SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika Nr. 59/2021

SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika Nr. 59/2021 SWP-Informationsservices Jürgen Rogalski, 15.09.2021 Der SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika ist ein unentgeltliches, kompaktes Informationspro- dukt mit ausgewählten Hinweisen auf aktuelle Stellungnahmen, Dokumente und Analysen zu allen (außen-) politisch relevanten Fragen und Entwicklungen der Region. Bei allen Titeln gibt es einen Link, meistens direkt zum Volltext. Grundlage der Erstellung ist ein überwie- gend festgelegtes Set an Quellen: Webseiten, Blogs, Zeitschriften etc. Der Auswahl-Fokus liegt neben Dokumenten auf wissenschaftlichen bzw. wissenschaftlich basierten Beiträgen. Neben Titeln mit konkretem Länder- bzw. Regionalbezug werden auch solche berücksichtigt, deren Thematik relevant ist für die Region. Der WebMonitor wird i.d.R. ein- bis zweimal wöchent- lich erstellt, nicht aber bei Abwesenheit des Bearbeiters. Inhaltsverzeichnis > Somalia > Äthiopien > Äthiopien / Nilanrainer (GERD) > Sudan > Sudan / Südsudan > Südsudan > Niger > Mali / Sahel > Burkina Faso > Westafrika: ECOWAS > Westafrika > Cabo Verde > Guinea > Nigeria > ZAR > DR Kongo > Uganda > Kenia > Tansania > Ostafrika / Südliches Afrika

Transcript of SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika Nr. 59/2021

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SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika Nr. 59/2021

SWP-Informationsservices Jürgen Rogalski, 15.09.2021

Der SWP-WebMonitor Subsahara-Afrika ist ein unentgeltliches, kompaktes Informationspro-dukt mit ausgewählten Hinweisen auf aktuelle Stellungnahmen, Dokumente und Analysen zu allen (außen-) politisch relevanten Fragen und Entwicklungen der Region. Bei allen Titeln gibt es einen Link, meistens direkt zum Volltext. Grundlage der Erstellung ist ein überwie-gend festgelegtes Set an Quellen: Webseiten, Blogs, Zeitschriften etc. Der Auswahl-Fokus liegt neben Dokumenten auf wissenschaftlichen bzw. wissenschaftlich basierten Beiträgen. Neben Titeln mit konkretem Länder- bzw. Regionalbezug werden auch solche berücksichtigt, deren Thematik relevant ist für die Region. Der WebMonitor wird i.d.R. ein- bis zweimal wöchent-lich erstellt, nicht aber bei Abwesenheit des Bearbeiters.


> Somalia > Äthiopien > Äthiopien / Nilanrainer (GERD) > Sudan > Sudan / Südsudan > Südsudan > Niger > Mali / Sahel > Burkina Faso > Westafrika: ECOWAS > Westafrika > Cabo Verde > Guinea > Nigeria > ZAR > DR Kongo > Uganda > Kenia > Tansania > Ostafrika / Südliches Afrika

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> Sambia > Mosambik > Simbabwe > Swasiland > RSA > AU (Afrikanische Union) > AU (Afrikanische Union) - UN > EU - Afrika > EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge > D - Afrika > USA - Außenpolitik (allg./global) > USA - Afrika > Russland - Afrika > VR China - Afrika > VAE - Afrika > UN - Peacekeeping / Peacebuilding (allg./global) > Krisen und Konflikte (global) > Rüstungskontrolle (allg./global) > Waffenlieferungen / Waffenhandel (Afrika) > Internationale Beziehungen / internationale Ordnung (global) > Protestbewegungen (Afrika) > Demokratieförderung / autoritäre Herrschaft (allg./Afrika) > Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung > Wilderei / -bekämpfung (Afrika) > Kryptowährungen (Afrika) > Wirtschaft / Entwicklung (global) > Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (Afrika)

> Somalia

Somalia Humanitarian Bulletin, August 2021 UN-OCHA, 09.09.2021, 6 S. https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/August%2021%20bulletin%20Final.pdf Somalia’s Economy Rebounding from ‘Triple Shock' The World Bank, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2021/09/14/somalia-s-economy-rebound-ing-from-triple-shock Somalia Economic Update: Investing in Health to Anchor Growth The World Bank, 06.2021, 72 S. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/926051631552941734/pdf/Somalia-Economic-Update-Investing-in-Health-to-Anchor-Growth.pdf

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Kurzinformation: https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/somalia/publication/somalia-economic-update-invest-ing-in-health-to-anchor-growth >>> Statement: Somalia’s Politicians Play with Fire – Again ICG, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/horn-africa/somalia/somalias-politicians-play-fire-again >>> Framing Insurgency and the Rebel Proto-State: Al-Shabaab’s Media and Information Opera-tions Christopher Anzalone In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa (online first), 09.2021, 18 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/21520844.2021.1962144 Between Ransom and Release: Exploring Caringscapes of Ransom Kidnappings by Somali Pirates Brittany V. Gilmer & Joshua Wakeham In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa (online first), 09.2021, 19 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/21520844.2021.1948780 Police Militarization and Public Perceptions: Exploring Residents’ Attitudes in Kismaayo, So-malia Daisy Muibu In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa (online first), 09.2021, 28 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/21520844.2021.1947669 A Quick Guide to Somalia in 2026: Business as Usual Alice Hills In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa (online first), 09.2021, 18 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/21520844.2021.1957347 Al-Shabaab’s Assassinations: Investigating the Uniqueness of Al-Shabaab’s Assassinations via Sui-cide Bombing Ellen Chapin, Stephanie Lizzo & Jason Warner In: The Journal of the Middle East and Africa (online first), 09.2021, 21 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/21520844.2021.1953866

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Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: Women of the Somali Diaspora - Refugees, Resilience and Rebuilding After Conflict Joanna Lewis London (Hurst), 08.2021, 376 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: https://www.hurstpublishers.com/book/women-of-the-somali-diaspora/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Äthiopien

Update on joint UN and Ethiopian Human Rights Commission investigation on Tigray UN-OHCHR, 10.09.2021 https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=27439&LangID=E Ongoing Conflict and Human Rights Abuses in Northern Ethiopia US DoS, 10.09.2021 https://www.state.gov/ongoing-conflict-and-human-rights-abuses-in-northern-ethiopia/ Ethiopia’s Transition and the Tigray Conflict CRS, 09.09.2021, 31 S. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46905 >>> UN Rights Body Should Maintain Scrutiny on Tigray - Oral Statement at HRC48 HRW, 13.09.2021 https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/09/13/un-rights-body-should-maintain-scrutiny-tigray >>> What Tigray Portends: the Future of Peace and Security in Africa Sam Wilkins War on the Rocks, 13.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://warontherocks.com/2021/09/what-tigray-portends-the-future-of-peace-and-security-in-africa/ Civil rights activists in Welkait give hope for peace and democracy in Ethiopia Sonja John LSE Blog, 13.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2021/09/13/civil-rights-activists-welkait-tplf-peace-democ-racy-ethiopia-pp-abiy-ahmed/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

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> Äthiopien / Nilanrainer (GERD)

International momentum dwindles over Nile dam dispute Mohamed Saied Al Monitor, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/09/international-momentum-dwindles-over-nile-dam-dispute Burundi speaks up for Egypt in GERD crisis Hagar Hosny Al Monitor, 10.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/09/burundi-speaks-egypt-gerd-crisis Barrage Renaissance sur le Nil. À pas prudents, la Russie s’engage dans un dossier explosif Ramzi Basha Orient XXI, 15.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://orientxxi.info/magazine/barrage-renaissance-a-pas-prudents-la-russie-s-engage-dans-un-dossier-explosif,4981 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Sudan

As Sudan Makes Headway in Transition to Democracy, Security Council Delegates Urge Sus-tained Support for Tackling Causes of Intercommunal Fighting - Permanent Representative Says Transitional Government Has ‘Strong Will’ to Uphold Juba Peace Accord, Build Stable, Prosper-ous Country "... Volker Perthes, presenting the Secretary-General’s latest report on the situation in Sudan and the activities of UNITAMS (document S/2021/766), pointed to several positive developments ..." UNSC, 14.09.2021, ca. 5 S. https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sc14633.doc.htm Webcast: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1k/k1kq5m90fu Siehe: Situation in the Sudan and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assis-tance Mission in the Sudan - Report of the Secretary-General [UNITAMS] UNSC, 01.09.2021, 16 S. https://undocs.org/S/2021/766 @WAO Despite Implementation of Peace Agreement, Insecurity Persists in Darfur, Sudan Sanctions Committee Chair Tells Security Council - Measures ‘No Longer in Line with Reality on the Ground’ Delegate Stresses UNSC, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S.

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https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sc14632.doc.htm UNITAMS Holds Outreach Activity in the Central States UNITAMS, 12.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://unitams.unmissions.org/en/unitams-holds-outreach-activity-central-states >>> Egypt trains Sudanese police to counter Brotherhood plans Al Monitor, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/09/egypt-trains-sudanese-police-counter-brotherhood-plans A window of opportunity: Localising aid in times of conflict CSF, 19.08.2021, ca. 2 S. https://csf-sudan.org/windows-of-opportunity-localisation/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Sudan / Südsudan

Sudan, South Sudan resume trade activity Baher al-Kady Al Monitor, 13.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2021/09/sudan-south-sudan-resume-trade-activity Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Südsudan

South Sudan: Briefing and Consultations on the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) [15.09.2021] What's In Blue/SCR, 14.09.2021 https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/whatsinblue/2021/09/south-sudan-briefing-and-consul-tations-on-the-un-mission-in-south-sudan-unmiss.php Situation in South Sudan - Report of the Secretary-General UNSC, 09.09.2021, 18 S. https://undocs.org/S/2021/784 @WAO South Sudan: Tambura conflict Flash Update No. 1 UN-OCHA, 14.09.2021, 2 S.

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https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ocha_tambura_conflict_flash_update_1.pdf >>> Deadly cost of South Sudan’s delayed security reforms Chido Mutangadura "Violent clashes between armed factions in Riek Machar’s camp highlight the urgency of creating a unified defence force. ..." ISSAfrica, 15.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/deadly-cost-of-south-sudans-delayed-security-reforms Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Niger

“I have nothing left except myself”: The worsening impact on children of conflict in the Tilla-béri region of Niger ai, 13.09.2021, 59 S. https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/AFR4346272021ENGLISH.pdf Kurzinformation: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/09/niger-increasing-number-of-children-killed-and-recruited-by-armed-groups-in-sahels-tri-border-area-new-report/ @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Mali / Sahel

Communique of the ECOWAS Mediation Mission To Mali ECOWAS, 07.09.2021, 4 S. https://www.ecowas.int/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Eng-COMMUNIQUE-ECOWAS-MISSION-TO-MALI-5-7-septembre-21-Version-finale1_210907_221646.pdf >>> Securitisation initiatives and the lingering security challenges in Sub-Saharan Sahel region: An appraisal Stephen Osaherumwen Idahosa, Denis Andreevich Degterev & Solomon Ijeweimen Ikhidero " Security in the Sahel region has traditionally been studied through a realist prism, emphasising military concerns and the pre-eminent influence of great powers in shaping local security concerns. The paper reviews the securitisation initiatives in Africa's Sahel. ..." In: African Security Review (online first), 09.2021, 30 S.

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Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2021.1970597 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Burkina Faso

Tonnoma's Story: Women's Work and Empowerment in Burkina Faso The World Bank, 03.2021, 111 S. Übersicht und Downloads (engl./frz.): http://hdl.handle.net/10986/34920 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Westafrika: ECOWAS

Final Communique – Extraordinary Session Of The Ecowas Authority Of Heads Of State And Government, Videoconference, 8 September 2021 Inhalt u.a.: - On the political situation in the Republic of Guinea - On the political transition in the Republic of Mali ECOWAS, 08.09.2021, 6 S. https://www.ecowas.int/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Eng-Final-Communique-Extraordinary-Summit-of-8-Sept-2021_210908_220938.pdf Communique of the ECOWAS Mediation Mission To Mali ECOWAS, 07.09.2021, 4 S. https://www.ecowas.int/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Eng-COMMUNIQUE-ECOWAS-MISSION-TO-MALI-5-7-septembre-21-Version-finale1_210907_221646.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Westafrika

Biden Is Doubling Down on a Failed U.S. Approach in West Africa Chris Olaoluwa Ogunmodede WPR, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend-lines/29943/west-africa-us-relations-need-a-course-correction Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir!

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OBSERVATORY OF ILLICIT ECONOMIES IN WEST AFRICA GI-TOC, 09.2021, 24 S. https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/WEA-Obs-RB1-GITOC.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Cabo Verde

Cabo Verde Economic Update: Rebounding from the Crisis - Restoring Fiscal Sustainability and Leveraging the Private Sector for a more Resilient and Sustainable Recovery The World Bank, 04.2021, 66 S. http://hdl.handle.net/10986/36255 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Guinea

Communique of the 1030th meeting held on 10 September 2021, on the situation in the Re-public of Guinea AU-PSC, 10.09.2021, 4 S. https://www.peaceau.org/uploads/eng-finalcommunique-situation-in-guinea-10-sept-2021.pdf >>> Guinea: Leaders Should Respect Fundamental Rights - Release Everyone Arbitrarily Detained HRW, 15.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/09/15/guinea-leaders-should-respect-fundamental-rights >>> GUINEA: Sidelined legionnaire grabs the reins "Fights over military organisation and President Condé's tumbling legitimacy set the stage for Colo-nel Doumbouya's putsch. ..." AC, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.africa-confidential.com/article/id/13560/Sidelined_legionnaire_grabs_the_reins Q&A: Alpha Condé a ouvert la voie au retour de l’armée à la tête de son pays Vincent Foucher, Rinaldo Depagne "... alertent sur une tendance inquiétante en Afrique de l’Ouest qu’illustre ce nouveau coup d’Etat. ..." ICG, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.crisisgroup.org/fr/africa/west-africa/guinea/alpha-conde-ouvert-la-voie-au-retour-de-larmee-la-tete-de-son-pays

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Guinea’s Latest Coup Is More Than Just ‘Back to the Future’ Chris Olaoluwa Ogunmodede WPR, 10.09.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend-lines/29947/guinea-s-latest-coup-is-part-of-a-new-trend Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir! The History Behind Guinea’s Latest Coup Howard W. French WPR, 08.09.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/29939/the-history-behind-guinea-s-latest-coup Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir! Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Nigeria

Nigeria needs a new industrial strategy Teniola Tayo, Michael Odijie LSE Blog, 10.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2021/09/10/nigeria-needs-new-industrial-strategy-manufacturing-economic-plan/ Extortionate policing and the futility of COVID-19 pandemic nationwide lockdown in Nigeria: In-sights from the South East Zone Freedom Chukwudi Onuoha, Gerald Ekenedirichukwu Ezirim & Paul Ani Onuh In: African Security Review (online first), 09.2021, 22 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2021.1969961 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis


Central African Republic: Important Step for Justice - Special Criminal Court Charges Sanctioned Commander HRW, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/09/14/central-african-republic-important-step-justice Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

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> DR Kongo

Democratic Republic of the Congo Sanctions Committee Holds Meeting on Natural Resources UNSC, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sc14634.doc.htm Human Rights abuses intensifying in eastern DR Congo - UNHCR UN, 10.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/09/1099582 >>> DR Congo: Massacres Persist Despite Martial Law - At Least 739 Civilians Killed in Ituri, North Kivu Provinces Since May HRW, 15.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/09/15/dr-congo-massacres-persist-despite-martial-law Analysis: The Islamic State’s expansion into Congo’s Ituri Province Caleb Weiss & Ryan O'Farrell LWJ, 09.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2021/09/analysis-the-islamic-states-expansion-into-congos-ituri-province.php >>> Webinar: What has the state of siege in eastern DRC achieved? Prospère Nzekani, Remy Kasindi, David Zounmenou, Liesl Louw-Vaudran ISSAfrica, 15.09.2021, 03:00 PM in Johannesburg Übersicht und Registrierung: https://issafrica.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApc-6srTotGNwciP_xdh1UAKZY9key-sFc Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Uganda

The Murky Politics Behind Uganda’s Agreement to Host Afghan Evacuees Sophie Neiman WPR, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/29945/the-murky-politics-behind-uganda-s-agreement-to-host-afghan-evacuees Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir! Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

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> Kenia

Kenya’s courts once again check political manoeuvring Peter Fabricius "The apparent collapse of the Building Bridges Initiative creates uncertainty as politicians scramble to realign ahead of elections. ..." ISSAfrica, 10.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/kenyas-courts-once-again-check-political-manoeuvring Winning Kenyans’ Hearts and Minds in the Fight Against COVID-19 Horn Institute, 09.2021, 4 S. https://horninstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Winning-Kenyans%E2%80%99-Hearts-and-Minds-in-the-Fight-Against-COVID-19.pdf La corruption au Kenya. Décryptage d'un phénomène aux multiples facettes Alexia van Rij Ifri, 09.2021, 32 S. https://www.ifri.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/van_rij_corruption_kenya_2021.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Tansania

Tanzania ratifies Africa free trade area treaty The East African, 10.09.2021 https://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/tea/business/tanzania-ratifies-africa-free-trade-area-treaty-3544986 From Friends to Partners? The Changing Nature of Sino-Tanzanian Relations Muhidin Shangwe Ifri, 09.2021, 30 S. https://www.ifri.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/shangwe_sino_tanzanian_relations_2021.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Ostafrika / Südliches Afrika

OBSERVATORY OF ILLICIT ECONOMIES IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA GI-TOC, 09.2021, 24 S. https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/GITOC-East-and-Southern-Africa-Risk-Bulletin-20.pdf

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> Sambia

How election observers facilitated Zambia’s smooth change of power Robert Macdonald African Arguments, 07.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://africanarguments.org/2021/09/how-election-observers-facilitated-zambias-smooth-change-of-power/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Mosambik

The Need to Build on Security Gains in Mozambique Thomas P. Sheehy "The Mozambican government should use this opportunity to address the legitimate grievances of the residents of Cabo Delgado province. ..." USIP, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. + Links https://www.usip.org/publications/2021/09/need-build-security-gains-mozambique Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Simbabwe

Zimbabweans see unemployment as the most important problem that the government should ad-dress Afrobarometer, 14.09.2021, 4 S. https://afrobarometer.org/sites/default/files/press-release/Zimbabwe/news_release_unemploy-ment_is_zimbabweans_top_priority_for_government_action-afrobarometer_14sept21.pdf Zimbabweans grapple with water shortage amidst COVID-19 pandemic Afrobarometer, 09.09.2021, 9 S. https://afrobarometer.org/sites/default/files/publications/Dispatches/ad475-zimbabwe-ans_grapple_with_water_shortage_amidst_pandemic-afrobarometer_dispatch-9sept21.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

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> Swasiland

KINGDOM OF ESWATINI CONFLICT INSIGHTS IPSS, 09.2021, 15 S. http://ipss-addis.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Eswatini-Conflict-Insights-vol-1_06092021.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis


Online Event: The role South Africa has played at the United Nations GNM Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation; Siphamandla Zondi; Nardos Bekele Thomas; Elizabeth Sidiropoulos; Amb NJ Mxakato Diseko SAIIA, 17.09.2021, 8.30am – 10am SAST Registrierung: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=PwtFFC-UEk-y4QGXUExqXtS-BJqB2LnlPjF9zEYvuwTJUNENLOTQzVDZUNFJHSDlNWjNaWUU2REJIVi4u A gendarmerie for South Africa? Jakkie Cilliers "Sustained military support to policing is an option, but the armed forces are wholly unprepared for such a role. ..." ISSAfrica, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/a-gendarmerie-for-south-africa Corporate community engagement professionals in the renewable energy industry: Dilemmas and agency at the frontline of South Africa’s energy transition Mikkel Funder, Holle Wlokas, Tasneem Jhetam & Karen Holm Olsen In: Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 81 (11.2021), 9 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2021.102249 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> AU (Afrikanische Union)

Communique of the 1017th meeting of the PSC held on 5 August 2021, on AU Support to Member States in Political Transition and Post-Conflict Situations AU-PSC, 05.08.2021, 5 S. https://www.peaceau.org/uploads/en-communique-for-the-1017th-psc-meeting-on-au-support-to-member-states-in-political-transition-and-post-conflict-situations.pdf

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> AU (Afrikanische Union) - UN

The AU-UN peace and security partnership: Power and politics Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw ECDPM, 09.2021, 28 S. https://ecdpm.org/wp-content/uploads/AU-UN-Peace-Security-Partnership-Power-Politics-ECDPM-Discussion-Paper-305-2021.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> EU - Afrika

Online Conference: EU-Africa Initiative - Development Challenges in a Post-Pandemic Africa ISPI, 15.09.2021, 15:00 Übersicht, Registrierung und Webcast: https://www.ispionline.it/it/eventi/evento/development-challenges-post-pandemic-africa Building strategic European digital cooperation with Africa Chloe Teevan ECDPM, 09.2021, 16 S. https://ecdpm.org/wp-content/uploads/Building-Strategic-European-Digital-Cooperation-With-Africa-ECDPM-Briefing-Note-134-2021.pdf EU-Africa trade relations and the EPA process: Ratification and sustainable development perspectives for Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana San Bilal ECDPM, 09.2021, 26 S. https://ecdpm.org/publications/eu-africa-trade-relations-epa-process-ratification-sustainable-de-velopment-perspectives-cameroon-cote-divoire-ghana/ @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> EU - Mittelmeerraum / MENA-Region / Afrika: Migrationspolitik / Flüchtlinge

The African Union 6th Pan African Forum on Migration kicks off in Dakar AU, 11.09.2021, ca. 2 S.

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https://au.int/en/pressreleases/20210911/african-union-6th-pan-african-forum-migration-kicks-dakar >>> First continental review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration concludes in Africa In: Africa Renewal, 09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/first-continental-review-global-compact-safe-orderly-and-regular-migration-concludes-africa Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> D - Afrika

Berliner Schutzkonferenz zum afrikanischen Regenwald - Entwicklungsminister Müller fordert "Fair Deal" für Waldschutz BMZ, 07.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.bmz.de/de/aktuelles/entwicklungs-minister-mueller-fordert-new-deal-fuer-waldschutz-92358 Siehe auch: BMZ-Tropenwaldsymposium (Berlin, 08.09.2021) Webseite: https://tropical-forest-symposium.de/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> USA - Außenpolitik (allg./global)

Biden the Realist - The President’s Foreign Policy Doctrine Has Been Hiding in Plain Sight Joshua Shifrinson, Stephen Wertheim FA (online), 09.09.2021, ca. 3 S. Preview und Volltext für SWP: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2021-09-09/biden-realist Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> USA - Afrika

Biden Is Doubling Down on a Failed U.S. Approach in West Africa Chris Olaoluwa Ogunmodede WPR, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S.

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Preview: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend-lines/29943/west-africa-us-relations-need-a-course-correction Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir! Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Russland - Afrika

وسیا وإفریقیا.. حرب باردة جدیدة؟ر شمسان عوض التمیميAl Jazeera Center for Studies, 12.09.2021, 10 S. https://tinyurl.com/ysxw8p77 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> VR China - Afrika

Podcast: Podcast: Mandira Bagwandeen on China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa CFR, 13.09.2021, 00:40h https://www.cfr.org/blog/podcast-mandira-bagwandeen-chinas-belt-and-road-initiative-sub-sa-haran-africa Don’t blame China for the rise of digital authoritarianism in Africa Mandira Bagwandeen LSE Blog, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2021/09/09/dont-blame-china-for-rise-of-digital-authoritari-anism-africa-surveillance-capitalism/ الصین في إفریقیا: تحقیق غایات القارة أم البحث عن المصالح الاستراتیجیة؟ مصطفى جاليAl Jazeera Center for Studies, 12.09.2021, 15 S. https://tinyurl.com/up83knxt An investigation into ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy in Africa via Twitter and Facebook at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic Ellison Shumba " Chinese diplomats have been dubbed ‘Wolf Warriors’ following their efforts to shape the COVID-19 narrative. This study explores how ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy was applied on Twitter and Face-book by Chinese diplomats in Africa in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak ..." In: South African Journal of International Affairs (online first), 09.2021, 13 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/10220461.2021.1976267

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> VAE - Afrika

Les Émirats arabes unis en Afrique: les ambitions parfois contrariées d’un nouvel acteur régional Jean-Loup Samaan Ifri, 09.2021, 26 S. https://www.ifri.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/saaman_eau_afrique_2021.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> UN - Peacekeeping / Peacebuilding (allg./global)

Security Council Stresses Need for Strategic Planning in Reconfiguration of Peace Opera-tions, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2594 (2021) UNSC, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.un.org/press/en/2021/sc14627.doc.htm Resolution (6 S.): https://undocs.org/s/res/2594(2021) Zum Hintergrund: https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/whatsinblue/2021/09/un-peace-operation-transitions-vote-on-draft-resolution.php Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Krisen und Konflikte (global)

Ten Challenges for the UN in 2021-2022 "... sets out ten areas where the Security Council and secretary-general can take initiatives to miti-gate conflict, ranging from urgent humanitarian crises to steps to address long-term challenges in-cluding the security implications of climate change. ..." ICG, 13.09.2021, 20 S. https://d2071andvip0wj.cloudfront.net/b006-ten-challenges-for-the-UN_0.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

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> Rüstungskontrolle (allg./global)

The dangerous impact of 9/11 on arms control measures Patricia Lewis Chatham House, 08.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.chathamhouse.org/2021/09/dangerous-impact-911-arms-control-measures Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Waffenlieferungen / Waffenhandel (Afrika)

ریطة السلاح في إفریقیا: بین سیاسات الاستعمار الجدید وتنافس القوى الكبرىخ شادي إبراھیمAl Jazeera Center for Studies, 13.09.2021, 6 S. https://tinyurl.com/ty87pr2k Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Internationale Beziehungen / internationale Ordnung (global)

Special issue: Deglobalization? The future of the liberal international order Inhalt u.a.: - How Africa and China may shape UN peacekeeping beyond the liberal international order / Katharina P. Coleman, Brian L. Job In: International Affairs, Volume 97, Issue 5 (09.2021), S. 1305-1620. Übersicht, Abstracts und Downloads (open access): https://academic.oup.com/ia/issue/97/5 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Protestbewegungen (Afrika)

Webinar: Protest as a force for change: Africa’s role in global trends Alexander Pick, Jakkie Cilliers, Stellah Kwasi ISSAfrica, 22.09.2021, 03:00 PM in Johannesburg Übersicht und Registrierung: https://issafrica.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJctfuippz4oEtFWiYgo_wG4gslkCd0lkpkv Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

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> Demokratieförderung / autoritäre Herrschaft (allg./Afrika)

Strengthening Democracy Support in Regimes With Dominant Parties Ken Godfrey, Richard Youngs "The rise of dominant political parties contributes to the resurgence of authoritarianism and im-pedes democracy support. Paying greater attention to party support and talks, elections, and direct activism in countries such as Georgia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, and Zimbabwe will advance sound governance and democracy. ..." CEIP, 13.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://carnegieeurope.eu/2021/09/13/strengthening-democracy-support-in-regimes-with-dom-inant-parties-pub-85288 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Terrorismus / Jihadismus / -bekämpfung

Readout of the Political Directors Small Group Meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS US DoS, 09.09.2021 https://www.state.gov/readout-of-the-political-directors-small-group-meeting-of-the-global-coali-tion-to-defeat-daesh-isis/ >>> Al-Qaeda Leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri In Video Released On The 20th Anniversary Of The 9/11 At-tacks: 19 Mujahideen Stabbed America In Its Heart, 20 Years Later, The U.S. Is Exiting Afghanistan In Defeat MEMRI, 13.09.2021 https://www.memri.org/reports/al-qaeda-leader-ayman-al-zawahiri-video-released-20th-anni-versary-911-attacks-19-mujahideen Ayman al Zawahiri promotes ‘Jerusalem Will Not Be Judaized’ campaign in new video Thomas Joscelyn LWJ, 11.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2021/09/ayman-al-zawahiri-promotes-jerusalem-will-not-be-judaized-campaign-in-new-video.php 9/11 Unleashed a Global Storm of Human Rights Abuses - Victims of Attacks Still Await Justice Kenneth Roth HRW, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/09/09/9/11-unleashed-global-storm-human-rights-abuses Spotlight on Global Jihad (September 2-13, 2021) ITIC, 14.09.2021, 18 S. https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/app/uploads/2021/09/E_145_21.pdf

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>>> Podcast: Al-Qaeda and ISIS twenty years after 9/11 Richard Atwood, Naz Modirzadeh "... discuss the ebbs and flows of Islamist militancy over two decades of the “global war on terror” and the threat posed by al-Qaeda and ISIS today. ..." ICG, 10.09.2021, 00:42h https://www.crisisgroup.org/global/al-qaeda-and-isis-twenty-years-after-911 The Attacks of 9/11 and the Pernicious Mirage of Victory Candace Rondeaux WPR, 10.09.2021, ca. 2 S. Preview: https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/29948/learning-the-lessons-of-the-attacks-of-9-11 Volltext für SWP auf Anfrage von mir! Éditorial 11-Septembre: Guerre contre le terrorisme, le passé d’une illusion Alain Gresh Orient XXI, 09.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://orientxxi.info/magazine/guerre-contre-le-terrorisme-le-passe-d-une-illusion,5011 Reflections on 9/11 Twenty Years After Philip Zelikow War on the Rocks, 10.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://warontherocks.com/2021/09/reflections-on-9-11-twenty-years-after/ Dossier: Charting Jihadism Twenty Years After 9/11 Inhalt u.a.: - In the Sahel, 20 Years of War on Terror Has Created More and Stronger Enemies / Laura Ber-lingozzi, Edoardo Baldaro - What Shapes Radical Youth's Decision to Take up Arms in Egypt? / Georges Fahmi, Nouran Ahmed - Why Did Jihadism Go Global? Interview With Thomas Hegghammer ISPI, 11.09.2021, 6 Beiträge à ca. 2 S. https://www.ispionline.it/it/pubblicazione/charting-jihadism-twenty-years-after-911-31626 20 years on from 9/11: War impossible, peace improbable Moussa Bourekba (coord.), Ana Ballesteros, Pol Bargués, Carme Colomina and Eduard Soler i Lecha CIDOB, 09.2021, 6 S. https://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/78908/2522344/ver-sion/32/file/254_MOUSSA%20BOUREKBA_ANG.pdf Buchhinweis/Neuerscheinung: Lehren aus 9/11: Zum Umgang des Westens mit Islamismus Sandra Kostner, Elham Manea (Hg.)

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ibidem, 09.2021, 420 S. Übersicht und Bestellung: https://www.ibidem.eu/de/lehren-aus-9-11-9783838215839.html >>> Explainer: Terrorism in Africa Alex Vines, Jon Wallace Chatham House, 15.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://www.chathamhouse.org/2021/09/terrorism-africa The 20-year war: 9/11’s enduring legacy in Africa Martin Ewi "To prevent continued attacks, the next generation of counter-terrorism must be people-centred, not focused on military might. ..." ISSAfrica, 13.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://issafrica.org/iss-today/the-20-year-war-911s-enduring-legacy-in-africa Out of Africa: Exploring the roots of the 9/11 attacks Alex Vines Chatham House, 10.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://www.chathamhouse.org/2021/09/out-africa-exploring-roots-911-attacks Africa: Escaping 9/11’s Long Shadow Comfort Ero, Murithi Mutiga "In many African countries, jihadists are making gains. ... options for stemming the tide should in-clude opening lines of communication to those militants pursuing local goals. ..." ICG Commentary, 10.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://www.crisisgroup.org/africa/africa-escaping-911s-long-shadow Africa File: Political instability threatens counterterrorism gains in Maghreb, Sahel, and Horn CT/AEI, 09.09.2021, ca. 3 S. https://www.criticalthreats.org/briefs/africa-file/africa-file-political-instability-threatens-coun-terterrorism-gains-in-maghreb-sahel-and-horn Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Wilderei / -bekämpfung (Afrika)

Wildlife Poaching and Trafficking in Africa: An Overview CRS, 13.09.2021, 3 S. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11923 Tracking blood money - Financial investigations into wildlife crime in East Africa

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Amanda Gore GI-TOC, 09.2021, 44 S. https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/GITOC-ESA-Obs-Tracking-blood-money-Financial-investigations-into-wildlife-crime-in-East-Africa.pdf @WAO Black Market Brief: African Elephant Ivory Daniel Stiles GI-TOC, 08.2021, 32 S. https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Illegal-Wildlife-Trade-Elephant-Ivory.v4-web.pdf @WAO Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Kryptowährungen (Afrika)

Cryptocurrency flows in Africa Leo Holtz Brookings, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. + Infografiken https://www.brookings.edu/blog/africa-in-focus/2021/09/14/cryptocurrency-flows-in-africa/ Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Wirtschaft / Entwicklung (global)

Global Economic Prospects, June 2021 The World Bank, 06.2021, 198 S. http://hdl.handle.net/10986/35647 Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis

> Coronavirus-Krise / COVID-19 (Afrika)

Only 2% of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered in Africa UN, 14.09.2021, ca. 2 S. https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/09/1099872 Outbreak Brief 87: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic Africa CDC, 14.09.2021, 9 S. https://africacdc.org/download/outbreak-brief-87-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-pandemic/

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>>> Is There Any COVID-19 Vaccine Production in Africa? Zainab Usman, Juliette Ovadia CEIP, 13.09.2021, 1 S. + Infografik/Karte https://carnegieendowment.org/2021/09/13/is-there-any-covid-19-vaccine-production-in-africa-pub-85320 Extortionate policing and the futility of COVID-19 pandemic nationwide lockdown in Nigeria: In-sights from the South East Zone Freedom Chukwudi Onuoha, Gerald Ekenedirichukwu Ezirim & Paul Ani Onuh In: African Security Review (online first), 09.2021, 22 S. Abstract und Download für SWP: https://doi.org/10.1080/10246029.2021.1969961 One Year After: Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Increased Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa? Matthias Basedau, Mora Deitch "In spring 2020, observers and practitioners warned that COVID-19 would increase violence in sub-Saharan Africa by creating an economic shock that would lead to distributional conflicts and gov-ernment repression. Compared to before the pandemic, violence did increase in 2020, rising by 40 and 60 per cent in terms of fatalities and events, respectively. ..." GIGA, 09.2021, 53 S. https://pure.giga-hamburg.de/ws/files/28487171/WP_327.pdf Zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Jürgen Rogalski M.A. Informationsservices Fachreferent Afrika und Mittlerer Osten Tel. +49 30 88007-318 [email protected] Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4, 10719 Berlin www.swp-berlin.org facebook.com/StiftungWissenschaftundPolitik twitter.com/SWPBerlin