute beginners” while compiling tips and sug-gestions from the formerly afflicted. So that wai-ting for love doesn’t last forever!

Maja Roedenbeck

Born in 1976; Studied Anglistics, jour-nalism and philosophy; trained as a ra-dio editor and host; freelance writer and journalist for the Süddeutsche Zei-tung and other periodicals; married with two children, lives in Berlin.

Previous book publications: Stories of Quarterlife Crisis (Berlin 2003) and You’re Not My First Love (Berlin 2004).

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

foreign rights spring 2013

Bettina von Kleist

Das Jahr danachWenn Paare sich trennen


Millay Hyatt

Wenn der Kinderwunsch uns umtreibt

Adoptierte erzählenFremdheit

Ch. Links Verlag

VertrauteEric Breitinger

Lifeworlds at Ch. Links Verlag

The “Lifeworlds” series deals with the social and psychological impact of modern life on human beings. The varied experiences of individuals are interwoven with expert knowledge and practical guides to help. More than mere self-help books, they reveal the multitude of lifeworlds in varied social settings and environments and provide answers to specific problems in life.

Eric Breitinger Familiar Strangers Adoptees speak

208 pages, published: October 2011

Bettina von Kleist The Year After When couples break up

256 pages, published: April 2011

Millay Hyatt Unfulfilled Desire How to forgive yourself and others

224 pages, published: June 2012

A new beginning – Bettina von Kleist offers an intel-ligent guidebook for the first year after separation, when nothing is the way it used to be and many deci-sions need to be made.

What do you do when your biological parents remain strangers? Eric Breitinger lends a voice to adoptees whose search for their parents has led to disappoint-ment. This book is meant to enourage and to help make adoption an option.

A stirring, profound and sensitive guidebook for all those driven by the desire to have children

Censorship in East Germany was abolished on December 1, 1989. This was the green light for Christoph Links, an employee at East German publishing house Aufbau Verlag at the time, to esta-blish an independent non-fiction publishing company for politics and contemporary history. Since then he has brought out about 600 titles, his three-man staff has grown to ten, while the subject matter of his books, invariably weighing in on current events, has likewise expanded. Literary jour-nalism, country studies, self-help, historical travel guides, coffee-tables books with accompanying texts on distinctive locations in German history, books about German colonial history, also e-books can be found in his publisher’s catalog.Best and long sellers include Chronik der Wende (Chronicle of the Wende) and Chronik des Mauer-falls (Chronicle of the Fall of the Wall) (12th edition forthcoming), Dunkle Welten. Bunker, Tunnel und Gewölbe unter Berlin (Dark Worlds. Bunkers, Tunnels and Vaults beneath Berlin) (9th edition forthcoming) or Die Grenze. Ein deutsches Bauwerk (The Border. A German Construction) (7th edition).

»Ch. Links Verlag – a trusted name in the German publishing industry.« Die Welt

Ch. Links Verlag

Ch. Links VerlagSchönhauser Allee 3610435 BerlinGermany

phone: + 49 (0) 30 - 440 232-0 fax: + 49 (0) 30 - 440 232-29

For further information please contact:

Margit Stragies, Rights Manager:

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