3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2

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Transcript of 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 6 W hy invest in ergonomics? 1

    6. Why invest in er gonomics?

    The status and value of ergonomics in a companycan be determined by answ ering the following questions:

    Does the organization have problems w ith: yes no

    i nc re asing m anufac tu ri ng costs

    i nc re asing c os ts fo r main tenanc e a nd re pa ir

    d ec re asing p roduc t qual ity

    s uscep tibi li ty to pr oduc tion br eakdow ns

    k eeping to dead lin es

    c ustomer sati sfac tion

    Does the organization w ant to:

    improve safe ty at w or k

    r educ e i llness-r elated absenc e (e.g . for back p ro blems)

    m ot ivate

    improve the w el l-be ing o f employees

    Is the organization planning to: r es tr uc tu re the w or kp laces i nsta ll new fac il it ies i nt ro duce n ew manu factu ring sequences and e qu ipment

    If several of the questions w ere answ ered w ith "yes", there is probably a need for ergonomic improvements in the organization, andthe next steps are as follow s:

    Using t he ques tionna ire in chapter 10, pinpoint the w eaknesses o f t he w or kp lace a nd analyze them. Formula te goals. Dec ide w ha t a c tion to take. Calc ulate the i nves tment re qu ired and c ompare .

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 6 Why invest in ergonomic s?2


    What are the benefi ts ofergonomics?

    1. Well-being in the work placeIf all aspects of the workplace, inclu-ding the nature of the work, its orga-nization, the environment and the

    space available, are in accordancew ith the abilities of the individual, thenthe condi t ions for maximum worksatisfaction have been met.

    2 Less il lness-related absencesWhere w orkplaces have been ergono-mically designed there are less acci-dents and bodily c omplaints, so thereare less days lost.

    3 Higher productivityA human-engineered wor kplace is thebasis for increased motivation andperformanc e by its user.

    4 Better business resultsThe holistic inspection of the w orkpla-ce and the optimum implementation ofergonomic expertise lead to betterbusiness results.

    Why i nvest in the Leica er gonomicsprogram?

    The investment in the sensible planning of microscopy work

    stations brings benefits to employee and employer alike if all

    involved (user, planner, wor k-scienc e spec ialist, medical spe-

    cialist and microscope manufacturer) cooperate to introduce

    measures to reduce specific stresses. As microscope manu-

    facturer s, we c an design our instruments so as to minimize the

    stresses on the user and therefore to promote better

    working. Leica has therefore given more thought than any

    other stereomicroscope manufacturer to this subject and has

    created a r ange of ergonomic ac cessories (see section 5). It is

    now up to the organization to make use of the opportunities

    offered. The higher initial investment in ergonomic c onditions

    pays off in healthier, more contented employees, and also in

    higher productivity and improved performanc e.

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 6 W hy invest in ergonomics? 3

    The Leica ergonomics program employee andemployer both gain

    The Leica ergonomics program

    prevents a forced posture, t i redness, reduced performance and bodily


    offers better, healthier view ing conditions through the options of adapting the

    eyepoint individually and of c hanging the posture at any time.

    reduces static exertion during precision work, because the arms and hands

    can be supported.

    improves visual work, because the high-quality optical system does not sub-

    jec t t he eyes to the s tr ain o f a ccommoda tion .

    enables the user to concentrate and w ork for long periods at a time.

    The advantages for the company:

    Higher productivity

    Better quality

    Lower costs

    Less absenteeism

    Greater safety

    M ore rel iable


    Better business results.

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 6 Why invest in ergonomic s?4

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions w ith Leica ergonomics modules 1

    7. Dimensions

    with Leica er gonomics modules

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions with Leica ergonomic s modules2

    Leica MS5 wi th incident-l ight stand Leica MS5 wi th t ransmi t ted-l ight stand



    Binocular tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoModule 50mm and binoc ular

    tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoModule 25 - 80mm and binocu-

    lar tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoWedge 5 - 25 and binocular

    tube with 45 viewing angle

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions w ith Leica ergonomics modules 3

    Leica MZ6 wi th incident-l ight stand Leica MZ6 wi th t ransmi t ted-l ight stand

    Binocular tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoModule 50mm and binoc ular

    tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoModule 25 - 80mm and binocu-

    lar tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoWedge 5 - 25 and binocular

    tube with 45 viewing angle

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions with Leica ergonomics modules4

    Leica MZ75 with incident-l ight stand Leica MZ75 with tr ansmit ted-li ght stand




    1.0x Plan





    1.0x Plan


    Binocular tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoTube 10 - 50

    ErgoWedge 5 - 25 and binocular

    tube with 45 viewing angle

    Trinocular p hoto- / video tube

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions w ith Leica ergonomics modules 5

    Leica MZ95 with incident-l ight stand L eica MZ95 with tr ansmit ted-li ght stand





    1.0x Plan


    1.0x Plan




    Binocular tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoTube 10 - 50

    ErgoWedge 5 - 25 and binocular

    tube with 45 viewing angle

    Trinocular photo- / video tube

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions with Leica ergonomics modules6

    Leica MZ125 wit h incident-l ight stand L eica M Z125 with tr ansmit ted-li ght standH L





    1.0x Plan



    1.0x Plan



    Binocular tube with 45 viewing angle

    ErgoTube 10 - 50

    ErgoWedge 5 - 25 and binocular

    tube with 45 viewing angle

    Trinocular p hoto- / video tube

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions w ith Leica ergonomics modules 7

    Leica MZAPO with incident-l ight stand Leica MZAPO with tr ansmitted-l ight standH L




    1.0x Planapo


    ErgoTube 10 - 50

    Trinocular photo- / video tube

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 7 Dimensions with Leica ergonomics modules8

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 8 Want to know more about ergonomics? 1

    8. Want to know mor e about



    Baker J .R.: Experiments on the function of the eye in light microscopy. Barthelemy J.: Les aides optiques en micro- lectronique. Bec k R., Janke, H., l lenberg H.-K.: Verbesserung der arbeitsphysiologischen Bedingungen am M ikroskop. Bergkvist H., Carlsson L., Stoot M.: Arbets- och arbetsplatsutforming vid mikroskoparbete.

    Conrady P., Kruege r H., Z lch J . et al.: Untersuchung der Belastung bei Lupen- und M ikroskopierarbeiten. Drury, C.G., Bhatn ager, V.: M icr oscop e inspec tion stand ards. Dubois-Poulsen A.: Rappel sur les principales fonctions visuelles mises en jeu lors d un travail sous binoculaire. Elias R., Cail F.: Travail sous bino cula ires: Astr eintes visue lles et postura les. Emanuel, J.T., Glonek, R.J.: Ergonomic approach to productivity improvement for microscope work. Fischer, J.F., Wick, J.L.: Ergonomic improvements to a microscope workstation. Fox C.H., Bahr G.F.: Relieving musc le fatig ue and eyestra in in mic rosc opy. Grandjean, Prof Etienne: Fitting the Task to the M an. A c lassic prac titioner's handbook in ergonomics Grandjean Etienne: Physiologische Arbeitsgestaltung. Haines Helen, Mc AtamneyLynn: Applying ergonomics to improve mic roscope w ork. Helander M .G., Grossmith E.J., Prabhu P.: Planning and imp lementat ion of mic rosc ope w ork. Helander M.G., Prabhu P.: Ergonomic design of microscope workplaces. ILO: Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety Imbert J.-P.: Les aides optique s dans l industrie lectronique. Konietzko Johannes, Heinrich Dupuis et al.: Handbuch der Arbeitsmedizin. Krueger H., Conr ady P., Z lch J .: Work w ith magnifying glasses. Krueger H., Conrady P.: Untersuc hung zur Ergono mie der Sehbedingun gen bei M ikroskopar beit. Krueger H., Conrad y P.: Der Einsatz von Lupen in d er I ndustrie . Krueger H., Conr ady P., Z lch J .: Arbeitsmedizinische Probleme an A rbeitspltzen mit M ikroskopen. Krueger H.: Arbeit mit Sehhilfen. Lee K.S., Waikar A.M ., Aglazadeh, F., Tandon, S.: An ele ctr omyogra phic investigation of nec k angles for

    microscopists. Lee K.S., Waikar A .M., Wu L.: Physical stress evaluation of microscope w ork using object ive and subjective

    methods. Lee K.S., Humphreys, L.A.: Physical stress reduction of microscope operators.

    Leod D. Mc., Baimon R.E.: Microscope and eye fatigue. M attas R.B., Tow nsend J.C., Leibowitz H.W.: Some effects of chromostereopsis on stereoscopic performance:Implications for microscopes.

    M ethling D.: Bestimmen von Sehhilfen. M ethling D., Flker F.: Sehanfor derun gen und Leistungsver mgen an speziellen Arbeitspltzen in der

    Mikroelektronik. M eyer J.-J.: Lvaluation de la charge visuelle et des risques pour la vue lors de l utilisation intensive d un

    microscope binoculaire. Olcerst R.B.: Micr oscopes and oc ular infections. Olsson A.: Ergonom i i mikroskopar bete. Ostberg, O., Moss, E.C.: Microscope work - ergonomics problems and remedies.

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 8 Want to know more about ergonomics?2

    Pawlak, Bhme: Arbeiten mit Sehhilfen. Richards O.W.: Instrument myopia - microscopy. Robinow itz M ., Bahr G.P., Fox C.H.: Relieving muscle fatigue and eye strain in mic rosc opy. Rohmert W ., Haider E., Hecker C., M ainzer J., Zipp P.: Mikr oskopiert tigkeit bei visueller

    Kontrolle und Reparatur von Leiterplatten, Keramikfolien, M ikrochips. Schober H.A.W., Dehler H., Kassel R.: Accommodation during observations with opticalinstruments.

    Schw eizerische Unfallversicherungsanstalt: Ergonomie. Erfolgsfaktor fr jedes Unternehmen. Sderber g I., Calissendor ff S., Elofsson S., Knave B., Nyman K.G.: Investigation of visual stra in

    experienced by microscope operators at an electronics plant. Sderber g I., Calissendor ff S., Elofsson S., Knave B., Nyman K.G.: Mikr oskoparb ete Zoz N.E., Kuznetov J.A.: Etat de lappareil d acc ommodation visuelle lors du travail au


  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 8 Want to know more about ergonomics? 3

    Periodicals (paper and electronic) ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interactions (TOCHI) Applied Ergonomics (Journal) COM PLEXITY INTERNATIONA L - an Electr onic Jou rnal o f Complex Systems Researc h CSERIAC GATEWAY new slett er Ecological Psychology Ergonomics Ergonomics Abstrac ts Ergonomics J ournal Ergonomic News Ergonomics that W ork ErgoTalk ErgoWeb Folgenlos, Zeitschr ift fr soziokonomische Systemanalyse und Folgenabschtzung Human Factors Human Factors and Ergonomics in M anufacturing (Journal), John W iley & Sons, Inc. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society home page

    IEA Ergonomics International IEEE Transac tions on Systems, M an, and Cybernetic s IIE Solutions (Magazine) Industrial Hygiene New s Industrial Safety & Hygiene New s interactions (ACM ) International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Taylor & Francis, Ltd. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics (Journal) International Journal of Human-Computer Studies International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics International Journal of Man-Machine Studies Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medic ine (Magazine)

    M odern Job Safety & Health (Looseleaf)New sletter for IIE Ergonomics and w ork measurement society.Occ upational Ergonomics (Journal)

    Occ upational Hazards Occ upational Health & Safety Occ upational Health & Safety News (New sletter) OH& S Canada Psycoloquy (ftp-Ar chive) Safety and Health Scandinavian Journal of W ork, Environment & Health Science SIGCHI Bulletin Society for Work Science News (Newsletter)

    The International Journal of Occ upational Safety and Ergonomics, Central Institute for Labour Protection War szaw a Thesis - scienc e and technology Workplace Ergonomics

    http://ergoweb.com/Pub/ewhome.shtml ergowebhttp://ww w.ergonomics.com.au/index.html#Contents Ergonomics Australia On-Lineh ttp:/ /www.ergonomic s.c om.au/ergo links .h tm Inc ludes v ery many l inks to Ergo In foshttp://w ww.osha.gov/index.htm OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 8 Want to know more about ergonomics?3

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 9 Agencies 1

    9. AgenciesListed according to countr y

    Wor ld wide

    World Health Organization (WHO)


    ADA (Americans w ith Disabilities Act) Document Center Bureau of Labor Statistics Crew System Ergonomics Infor mation Analysis Center

    (CSERIAC) Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

    FAA Office of Chief Scientific and TechnicalAdvisor for Human Factors

    FAA Technic al Center Human Fact ors Labora tory (HFL) FAA/OAM Aviation M aintenance & Inspection

    NASA NASA-Ames Research Center, Human Factors Ac tivities NASA Langley Research Center,

    Human Engineering M ethods Research Laboratory NASA Technical Reports Server

    National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute for Occ upational Safety and Health (NIOSH) OSHA W eb (U. S. Departm ent of Labors Occupational Safety

    and Health Administration) U. S. Departm ent of Energy s Environmen t, Safety and Health

    (ES&H) Technical Information Services

    ATSDR Toxic Substanc e Registry


    European Space Agency (ESA) ESA M icrogravity Database

    ESA Publications


    Forschungsgesellschaft fr angewandte Naturw issenschaftene.V. (FGAN)

    Forschungsinstitut fr Ant ropot ech nik (FAT)


    Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

    National Research and Development Centre for W elfare andHealt h (STAKES)


    Swedish National Institute for W orking Life (NIW L) (exSwedish N ational Institute of Occupational Health)


    Advanced Telecommunications Research Laboratories (ATR),Kyoto, Japan)

    Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (M ITI), NationalInstitute of Bioscience and Human-Technology, Ergonomicsand Human-Technology


    Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medic ine

    (Canada), Human Factor s Division

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 9 Agencies2

    Associations International Ergonomics Association (IEA, Sw eden) International Ergonomics Association (IEA, USA) International Society for Ecological Psychology (ISEP) European Association for Cognitive Ergonomics

    The Ergonomics Society (United Kingdom) The Ergonomics Society of Australia Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

    The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society at SUNY Buffalo (UB) New England Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Technical Group (CEDM-TG) HFES Special Int erest Group on Virtual Environment s

    ACM ACM Spec ial Interest Group on Compute r-Human Inter actio n (SIGCHI)

    American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Optical Society of America (OSA) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) IEEE

    IEEEs Systems, M an, and Cybernetics Society Society for Information Display (SID) Gesellschaft fr Arbeitsw issenschaft (GfA) Gesellschaft fr Informatik (GI)

    Fachausschu 2.3 Ergono mie in der I nform atik Fachg ruppe (FG) 2.3.1 Softw are- Ergono mie

    REFA-Verband Verband Deut scher Elektrot echn iker e.V. (VDE) Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Psychop hysiologie und ihr e Anw endung e.V. (DGPA) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) sterreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fr Ergonomie (AE)

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 10 Questionnaire about the ergonomics arrangement of the w orkplace 1

    10. Quest ionnair e about

    the er gonomic ar r angement of the


    This questionnaire is intendedfor use by persons responsiblefor planning workplaces toensure maximum efficiency. It

    wi l l help as a check l ist toensure that no importantaspects are neglected.

    The questionnaire is based onmaterial in the following twodocuments, with modifications:

    Untersuchung der Belastung

    bei Lupen- und Mikrosko-

    pierarbeiten. Conrady P.,

    Krueger H., Zlch J. et al

    (this document contains a

    detailed questionnaire)

    Physiologische Arbeitsge-

    staltung. Etienne Grandjean.

    Par t 1: Personal data



    Are you right-handed / left-handed?

    Do you w ear spectacles?

    Do you w ear spectacles w hen using the microscope?

    Do you smoke?

    Par t 2: Or ganization of wor k

    Tasks1. Job (assembly, inspect ion, analysis, other)2. M ain activity:3. Subsidiary act ivity:4. Do you use a microscope / stereomicroscope ?5. Were you trained to use the above instrument before you started to use it ?6. Wor king posture (sitting, standing, bent)

    7. Does the work involve a high level of dexterity, attention and perception ?8. Does the way that the work is organized (shift w ork, continuous work for longperiods, work at f ixed times) cause stress?

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 10 Questionnaire about the ergonomics arrangement of the workplac e2

    Physical exertion9. Is the w ork heavy ?

    10. Do you have to lift heavy objects ?11. Is the weight of the objects reasonable ?12. Do you use stress-minimizing postures w hen lifting and carrying objects ?13. Do you have to repeatedly introduce the object beneath the microscope ?14. Does the object remain stationary w hile it is being observed ?

    15. Is intensive static exertion involved ?16. Are stressful holding opera tions involved ?17. Can the holding of objects be made easier with handrests ?18. Can objec ts be held in mech anic al device s ?19. Is intensive dynamic exertion involved ?20. Is the w ork less than continuous ?21. Is the w ork carried out effectively ?

    W orking time, break s in w ork22. How long have you been working at this workstation ?23. For how many hours each day on average do you w ork at the microscope ?24. Do you often have to look down the microscope continuously for more than one or two hours ?

    25. Do you have to look into the microscope for a short time but at regular intervals ?26. How often do you have to leave your wor kplace (to deal with something else or to find out about something) ?

    (e.g. 3-5 times an hour / 1-2 times a day)27. Do you often have a break to relax ?28. Are there enough / not enough compulsory wor k breaks to enable you to relax ?29. Are the wor k breaks of appropriate length and at appropriate times ?30. Would it be useful to have additional work breaks ?31. Wou ld flexitime be an advanta ge ?32. Is the lunc h break long enough ?

    M onotony33. Is your work at the microscope nearly always the same ? Would you call it monotonous ?34. Do you generally stay in one posture w hile working at the microscope ?35. Does the repetitive work force you to adopt an uncomfortable posture ?36. How long at a time do you spend on each item ?37. Would new w orking techniques (e.g. job rotation or the addition of other duties) reduce the monotony ?38. Does the arrangement and organization of the workplace allow social contact ?

    Shift w ork39. Are there day shifts and night shifts ?40. Does the existing shift system permit night-shift work for short periods ?41. How often during the year are there free days during the normal wor king week (Monday - Friday) ?42. Are acc eptable conditions available for sleep during the day ?

    Requirements for precision w ork

    43. Is the precision work carried out with visual inspection ?44. Does the precision work require a long period of training ?45. Are all requirements met for easily acquiring an automatic routine ?46. Are the directions and sequences of the movements required all natural ?

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 10 Questionnaire about the ergonomics arrangement of the w orkplace 3

    Part 3: Questions about physical complaints

    M ovement problemsHave you suffered from any of the following problems during the last few w eeks ?W here do these problems occur (left / middle / right) ?

    1. Nec k : Stiffness or pain

    2. Shoulder : Stiffness or pain3. Bac k : Stiffness or pain4. Small of the bac k : Stiffness or pain5. Arm s : Tiredness, pain, numbness, tingling, cr amp6. Hands, hand joints, finger s : Tiredness, pain, numbness, cr amp, tremb ling7. Legs or feet : Pain or numbness8. Difficulty in holding a light object such as a telephone receiver high up for long periods, or in combing your hair

    Problems wi th the eyesHave you suffered from any of the following eye problems during the last few w eeks ?

    9. Tired, heavy eyes10. Itching, stabbing, burning, w eeping, pain11. The sensation of sand grains in the eye12. Red eyes13. Brigh t light is painful14. A swimming sensation in front of the eyes15. Flicker ing in front of the eyes16. Blurred vision w hen you change from close-range vision to long-range vision ?17. Can you see better if you close one eye ?18. Headaches

    If you have had any of the 18 problems listed above :19. How often ?

    - on more than two days a week- several times a month

    - rarely20. Does the problem occ ur at night ?21. For how long have you been suffering from the problem ?22. Have you seen a doc tor about it ?23. What did the doctor diagnose ?24. Do you think that the problem has anything to do with your wor k ?25. Did you have difficulties when you started this sort of work ? What sort of problems ?26. Are you taking medicines ? W hich ones, and why ?

    - daily or almost daily- occasionally- rarely or never

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 10 Questionnaire about the ergonomics arrangement of the workplac e4

    Par t 4: Assessment of the micr oscope

    Optical properties1. Can the magnific ation be set easily ?2. Can the foc us be set easily ?3. Does the image shake ?

    4. Can you see the entire field of view sharply ?5. W hen you first look into the microsc ope, do you see a double image ?6. Does the image become blurred w hile you are looking at it ?7. Does the image look distort ed ?8. Do you see colour fringes in the image ?9. If you w ear spectacles, does the spectacle frame disturb you w hen you are working ?

    M icroscope illumination10. Is the image too bright / correc t / too dark ?11. Can the brightness be easily adjusted ?12. Do you adjust the brightness to your requirements before you start work ?13. Are you disturb ed by stray light ?

    Ergonomics of the microscope14. The microscope is too high up / at the right height / too low dow n15. The microscope is too far aw ay / at the right distance / too near16. The viewing height is too far up / correc t / too low down17. The view ing angle is too steep / correct / too flat18. Do the positions of the controls enable you to retain a natural posture ?19. Are the functions of the controls in acc ordance w ith the operations required ?20. Is force required to use the controls ?21. In relation to the height of the table, the drive knobs are too high / at the right height / too low22. The focusing knobs are too far aw ay / at the right distance / too near23. Is there enough room in which to move ?24. Can you keep your head in a natural posture w hile you are inspecting the work visually or while you are taking

    readings ?25. Do you have to move to an unnatural posture in order to operate the pedals ?

    Displays26. Is the information on any display unit used well set out and appropriate to the task ?27. Are digits, w ords, symbols and scale divisions of a size appropriate to their distance away ?28. Does the position of the elements in the display enable them to be inspected easily and accurately ?29. Is magnific ation needed to examine the display ?30. Is there a logical relationship between display unit and controls in terms of both position and information ?31. Can all acoustic signals be perceived without difficulty ?32. Have you received a user manual and read it ?33. Is the user manual easily understandable, technically correc t and complete ?

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 10 Questionnaire about the ergonomics arrangement of the w orkplace 5

    5. Assessment of the workplace

    The geometry of the w orkplace1. The w orking table is too high up / at the right height / too low dow n2. The w orking area on the table is enough / not enough3. Have you adjusted the height of the table to your requirements ? yes / no / the table is not adjustable

    4. Do you have enough room under the table for your legs and feet ? yes / no5. Is the chair comfortable ? yes / no. Does it cause physical problems ?6. W hen you first sit down at your workplace, do you adjust the height of your chair ? yes / sometimes / no /

    the chair is not adjustable7. Does the backrest of your chair support the w hole of your back ? yes / no8. Can you sit comf orta bly and relaxed on your chair ? yes / no9. Do you need a footr est ? yes / no

    Environment10. Do noises distract you from your w ork ?11. Do the activities of other people distract you from your work ?12. Is your attention distracted by other activities at the same workplace ?13. Do vibrations distract you from your w ork ?

    Room cl imate13. Are you disturbed by the room climate or by the lighting ?14. Is the room temperature comfortable ?15. In the room in summer, it is generally too w arm / just right / too cold16. In the room in winter, it is generally too w arm / just right / too cold17. Are the radiators positioned correc tly ?18. Are ther e draug hts ?19. Is the air stale / too dry ? Is the relative humidity correct ?20. Is the air circulation good enough ?21. Are ther e smells ?22. Do people often smoke in the room ?

    23. Does tobac co smoke disturb you ?24. Does the room climate cau se you

    - sore eyes ?- rheumatism ?- tiredness ?- susceptibility to il lness ?- sensitivity to atmospheric changes ?- circ ulation disorders ?- a stuffed-up nose ?- colds ?- other- no problems

    Lighting conditions in the room25. Is the room brightness adequate during the day ?26. Is the artific ial lighting bright enough ?27. Are there large differences in brightness where you mostly need to look ?28. Do you have to change your attention from bright objects to dark ones from time to time ?29. Is there stray reflected light in the w orkplace ?30. Is the room illumination arranged properly ?31. Is the artificia l lighting uniform (e.g. no tube flicker ) ?

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    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 10 Questionnaire about the ergonomics arrangement of the workplac e7

    Colours32. Does the colour scheme at your w orkplace produce unfavourable contrasts in brightness ?33. Are eye-catching colours used sensibly ?34. Does the colour scheme in the room produce a restful and friendly atmosphere ?

    Heat35. Is the heat tolera ble ?

    36. Is the clot hing suitable ?37. Do you get enough to drink ?38. Can you suggest w ays of reducing the heat ?

    Protection against noise39. Does the noise distract your attention or interfere with your thinking ?40. Does the noise make con versation difficult ?41. Is the noise level high enough to damage the ears ?42. Can you suggest ways of reduc ing the noise?

    Health protection43. Are there pollutants in the air ?

    44. Can the spread of pollutants be prevented at source ?45. Would it help to fit an air extractor ?46. Do you come into contact w ith pollutants which could cause skin eczema ?47. Could the technical installations cause accidents ?48. Does the work process involve an accident hazard ?49. Could acc idents be cau sed by third parties ?50. Is there a risk of fire or explosion ?

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 11 Current public ity material 1

    11. Cur r ent publ icity mater ial

    BrochureFor made- to -measu re p roduc ti vit y. The e rgonomic prog ram for Le ic a s te reomic ros copes. M1-215-2en

    Ergonomics: The science w hich makes w orking life more pleasant M 3-215-1en

    PosterProductivity is a question of position. Relaxation exerc ises during w ork breaks M 5-106-1en

    AdvertisementThe Leica ergonomics program for better w orking conditions. BU-SM 21-98

    Press release SM /PR 11/97

    ErgoHandbook M 3-215-4de(available from your Leica agenc y against cover charge of SFr 5.-)

  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


    ErgoHandbook, Leica M icrosystems Ltd Section 11 Current publicity material2

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    Subjec t Le ic a ergonomics prog ram

    I should like to take advantage of the Leica ergonomics modules.

    s I am ordering the follow ing ergonomics modules:

    N r. 10 446 123 Er goW edge 525 ________ un its

    N r. 10 446 171 Er goM o dule 30mm to 120mm ________ units

    N r. 10 446 170 Er goM o dule 50mm ________ units

    N r. 10 346 910 Er goW edge 15 ________ un its

    N r. 10 445 822 Er goTube 1050 ________ un its

    N r. 10 446 253 Er goTube 45 ________ un its

    N r. ________ ____________________ ________ units

    s I should like to re-equip my stereomicroscope. M odel: Leica (WILD) M ____________

    Please call me. The best time is: ____________ am/pm


    Name/first name









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  • 7/29/2019 3682237 Handbuch ERGO EnglischTeil2


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    Contact:Fax +49 6441 293 399

    The Leica Microsystems Mission is to be the world's f irst-choice provider of

    innovative solutions to our customers needs for vision, measurement, lithographyand analysis of mic rostructures.

    Leica, the leading brand for microscopes and scientific instruments, has grown from

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