mikehenden-portfolio 2016

p +64 04 577 0243 m +64 027 4419 273 e [email protected] w mhdesign.co.nz li linkedin.com/in/mikehenden Logo Design Brochure/Flyer Design GO TO lifestylegym.co.nz $499 – DONE AND DUSTED! NO admin fees, NO joining fees, NO hidden costs – just membership! 6-month membership to all Lifestyle Health & Fitness Clubs – Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt and Wellington. Free trials of our Small Group Training Programme. 8-week induction programme with a Fitness Trainer to help you reach your goals quicker. Access to our 20-metre Salt Water Pool in Wellington. Over 18 different Group Exercise Classes including BoxFit, MuscleXpress, RiDE and Pilates... plus many more! FREE WORKOUT! Come and check us out for a day with a no-obligation trial. Get FREE access to all facilities including our Group Exercise classes!* * Conditions apply (YL `V\ ºV]LY» KLHSPUN ^P[O IHK [LUHU[Z& 'RPLQLRQ 3URSHUW\ 0DQDJHPHQW /WG FDQ VROYH \RXU SURSHUW\ OHWWLQJ LVVXHV O ([FHOOHQW UHWXUQ RQ \RXU LQYHVWPHQW O ~1R KDVVOH WHQDQW VHOHFWLRQ O 6SHFLDOLVWV LQ UHQWLQJ E\ WKH URRP O 5HJXODU UHOLDEOH LQVSHFWLRQV O 5HQWV SDLG WZLFH PRQWKO\ 3L[ \Z THUHNL `V\Y YLU[HS HUK ^L ^PSS ZLUK `V\ -9,, ,_WLY[ (WWYHPZHSZ *VU[HJ[! 5PJR` 9VIPUZVU &OLHQW 6HUYLFHV 0DQDJHU (PDLO QLFN\#GRPLQLRQSURSHUW\Q] 0RE |5HOLDEOH DQG HIILFLHQW 1LFN\ LV D YHU\ DSSURDFKDEOH PHPEHU RI RXU WHDP KHUH DW 'RPLQLRQ 3URSHUW\ 0DQDJHPHQW $OZD\V SURIHVVLRQDO VKH LV D UHDO DVVHW 1LFN\ ZLOO HQVXUH \RX UHFHLYH WKH EHVW SRVVLEOH VHUYLFH VR OHW KHU WDNH FDUH RI \RXU SURSHUW\ FRQFHUQV :H NQRZ \RX ZLOO EH JODG \RX GLG} ;YHJ` >OPWW` +PYLJ[VY 5LLK YLSPHISL [LUHU[Z& ONE FREE WORKOUT This pass entitles you to enjoy one FREE Workout, Group Exercise Class or Swim. You are welcome to bring a guest if you wish. To find out more call us on 499 0032. Conditions of use: Valid for normal membership services only. One time use only. Student ID required. Offer subject to availability. Guest must be aged 18 or over and not have visited the club as a free guest within the last 30 days. Synergy Health & Fitness Club reserves the right to refuse entry. ‘Stronger Together’ C M Y CM MY CY CMY K

Transcript of mikehenden-portfolio 2016

p +64 04 577 0243

m +64 027 4419 273

e [email protected]

w mhdesign.co.nz

li linkedin.com/in/mikehenden

Logo DesignBrochure/Flyer Design

GO TO lifestylegym.co.n


$499 – DONE

AND DUSTED!NO admin fees, NO joining fees, NO hidden costs – just membership!

6-month membership to all Lifestyle Health & Fitness Clubs – Lower Hutt,

Upper Hutt and Wellington.

Free trials of our Small Group Training Programme.

8-week induction programme with a Fitness Trainer to help you reach

your goals quicker.

Access to our 20-metre Salt Water Pool in Wellington.

Over 18 di�erent Group Exercise Classes including BoxFit, MuscleXpress,

RiDE and Pilates... plus many more!






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WORKOUTThis pass entitles you to enjoy one

FREE Workout, Group Exercise

Class or Swim. You are welcome to

bring a guest if you wish.

To find out more call us on 499 0032.

Conditions of use: Valid for normal membership services only.

One time use only. Student ID required. Offer subject to availability.

Guest must be aged 18 or over and not have visited the club as a

free guest within the last 30 days. Synergy Health & Fitness Club

reserves the right to refuse entry.

‘Stronger Together’









p +64 04 577 0243

m +64 027 4419 273

e [email protected]

w mhdesign.co.nz

li linkedin.com/in/mikehenden

Publication Design: Pink Floyd Experience ‘Wish You Were Here’ Tour Programme

p +64 04 577 0243

m +64 027 4419 273

e [email protected]

w mhdesign.co.nz

li linkedin.com/in/mikehenden

Publication Design: Arotec Diagnostics Profile

p +64 04 577 0243

m +64 027 4419 273

e [email protected]

w mhdesign.co.nz

li linkedin.com/in/mikehenden

Website Design

p +64 04 577 0243

m +64 027 4419 273

e [email protected]

w mhdesign.co.nz

li linkedin.com/in/mikehenden

Tee Shirt Design

p +64 04 577 0243

m +64 027 4419 273

e [email protected]

w mhdesign.co.nz

li linkedin.com/in/mikehenden

Signage and Billboard Design