Þ 5 ´ PB - TimePackres.timepack.cn/TimePack_SDK--iOS.pdf · 2016-10-28 · Þ 5 ´ P B , ¢...

Ӟݐ ᦢᳯTimePackਥᗑڠୌጱଫአݐapp id app secret ԫiOSᵞ౮ ܖ2.1 ӥSDK 2.1.1 ᦢᳯTimePackᩒრӾஞ , ݎ-->ᩒრӥ-->iOSᩒრӥ, ӥiOSݎૡ۱ 2.1.2 ਖ਼ӥጱTimePack-iOS-2.0.8.zip, ᬰᤈᥴ TimePack.frameworkկ४ 2.2 TimePack SDKکےጱᶱፓ 2.2.1 ਖ਼ᥴݸکTimePack.framework فጱૡᑕӾ, ۮӤDestination 2.2.2 ڋ“Finish”, ਠ౮SDKے, ૡᑕፓ୯ইಅᐏ(ྌනکTimePackDemoկ४ӥ) 2.2.3 ኧԭSDKstoryboardګUI, ᩒრᇆզbundle୵ୗᕟᕢጱ, ᵱᥝಋਖ਼ᬯԶᩒრկ, Өጱૡᑕୌᒈىᔮਖ਼TimePack.framework୯ӥጱAddr.plist, bpkapi.bundle, BPKVisual.storyboardc Addr.plist, bpkapi.bundle, BPKVisual.storyboardc, 添加到您的项目中 2.2.4 ڋ”Finish”, ےԏݸ, ಅᐏ 2.3 ᯈᗝૡᑕ 2.3.1 向Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries 中添加系统依赖库 2.3.2 ےSDKpod(targetTimePackDemo) platform :ios, '7.0' inhibit_all_warnings! target 'TimePackDemo' do pod 'Masonry' # SDKचԭ0.6.4, ᧗አ 0.6.4pod 'SDWebImage' # SDKचԭ3.7.5, ᧗አ 3.7.5pod 'UIViewController+KeyboardAnimation' # SDKचԭ1.2, ᧗አ 1.2pod 'FMDB' # SDKचԭ2.6.2, ᧗አ 2.6.2pod 'Qiniu', '~> 7.0.16' # SDKचԭ7.0.16, ᧗አ 7.0.16 Ӭ 7.0.18 pod 'DZNEmptyDataSet' # SDKचԭ1.8, ᧗አ 1.8end 2.3.3 ਞᤰਠጱpodsԏݸ, xcworkspace, ๅෛᖫᦲᦡᗝ(Build Settings) Ӿ -force_load $(SRCROOT)/{TimePack.frameworkӞԶӤᕆፓ୯}/TimePack.framework/TimePack ฎᶳጱ, ԅSDKӾᕲګጱᶉாUI, , ᔮᕹݢզ᭗ᬦᬯӻᦡᗝತک $(inherited) cocoapods ׀ጱਡݒ, ӧአݎᘏᖌಷ 2.3.4 चԭiOSᔮᕹጱᥝᦡᗝ ԭiOS 9, ᵱᥝᦡᗝHTTPܔݷ, Ӟᐿᦡᗝইӥ: <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> </dict> ԭiOS 10, ኧԭTimePackᵱᥝᦢᳯᔮᕹፘ, ᵱᥝᦡᗝᆙᇆପᦢᳯᴴ, Ӟᐿᦡᗝইӥ: <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>TimePackਖ਼ᦢᳯጱፘᓾ, ګսᗦጱፘ</string> ӣአ ܖ3.1 ڡত۸SDK ኧԭᵱᥝݐአጱ, ᧗አጭ୯ጱկӥ,᧣አ[BPKPrintManager start:@"ྌᬌفጱദAppID" appSecret:@"ྌᬌفጱദ secret" userID:@"Appጱአጱid" fromController:self completionBlock:^(BOOL finished, LYAlbumOrder *payingOrder) { NSLog(@"%@ܔහഝ: ܔid--%@; ݩܔ: %@", finished ? @"" : @"", payingOrder.str_id, payingOrder.str_serial); }]; SDKਖ਼զmodalڡতᶭᶎ 3.2 ᨻԣፘ ୮አᨻԣፘᓾ, ۑӥᦈܔ, TimePack SDKUIզmodal୵ୗၾ०ਖ਼ᦈܔහഝݍکapp. ړԅӣᐿఘ٭: ᒫӞᐿ: ୮አᬰفTimePackḒᶭ, ڋӤጱᬬbutton, finishedNO, payingOrdernil; ᒫԫᐿ:ᨻᇔೠ1ᐿፘᓾ, Ꮯᦊᦈܔ, ኞ౮ᦈܔ, finishedYES, payingOrdernon-nil ᒫӣᐿ: ୮አᦈڜܔᤒᶭ, ڋ"ܨඪ՞", finishedYES, payingOrdernon-nil 3.3 ඪ՞ಅአጱහഝ አ᭗ᎣӾጱᦈܔහഝ, LYAlbumOrderӾ,ᦏአԅᨻԣጱፘᓾᬰᤈඪ՞ Ӿݢአጱ str_serial(ܔݩڜ), time(ӥܔ), numberOfAlbums(ፘහፓ), summaryPrice(հ, ۱ތᬩᩇ), deliveryFee(ᬩᩇ) 3.4 ইඪ՞ 3.4.1 ኧᵞ౮ොᨮᨱඪ՞ۑ(1) ইຎSDKᶭᶎӧၾ०ጱఘ٭ӥඪ՞ (2) ইຎSDKᶭᶎၾ०ጱఘ٭ӥඪ՞ 3.4.2 SDK׀(ܨጯፓ)ᨮᨱඪ՞ۑ, ኧԭஙמጱᴴګ, ݝ׀ඪ՞ਪඪ՞ TimePackDemoӾጱPaySupportکጱᶱፓӾ, ڡত۸SDKইӥᯈᗝ:

Transcript of Þ 5 ´ PB - TimePackres.timepack.cn/TimePack_SDK--iOS.pdf · 2016-10-28 · Þ 5 ´ P B , ¢...

Page 1: Þ 5 ´ PB - TimePackres.timepack.cn/TimePack_SDK--iOS.pdf · 2016-10-28 · Þ 5 ´ P B , ¢ ïTimePack % Ñ L 1 + ´ Papp id ¾ app secret + 5iOS ^ n ð 2.1 å ùSDK 2.1.1 ¢ ïTimePack

TimePack app id app secret

iOS 2.1 SDK

2.1.1 TimePack , --> -->iOS , iOS

2.1.2 TimePack-iOS-2.0.8.zip,


2.2 TimePack SDK

2.2.1 TimePack.framework , Destination

2.2.2 “Finish”, SDK , ( TimePackDemo )

2.2.3 SDK storyboard UI, bundle , , TimePack.frameworkAddr.plist, bpkapi.bundle, BPKVisual.storyboardcAddr.plist, bpkapi.bundle, BPKVisual.storyboardc, 添加到您的项目中

2.2.4 ”Finish”, ,

2.3 2.3.1 向Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries 中添加系统依赖库

2.3.2 SDK pod( target TimePackDemo) platform :ios, '7.0'


target 'TimePackDemo' do

pod 'Masonry' # SDK 0.6.4, ≥ 0.6.4

pod 'SDWebImage' # SDK 3.7.5, ≥ 3.7.5

pod 'UIViewController+KeyboardAnimation' # SDK 1.2, ≥ 1.2

pod 'FMDB' # SDK 2.6.2, ≥ 2.6.2

pod 'Qiniu', '~> 7.0.16' # SDK 7.0.16, ≥ 7.0.16 ≤ 7.0.18

pod 'DZNEmptyDataSet' # SDK 1.8, ≥ 1.8

end 2.3.3 pods , xcworkspace, (Build Settings)

-force_load $(SRCROOT)/{TimePack.framework }/TimePack.framework/TimePack , SDK UI, ,

$(inherited) cocoapods ,

2.3.4 iOS iOS 9, HTTP , : <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> </dict> iOS 10, TimePack , , : <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>TimePack , </string>

3.1 SDK

, , [BPKPrintManager start:@" AppID" appSecret:@"secret" userID:@" App id" fromController:self completionBlock:^(BOOL finished, LYAlbumOrder *payingOrder) { NSLog(@"%@ : id--%@; : %@", finished ? @" " : @" ", payingOrder.str_id, payingOrder.str_serial); }]; SDK modal


, , TimePack SDK UI modal app. : : TimePack , button , finished NO, payingOrder nil;

: ≥1 , , , finished YES, payingOrder non-nil

: , " " , finished YES, payingOrder non-nil


, LYAlbumOrder , str_serial( ), time( ), numberOfAlbums( ), summaryPrice( , ), deliveryFee( )


3.4.1 (1) SDK

(2) SDK

3.4.2 SDK ( ) , , TimePackDemo PaySupport , SDK :