Globalization and Education · Globalization and Education issued by the first joint workshop of...

THE PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES THE PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES VATICAN CITY 2006 Statement on Globalization and Education issued by the first joint workshop of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and approved by the same Academies Erklärung zu Globalisierung und Bildung wurde von der Päpstlichen Akademie für Wissenschaften und Sozialwissenschaften zum Abschluß des ersten gemeinsamen Seminars genehmigt Messaggio su Globalizzazione ed Educazione approvato dalle Pontificie Accademie delle Scienze e delle Scienze Sociali a conclusione del primo seminario tenuto in comune Declaración sobre Globalización y Educación aprovada por las Pontificias Academias de las Ciencias y de las Ciencias Sociales como conclusión del primer seminario tenido en común 16-17 November 2005 Casina Pio IV Letter by Cardinal A. Sodano p. Statement p. Erklärung p. Messaggio p. Declaración p. Programme p. List of Participants p. Participant Biographies p. 8 22 19 17 14 11 5 4 P O N T I F I C I A A C A D E M I A S C I E N T I A R V M PAS EXTRA SERIES 25 PASS EXTRA SERIES 6

Transcript of Globalization and Education · Globalization and Education issued by the first joint workshop of...

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Statement onGlobalization and Education

issued by the first joint workshop of the Pontifical Academy of Sciencesand the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

and approved by the same Academies

Erklärung zuGlobalisierung und Bildung

wurde von der Päpstlichen Akademie für Wissenschaften und Sozialwissenschaftenzum Abschluß des ersten gemeinsamen Seminars genehmigt

Messaggio suGlobalizzazione ed Educazione

approvato dalle Pontificie Accademie delle Scienze e delle Scienze Socialia conclusione del primo seminario tenuto in comune

Declaración sobreGlobalización y Educación

aprovada por las Pontificias Academias de las Ciencias y de las Ciencias Socialescomo conclusión del primer seminario tenido en común

16-17 November 2005Casina Pio IV

Letter by Cardinal A. Sodano p. Statement p. Erklärung p. Messaggio p.Declaración p. Programme p. List of Participants p. Participant Biographies p.













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In today’s complex situation, not least because of the growth of a glob-alized economy, the Church’s social doctrine has become a set of fun-damental guidelines offering approaches that are valid even beyondthe confines of the Church: in the face of ongoing development theseguidelines need to be addressed in the context of dialogue with all thoseseriously concerned for humanity and for the world in which welive...On the other hand – and here we see one of the challenging yetalso positive sides of the process of globalization – we now have at ourdisposal numerous means for offering humanitarian assistance to ourbrothers and sisters in need, not least modern systems of distributingfood and clothing, and of providing housing and care. Concern for ourneighbour transcends the confines of national communities and hasincreasingly broadened its horizon to the whole world. The Second Vat-ican Council rightly observed that “among the signs of our times, oneparticularly worthy of note is a growing, inescapable sense of solidari-ty between all peoples”. State agencies and humanitarian associationswork to promote this, the former mainly through subsidies or tax re-lief, the latter by making available considerable resources. The solidar-ity shown by civil society thus significantly surpasses that shown byindividuals.

* * *

Nella situazione difficile nella quale oggi ci troviamo anche a causadella globalizzazione dell’economia, la dottrina sociale della Chiesa èdiventata un’indicazione fondamentale, che propone orientamenti va-lidi ben al di là dei confini di essa: questi orientamenti – di fronte alprogredire dello sviluppo – devono essere affrontati nel dialogo contutti coloro che si preoccupano seriamente dell’uomo e del suo mon-do. ... D’altro canto – ed è questo un aspetto provocatorio e al contem-po incoraggiante del processo di globalizzazione – il presente mette anostra disposizione innumerevoli strumenti per prestare aiuto umani-tario ai fratelli bisognosi, non ultimi i moderni sistemi per la distribu-zione di cibo e di vestiario, come anche per l’offerta di alloggio e di ac-coglienza. Superando i confini delle comunità nazionali, la sollecitudi-ne per il prossimo tende così ad allargare i suoi orizzonti al mondo in-tero. Il Concilio Vaticano II ha giustamente rilevato: “Tra i segni delnostro tempo è degno di speciale menzione il crescente e inarrestabilesenso di solidarietà di tutti i popoli”. Gli enti dello Stato e le associa-zioni umanitarie assecondano iniziative volte a questo scopo, per lopiù attraverso sussidi o sgravi fiscali, gli uni, rendendo disponibili con-siderevoli risorse, le altre. In tal modo la solidarietà espressa dalla so-cietà civile supera significativamente quella dei singoli.

Encyclical Letter Deus Caritas Est of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVIto the Bishops, Priests and Deacons, Men and Women Religious, andall the Lay Faithful on Christian Love (25 December 2005).

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Statement onGlobalization and Education

Erklärung zuGlobalisierung und Bildung

Messaggio suGlobalizzazione ed Educazione

Declaración sobreGlobalización y Educación

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Globalization and Education

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Ahuman community that always thinksanew the goals of education possessesa healthy circulation of ideas and ener-

gies for the good of its members. Each gener-ation should re-consider how to pass on itsculture to its successors for it is through edu-cation that man becomes fully who he is,aware, free and responsible, a citizen of theworld. To think about education is to thinkabout future generations and thus is rooted inhope and requires generosity.

Globalization properly managed may pro-vide a chance for education and peace, bring-ing human beings closer to one another andfostering the sharing of common values.

As in all human matters, education first andforemost must have an idea of what a humanbeing is, because men and women are thosewho are educated and those who educate. Thuseducation must answer a key question, namely:what do we know today about men and women? The workshop sought to examine what an edu-cational project could be in an increasinglyglobalized world. This project must be based onour current bio-anthropological knowledge ofmen and women, in dialogue with the sciences,within the context of the diversity and interde-pendence of cultures and the universality of re-ligious, anthropological and ethical values,which increasingly intersect with communica-tion and information technology, as well as withthe new patterns of international migration.

In our globalized world, the problem of jus-tice is central: namely that all men and women,wherever they are and whatever their conditionof life, should have the right to, and the possi-bility of, a good education and general access to

culture. This means a goal of basic education –up to nine years – for all, then secondary andhigher education on the basis of abilities and re-sources. Clearly, the globalized world also im-plies an improvement in education not only forthe inhabitants of the developing world but alsofor the developed one. For all people today thereis a tremendous wealth of knowledge which isunparalleled in history and which should bemade available through new and suitable proc-esses of synthesis and transmission. Everyonehas the right to an education that sees the envi-ronment as a home, so as to prevent it from be-coming harmful to health and well-being.

The workshop reached the following conclu-sions:

1. Despite the many declarations and state-ments of objectives, enunciated by the UnitedNations and other agencies, and despite signifi-cant efforts in some countries, education re-mains extraordinarily uneven within the worldpopulation, although the resources needed toimprove this situation do not seem to be out ofreach. A special cause for concern over the lastdecade has been the divergence and growing in-equality, which is concomitant with globaliza-tion and related to policies in education, be-tween developed or emerging countries andstagnating ones, the latter being caught in apoverty trap.

2. Given the growing importance of education,now more important than ever before in humanhistory, of equal cause for concern is the wideand frequently increasing quality gap betweenschools attended by the poor and schools at-tended by those who are not poor. This happens

This Statement on Globalization and Education was produced by the joint workshop on the samesubject of 16-17 November 2005 which was held at Casina Pio IV. On the basis of a text by Prof.Léna, Prof. Malinvaud, and the Bishop-Chancellor Sánchez, and in response to proposals made bythe President of the PAS, Prof. Cabibbo, Prof. Battro, Prof. Gardner, Prof. Hide, Prof. Llach, Prof.Mittelstrass, Prof. Ramirez, Prof. Ryan, and Prof. Suárez Orozco, followed by a discussion betweenProf. Léna, Prof. Malinvaud and the Chancellor, this document was formally approved by the Pon-tifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.


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Globalization and Education Statement

in such a way that differentiated or segregatededucational pathways often emerge. Mostalarming is the fact that world-wide nearly 200million children and young people who shouldbe receiving basic education are not enrolled inschool at all.

3. Today, in the face of globalization, global mi-grations, the explosion of knowledge and theconcomitant emergence of a knowledge-inten-sive economy, and above all the compelling ob-ligation to fight poverty by all means through-out the world, education may require seriousre-thinking. The adverse consequences of inad-equate education policies for poor people areamplified by globalization.

4. Globalization has provoked an unprecedent-ed increase in migrant populations eitherwithin host countries or within large coun-tries. Today, international migrations are anintegral part of global development. Migra-tions can be an extremely positive factor inmutual understanding and the mixing of cul-tures. Education plays an important role in theintegration of the children of immigrantsworld-wide. While some of the children of im-migrant families do better at school than thechildren of indigenous families, others seemto be marked out early on for social rejectionand the experience of problems. Reducing thefracture with native cultures and languages,and helping to maintain family stability, areamong some of the paths by which to achieveimprovements in this area.

5. Education should aim at the full develop-ment of the human person, the promotion ofthe meaning of human dignity, and thestrengthening of respect for human rights andfundamental freedoms. It should enable allpersons to participate effectively in the hu-man family and should advance understand-ing, friendship, and co-operation between allpeoples, ethnic groups and religious commu-nities. Education should also transmit knowl-edge, higher-order cognitive skills and the in-terpersonal sensibility required to help boys,girls, men and women to become fully them-selves and to interact with others. It shoulddevelop their ability to observe, to reason, tosynthesize and create ethical values, and todevelop a sense of justice, respect, tolerance,

and compassion for others. It should empha-size the responsibility of people to protect theenvironment for the benefit of present and fu-ture generations, preventing pollution andecological deterioration and promoting con-servation and sustainable development. In itstransmission of knowledge and its fostering ofcreativity, education should convey the deeplessons of the past and communicate the op-portunities and risks that will be faced by hu-manity in the future.

6. In particular in the context of globalization,respect for cultural diversity and the preserva-tion of the elements of cultural identity are es-sential in the educational process. New genera-tions have to understand in a clear way theirown culture in relation to other cultures in or-der to develop self-awareness when facing cul-tural changes and to promote peaceful under-standing and tolerance, thereby identifying andencouraging true human values within an inter-cultural perspective.

7. At the same time, education should aim toestablish that common sense of humanitywhich is essential for the maintenance ofpeace. This could be achieved by drawing onthe universality of ethical principles andnorms, which are, for instance, expressed inthe concepts of human rights and the dignityof the person, as well as on the universality ofknowledge, wisdom and science. It is thus al-so necessary to offer at some points in the ed-ucational process the new image of the uni-verse that the scientific community has pro-posed of the cosmos, the earth, life, and theemergence of humans and their societies.

8. The relativist and nihilistic tendencies of somemodern movements, which Benedict XVI andhis predecessors have criticized with increasingforce, have been matched by a welcome and pro-gressive return of ethical, philosophical and reli-gious questions. The ‘wonder’ that stimulated theorigin of science and the path taken by sciencehas not diminished but increased with the newdiscoveries in the physical and life sciences. This‘new world’, which has been increasingly investi-gated by man, has given rise to even greateramazement at the universe which could open upa new positive horizon of meaning by which tounderstand the mystery of the Creation. In this

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Globalization and Education Statement

way, as a result of science, religion and philoso-phy have returned to the fore, as is demonstrat-ed by the increasing attention paid to their rec-ognized roles in their quest for truth. From thissprings the need to take into account science,philosophy and religion, and their correlative in-terdisciplinary dialogue, in establishing a soundanthropological basis as the pre-condition of ed-ucation today.

9. Education begins in the maternal womb andat birth. Mothers, fathers and families in theirprimary educational role need help to under-stand – in the new global context – the impor-tance of this early stage in life, and should beprepared to act accordingly. One of the criticalpaths to a higher quality of education at theschool level is the increased participation offamilies and local communities in the gover-nance of their educational projects.

10. Human development depends upon multi-ple parameters such as education, health, andcultural visions of the family and of the respec-tive roles of men and women in human society.Yet it can be asserted that education, especiallyat the primary level, remains dramatically in-sufficient in some parts of the world. The ‘clas-sic’ basic skills expected of primary education –reading, writing and arithmetic – are no longersufficient in a globalized world. They need to besupplemented by skills leading towards suchobjectives as the improvement, the protectionor the preservation of work abilities, the cultur-al and linguistic heritage, ethical values, socialcohesion, and the environment. In the future,this classic triad may expand into a new objec-tive: ‘reading, writing, mathematics, reasoning,synthesising’.

11. Teaching requires on the part of teachers ahigh level of knowledge so that students, wholearn through the process of instruction, mayachieve a standard of education that theywould not obtain on their own. Their role as

agents of education has to be recognised andsupported by every possible means: for exam-ple, continuous coaching by those who have amore direct access to knowledge (especiallytrained scholars and scientists), the updatingof professional training, suitable salaries, andthe availability of information technology. Inorder to facilitate a successful educationalprocess, and so as to provide every member ofsociety, and communities themselves, withthat level of knowledge and learning which isa primary factor in conferring autonomy andencouraging co-operation, it is important toaim for high standards of quality within theteaching profession, especially at the level ofhigher education. This is also required so that,given that the expertise of every teacher is lim-ited, what a student does not learn from oneteacher he or she may learn from another, andso that teachers may learn from each otherwithin a context of synergy. To support andpromote this dual process, which is at the ori-gin of schools, universities and other educa-tional institutions, suitable national, interna-tional and private resources must be madeavailable to them so that, throughout theworld, they can carry out their tasks in an ef-fective way.

12. Communication and information technol-ogy (IT) offers extraordinary opportunities forthe renewal of education because of its capac-ity to connect people, its ability to promote theaccessibility of remote areas, its decreasingcosts, and the potential volume of the informa-tion it can convey. It will thus be possible toreduce the costs of education for each child,even in poor areas. However, IT tools do notnecessarily achieve education on their own.They need to be accompanied by a conceptualvision in order to promote dialogue, the activeparticipation of teachers, the organisation ofknowledge, and an awareness of the impor-tance of values.

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Eine menschliche Gemeinschaft, die stetsdie Ziele der Bildung neu überdenkt, ver-fügt über einen gesunden Kreislauf von

Ideen und Energien zum Wohl ihrer Mitglieder.Jede Generation sollte erneut überlegen, wie sieihre Kultur ihren Nachfahren weitergibt, denndurch Bildung wird der Mensch vollständig zudem, der er ist, bewusst, frei und verantwortlich,ein Weltbürger. Ein Nachdenken über Bildung be-deutet ein Nachdenken über künftige Generatio-nen, wurzelt somit in der Hoffnung und erfordertGroßzügigkeit.

Richtig gehandhabte Globalisierung kann ei-ne Chance für Bildung und Frieden bedeuten, dieMenschen einander näher bringen und das Be-streben verstärken, gemeinsame Werte miteinan-der zu teilen.

Wie bei allen menschlichen Belangen mussder Bildung zunächst und in erster Linie eine Vor-stellung davon zugrunde liegen, was der Menschist, denn es sind Männer und Frauen, die Bildungerhalten und Bildung weitergeben. Somit mussBildung eine Schlüsselfrage beantworten, näm-lich die: was wissen wir heute über Männer undFrauen?

Der Workshop bemühte sich zu untersuchen,was ein Bildungsprojekt in einer zunehmend glo-balisierten Welt sein könnte. Ein solches Projektmuss auf unserem derzeitigen bio-anthropologi-schen Wissen über Männer und Frauen gründen,im Dialog mit den Naturwissenschaften stehen,sich innerhalb eines Kontextes der Vielfältigkeitund wechselseitigen Abhängigkeit der Kulturenbewegen sowie der Universalität religiöser, an-thropologischer und ethischer Werte. Mittels derKommunikations- und Informationstechnologiekreuzen sich alle diese Gegebenheiten und Kräftezunehmend. Schließlich muss ein solches Projekt

auch die neuen Muster internationaler Migrationeinbeziehen.

In unserer globalisierten Welt ist Gerechtigkeitein zentrales Thema: das heißt, alle Männer undFrauen, wo auch immer sie sich befinden und wel-ches auch immer ihre Lebensbedingungen sind,sollten ein Anrecht auf eine gute Bildung, Möglich-keiten der Erziehung und einen allgemeinen Zu-gang zur Kultur haben. Dies beinhaltet das Ziel ei-ner Grundschulbildung – bis zu neun Jahren – füralle, und sodann höherer und akademischer Bil-dung nach Maßgabe der Fähigkeiten und der Mit-tel. Es ist klar, dass die globalisierte Welt auch eineVerbesserung der Bildung nicht nur für die Bewoh-ner von Entwicklungsländern, sondern auch für dieder entwickelten Welt mit sich zu bringen hat. Füralle Menschen ist heute ein ungeheurer, in der Ge-schichte noch nie dagewesener Wissensschatz vor-handen, der ihnen durch neue und geeignete Ver-fahren der Verknüpfung und Übertragung zur Ver-fügung gestellt werden sollte. Jeder besitzt ein An-recht auf eine Bildung, welche die Umwelt alsHeimstatt betrachtet, um zu verhindern, dass sieeine für die Gesundheit und das Wohlergehenschädliche Entwicklung nimmt

Der Workshop kam zu folgenden Schlüssen:

1. Trotz der vielen von den Vereinten Nationen undanderen Organisationen abgegebenen Erklärungenund Zielfeststellungen und trotz bedeutender An-strengungen in einigen Ländern ist die Bildung in-nerhalb der Weltbevölkerung noch außergewöhn-lich ungleichmäßig verteilt, obgleich die zur Ver-besserung dieser Situation benötigten Ressourcennicht unerreichbar zu sein scheinen. BesonderenGrund zur Besorgnis im Verlauf der letzten zehnJahre gibt die Divergenz und zunehmende Un-gleichheit - eine Begleiterscheinung der Globalisie-

Diese Erklärung zu Globalisierung und Bildung wurde anlässlich eines gemeinsamen Workshops zu dem-selben Thema erarbeitet, der am 16./17. November 2005 in der Casina Pio IV. abgehalten wurde. Auf derGrundlage eines Texts von Prof. Léna, Prof. Malinvaud und Bischof-Kanzler Sánchez und als Reaktion aufdie Vorschläge des Präsidenten der PAS, Prof. Cabibbo, Prof. Battro, Prof. Gardner, Prof. Hide, Prof. Llach,Prof. Mittelstrass, Prof. Ramirez, Prof. Ryan und Prof. Suarez Orozco, einschließlich einer Diskussion zwi-schen Prof. Léna, Prof. Malinvaud und dem Kanzler, wurde dieses Dokument von der Päpstlichen Akade-mie der Wissenschaften und der Päpstlichen Akademie für Sozialwissenschaften offiziell gebilligt.


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Globalization and Education Erklärung

rung und mit Bildungspolitik im Zusammenhangstehend - zwischen den entwickelten und denSchwellenländern einerseits und den stagnieren-den Ländern andererseits, wobei letztere sich in ei-ner Armutsfalle gefangen sehen.

2. Ein gleicher Grund zur Besorgnis angesichts derwachsenden Bedeutung der Bildung und jetztwichtiger denn je in der Geschichte der Mensch-heit ist der große und oft noch zunehmende Qua-litätsabstand zwischen den Lerninstituten, die vonden Armen und solchen, die von den nicht Armenbesucht werden. Dies entwickelt sich in einer Wei-se, dass oftmals differenzierte oder nach gewissenKriterien gesonderte Bildungspfade entstehen.Höchst alarmierend ist die Tatsache, dass weltweitfast 200 Millionen Kinder und junge Menschen, dieeine Grundbildung erhalten sollten, überhaupt kei-ne Schule besuchen.

3. Heute, in Anbetracht der Globalisierung, globa-ler Migrationsbewegungen, der Wissens explosionund des gleichzeitigen Entstehens einer wissensin-tensiven Wirtschaft sowie vor allem der zwingen-den Verpflichtung zur Bekämpfung der Armut mitallen Mitteln auf der ganzen Welt kann Bildung einernsthaftes Umdenken erfordern. Die nachteiligenFolgen unzulänglicher Bildungspolitik für Armewerden durch die Globalisierung verstärkt.

4. Die Globalisierung hat eine bislang ungekannteZunahme von Migrationspopulationen hervorgeru-fen. Heute bilden internationale Migrationen einenwesentlichen Bestandteil der globalen Entwick-lung. Migrationen können einen äußerst positivenFaktor zum gegenseitigen Verstehen und für dasVermischen von Kulturen darstellen. Bildung spielteine wichtige Rolle bei der Integration der Kindervon Immigranten auf der ganzen Welt. Während ei-nige der Kinder von Immigrantenfamilien in derSchule erfolgreicher sind als die Kinder einheimi-scher Familien, scheinen andere frühzeitig dazubestimmt zu sein, sozial ausgegrenzt zu werdenund den Problemen ausgeliefert zu sein. Eine Ver-ringerung des Bruchs mit der jeweiligen Heimat-kultur und der Muttersprache und eine Unterstüt-zung bei der Aufrechterhaltung der Familienstabi-lität sind einige der Wege, auf denen Verbesserun-gen auf diesem Gebiet erzielt werden können.

5. Bildung sollte auf die volle Entwicklung dermenschlichen Person abzielen, auf die Entfaltungder Bedeutung der Menschenwürde und auf eineStärkung der Achtung der Menschenrechte undGrundfreiheiten. Sie sollte es allen Personen er-möglichen, effektiv an der Menschheitsfamilie teil-

zuhaben, und sollte das Verstehen, die Freund-schaft und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen allenVölkern, ethnischen Gruppen und Religionsge-meinschaften fördern. Bildung sollte auch Kennt-nisse vermitteln, kognitive Fähigkeiten höherer Artund eine zwischenmenschliche Offenheit, die er-forderlich ist, um Jungen, Mädchen, Männern undFrauen zu helfen, völlig sie selbst zu werden undmit anderen zu interagieren. Sie sollte ihre Fähig-keit entwickeln zu beobachten, vernünftig zu den-ken, Verknüpfungen herzustellen und ethischeWerte zu schaffen sowie den Sinn für Gerechtig-keit, Achtung, Toleranz und Mitgefühl für anderezu entfalten. Sie sollte die Verantwortung der Men-schen betonen, die Umwelt zum Nutzen jetzigerund künftiger Generationen zu schützen unter Ver-meidung von Vergiftung und ökologischem Nieder-gang wie auch zur Förderung ihrer Erhaltung undeiner nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Bildung sollte beider Weitergabe von Kenntnissen und beim Ent-wickeln der Kreativität die tiefgreifenden Lehrender Vergangenheit weitergeben und die Möglich-keiten und Risiken aufzeigen, welche in der Zu-kunft auf die Menschheit zukommen.

6. Insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Globa-lisierung sind Achtung der kulturellen Vielfalt undErhaltung der Elemente kultureller Identität fürden Bildungsprozess wesentlich. Neue Generatio-nen müssen ihre eigene Kultur in der Beziehung zuanderen Kulturen in einer klaren Weise verstehen,um Selbstbewusstsein zu entwickeln, wenn sie sichkulturellen Veränderungen gegenübergestellt se-hen, und friedliches Verstehen und Toleranz ver-stärken. Hiermit erkennen und unterstützen sieechte menschliche Werte im Rahmen einer inter-kulturellen Perspektive.

7. Gleichzeitig sollte Bildung darauf abgestellt sein,jenes gemeinsame Gefühl für die Menschheit zufestigen, welches zur Erhaltung des Friedens we-sentlich ist. Dazu könnte sie sich auf die Allgemein-gültigkeit ethischer Grundsätze und Normen stüt-zen, die beispielsweise in den Begriffen der Men-schenrechte und Menschenwürde Ausdruck gefun-den haben, wie auch auf das Allumfassende vonKenntnissen, Verstandeseinsicht und Wissenschaft.Es ist somit auch erforderlich, an manchen Punk-ten im Bildungsprozess das neue Bild des Univer-sums vorzustellen, welches die Wissenschaftsge-meinschaft vom Kosmos, von der Erde, vom Lebenund von der Entstehung des Menschen und seinerGesellschaften entwickelt hat.

8. Den relativistischen und nihilistischen Tenden-zen mancher moderner Bewegungen, die von Be-

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Globalization and Education Erklärung

nedikt XVI. und seinen Vorgängern verstärkt kriti-siert wurden, stand eine begrüßenswerte und zu-nehmende Rückkehr ethischer, philosophischerund religiöser Fragen entgegen. Das „Wunder“, dasden Ursprung der Wissenschaft in Bewegung setz-te, und der Weg, den die Wissenschaft eingeschla-gen hat, ist nicht geringer geworden, sondern stei-gerte sich mit den neuen Entdeckungen in der Phy-sik sowie in Medizin und Biologie. Diese „neueWelt“, die vom Menschen zunehmend erforschtwird, ruft ein nur noch größeres Staunen über dasUniversum hervor, was dem Verstehen des Schöp-fungsgeheimnisses einen neuen positiven Bedeu-tungshorizont eröffnen könnte. Auf diese Weisesind als Ergebnis der Wissenschaft Religion undPhilosophie wieder in den Vordergrund getreten,wie es sich in der zunehmenden Aufmerksamkeitzeigt, welche ihren anerkannten Rollen bei der Su-che nach Wahrheit gezollt wird. Hieraus ergibt sichdas Erfordernis, bei der Errichtung einer fundier-ten anthropologischen Grundlage als Vorbedin-gung heutiger Bildung Wissenschaft, Philosophieund Religion und den jeweiligen interdisziplinärenDialog einzubeziehen.

9. Bildung beginnt im Mutterleib und mit der Ge-burt. Mütter, Väter und Familien benötigen in ih-rer primären Bildungsrolle Hilfe im neuen globa-len Zusammenhang zum Verstehen der Wichtig-keit dieser frühen Lebensstufe und sollten auf einentsprechendes Handeln vorbereitet werden. Einerder entscheidenden Wege zu einer höheren Qua-lität der Bildung auf Schulebene ist die zunehmen-de Beteiligung von Familien und lokalen Gemein-wesen in der Lenkung ihrer Bildungsprojekte.

10. Menschliche Entwicklung beruht auf vielfälti-gen Parametern wie Bildung, Gesundheit und kul-turellen Vorstellungen von der Familie und den je-weiligen Rollen von Männern und Frauen inner-halb der menschlichen Gesellschaft. Es bleibt je-doch festzuhalten, dass Bildung, insbesondere aufder Primärstufe, in manchen Teilen der Welt nachwie vor außerordentlich unzureichend ist. Die„klassischen“ grundlegenden Fähigkeiten, die voneiner Grundbildung erwartet werden – Lesen,Schreiben, Rechnen – reichen in einer globalisier-ten Welt nicht mehr aus. Sie müssen durch Kennt-nisse ergänzt werden, die zu Zielen führen wie dieVerbesserung, der Schutz oder die Erhaltung vonFähigkeiten zur Arbeit, das kulturelle und lingui-stische Erbe, die ethischen Werte, der soziale Zu-sammenhalt wie auch die Umwelt. In Zukunftkann diese klassische Triade sich zu einem neuen

Bündel von Zielen erweitern: „Lesen, Schreiben,Mathematik, vernünftiges Denkvermögen, Ver-knüpfung.“

11. Das Lehren erfordert einen hohen Wissens-stand seitens der Lehrer, damit Schüler durch denVorgang des Lehrens einen Bildungsstandard er-langen können, den sie allein nicht erreichen wür-den. Die Rolle der Lehrer als Bildungsübermittlermuss anerkannt und mit allen möglichen Mittelnunterstützt werden: beispielsweise fortlaufendeWeiterbildung durch jene, die einen direkterenZugang zu Wissen besitzen (besonders ausgebil-dete Wissenschaftler), Aktualisierung der berufli-chen Ausbildung, angemessene Gehälter sowieVerfügbarkeit von Informationstechnologie. Umeinen erfolgreichen Bildungsprozess zu ermögli-chen und somit allen Mitgliedern der Gesellschaftund auch den Gemeinwesen selbst jenen Wissens-und Lernstand zu vermitteln, der einen primärenFaktor für das Verleihen von Autonomie und An-spornen zur Zusammenarbeit darstellt, ist es er-forderlich, hohe Qualitätsstandards innerhalb desLehrberufs anzustreben, insbesondere auf derEbene der höheren Bildung. Dies ist auch ange-sichts dessen erforderlich, dass die Sachkenntniseines jeden Lehrers begrenzt ist. Ein Schüler soll-te das, was er von einem Lehrer nicht lernt, voneinem anderen lernen können und Lehrer solltenin der Lage sein, voneinander zu lernen. Um die-sen dualen Prozess zu unterstützen und zu för-dern, welcher Schulen, Universitäten und sonsti-gen Bildungseinrichtungen zugrunde liegt, müs-sen ihnen entsprechende nationale, internationa-le und private Ressourcen zur Verfügung gestelltwerden, damit sie auf der ganzen Welt ihre Auf-gaben wirkungsvoll erfüllen können.

12. Kommunikations- und Informationstechnolo-gie (IT) bieten außerordentliche Möglichkeiten fürdie Erneuerung der Bildung. Das kommt von ihrerFähigkeit, Menschen miteinander zu verbinden,von ihrer Möglichkeit, abgelegene Gegenden zu er-reichen, von ihren abnehmenden Kosten und vondem potentiellen Umfang der Informationen, diesie übermitteln können. Auf diese Weise wird esmachbar, die Kosten der Bildung für jedes Kind zusenken, auch in armen Gegenden. Jedoch schaffenIT-Geräte nicht notwendigerweise von selbst Bil-dung. Sie müssen von einer Zusammenschau derVorstellungen begleitet sein, um den Dialog, die ak-tive Teilnahme von Lehrern, die Organisation vonWissen und das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung derWerte zu steigern.

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Una comunità umana che ripensa co-stantemente le finalità dell’educazionefa circolare in modo sano idee ed ener-

gie da impiegare per il bene dei suoi membri.Ogni generazione dovrebbe riesaminare i mo-di in cui trasmettere la propria cultura ai suoidiscendenti, perché è attraverso l’educazioneche l’uomo diviene pienamente ciò che è: uncittadino del mondo, consapevole, libero e re-sponsabile. Pensare l’educazione vuol direpensare alle future generazioni e dunque èqualcosa di radicato nella speranza e che ne-cessita di generosità.

Una globalizzazione correttamente gestitapuò costituire una grande opportunità per l’e-ducazione e per la pace, dal momento che puòavvicinare gli esseri umani gli uni agli altri edè in grado di promuovere la condivisione di va-lori comuni.

Come in tutte le questioni umane, l’istru-zione presuppone innanzitutto un’idea di cosasia un essere umano, poiché sono uomini edonne coloro che vengono educati ed anchecoloro che educano. Dunque, l’istruzione deveinnanzitutto rispondere a una domanda fon-damentale, vale a dire: cosa sappiamo oggi de-gli uomini e delle donne?

Il Seminario ha cercato di esaminare in co-sa può consistere un progetto educativo in unmondo sempre più globalizzato. Tale progettodeve essere basato sulle nostre attuali conoscen-ze bio-antropologiche circa gli uomini e le don-ne, in dialogo con le scienze, nel contesto delladiversità e dell’interdipendenza delle culture, esull’universalità dei valori religiosi, antropolo-gici ed etici, che sempre più si intrecciano conle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comuni-

cazione, nonché con nuovi modelli di migrazio-ne internazionale.

Nel nostro mondo globalizzato, centrale è ilproblema della giustizia: vale a dire che tutti gliuomini e le donne, dovunque si trovino e qua-lunque sia la loro condizione di vita, dovrebbe-ro avere il diritto e la possibilità di ricevere unabuona istruzione e godere di un generale acces-so alla cultura. Questo vuol dire un’istruzionebase – fino a nove anni – per tutti, seguita daun’istruzione secondaria e superiore sulla basedelle capacità e delle risorse. Chiaramente, ilmondo globalizzato implica un miglioramentodell’educazione non solo per gli abitanti delmondo in via di sviluppo, ma anche di quellosviluppato. Oggi, per tutte le persone, c’è unastraordinaria abbondanza di sapere che è senzaprecedenti nella storia e che dovrebbe essere re-sa disponibile attraverso nuovi ed adeguati pro-cessi di sintesi e di comunicazione. Tutti hannoil diritto ad un’istruzione che consideri l’ambien-te come la sua casa, tale da impedire che essodiventi dannoso per la salute ed il benessere.

Il Seminario è giunto alle seguenti conclusioni:

1. Malgrado le molte affermazioni e le numero-se dichiarazioni di intenti, formulate dalle Na-zioni Unite e da altre agenzie, e sebbene sforzisignificativi siano stati compiuti in alcune na-zioni, i livelli di istruzione permangono straor-dinariamente disuguali nella popolazione mon-diale, e ciò nonostante che le risorse necessarieper il miglioramento di tale situazione non sem-brino fuori dalla nostra portata. Nel corso del-l’ultimo decennio uno speciale motivo di preoc-cupazione è stata la divergente e crescente di-suguaglianza, concomitante con la globalizza-

Questo Messaggio su Globalizzazione ed Educazione è stato realizzato dalla Pontificia Accademia del-le Scienze e dalla Pontificia Accademia delle Scienze Sociali a conclusione del primo seminario tenutoin comune il 16-17 novembre 2005 presso la Casina Pio IV. Quindi, tale messaggio è stato ufficial-mente approvato dalle stesse Accademie sulla base di un testo redatto dai Professori Léna, Malinvaude dal Vescovo-Cancelliere Mons. Sánchez, e in risposta ai suggerimenti del Presidente della PAS, Prof.Cabibbo, e dei Professori Battro, Gardner, Hide, Llach, Mittelstrass, Ramirez, Ryan e Suárez Oroz-co, e dopo un’ulteriore discussione tra i Professori Léna, Malinvaud e il Cancelliere.


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Globalization and Education Messaggio

zione e collegata alle politiche nel campo dell’i-struzione, tra paesi sviluppati o emergenti, epaesi che si trovano in una condizione di sta-gnazione, ovvero che sono bloccati nella trap-pola della povertà.

2. Vista la crescente importanza dell’educazio-ne, ora più che mai nella storia dell’uomo, un’a-naloga fonte di preoccupazione è rappresentatadal grande e spesso crescente divario tra lescuole frequentate dai poveri e dai non poveri.Ciò è tanto vero che frequentemente emergonopercorsi educativi differenziati e separati. An-cora più allarmante è il fatto che in tutto il mon-do circa 200 milioni di bambini e ragazzi chedovrebbero ricevere un’istruzione di base nonvengono neanche iscritti a scuola.

3. Oggi, davanti alla globalizzazione, le migra-zioni globali, il grande sviluppo del sapere e laconcomitante affermazione di un’economiafondata nella conoscenza (knowledge-intensiveeconomy), e soprattutto di fronte all’irrefutabileobbligo di combattere la povertà con tutti imezzi possibili ovunque nel mondo, è necessa-rio ripensare seriamente l’istruzione. Difatti,per i poveri le conseguenze negative di inade-guate politiche educative vengono amplificatedalla globalizzazione.

4. La globalizzazione ha provocato un aumentosenza precedenti di popolazioni che migranotra paesi ospitanti o all’interno di nazioni mol-to vaste, tanto che oggi, le migrazioni interna-zionali sono parte integrante dello sviluppo glo-bale. Le migrazioni possono essere un fattoreestremamente favorevole per la comprensionereciproca e per la fusione di culture, e in que-sto l’educazione riveste in tutto il mondo unruolo importante per l’integrazione dei figli de-gli immigranti. Tuttavia, mentre alcuni bambi-ni delle famiglie immigranti rendono a scuolameglio dei bambini delle famiglie indigene, al-tri sembrano essere molto presto segnati dal ri-fiuto sociale e da esperienze negative. In questocampo i percorsi da seguire per giungere a deimiglioramenti sono la riduzione della fratturacon le culture e le lingue native, e il manteni-mento della stabilità familiare.

5. L’educazione dovrebbe mirare al completosviluppo della persona, alla promozione del si-gnificato della dignità umana, e al consolida-mento del rispetto dei diritti e delle libertà fon-

damentali dell’uomo. Dovrebbe consentire atutte le persone di partecipare attivamente allagrande famiglia umana e favorire la compren-sione, l’amicizia, e la cooperazione tra tutte lepopolazioni, i gruppi etnici e le comunità reli-giose. L’educazione dovrebbe anche trasmette-re il sapere, le abilità cognitive superiori e lasensibilità interpersonale, tutti elementi neces-sari per aiutare ragazzi, ragazze, uomini e don-ne a divenire interamente se stessi ed a intera-gire con gli altri. Dovrebbe sviluppare la loro ca-pacità di osservare, ragionare, sintetizzare ecreare valori etici, e sviluppare un senso di giu-stizia, rispetto, tolleranza, e compassione versogli altri. Dovrebbe rimarcare la responsabilitàche tutti abbiamo nella protezione dell’ambien-te a beneficio delle generazioni presenti e futu-re, contribuendo così a combattere l’inquina-mento e il deterioramento ecologico e a pro-muovere la conservazione e lo sviluppo sosteni-bile. Nel trasmettere il sapere e nell’incoraggia-re la creatività, l’istruzione dovrebbe diffonderela profonda lezione del passato e comunicare leopportunità ed i rischi che l’umanità si troveràad affrontare nel futuro.

6. In particolare nel contesto della globalizza-zione, nel processo educativo sono essenziali ilrispetto delle diversità culturali e la conserva-zione degli elementi di identità culturale. Lenuove generazioni devono comprendere chia-ramente la loro stessa cultura in relazione allealtre culture, in modo da sviluppare auto-con-sapevolezza quando posti di fronte a cambia-menti culturali, e per promuovere la pacificacomprensione e la tolleranza, individuando efavorendo autentici valori umani all’interno diuna prospettiva interculturale.

7. Allo stesso tempo, l’istruzione dovrebbe stabi-lire quel comune senso di umanità che è essen-ziale al mantenimento della pace. Ciò può esse-re ottenuto attingendo all’universalità dei prin-cipi e delle norme etiche, che sono, ad esempio,espressi nei concetti di diritti umani e dignitàdella persona, ma anche riferendosi all’univer-salità del sapere, della conoscenza e della scien-za. È dunque anche necessario offrire, nel corsodel processo educativo, la nuova immagine del-l’universo che la comunità scientifica ha propo-sto del cosmo, della terra, della vita, dell’originedell’umanità e delle società umane.

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Globalization and Education Messaggio

8. Alle tendenze relativiste e nichiliste di alcunimovimenti moderni, che Benedetto XVI e i suoipredecessori hanno criticato con sempre mag-gior forza, fa riscontro la ripresa giusta e pro-gressiva dell’appello etico, filosofico e religioso.La ‘meraviglia’ che ha stimolato la nascita ed ilcammino della scienza non è diminuita, anzi èaumentata con le nuove scoperte delle scienzefisiche e quelle della vita. Questo ‘nuovo mon-do’, che è stato gradualmente investigato dal-l’uomo, ha dato origine ad uno stupore ancorapiù grande di fronte all’universo, che potrebbeaprire nuovi e certi orizzonti di significato gra-zie ai quali comprendere il mistero della Crea-zione. In questo modo, a seguito dei progressidella scienza, la religione e la filosofia sono tor-nate d’attualità, come è dimostrato dalla cre-scente attenzione prestata alla loro riconosciu-ta funzione nella ricerca della verità. Da questooggi scaturisce il bisogno di tener conto dellascienza, della filosofia e della religione nello sta-bilire una solida base antropologica come pre-condizione dell’educazione.

9. L’educazione inizia nel ventre materno ed al-la nascita. Madri, padri e famiglie nel loro ruo-lo educativo primario hanno bisogno di aiutoper comprendere – nel nuovo contesto globale– l’importanza di questo stadio iniziale della vi-ta, e dovrebbero essere preparate ad agire diconseguenza. Uno dei percorsi cruciali versouna qualità superiore dell’istruzione a livelloscolastico è la crescente partecipazione delle fa-miglie e delle comunità locali al governo dei lo-ro progetti educativi.

10. Lo sviluppo umano dipende da moltepliciparametri come l’istruzione, la salute, e le ve-dute culturali sulla famiglia e sui rispettivi ruo-li degli uomini e delle donne nella società uma-na. Nondimeno si può affermare che l’istruzio-ne, specialmente a livello elementare, rimanedrammaticamente insufficiente in alcune partidel mondo. Le ‘classiche’ abilità base previstedall’istruzione elementare – leggere, scrivere ematematica – non sono più sufficienti in unmondo globalizzato. Devono essere integrate daabilità che conducano ad obiettivi quali il mi-glioramento, la difesa e la conservazione delleabilità lavorative, del patrimonio culturale e lin-guistico, dei valori etici, della coesione sociale,e dell’ambiente. In futuro, la classica triade po-trà ampliarsi verso nuovi obiettivi: ‘leggere, scri-vere, matematica, ragionamento, sintesi’.

11. Da parte dei docenti l’insegnamento richie-de un alto livello di conoscenze così che gli stu-denti, che apprendono attraverso il processoeducativo, possono raggiungere uno standarddi istruzione che non potrebbero ottenere da so-li. Il loro ruolo di agenti dell’istruzione deve ve-nir riconosciuto e sostenuto con ogni mezzopossibile: ad esempio, con una formazione con-tinua impartita da coloro che hanno un acces-so più diretto al sapere (in particolare studiosie scienziati preparati), con l’aggiornamento del-la formazione professionale, con stipendi ade-guati, e con la disponibilità di tecnologie del-l’informazione. Al fine di facilitare un compiu-to processo educativo, in modo da fornire adogni membro della società, e alle comunità stes-se, quel livello di conoscenza e apprendimentoche è un fattore primario nel conferire autono-mia e nell’incoraggiare la cooperazione, è im-portante mirare ad alti standard qualitativi nel-la professione educativa, specialmente a livellodell’educazione superiore. Ciò è richiesto anchedal fatto che, poiché l’expertise di ogni inse-gnante è limitata, ciò che uno studente non ap-prende da un docente, lo può apprendere da unaltro, ed anche gli insegnanti possono appren-dere l’uno dall’altro all’interno di un contesto si-nergico. Per sostenere e promuovere questo du-plice processo, che è all’origine delle scuole, del-le università e di altre istituzioni educative, de-vono essere rese disponibili adeguate risorsenazionali, internazionali e private così che, intutto il mondo, gli insegnanti possono svolgerele loro mansioni in modo efficace.

12. La tecnologia della comunicazione e del-l’informazione (IT) offre straordinarie opportu-nità per il rinnovamento dell’istruzione graziealla sua capacità di connettere le persone, di fa-vorire l’accessibilità di aree molto lontane, isuoi costi decrescenti, e il potenziale volume diinformazioni che può veicolare. Sarà dunquepossibile ridurre i costi dell’istruzione per ognisingolo bambino, persino in aree povere. Tutta-via, gli strumenti IT da soli non producono ne-cessariamente istruzione. Devono essere ac-compagnati da un quadro concettuale che pro-muova il dialogo, la partecipazione attiva degliinsegnanti, l’organizzazione del sapere, e unaconsapevolezza circa l’importanza dei valori.

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En una comunidad humana que se replan-tea permanentemente sus metas educati-vas existe una circulación de ideas y ener-

gías que resulta beneficiosa para sus miembros.Cada generación debería reconsiderar cómotransmitir su cultura a la siguiente, ya que es a tra-vés de la educación que el ser humano alcanza sumáximo potencial y se convierte en un ser cons-ciente, libre y responsable: un ciudadano del mun-do. Pensar en la educación es pensar en las gene-raciones futuras; por lo tanto, es algo que estáarraigado en la esperanza y requiere generosidad.

La globalización, bien manejada, puede repre-sentar una oportunidad para la educación y parala paz, ya que acerca a los seres humanos y losalienta a compartir los valores comunes.

Al igual que el resto de las cuestiones huma-nas, la educación antes que nada presupone unaidea del ser humano, porque son los hombres y lasmujeres quienes reciben educación y quienes edu-can. Por lo tanto, la educación debe responder auna pregunta fundamental: ¿qué sabemos hoyacerca de los hombres y de las mujeres?

El Seminario tuvo como propósito examinarqué proyecto educativo podía plantearse en unmundo cada vez más globalizado. Este proyectodebe basarse en los conocimientos bioantropoló-gicos actuales sobre hombre y la mujer, en diálo-go con las ciencias, dentro del contexto de la di-versidad y la interdependencia de las culturas y dela universalidad de los valores religiosos, antropo-lógicos y éticos, que cada vez se interrelacionanmás con las actuales tecnologías de la comunica-ción y de la información y los nuevos modelos mi-gratorios internacionales.

En nuestro mundo globalizado, el problemade la justicia es fundamental. Concretamente, to-dos los hombres y las mujeres, dondequiera que

se encuentren y cualquiera sea su condición de vi-da, deben tener el derecho y la posibilidad de re-cibir una buena educación y de acceder sin impe-dimentos a la cultura, a través de una educaciónbásica (de hasta nueve años) para todas las perso-nas, y luego una educación secundaria y superioracorde a sus capacidades y recursos. Evidente-mente, el mundo globalizado también implica unamejora de la educación, no sólo para los habitan-tes de los países en vías de desarrollo, sino tam-bién para los de los países desarrollados. Toda per-sona podría contar hoy con una inmensa riquezade conocimientos sin precedentes en la historia,que deberían ponerse a su disposición mediantenuevos procesos de síntesis y transmisión adecua-dos. Todo ser humano tiene derecho a una educa-ción que considere el medio ambiente como su ca-sa, para así evitar que éste se transforme en algodañino para su salud y su bienestar.

El Seminario llegó a las siguientes conclusiones:

1. A pesar de las muchas declaraciones y objetivosformulados por la Organización de las NacionesUnidas (ONU) y otros organismos, y de los impor-tantes esfuerzos realizados por algunos países, laeducación sigue siendo extraordinariamente desi-gual entre la población mundial, aunque da la im-presión de que los recursos necesarios para mejo-rar esta situación no están fuera de alcance. En elcurso de la última década resulta especialmentepreocupante el criterio divergente y la crecientedesigualdad – concomitantes con la globalizacióny relativo a las políticas educativas – que se obser-vó entre los países desarrollados o los emergentesy los estancados, con estos últimos atrapados enlos lazos de la pobreza.

2. Dada la importancia cada vez mayor de la edu-cación, que ahora cobra un significado sin prece-


Globalization and Education

Esta Declaración sobre Globalización y Educación ha sido realizada por la Pontificia Academia de lasCiencias y la Pontificia Academia de las Ciencias Sociales como conclusión del primer seminario tenidoen común el 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2005 en la Casina Pío IV. Así tal declaración ha sido oficialmenteaprovada por parte de las mismas Academias sobre la base de un texto redactado por los Profesores Léna,Malinvaud y el Obispo-Canciller Mons. Sánchez, y en respuesta a las sugerencias del Presidente de laPAS, Prof. Cabibbo, y de los Profesores Battro, Gardner, Hide, Llach, Mittelstrass, Ramirez, Ryan e Suá-rez Orozco, y después de una ulterior discusión entre los Profesores Léna, Malinvaud y el Canciller.

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Globalization and Education Declaración

dentes en la historia de la humanidad, resultanigualmente preocupantes las grandes y, a menu-do, crecientes brechas en la calidad de las escue-las a las que asisten los pobres y quienes no lo son.Esta situación se da de manera tal que suelen ob-servarse senderos educativos diferenciados o se-gregados. Lo que resulta más alarmante es el he-cho de que, a nivel mundial, casi doscientos mi-llones de niños y jóvenes que deberían estar reci-biendo educación primaria no se encuentran ma-triculados en ninguna escuela.

3. Hoy en día, en vista de la globalización, las mi-graciones internacionales, la explosión del cono-cimiento, el surgimiento conjunto de una econo-mía basada en el desarrollo intensivo del conoci-miento (knowledge-intensive economy), y, sobre to-do, la imperiosa obligación de luchar contra la po-breza a nivel mundial con todos los medios, es po-sible que haya que repensar seriamente la educa-ción. Con la globalización, aumentan las conse-cuencias negativas que deben sufrir los pobres acausa de políticas educativas inadecuadas.

4. La globalización ha provocado un aumentosin precedentes de las poblaciones migratorias,ya sea entre distintos países o dentro de los paí-ses más grandes. En la actualidad, las migracio-nes internacionales forman parte del desarrollomundial y pueden ser un factor extremadamen-te positivo para la mutua comprensión y la mez-cla de las culturas. La educación juega un papelimportante en la integración de los hijos de losinmigrantes en todo el mundo. Sin embargo,mientras algunos niños de las familias inmigran-tes tienen un mejor desempeño en las escuelasque los nativos, otros parecen estar marcadostempranamente por el rechazo y los problemassociales. Disminuir la brecha con las culturas ylas lenguas autóctonas y ayudar a mantener laestabilidad familiar son algunos de los caminospara mejorar en este aspecto.

5. La educación debería apuntar al completo de-sarrollo de la persona humana, inculcando el sen-tido de su dignidad y reforzando el respeto por losderechos humanos y las libertades fundamenta-les. Debería permitir a todas las personas partici-par en forma efectiva en la familia humana, pro-mover la comprensión, la amistad y la colabora-ción entre todos los pueblos y todas las comuni-dades étnicas y religiosas. La educación tambiéndebería transmitir el saber, las habilidades cognos-

citivas de orden superior y la sensibilidad inter-personal, es decir todo lo que se requieren paraayudar a los niños, niñas, hombres y mujeres a serplenamente sí mismos y a interactuar con los de-más. Debería desarrollar su capacidad de obser-var, razonar, sintetizar y crear valores éticos y cul-tivar el sentido de justicia, respeto, tolerancia ycompasión por los otros. Debería enfatizar la res-ponsabilidad de proteger el medio ambiente, parael beneficio de las generaciones presentes y futu-ras, evitando la contaminación y la degradaciónecológica y promoviendo la conservación y el de-sarrollo sostenido. En su transmisión de conoci-mientos y su fomento de la creatividad, la educa-ción debería transmitir las grandes lecciones delpasado y las oportunidades y los riesgos que pue-de enfrentar la humanidad en el futuro.

6. En particular en el contexto de la globalización,el respeto por la diversidad cultural y la preserva-ción de los elementos que hacen a la identidad cul-tural son especialmente fundamentales en el pro-ceso educativo. Las nuevas generaciones debencomprender con claridad su propia cultura, en re-lación con las demás, para desarrollar la auto-compresión al enfrentar los cambios culturales, yasí promover una mutua comprensión pacifica yla tolerancia. De esta manera se podrán identifi-car y fomentar los verdaderos valores humanosdentro de una perspectiva intercultural.

7. Al mismo tiempo, la educación debería aspirara aquel desarrollo de un sentido común de huma-nidad que es esencial para el mantenimiento dela paz. Para alcanzar este objetivo, es necesariobasarse tanto en la universalidad de los principiosy de las normas éticas, que están, por ejemplo, ex-presados en los conceptos de los derechos huma-nos y de la dignidad humana de la persona, co-mo también en la universalidad del saber, del co-nocimiento, y de la ciencia. Por lo tanto, tambiénes necesario que en algunas instancias del proce-so educativo se ofrezca la nueva imagen del uni-verso que la comunidad científica ha propuestoen lo que respecta al cosmos, el planeta tierra, lavida, la aparición de los seres humanos y de sussociedades.

8. A las tendencias relativistas y nihilistas de al-gunos movimientos modernos, que BenedictoXVI y sus predecesores han criticado con cre-ciente fuerza, responde el retorno positivo y pro-gresivo de los interrogantes éticos, filosóficos y

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Globalization and Education Declaración

religiosos. La “maravilla” que ha estimulado elorigen y el constante camino de las ciencias noha disminuido, por el contrario, ha crecido conlos nuevos descubrimientos de la física y de lasciencias de la vida. Este “nuevo mundo”, que elhombre ha investigado siempre en modo cre-ciente, ha dado origen a un estupor incluso ma-yor frente al universo, el cual podría abrir unnuevo horizonte de sentido para comprender elmisterio de la Creación. Así, como consecuenciade las ciencias, la religión y la filosofía han re-cobrado actualidad. Esto está evidenciado por laatención cada vez mayor que se les otorga en elreconocido servicio que ellas prestan en la bús-queda de la verdad. De aquí surge la necesidadsea de tener en cuenta a las ciencias, a la filoso-fía y a la religión, sea al correlativo diálogo in-terdisciplinario, para establecer una base antro-pológica sólida como condición previa de la edu-cación hoy.

9. La educación comienza en el vientre materno yen el momento del nacimiento. Las madres, lospadres y las familias, en su rol educativo prima-rio, necesitan ayuda para comprender, en el nue-vo contexto global, la importancia de esta tempra-na etapa de la vida, y estar preparados para actuaren consecuencia. Una de las formas fundamenta-les de mejorar la calidad de la educación a nivelescolar es permitir una mayor participación de lasfamilias y las comunidades locales en el controlde los proyectos educativos.

10. El desarrollo humano depende de múltiplesparámetros, como la educación, la salud, la vi-sión cultural de la familia y los respectivos rolesdel hombre y la mujer en la sociedad humana.Aún así, se puede afirmar que la educación, es-pecialmente en el nivel primario, continúa sien-do dramáticamente insuficiente en algunos luga-res del mundo. Las habilidades “clásicas” que seesperan de la educación primaria (leer, escribir ymatemáticas) ya no bastan en un mundo globa-lizado. Deben complementarse con otras habili-dades orientadas a objetivos tales como mejorar,proteger o conservar la capacidad laboral, el pa-trimonio cultural y lingüístico, los valores éticos,la cohesión social y del medio ambiente. Para elfuturo, la tríada clásica puede ampliarse hacianuevos objetivos: “leer, escribir, matemáticas, ra-zonamiento, síntesis”.

11. La enseñanza requiere, por parte de los maes-tros, un elevado nivel de conocimientos de mane-ra que los alumnos, que aprenden a través del pro-ceso educativo, alcancen un nivel de educaciónque no podría obtener por sí mismos. La funciónde los maestros, como agentes de la educación, de-be reconocerse y respaldarse con todos los mediosposibles: por ejemplo, con el acompañamientoconstante de quienes tienen un acceso más direc-to a los conocimientos (especialmente los estudio-sos y científicos capacitados), con la actualizaciónde la formación profesional, con salarios adecua-dos y con instrumentos de tecnología informáti-ca. Para contribuir a un cabal proceso educativo ybrindar a cada integrante de la sociedad y a las co-munidades mismas aquel nivel de conocimientosy enseñanza que constituye un factor primordialpara otorgar autonomía y estimular la coopera-ción, es importante apuntar a altos estándarescualitativos en la profesión educativa, especial-mente en el nivel de la educación superior. Esteobjetivo también es necesario para que, como laexperiencia de cada educador es limitada, lo queun alumno no aprenda de un maestro lo puedaaprender de otro, y para que los maestros puedanaprender unos de otros en un contexto de siner-gia. Para respaldar y promover este proceso dual,que está en el origen mismo de las escuelas, uni-versidades y demás instituciones educativas, de-ben ponerse a disposición de los educadores losrecursos nacionales, internacionales y privadosadecuados de manera que, en todo el mundo, pue-dan cumplir sus tareas de manera efectiva.

12. Las tecnologías de la comunicación y la infor-mática ofrecen posibilidades extraordinarias parauna renovación de la educación, gracias a su ca-pacidad de conectar a las personas, su capacidadde promover el acceso a zonas remotas, a los cos-tos cada vez menores y a la riqueza potencial dela información transmitida. El gasto educativo porniño podrá así reducirse, incluso en las zonas ca-renciadas. Aún así, las herramientas de tecnologíainformática no necesariamente alcanzan la edu-cación por sí mismas, sino que requieren que selas acompañe con una visión conceptual, parapromover el diálogo, la participación activa de losmaestros, la construcción organizada de los cono-cimientos y la toma de conciencia acerca de la im-portancia de los valores.

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9:00 Word of WelcomeProf. EDMOND MALINVAUD and Prof. PIERRE LÉNA, Coordinators of the meeting


9:30 Chairperson: Prof. PIERRE LÉNA

Speaker:◆ Prof. HOWARD GARDNER

The Synthesizing of Knowledge: An Imperative in a Global SocietyDiscussion

10:20 Coffee Break

10:50 Speaker:◆ Prof. NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE

The $100 LaptopDiscussion

11:40 Speaker:◆ Prof. M. GOVIND KUMAR MENON

Globalization and Education: An OverviewDiscussion

12:30 General Discussion chaired by Prof. YVES QUÉRÉ

13:00 Lunch at the Casina Pio IV


14:30 Chairperson: Prof. ANTONIO BATTRO

Speaker:◆ Prof. MICHEL SERRES

The Grand Narrative Told by the SciencesDiscussion

15:20 Speaker:◆ Mr. MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN

News, Global Communication Technologies and EducationDiscussion

16:10 Speaker:◆ Prof. RAJENDRA S. PAWAR

No One Left BehindDiscussion

17:00 General Discussion chaired by Prof. ANTONIO BATTRO

17:30 Coffee Break


18:00 Chairperson: Prof. EDMOND MALINVAUD

Speaker:◆ Prof. David E. BLOOM

Education and Global DevelopmentDiscussion



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Globalization and Education Programme

18:50 Speaker:◆ Prof. MOHAMED H.A. HASSAN

Promoting South-South and North-South Cooperation in Education and ResearchDiscussion

19:40 General Discussion chaired by Prof. KEVIN RYAN

20:10 Dinner at the Casina Pio IV


9:00 Chairperson: Prof. MARGARET ARCHER


Moving Stories: The Education of Immigrant and Refugee Children and YouthDiscussion

9:50 Speaker:◆ Prof. LOUIS-ANDRÉ VALLET

What Can We Do to Improve the Education of Children from DisadvantagedBackgrounds?


10:40 General Discussion chaired by Prof. MARGARET ARCHER

11:10 Coffee Break


11:40 Chairperson: Prof. MARY ANN GLENDON

Speaker:◆ Prof. WEI YU

Globalization and Cultural IdentityDiscussion

12:30 Speaker:◆ Prof. JEAN-CLAUDE BERTHÉLEMY

Globalization and Challenges for Education in Least Developed CountriesDiscussion

13:20 Lunch at the Casina Pio IV

15:00 Speaker:◆ Prof. MINA RAMIREZ

Cultural DiversityDiscussion

15:50 Speaker:◆ Prof. JUAN JOSÉ LLACH

Global Education Gaps: Recent Trends, Obstacles and PoliciesDiscussion

16:40 General Discussion chaired by Prof. MARY ANN GLENDON

17:10 Coffee Break


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Globalization and Education Programme


17:40 Chairperson: Prof. NICOLA CABIBBO


What Is Our Bioanthropological Knowledge of the Human BeingDiscussion

18:30 Speaker:◆ Prof. JÜRGEN MITTELSTRASS

Education between Ethical Universality and Cultural ParticularityDiscussion

19:20 General Discussion chaired by Prof. NICOLA CABIBBO

19:50 Dinner at the Casina Pio IV


Prof. Jean-ClaudeBerthélemy


Professor of Economics at the UniversityPanthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)

Globalization and Challengesfor Education in LeastDeveloped Countries

Prof. David E. Bloom USABoston

C.J. Gamble Professor of Economics and Demog-raphy and Chairman, Department of Populationand International Health, Harvard University

Education and Global Development

Prof. Howard E. Gardner


J.H. and E.A. Hobbs Professor of Cognitionand Education at the Harvard GraduateSchool of Education

The Synthesizing of Knowledge:An Imperative in a Global Society

Prof. Mohamed H.A.Hassan


Executive Director of the Third World Academyof SciencesPresident of the African Academy of Sciences

Promoting South-Southand North-South Cooperationin Education and Research

Prof. Nicholas Negroponte


Wiesner Professor of Media Technologyat the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyFounding Chairman of MIT’s Media Laboratory

The $100 Laptop

Mr. Rajendra S. Pawar INDNew Delhi

Chairman of the CII Committee on Education No One Left Behind

Prof. Michel Serres FVincennes

Philosopher and WriterMember of the Académie française

The Grand Narrative Toldby the Sciences

Prof. Marcelo M.Suárez Orozco

USANew York

The Courtney Sale Ross University Professorof Globalization and Education at The StainhardtSchool of Education, New York University

Moving Stories:The Education ofImmigrant and Refugee Childrenand Youth

Outside Experts


Globalization and Education

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Globalization and Education List of Participants


Prof. Louis-AndréVallet


Senior Researcher at the French National Centrefor Scientific Research (CNRS)

What Can We Do to Improvethe Education of Children fromDisadvantaged Backgrounds?

Prof. Jean-Didier Vincent


Researcher and Professor at the Universityof Paris XI

What Is Our BioanthropologicalKnowledge of the Human Being

Prof. Wei Yu PRCNanjing

Professor, Southeast University, Nanjing Globalization and Cultural Identity

Mr. Mortimer Zuckerman


Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News of theWorld Report, Publisher of New York Daily NewsFounder and Chairman of Boston Properties, Inc.

News, Global CommunicationTechnologies and Education

Outside Experts


Prof. EdithArchambault


Emeritus Professor of Economy at the University of Paris-1

Prof. YvesArchambault


Physicist, retired from Université Paris-Sud

Msgr. Tymon TytusChmielecki


Secretariat of State

Msgr.Francesco Follo


Permanent Observer, United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), France

H.E. Msgr.Celestino Migliore

USANew York

Permanent Observer, United Nations (ONU)

H.E. Msgr. J. MichaelMiller


Secretary of the Congregation for CatholicEducation

Dr. Carlina Rinaldi IReggioEmilia

Director of the Municipal Infant-Toddler Centers and Preschools System, Reggio EmiliaExecutive Consultant for Reggio Children

Sr. Enrica Rosanna,F.M.A.


Undersecretary of the Congregation for Institutes of ConsecratedLife and Societies of Apostolic Life

Dr. Courtney Ross USANew York

Founder and Chairperson of The Ross Institute

Msgr. Angelo V. Zani


Under-Secretary of the Congregation forCatholic Education


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Globalization and Education List of Participants


Prof. Nicola Cabibbo IRome

Professor of PhysicsLa Sapienza University of RomePresident of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

H.E. Msgr. MarceloSánchez Sorondo


Professor of the History of PhilosophyLUMSA University of RomeChancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciencesand the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Prof.Margaret S. Archer


Professor of Sociologyat the University of Warwick

Prof. Antonio M. Battro


Physician and NeuroscientistVisiting Professor, Graduate School of Education,Harvard University 2002-03

Prof. Mary Ann Glendon


Professor of LawHarvard University Law SchoolPresident of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Prof. Raymond Hide UKSurrey

Emeritus Professor of Physics, Oxford UniversitySenior Research Investigator in Mathematics,Imperial College, London

Prof. Pierre J. Léna FParis

Emeritus Professor of Astrophysicsat the University Denis-Diderot (Paris VII)& Observatoire de Paris

Prof. Juan José Llach RABuenosAires

Professor of Economics at the Universidad AustralFormer Minister of Education, ArgentinaMember of the Council of the PASS

Global Education Gaps: Recent Trends,Obstacles and Policies

Prof. EdmondMalinvaud


Emeritus Professor of EconomicsFormer President of the Pontifical Academyof Social Sciences

Prof. M. GovindKumar Menon


Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Distinguished Professor, IndianSpace Research Organisation, Govt. of IndiaMember of the Council of the PAS

Globalization and Education:An Overview

Prof. Jürgen Mittelstrass


Professor of Philosophy and Philosophy of Scienceat the University of Constance

Education between Ethical Universalityand Cultural Particularity

Prof. Yves Quéré FParis

Emeritus Professor at the EcolePolytechnique in ParisCo-Chair of the InterAcademy Panel (IAP)

Prof. Mina Ramirez RPManila

President of the Asian Social Institute (ASI) Inc.,Graduate School of Social Transformative Praxis

Cultural Diversity

Prof. Kevin Ryan USABoston

Founder and Director Emeritus of the Centerfor the Advancement of Ethics and Character,Boston University

Prof. Paulus M. Zulu ZADurban

Professor of Sociology,University of Natal, Durban



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Prof. Jean-Claude Berthélemy was born in1955 in Bamako (Mali) and is a graduate of theEcole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Admin-istration Economique in France. He obtainedhis PhD in 1984 from the University Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I), where he has been Profes-sor of Economics since 1992. He was Directorof the CEPII (Centre d’Etudes Prospectives etd’Informations Internationales), a leadingFrench think tank specialized in internationaleconomics, from 1998 to 2000, and Head of Re-search at the OECD Development Centre be-tween 1994 and 1997. He has also collaboratedas a senior expert with the OECD, the WorldBank and United Nations agencies, as well aswith several African governments. He is a vice-chair of the European Development ResearchNetwork and a resource-person of the AfricanEconomic Research Consortium. He has pub-lished eleven books, eight edited volumes andnumerous articles related to development eco-nomics. In recognition of his contributions todevelopment economics, he was awarded in2003 the Luc Durand-Reville Prize by theFrench Académie des Sciences Morales et Poli-tiques. His current research areas are econom-ic growth analysis, education and developmentfinance, with a focus on Africa.

ADDRESS: Université Paris 1Panthéon-SorbonneTEAM/Maison des Sciences Economiques106, boulevard de l’HôpitalF-75013 Paris (France)Tel. +33 1 46610306 – Fax +33 1 Email: [email protected]

Prof. David Bloom was born in 1955 in NewYork City. He received a BSc in Industrial andLabor Relations from Cornell University in1976, an MA in Economics from Princeton Uni-versity in 1978, and a PhD in Economics andDemography from Princeton University in1981. He taught at Carnegie-Mellon University,was Assistant and then Associate Professor inHarvard University’s Department of Econom-ics, and then Professor and Chairman of theDepartment of Economics at Columbia Univer-sity. Bloom is currently Clarence James Gam-

ble Professor of Economics and Demographyand Chairman of the Department of Populationand International Health at the Harvard Schoolof Public Health. He previously served asdeputy director of the Harvard Institute for In-ternational Development. Bloom is a Fellow ofthe American Academy of Arts and Sciences, aFaculty Research Associate of the Labor Stud-ies, Aging, and Health Economics programs ofthe National Bureau of Economic Research, amember of the Book Review Board of ScienceMagazine, and a member of the Board ofTrustees of the American Foundation for AIDSResearch. Bloom’s research interests includehealth, demography, education, and labor. Inrecent years, he has written extensively on pri-mary, secondary, and tertiary education in de-veloping countries, and on the links betweenhealth status, population dynamics, and eco-nomic growth.

ADDRESS: Harvard University School of PublicHealthDepartment of Population and InternationalHealth665 Huntington AvenueBoston, MA 02115 (USA)Tel. +1 617 4320654 – Fax +1 617 5660365Email: [email protected]

Prof. Howard Gardner is the John H. and Elis-abeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Ed-ucation at the Harvard Graduate School of Ed-ucation. He also holds positions as Adjunct Pro-fessor of Psychology at Harvard University, Ad-junct Professor of Neurology at the Boston Uni-versity School of Medicine, and Senior Direc-tor of Harvard Project Zero. Among numeroushonors, Gardner received a MacArthur PrizeFellowship in 1981. In 1990, he was the firstAmerican to receive the University ofLouisville’s Grawemeyer Award in Educationand in 2000 he received a Fellowship from theJohn S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Hehas received honorary degrees from twenty col-leges and universities, including institutions inIreland, Italy and Israel. The author of overtwenty books translated into twenty-two lan-guages, and several hundred articles, Gardner

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is best known in educational circles for his ca-pacities as a synthesizer of vast amount of re-search and theory and for his theory of multi-ple intelligences, a critique of the notion thatthere exists but a single human intelligencethat can be assessed by standard psychometricinstruments. During the past two decades, heand colleagues at Project Zero have been work-ing on the design of performance-based assess-ments; education for understanding; the use ofmultiple intelligences to achieve more person-alized curriculum, instruction, and assessment;and the nature of interdisciplinary efforts in ed-ucation.

ADDRESS: Harvard Graduate School of Education201 Larsen Hall - 14 Appian WayCambridge, MA 02138 (USA)Email: [email protected]

Prof. Mohamed H.A. Hassan is Executive Di-rector of the Third World Academy of Sciences(TWAS), President of the African Academy ofSciences (AAS), Secretary General of the ThirdWorld Network of Scientific Organizations(TWNSO) and serves on a number of commit-tees in other organizations world-wide. He wasborn in the Sudan in 1947, and holds a PhD inPlasma Physics from the University of Oxford,UK (1974). A former professor and dean of theSchool of Mathematical Sciences at the Univer-sity of Khartoum, he received the order of sci-entific merit of Brazil. He is a fellow of TWAS,AAS, and the Islamic Academy of Sciences aswell as honorary member of the ColombianAcademy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sci-ences, corresponding member of the BelgianRoyal Overseas Academy of Sciences, and for-eign fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sci-ences. His research areas include theoreticalplasma physics, physics of wind erosion andsand transport.

ADDRESS: Executive DirectorThird World Academy of SciencesICTP Enrico Fermi Building, Room 108Strada Costiera 11I-34014 Trieste (Italy)Tel. +39 040 2240327 – Fax +39 040 224559Email: [email protected]

Prof. Nicholas Negroponte is the WiesnerProfessor of Media Technology at the Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology and foundingchairman of MIT’s Media Laboratory. ProfessorNegroponte studied at MIT and has been anMIT faculty member since 1966. He was thefounder of MIT’s pioneering Architecture Ma-chine Group, a combination lab and think tankresponsible for many radically new approachesto the human-computer interface. In 1995, hepublished The New York Times bestseller BeingDigital, which has been translated into over 40languages. In the private sector, Professor Ne-groponte serves on the board of directors forMotorola, Inc., and as a special general partnerin a venture capital firm focusing on technolo-gies for information and entertainment. He wasa founder of WiReD magazine and has been an‘angel investor’ for over 40 start-ups, includingthree in China. Professor Negroponte helped toestablish, and serves as chairman of, the 2B1Foundation, an organization dedicated tobringing computer access to children in themost remote and poorest parts of the world.Most recently Professor Negroponte haslaunched a new program to develop a $100 lap-top – a technology that could revolutionize howwe educate the world’s children.

ADDRESS: Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyThe Media LaboratoryE15-21077 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge, MA 02139-4307 (USA)Tel. +1 617 2535960 – Fax +1 617 2589212Email: [email protected]

Mr. Rajendra S. Pawar is Chairman andFounder of the NIIT Group that encompassestwo businesses—NIIT, the Learning Servicesorganization, and NIIT Technologies, the soft-ware and services arm. Set up in 1981, NIIT pi-oneered computer education in the non-formalsector in India, creating a completely new andever-evolving industry segment. A distinguishedalumnus of India’s prestigious engineering in-stitution, the IIT Delhi, Mr. Pawar has played aleadership role in nurturing NIIT and buildingit into Asia’s largest IT education institution,with over 500,000 students on rolls in 30 coun-

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Globalization and Education Participant Biographies

tries. By driving research in Primary Educationwithin NIIT and championing breakthrough in-novations such as the Minimally Invasive Edu-cation-based ‘Hole in the Wall Experiment’, Mr.Pawar has enabled the organization to achieveits vision of providing learning to the less privi-leged sections of society. Mr. Pawar is a mem-ber of the International Business Council of theWorld Economic Forum. He is also actively in-volved in India’s key Chambers of Commerce,giving voice to the sector’s aspirations andgoals. He is a Founder Member and Past Presi-dent of MAIT (the Manufacturers’ Associationof Information Technology) and a FounderMember of NASSCOM (the National Associa-tion of Software & Service Companies). Inrecognition of his professional achievementsand contributions to the development andgrowth of science and technology, he has beenawarded the Degree of Doctor of Science (Hon-oris Causa) by the Rajiv Gandhi Technical Uni-versity, India. He is a Fellow of many profes-sional societies including the Computer Socie-ty of India, the Institution of Electronics & Tele-com Engineers and the National Telematics Fo-rum. Owing to his deep interest in Education,Mr. Pawar has been invited to serve on theBoard of Governors of India’s well-known edu-cational institutions including the Indian Insti-tute of Technology, Delhi; world’s largest dis-tance learning institute, the Indira Gandhi Na-tional Open University; India’s first global man-agement school, the Indian School of Business;the Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University in Jam-mu and Kashmir; and the Scindia School. Rec-ognizing his pioneering and entrepreneurialwork, Ernst & Young conferred on Mr. Pawarits prestigious ‘Master Entrepreneur of the YearAward’ in 1999. His contributions to the IT in-dustry in India also earned him the ‘IT Man ofthe Year 1998’ award instituted by IT industryjournal, Dataquest.

ADDRESS: NIIT Limited8, Balaji EstateSudarshan Munjal Marg, KalkajiNew Delhi 110 019 (India)Tel. +91 11 26203504 – Fax +91 11 26203333Email: [email protected]

Prof. Michel Serres, born September 1, 1930,is a French philosopher and author with an un-usual career. Born the son of a barge man, Ser-res entered the Ecole Navale in 1949 and theEcole Normale Superieure in 1952. He gradu-

ated in 1955 after having studied philosophy.He spent the next few years as a naval officerbefore finally receiving his doctorate in 1968and began teaching in Paris. Over the nexttwenty years Serres earned a reputation as aspell-binding lecturer and as the author of re-markably beautiful and enigmatic prose knownso reliant on the sonorities of French that it ispractically untranslatable. He took as his sub-jects such diverse topics as the mythical North-west passage, the concept of the parasite, andthe explosion of the Space Shuttle Columbia.More generally Serres is interested in develop-ing a philosophy of science which does not relyon a metalanguage in which one account of sci-ence is privileged and accurate. To do this herelies on the concept of translation between ac-counts rather than settling on one as authorita-tive. For this reason Serres has relied on the fig-ure of Hermes (in his earlier works) and angels(in more recent studies) as messengers whotranslate back and forth between domains. In1990, Serres was appointed to the Académiefrançaise, a sign of his position as one ofFrance’s most prominent intellectuals. In theEnglish-speaking world, Serres is perhaps bestknown for teaching at Stanford University andfor influencing younger intellectuals such asBruno Latour.

ADDRESS: 128, rue de MontreuilF-94300 Vincennes (France)Tel. +33 1 43740369 – Fax +33 1 43982691Email: [email protected]

Prof. Marcelo Suárez Orozco’s work is inter-disciplinary, comparative, and longitudinal. Hisbasic research is on conceptual and empiricalproblems in the areas of cultural psychologyand psychological anthropology with a focus onthe study of immigration and globalization. Heis author of numerous scholarly essays, books,and edited volumes. Professor Suárez-Orozcobecame a tenured professor of Human Devel-opment and Psychology at Harvard (in 1995)where he was appointed the Victor S. ThomasProfessor of Education (in 2001). In 1997 alongwith Carola Suárez-Orozco he co-founded theHarvard Immigration Projects and began to co-direct the largest study ever funded in the his-tory of the National Science Foundation's Cul-tural Anthropology division – a study of Asian,Afro-Caribbean, and Latino immigrant youth inAmerican society. Professor Suárez-Orozco lec-tures widely throughout the world. In the sum-

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Globalization and Education Participant Biographies

mer of 2004 he was invited by the Mexican Sec-retary of State and the Vatican's PontificalAcademy of Social Sciences to deliver a keynoteaddress on Globalization and Education. In1995 and again in 1997, he was elected Di-recteur d’Etudes Associé at the Ecole desHautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Hehas been Visiting Professor of Psychology at theUniversity of Barcelona (Spain), Visiting Pro-fessor of Anthropology at the Catholic Univer-sity of Leuven (Belgium), and Fellow at theCenter for Advanced Study in the BehavioralSciences, Stanford. Professor Suárez-Orozcowas educated in public schools in Latin Ameri-ca and at the University of California, Berkeleywhere he received his A.B. (Psychology, 1980),M.A. (Anthropology, 1981) and PhD (Anthro-pology, 1986). Winner of multiple honors andawards, he was elected to the National Acade-my of Education in 2004. In September 2004,he was appointed the first Courtney Sale RossUniversity Professor of Globalization and Edu-cation at The Steinhardt School of Education,New York University where he also holds the ti-tle of University Professor. Professor Suárez-Orozco and his wife are Co-Directors of Immi-gration Studies at NYU.

ADDRESS: New York UniversityThe Stainhardt School of Education246 Greene StreetNew York, NY 10003 (USA) Tel. +1 617 9702125Email: [email protected]

Dr Louis-André Vallet, born in Angers(France) in 1957, was firstly educated in psy-chology, then got a PhD in quantitative sociolo-gy from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. He iscurrently senior researcher at the French Na-tional Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).Before entering the CNRS in 1996, he was anassistant professor in the Catholic University ofAngers during a dozen of years. Within CNRS,he belongs to the Quantitative Sociology Labo-ratory in the mixed research unit of CNRS andINSEE (the French Statistical Office) in thecontext of the Centre for Research in Econom-ics and Statistics (Paris). He has been a mem-ber of the editorial board of Revue française desociologie since 1991 and an Associate Editorof European Sociological Review since 2000.His main research interests are the sociology ofstratification and social mobility and the soci-ology of education. In the context of French so-

ciety, he has studied the social mobility ofwomen, the trends in intergenerational classmobility, the trends in educational inequalitiesbetween social classes and the school trajecto-ries of the children of immigrants. From amethodological point of view, he has expertisein the analysis of categorical variables with log-linear and log-multiplicative models. His mostrecent publication is the chapter about Francein the comparative volume Social Mobility inEurope (2004, Oxford University Press).

ADDRESS: Quantitative Sociology LaboratoryCentre for Research in Economics and StatisticsTimbre J350 – 3 avenue Pierre LarousseF-92245 Malakoff Cedex (France)Tel. +33 1 41175733 – Fax +33 1 41175755Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Prof. Jean-Didier Vincent was born in LibournGironde, France. After being the Director of IN-SERM and of the Sciences du Vivant CNRS, he iscurrently a Researcher and a Professor at the Uni-versity of Paris XI. His research centres on thedopaminergic system, hormonal phenomena trig-gered by behavioural events and neurophysiolog-ical mechanisms. He was the first to stress themodulatory action of certain hormones on brainactivity and on the nervous mechanisms of func-tions such as the balance of water and salt in thebody, hunger, thirst, reproduction, sleep, etc. Hewas also the first to show that cerebral osmore-ceptors were not located in the neurosecretorycores but in the anterior region of the hypothala-mus in contact with the ventricular wall. His lat-est research concerns the mechanisms of integra-tion of the olfactory message in the olfactorybulb, showing the role of permanent neurogene-sis of the gabaergic neurons in sensory discrimi-nation. He is a member of the French Académiedes Sciences and of the French Académie Na-tionale de Médecine. For his merits he was alsoreceived in the Légion d’honneur (Officier) andthe Palmes Académiques (Officier). He has writ-ten numerous scientific publications and alsomany successful books for the general public.

ADDRESS: Institut de NeurobiologieAlfred Fessard, C.N.R.S.,F-91198 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)Tel. +33 1 69823434 – Fax +33 1 69823445Email: [email protected]

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Globalization and Education Participant Biographies

Mr. Mortimer Zuckerman was born in 1937 inCanada and is Chairman and Editor-in-Chief ofU.S. News & World Report and publisher of theNew York Daily News. He is also founder andchairman of Boston Properties, Inc. He is atrustee of Memorial Sloan-Kettering, New YorkUniversity, the Aspen Institute, the Hole in theWall Gang Fund, Inc. and the Center for Com-munications. He is also a member of the J.P.Morgan National Advisory Board, the Councilon Foreign Relations, the Washington Institutefor Near East Studies and the International In-stitute of Strategic Studies. He is a former Asso-ciate Professor of City & Regional Planning atthe Harvard Graduate School of Design, a for-mer lecturer of City and Regional Planning atYale, a past president of the Board of Trustees of

the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.Zuckerman was awarded the Commandeur DeL’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the governmentof France, received three honorary degrees, theLifetime Achievement Award from Guild Halland the Gold Medal from the American Instituteof Architecture in New York. Zuckerman is agraduate of McGill University, McGill LawSchool, The Wharton Graduate School of Busi-ness and the Harvard Law School.

ADDRESS: U.S. News & World Report1050 Thomas Jefferson Street NWWashington, DC 20007 (USA)Tel. +1 202 9552000

For the biographies of the Academicians cfr. Pontificia Academia Scientiarvm, Year Book (Vatican City 2004), p. 15 ff.;Pontificia Academia Scientiarvm Socialivm, Year Book (Vatican City 2004), p. 13 ff.

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Tel: +39 0669883451 Fax: +39 0669885218Email: [email protected]

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There is a God Himself who is called Truth. And that essential, di-vine generation that expresses all the perfection of the DivineEssence, the Word; and the Word means the Truth. And when Godthought of saving the world it was the Word, it was Divine Truth,that came to save it. And when he was saving men, it was the titleTeacher that most pleased him, and he accepted it and approvedit: Vocatis me magistrum et bene dicitis; sum etenim (Jn 13:13). Andwhen he sent out the Apostles to preach redemption to the world,he gave them, before anything else, the mandate to teach: Euntesdocete (Mt 28:19. Cfr. Mk 16:15 f.). This was really the cry of hewho had said: the truth will make you free: Veritas liberabit vos(Jn 8:32).And thus it was that, in order to fulfill this very important part oftheir mission, the Roman Pontiffs, our glorious antecedents, somagnificently, so splendidly, and also so heroically, constantly act-ed to gather together in our admirable Vatican library those treas-ures of which we have been the fortunate custodians. When theRoman Pontiffs did this, they thought that they were carrying outa part, a very notable part, of their Apostolic Ministry.And therefore, we congratulate you with all our heart on the greatgood that you do here, on that which we have heard or now hear,on what you have gathered together in all the luminous fields oftruth; and wishing and hoping that this Academy will become anincreasingly rich source of that beneficial charity which Truth is.

Pius XI, Address of 27 December 1925 to Inaugurate the AcademicYear of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, in Papal Addresses, ThePontifical Academy of Sciences, Scripta Varia 100, Vatican City2003, p. 25 f.